Mar-21-58P, Al 2_ Co Box 597 4,t J0� 1.1 L A Jai X T N C C O -PI M �T. S S T_0 ]`a ,_`✓lrl]aIFORNIA: y MTNUTES OF' THE REGUT k.;AR MET ING OF THE PLANINING C011114ISSION MARCH 1l., 19K8 Place; 1003,1 Saratoga --Sunnyvale Ford Time:. ;3C P,,M,, I ROLL CAL4 Commissioners Present: Be*119 Cali, Fische.-, Leoalard q Neilsen Comma.ssxoners AbsenU 1. None THE MC1;1`lTrI�E;J OF THE PHtTTUC_iS z1tTT1G OF MARCH 7, 1qf"8 we read; the, fo;lowi:ng corrections were made ° Item VIP-; -Line 7 cY.taL ge "120l: "feet" to 1172 feet". Item VI -D -Page 3 -Line 12 change ►'sa.!d to ,►sug­9ested►►a ,(,1,CY0Y_UTT1. TIONS Abite V 1a'. League of California Cities. Legislative mills proposed with League comment. Be Ora Charles Boyd stated-thatt Stamford Research Institute wa11 contact the City concerning an crffi.ce building; previously discussed, IIT UNFINISHED BUSTNESS i A. Weaver and Yeeo Progress report on rezoning No rely as yet to City' letter containing conditions. BD Yamaoka et ala Progress report on annexation Nothing furtherQ Co ! ud , �ld:rid" e, Inquire on an exception to allow use of a j sh�.ke roof, on. a rustic type service station at Silverado and (. Isi.ghway ; :9 The Chalrman reported that the station design requs.res ; a shake roof but '_dri.d. e is beg:ng asked: to use a differEnt material.. The Ccu-xna %y Building TnspecteV apparently objected .to shakeso Mr,, Myers said that. he has been: unable to contact � aviybo' dy who was wl-11,1n.g to make a, statement on the matter He could find nothing ` in the buildi code to prohibit. shake roofs,, The Chairmaro sa-1d he gathered that the q:uestion arise with the Fire Marshal and possible fire hazard, Mr:. Myer. s said he will find out who stoped the sh.a.ke ,roof and why. D. Tula Lamera� Fi�x�the consideration of.nqui:ries by:L,,, C.;arc1a. ,canaernj.ng access roads; uses. established prior; to "present zoning,; construct: -on begun: before pre sent lot regu:la-' t ions ro Myers said he would like more time . on the matter E o � . LPdat0 etj alp Fur"cher consideration of "setback" and i "N"control" on Parcel at NE corner of Stevens Creek.'Road and H gYa�aa.y 9. Mr,,Myers reported that a 90 .foot right of way is a possi- bility as is 1.20 foot. The plans hove been redrawn in view of the 0 root possibility. Mr, Ledato briefly reviewed the � matter Charles Baer; owner of the Cupertino Garage_ and (Service Station at the nortingest corner of Stevens Creek Roadand Highway 9, sa' d that the City must consider the people 6,1readk in busiz)ess, . H.e estimated that 3,000 'people are required to ' support one servs;ye station.`. He referred to the inroads made by San Jose an:r exati6ns and said that Cupertino' has little prospect. of grea:'t pcptz.l.a.tion gains., He concluded that an additional atation wu,J]"_d .result in a decrease an the gallonage pumped by the ey�isting stations,, Mr, Leonard, paid the. Planning Corm -n sF5ion has been told that it is no:t sitting as an e c on um I e coo n.c� l ; that factor, is supposed :to tae 'Left to the business man who proposes to risk capital. c Mrs rtell said that the P'LanjiiiigCom,7i! ss ion h.a..s also been told that four statiort:s to a corner is good from a business stdh` dpoin.t, lr„ Baer disag-reed with. this. Mr. Ledato said he had estimates: from major oil companies that a station at his cornier would do0, OOt�' to lCt3 C1Q4 gll o;cis worth of bus �.ness , a,rr�rnth o> He also contended that a civic body is -not concerned wa th the 2 - mere economi",s of a venture, The Chairman_ said the setback and other s'a�,�:+s a of architectural and sate control were the questions before the. Cc�mipission not the f nanca a� prospects of �, ,station s He said that P.0 rezoning is required but that. 1Yhe C:i:•ty can condi tion a use permit to, guarantee good, prr. c' ta ces irl service stations, Mr Bell said that the Com- LDIS`:51. era 11�a ir1 7.Y:ter st t.17 view Of 'the zon,iiig lies in street widen�rxg and visa Ity at the corner, He moved that Lc dafio 1�e sprit ale t i oUhA n-± „ th-e- rx c xor� .xxd a s m 1 : ar li axZ to" r2 -or stat -ons - the �rtvs� e r 'g..c ;k e rec.grx?n ended subjectt. to H � r��; � sec orided ,oy CQrnt�ss�oxser l�Teilsen, carried � (7� F. 7+'urther ds cussaon can policy. with r& pect to flower -growing in:-,,- I -Bm2 ion>es , : Petition by resa den�;s .of Town & Couxxtry Subdiv1SAon requesting City -sponsored rezaning of certain .arias orderxrg the subdivision. Th 'elosi aet tion presented t a previous meeti g was again: r q. iewedo Also rend were letters from Ancone Puno i Louis I Bonacich and Fred Ca.i-0 `1'he