PC 01-31-00 Pl.�nnin�Cununission`,, -:ial�lectin. � .I;iuuan 31.�111111
Annual Plannin;; 'Lunin� for Cunununity Land Usc:nnd Succcistid��I;u�,�tcmcnl ��I�I'I;inning;�i�il
Zoning Departments in Culorado.
Chair Harris moved the agenda back to ltem I.
l. Workshop for discussion of proposed hotel at City Center,South D�����u l3uulcvnr��ncar
Stevens Creek Blvd.
Assistant City Attorney Eileen Murray explained that the work siudy scssion w:�s li�r
informational purposes relative to tlie proposed liotel.
Mr. Art May, Kempton Group, said that [he work study session prescnlcd Ihc ��ppuilw��iy lu
discuss special issues,details,and solicit feedback.
Bob Wheaton,reviewed the upd�ted architectural renderings of the hotel,md rest;�uram,puinling
out conference facilities,dining facilities,restrooms,pretiinction areas,gucsl roon�s.ancl pnrking
facilities. He then outlined the elevations, tloor pinns, parking (:icililics :�nd pn�puscd
architectural features.
Topics of discussion included signage for hotel and rest�urant; n�imbar ���� Icv��� in p���'kin,
structure;building hei�lu,landscaping,and hotel entry.
Com. Doyle said he fel[ the building was too high. but nceJed ulh�r vic�v� li,r cump:visun
purposes. He expressed concern about step back, noting that it was prescn�in uthur huildin�s�m
Stevens Creek. He said the design was stark and diversity was n�edcd. ��e .:ii�� �h:d ��� �c��
parking should be below grade as the nmount ofshared parking indic:itcs lU:d Ihcrc will b����uplc
parking in the other strucnire niglrtly. Other concerns were the views 1'rom���I�cr:�nglc..I�vcl�,I'
articulation should be higher than the Hillon,vicw with or without irces, h��������c� I'�'��I��"�'� ��� i��
with existing requirements,information on FAR,and ensure that prccedents:i�'�nW hcing sc�.
Com.Cu�r said th��t relative to the height,stair steps should be includcd; ;irc.i�ul'ccmcern ii�cludc
how the entire project tits;difference bet�eeen the two eievations:signa,c:Ihc ni�r�h cicvaliun;Ili�
rcstaurant. including its pro�imiry on the corner to the parking which i;�luwii II�� ,ucci: �i;�rk
appearnnce;connectin�parking structures;sell'-parkin�and valet p:vkin�.
Com. Kwok said he w�s concerned about enU•y I�mm tlic �,;iragc into lhc buildii�_: u';il'lic ;iccrss
points; location of restrooms;height reduction; uncl hc requestcJ u cuinpnrisun ul'wlcq ihcrc wn>
in other parts of the city,including the exceptions.
Com.Stevens expressed concems about the complex ntasking thc buildinbs bchind:`Icp fuiicliun
should be reviewed or explained;height stark appenrance;depth missing;s��ggcstcd pWlin�iwa
top Floors atop the parking lot;parking entrance;parkin�signage,aud p,iiking rati�»:Pi\K: nccJ
for more restrooms in lobby area;�nd air conJitioner vents arop building.
Com.Corr pointed out that somewhere in tliejuncture another ane of thc �uwcrs tu thc ri_ht�vuulJ
hreak the starkness.
The applicant discussed the design tentures ut�the hotel comples, d�c varii�ux perspcciivcs, ;�nd
explained the rationale for the building height,width,m;iss and setbacks.
Pl�nningCummission; :i:iiMee[ins a lanu:u� �I.?III111
Chair Harris requested that a model be provided For a clenrer undersrinding,:iz wcll as prujcciiuu,
on more suburban hotels relative to how many people actually park therc and huw many cume in
by other transportation methods;on the use uF the cunference Ihcility.:ind �vl�a1 ihc impacl. :irc
relative to parking.
Ms.Wordell swmm�rized tha[the next steps included the iipplicant wurkin��viih,�al'I'tu d�linr ihc
drawings,followed by review by the city's architectural consultant.
The meeting was adjourned nt 8:12 p.m.to the special meeting un Sulurday,I�cliruwy S,ZII00;u I11
Respectfuliy Submitted,
Eliznbeth Ellis
Recording Secrctt�rY
Approved cu presentNd: Februu�y?8.?000