P3 0,, Box 597 lj.*�
P L A N N T N G C 0, Mt M i S S 1 0 N
AP.Fs.!L l8t 1958
-1.aoe: 100'�" Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
) �L
Time 7:30 P,MQ
Commissioners Present. Belip Cally Fischery Leonard, Neilsen
Commissioners Absent'. None
and approved,
A6 Written
.1,, Chamber of Commerce,. Letter in favor of theiAr-onsen
rezoning -to accommodate batch plant.
20 Coutity Planning Direcuor, Copy of let -ter to numerous
Jurisdictions recommending northerly 40 acres of'Na- an-,
son property on Homestead Road for high s�hool site.
Ub,ivers44.ty of California,. A-m-io-i.aaacement of City P2.annJJL-,:a,,,',
Conference at Richmond City Hall, May 93
,B., Oral None
A. Sll La Lands Lt'd,, (HQ D.0. Ar.onsen' Request to rezone about
1 -
1.7 ac.r`e,si from Ml�H to TI -2--H to -accommodate-.9 ;C.Onstruction
..m rlel,s yard including, a. batch plant, Parcel As about 300E
south'',of Homes t ead and about 7001 east of the Mt,.VieWSteve-nE;
Creek Road,
Mr.. Makrauer- Vioe-president of the Concrete Supply Cov-i
said he had no further pre s en ta: t pan: to male, `llro Boessler,
attorney for the objectors, noted thqt the hearing was
C J_ o s e Ct,,
Qommissio-ner C:cili asked w4eth-er- nearby propelty is aval
able for the same use, and whether t he interested parties
could oper7-te on another lot, Mr. Arons.en was asked if
property closer to the creek and located ori lower lee,
ntl a e present-ly pro
opsed v
spot would be available as a,
batch ant site.- JiereplA,ed that it is n t tv. d r lease at -the:
,. e
present but did -?.lot discount the p-assib-11ity,of ma,kiiign.lit,
available to the batch P -3 -ant, M.r. Mak-auer, ' said he was, not
famM ar withlocatio, and could not sal�-bi fhand, Whethwhether. t h 34 -s' n
or -riot It would be suitable for purpose',, ''.Both- Aronsen.
'krauor agr Jbi i
and Ma eed to',study this pons: .11 ty Mr..., Makrauer,
said he -'would hav-e. to�clrieck t he parkirig situation., ingress
and egress; gas tanocations etc,_ Moved by Commissioner
Call *on decision; be d e f * rr e d until
,,all that. the Pla'rinlhll:� Comm. i ss i e
seconded 'by Gm
omtissioner F Fsch r r ie d 0
E Warner Wi.lson and 1�1a.uline Woodruff,, Further consideration of
storm drainage requirements.,,
Aproposed Lletter largely concerned with storm drain
require-ments was presented to the Planning Commission f r
approv,ol,,, There were no objections 1b, the letter and it was
r e, q. u e st ed that thism
t be submitted to the applicants
under date oac' Ai-Dril 189 The Planning Commission asked that
letter t
o the City Engineer expre
M address,,�.:.:i ss:Lng
a willlr_',ness to contribute an amount of riot- more than06
for-, not
an more than the seven acres proposed for the
t -:-j j ia1 d e R 7 e 1 o p a, e n t
Fru.zther niscussion of hothmse. possibilities in and around
od-r-1 U'es A"i'. e u e-
`h.e ChaJ.rman said there is. a constitutional question
jr.41olve---d in rezo--aing to prohibit flowers, The Commission is
0:yj, k1r,, Myers said that an
new zon-ing regula-u-ions.1
agi-ical ase e inc'juC2,,es maniyr aspects and. he is hes-itent-to
ate r d j- na r - - which will- proh'bit any type of agricultu�.,
e the Plannim
-ig Com-ssion could call a hearing, at: any
'fi -c, chooses to consider a prohibition on ce-otain
_19This is a matter for discussion with the City,
av Mr,, Myers said he i s not sugge" stlng a hearJ ng. f ol
every, change ,of land use but at the discretion of the
P.Ianning Commission a pub'i.ic hearing could be called,,
Commissioner Eel stated that j.and use Is the responsibility
of the Planning Coml-rlasi.cn, Moved by Commissioner Cali
Llat Prw!lyrs dr't ayQ_it�erJ.