three lett ern prates`ted lest tYie property which they owned, ora and around Rodrlgues Avenue be.,rezoned without ;heir consent, Commis loner Bell r'eferre: to Fel ° s c�i,es`t a oxX y namely what happens to the' 'balance o" the property adjacent 'ro Chow's hothouseR. rI'he matter 'coni I! chided on the mote t.Ih t the probl6it should be reserved for consideration at a vTork session. G0 Miscellaneous Mr. o4rda.;Tres dent of the Santa CIara County Farm Bureau revieTAT ed some of the in' questiQ1zs`ac�n the valley incltadzn alae ;proteot on Of agrioultura.l assess andiffi- cu Iles art sang from the proximity cif nurser es end subd v sionso' I IV F ILR ST. IU7,ARIN1 G.5 SCH�EDUI,FD ASa.tla La.p�ds -d(DA Aron se -n) Request to rezone about 1,7 a6r.! from M 1 -I3 to M - -H to acoor iodate a construction mauel�i els yard s inbluaixag: a batch plant i on a spLar track Parcel:.is sll fitly!, moi^e than 3OC� _;south off' ,bmes.yead Road about, 700'4` eas , off' the Mt,�, iew-Stevens Creek load® The Cl airrnan reviewed the locstiox ani b, �.ckground: infor- matiax' ine`a dent to the ap°:=-icatQxy Yip recalled that a s? mi� lar ai�pl16.�Ition Wig's rejected by the Plarir? ;gig; Commis' s3.on about tw6, years previous for such a plaxlt in the vic1-,n1ty' Qf Blaney. Avenue `1�hc p1.­esexlt applicant proposes a modern steel structure � whacky he states.. 'will not interfere v�aln the surrounding property values � - ­-T-ie- `principal applicant was riot present 8 due to' a' recen.�, 11Rxx'yn The real; estate went spode .briefly in: hi.s, stead aril esta:mated 'the he ah`t of the p1.:ant a»s 401 s possibly less `if the owner could secure the most modern type. !` Brussel V,, Roes,sler;9 attorney at La presented a petatior.. protesting the applicat yon for rezonling on� the grounds that It would be detrini0l.t1 to the neighborhdod1 °m teria,lly effec the. iaealth and salty of nearby p,'rsons grid that it will. iricre se Si�'ost nt9:sIly the traffic. on both Homestead Load and the Mt ;,R ace Stevens Creek Road. , Most of the pet.tioners reside in, una:xcorportPd area.. The hearing was lergthy and rrp t of those speaking :in opposition stressed sL�bstantiall.y :the same reasons $ in uca.an Mrs Dope the City Clerk and Aamini stra`tor of Los Altos:. He the proposed use as income='i3.e wiuh the sLirro�and I ink; area from anestrietic point of v3.evl�. He also me�tio:heir ^tle i�ea�,tkucsta;oz�.y the trr.sffic, problem -end the fact that a. shcp�oLr, cez`r�>er Yips been plans:.fid for thedjozning property at Si%ri.a Jux:pct .,00h v,Ihi hs he said, wou'l-d enhance .t ie tax base of` the Cu}pert1no .choo;l. Districts answer aswer to, a qu� Stir n, Mr o Dope stated t at, Los Altos will never loca.te�.�Z�� or M-2 uses in this area or anywhere adjacent to Cu -pert ', proper t} Sev t r'al other :people aa.so voieed opposa tion ° ancL same 2G I or,: 30 Perso were present for this item can the A�.enda� Toward the conclusion the Chairman of the Planning Commission recited the factors in favor of locating the pla,:: at the proposed location,, Included among the reasons is the ,0 &Iing Of travel. "tine obtained by locating at this point. The existenee of the railroad track is also a consideration and the network of highways expected to cut through that junction. places a differgnt light on the neighborhoods I�ro Leonard posed a questf Where could cement batching plant ire bel -;ter placed and still provide rail. siding, access to ma��or scads and a. central location? He referred to the power I nes end multiple ages already, present 4 1n response to a .stateme�� , lie said that the acreage propose fcr rezon Inir, woiz d preclude Bauch expansi.cn of this or other' heavy g' tr F. Second hearing was set for April 11, 19. 8,` X Bo Wainer Wilson and Pauline Woodruff: Request t,o deepen ex.i t,i.�n C-�.=H zoning from 200' to full depth of pa,y°c 1 (about '4.1 Cly` to accommodate a, planned commercial development, ,,Wdth off street parking. SW corner of Highway 9 anis. Stevens Creek Road. Mr, Wilson said that the land is drained by a storm sewer along the south side of Stevens Creed Road and that he is vUr i;l j Yah tc deed the nand necessary' ,to U-iden S�t;evens Cr. ee!,- Road aid Eighway 9. Sanitary sewer payment.9 have been made coverin � the subject property® Th e� e were no protests to the application, Next hearing wa:s set for April 11, 1958,; V -�T r- BT,-TSINEs.S.: A� Stia;�eteto Bequest for sign permit, Ref: erred to John Haas of the County Building Department,, Respectfully submitted, T.AWPfiENCr, I� a l'����BT T1�T 4411�� Administrator -Cl erk