P 0
, Box 597
7- r
APRIL 11, 1958
P1 ace'
10031 SI,Ar,-atoga-Sunnyvale Road
Time.Time.o 7 ' 30 P. 1'1,
Commission.e.rs Present.4 Bell, Fischer, Leonard, Neilsen
Commissioners Abseiat:' Cali
and approved,,
A. I.,,Tritten
1® ''n.•-Coutt'y Planning:Council: Invitations to dinner
2. Division, of Highways., Letter ant-toix-acing,' Public, meetirqg
i splay 3,
at Fremont High School,, May 7 and ma.p' al ' ):j -ay April 2..L
and 22 a 1:00 to 9:00.P.M.� 300 State Street, Los Altos,
Ca 1 if orn ia.
3,, City Engineer: Standard detail sheet. ti
i 4- ion
li 4 --o one for each 3,000
4�8 Baer pet to '1mit gas stations
people within the City,, The Chi firman asked the City
Attorney the legal ground for controlling the number of
service st n, 0
Mr Anderson said that he has been
instructed by the City Council to research the question
and. will reiDort to that body in The-ColAn 11
can di de what is legal. although they may ask thQ21an-
ni#g Cc)mmission? s polinancy on gas stat d may see fit
to limit the gas stations to C! -I -H pro erty,,. perhaps so
many per year, or With ot",her qualifications.
Mr-, Myers said that he is planning a f oi..r,-part commer-
oial zoning which would prohibit service stations in
certain. C. zones, It would also limit,the accessory uses
such a. s repair facilities, grease- racks,, etc,, He did not
favor any specification as to i-iumber,th-ereln.. Corm -iszi.one.,
Bell said 'that t1a,is would have the effect..of 1imita.tion
simply by the availabilityChairman Leonard of sites', I.
said there is intevest at present in a.other station for
the corner of Stelling and. Stevens, Creej,� Road. Mr. Mye-rs
said -that i)a the applicat-iloii, under co'nsideration a, gas
Otatioji is a permitted -use rather thanby permit-,
a use
Mr. Anderson suggested that the Flanning,Dlireotor be
asked to attend the next Council, meeting so as to acquaint
,that body with methods of service station control®
5 City :Engdneer� Copy of -letter to Weaver and Yee outlining
o 'ditions for subdividing.
A., Warner Wilson and Pauline Woodruff;
Request to deepen e�isting C -1-H zonlu.g from 2001to 'Cu*11
0 � :4 01) to accommodate a planned 1, commer-
depth of parcel. (ab ud
tial development with off street parking, Jigir
�tW corner of I way
9:aTzd Stevens Creel -r- Road.
Gqmmissioner Bell a,sked when it was proposed to begin
(.,.OnE;truct ion. to which Mr. Wo
ilsn said he needed the leases
first. Action on -this score ai,,Taits the zoning, he, :said:: Mr,,
Myers said the Planning Commission is only considering the
char e iii zoning, The IJ control is to be exerbispd later and
the Commi.ssio In is nQt, approvizig construction at` the present
time. The ChLa2rmm
a. n s a 1 d that the storm drainage atthe site
is -,a question at prese-4it. He referred to a possible contract
between the City and the Cupertino Sanitary District to -har.d.le
the, storm, drain problem within the City,
1,4,ve lhi:tndred, dc'_1,_l1ar:.
an acre ii.,as mentioned as the current charge for: storm sewer,
Moved by Bell that arecomillfi
tyle C*41tv that rezontni��
e_'ranted�,"p 1 that -t ,. tie'
YUL'.LU2 lV:; ciM-U4LUC
and storm _drainsY9 seconded by Comm s bn - r
4 - Q, Mr. eoTiard said that
w u
1�o get °t he detail on the, plan line for Highway 90
-B Simla Lands Ltd: (D, Aronsen) Request to rezone about 1.7
acres from M-1-41 to p`I-2.b1 to accr.rmrioda.te a construction mater-
ials yard_,, includi_r.- g a, bua.tch pl.a..kt• on a spur track. Parcel
is about jO e south of Homestead Road; about "70W 9 east of the
Mt. View-Stevens Creek Road,
Mr,, Leonard opened the mat ter by reviewing the arguments
voiced at the first hearing, The written petitions and tette..,
mentioned and the general tenor of their objections were noted,
After summarizing 'the protests in writing the applicant was
invited 'to,.tnake his presenta4-
H� Lo Ma:krauer introduced him�sel.f as the vice president of
Concrei e Supply Company, Ince Complete with pictures he des-
cribed the proposed. operation,
Among his main points were the facts that this is a wet
operation rather than a dry and dus*' one, his truck •t,raf:� is
will proceed at 1.0 riles per hour,, by ordinance i--.14' desired,
tIIIe wind direction he said is favorable, 1;?.ew ix:ifor 'the most
park away from the residential district; the freeways proposed;;.
for the ' Vicini.ty will chapge the character of rhe area; the
builders need a ready-mix plant in this vi.cinity, the noise
factor as well as the dust was discounted.. He said that the
nearby schools would not present a problem from the traffic
s `Ca-ndp o int.,
He then read several letters contending that a batch
plant cperat ion is not detrimental to the surroundings, also,
one from Aronsen saying that he (Aronsen) will cooperate in
improving the remai.nc�er of his land if the pla:�t is app.ro.vea"
After ,,,_ie recess the objectors were given time to state
thei y views,; Mr, Roessler, :attorney for several opposing
groups quern oned Mr,, Makra.u;er rega.rdin.g his , eperience with
such planus the financial deta.11 of the proposedopet�ati.o:np
other members of the Concrete Su:�. ply Compan�r, and what .Fa.si -
tio1,1 they would occupy, who would actually run the plant,9
etc, `Pherea:fter, those in attendance raised various aspects
of the pain:Os made in the Written petitions, No7 sos ugliness,
dirU and dust, traffic hazards, property values$ and health
were me-ationed, Arguments also developed :oven' vJhether or, not
the operator intended to use the rail siding "for de i.!Viery,
future expansion. of heavy industry, when and where the freeway&
would be placed, and other questions,
At 11.°15, the arguments were more or less exhausted and
the'Chairman suggested a motion to close the hFarin.gID Mr®
Makra!)er decided 'to wait for the full Commission before
Gt`ing the question to a vote. 1t was then moved by Commis-
sioner Bell t}�a�� �:�P heari�n� be closed Vii th a de`c is!on to be
rendered at tie. raxl +nc e a. � seconded by Cr r�imissi ones Nei lser.:
c a z�r
I -.AjDjOTj'RN, ICNT 11630 FoM�
Respectfully submitted.,,
Laws efface K. Maw
Adreiin i st rat or-Clerk