in crd�rinceprov dinp� for
n:'ort-i 1, ro c't nk' a vith rr ?aec-c to char -gees `ref land, vssee
secondedby ACommjs�gionexNeilsen, ,,arried: 5 0,;
112r, Felosi , . in attendance, asked what will be the
ftature frr the land surpund:ung'orti�n and Count 3T Subdivision
and 4%That can be dome tea prevent hothouses ad j:a.:.er�t to sub-
d.ivi's a.ons
A,, art E -11 -is,, Bequest for a variance from street width speed
fled i, Subdivision Ordinazl: e for a lot in the B1az1ey Aveirue
?.:c:?'Y] e x a t i on,
Mr Ellis presented a rough sketch whi(.,,h, was e p., ned by
the Plarin-i,ng Conimiss ion and the Ci*lu-y Ejzgi.xyeer. who .qa d' than
the street described would have to be maintained by the
ow ers and not by, the City, lira. Myers said that the stree`V.
vri.dth 1:1"I the subdivision ordinance is 60 feet exoep-G ;for
cvI-de-sacs which require 56,, He refex,��,ed to the e Kceptio;,.F
_ e_. -m7 ssrble according to P,,).ge 24 of the Ord T-iance,, Commis-
sioner. Bell said tncat a turningarea is needed - flus a wider
street thaa the 20 that Ellis proposesUl_ Mr. : s said he
E wou-Id widsn the road 'to thirty z eet
B6 Miscellaneous
Ralph Wells real estate salesln :n for: Fer us.an ,Asso.edate,_
to.id the Co:�T1i�lissn, i1e ha.s client :iY 'Ghe resp,1c�TTle
?'rs�.i ess who wants to establish such a home Wuhan the
City. of Cupertira, to be converted: later into a hospital,
He <a:id it wou,14 be a new structure,
2. T -he Chairman sa-d that he has had Inquiries concerning
a kiddyland from someone who wQ;t�ld life t� purchase land
,for that use.
Re( -spectf'u.11y submitted;,.
Pa Oo Box 597 Al 2-450'
.. T_v _gym, F C IT _P E R T II N 0
APS IL 23 1958
r�r��zic .lr en Present Lazaneo, Meyerholz Nathan8'0:n8. Pel_osiv. Sb,16h
;<doil.. en A�isent.o Rollie
Cam ISSioners XX eSent o tell., Call 8 Pischerp Leonard, i\Teilsen
Commissioners Absent m lone
The Mayor saId it has been suggested that the Planning Commission
be enlarg-;ed From five to seven merry iers Absentees cause i;nreceb, Bary
delays due to the rezoning clause in the Planning C'ommissian Ordin-
ance, With, a m(--m'bers1gip of seven,. five affirmative votes can be-
recuired to recommend rezoning
Mr,,,. And c;rsQn said that the law permits a Pl.aitn-i g Commission of
seven ��"leis two ..ex of 'icio members to sit without vote, CouY.,.cijman
La -a Feu asked the sta`�ue Uf the two. planners that might be apppo " n -ed
now or at the nex regular meeting as to when they could vete a�ad
wrlether they could sit at the meetings without a: -vote until the
ordinance making their aYpointme t possible beoomes offa cial
Mr, Leonard, Chairman of the P-lann .ng Commissioiia agreed that
the Commission could use two new me�sberso After some discussion it
was decided to enact the ordinanoe throL.gh the r egular .pr ocedure
rather than emergency but nominate the ' two n:ew members G_t the . first.
r adin" of the r.�din ince with their a�iQoint�ment becoming of fa c el
wi1ei the. The 1<Iry(7r c"tLith:Q '1Z:ed t-h)e, City
Attorney to prejaa.re. n ordinance providi-ng fbr� eC seven roan �l.:anning
�`-o�ximi s s ion
The M Lyo, referred to the Citizens Coirmxittee, Justappointed-,.
and called for protection against annexations a. Qng the bou-radarzesg
-fie sa.Jd itA.- z eces,sary to .study the facilities: Mies needed, to= attract
nduot-r and an7aexa't on ar easy First meeting, was, c !led f'or Thu.rs.day
April 21-1 o
Re5.Pectfully subm tted:,,