Apr-18-587 PD. P3 0,, Box 597 lj.*� P L A N N T N G C 0, Mt M i S S 1 0 N CITYT OF CUPERT',F__'Nf0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PL'11�1vING COMMISSION AP.Fs.!L l8t 1958 -1.aoe: 100'�" Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road ) �L Time 7:30 P,MQ I ROLL CALL Commissioners Present. Belip Cally Fischery Leonard, Neilsen Commissioners Absent'. None THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1.958 were read and approved, COMMUNICATIONS A6 Written .1,, Chamber of Commerce,. Letter in favor of theiAr-onsen rezoning -to accommodate batch plant. 20 Coutity Planning Direcuor, Copy of let -ter to numerous h, Jurisdictions recommending northerly 40 acres of'Na- an-, son property on Homestead Road for high s�hool site. Ub,ivers44.ty of California,. A-m-io-i.aaacement of City P2.annJJL-,:a,,,', Conference at Richmond City Hall, May 93 ,B., Oral None III UNVTNIS.HED,BVSI1q'E.9S A. Sll La Lands Lt'd,, (HQ D.0. Ar.onsen' Request to rezone about 1 - 1.7 ac.r`e,si from M­l�H to TI -2--H to -accommodate-.9 ;C.Onstruction ..m rlel,s yard including, a. batch plant, Parcel As about 300E south'',of Homes t ead and about 7001 east of the Mt,.VieW­Steve-nE; Creek Road, Mr.. Makrauer- Vioe-president of the Concrete Supply Cov-i .. said he had no further pre s en ta: t pan: to male, `llro Boessler, attorney for the objectors, noted thqt the hearing was C J_ o s e Ct,, Qommissio-ner C:cili asked w4eth-er- nearby propelty is aval able for the same use, and whether t he interested parties could oper7-te on another lot, Mr. Arons.en was asked if property closer to the creek and located ori lower lee, ntl a e present-ly pro opsed v spot would be available as a, batch ant site.- JiereplA,ed that it is n t tv. d r lease at -the: ,. e present but did -?.lot discount the p-assib-11ity,of ma,kiiign.lit, available to the batch P -3 -ant, M.r. Mak-auer, ' said he was, not famM ar withlocatio, and could not sal�-bi fhand, Whethwhether. t h 34 -s' n or -riot It would be suitable for purpose',, ''.Both- Aronsen. 'krauor agr Jbi i and Ma eed to',study this pons: .11 ty Mr..., Makrauer, said he -'would hav-e. to�­clrieck t he parkirig situation., ingress and egress; gas tanocations etc,_ Moved by Commissioner Call *on decision; be d e f * rr e d until ,,all that. the Pla'rinlhll:� Comm. i ss i e i seconded 'by Gm omtissioner F Fsch r r ie d 0 5 E Warner Wi.lson and 1�1a.uline Woodruff,, Further consideration of X storm drainage requirements.,, Aproposed Lletter largely concerned with storm drain require-ments was presented to the Planning Commission f r approv,ol,,, There were no objections 1b, the letter and it was r e, q. u e st ed that thism statement t be submitted to the applicants under date oac' Ai-Dril 189 The Planning Commission asked that letter t o the City Engineer expre M address,,�.:.:i ss:Lng a willlr_',ness to contribute an amount of riot- more than06 for-, not an more than the seven acres proposed for the t -:-j j ia1 d e R 7 e 1 o p a, e n t Fru.zther niscussion of hothmse. possibilities in and around od-r-1 U'es A"i'. e u e- `h.e ChaJ.rman said there is. a constitutional question jr.41olve---d in rezo--aing to prohibit flowers, The Commission is 0:yj, k1r,, Myers said that an new zon-ing regula-u-ions.1 agi-ical ase e inc'juC2,,es maniyr aspects and. he is hes-itent-to ate r d j- na r - - which will- proh'bit any type of agricultu�., . e the Plannim -ig Com-ssion could call a hearing, at: any 'fi -c, chooses to consider a prohibition on ce-otain _19This is a matter for discussion with the City, av Mr,, Myers said he i s not sugge" stlng a hearJ ng. f ol IP4 every, change ,of land use but at the discretion of the P.Ianning Commission a pub'i.ic hearing could be called,, Commissioner Eel stated that j.and use Is the responsibility of the Planning Coml-rlasi.cn, Moved by Commissioner Cali Llat Prw!lyrs dr't ayQ_it�erJ. in crd�rinceprov dinp� for a.b.. n:'ort-i 1, ro c't nk' a vith rr ?aec-c to char -gees `ref land, vssee secondedby ACommjs�gionexNeilsen, ,,arried: 5 0,; 112r, Felosi , . in attendance, asked what will be the ftature frr the land surpund:ung'orti�n and Count 3T Subdivision and 4%That can be dome tea prevent hothouses ad j:a.:.er�t to sub- d.ivi's a.ons v�­JIf:,W BUSINESS A,, art E -11 -is,, Bequest for a variance from street width speed fled i, Subdivision Ordinazl: e for a lot in the B1az1ey Aveirue ?.:c:?'Y] e x a t i on, Mr Ellis presented a rough sketch whi(.,,h, was e p., ned by the Plarin-i,ng Conimiss ion and the Ci*lu-y Ejzgi.xyeer. who .qa d' than the street described would have to be maintained by the ow ers and not by, the City, lira. Myers said that the stree`V. vri.dth 1:1"I the subdivision ordinance is 60 feet exoep-G ;for cvI-de-sacs which require 56,, He refex,��,ed to the e Kceptio;,.F _ e_. -m7 ssrble according to P,,).ge 24 of the Ord T-iance,, Commis- sioner. Bell said tncat a turningarea is needed - flus a wider street thaa the 20 that Ellis proposesUl_ Mr. : s said he E wou-Id widsn the road 'to thirty z eet B6 Miscellaneous .� Ralph Wells real estate salesln :n for: Fer us.an ,Asso.edate,_ to.id the Co:�T1i�lissn, i1e ha.s client :iY 'Ghe resp,1c�TTle ?'rs�.i ess who wants to establish such a home Wuhan the City. of Cupertira, to be converted: later into a hospital, He <a:id it wou,14 be a new structure, 2. T -he Chairman sa-d that he has had Inquiries concerning a kiddyland from someone who wQ;t�ld life t� purchase land ,for that use. Re( -spectf'u.11y submitted;,. Pa Oo Box 597 Al 2-450' .. T_v _gym, F C IT _P E R T II N 0 JOINT M ETIN.G OF' CITY COUNCIL ANIS PLANDT1NG COMITUSSIQN APS IL 23 1958 r�r��zic .lr en Present Lazaneo, Meyerholz Nathan8'0:n8. Pel_osiv. Sb,16h ;<doil.. en A�isent.o Rollie Cam ISSioners XX eSent o tell., Call 8 Pischerp Leonard, i\Teilsen Commissioners Absent m lone The Mayor saId it has been suggested that the Planning Commission be enlarg-;ed From five to seven merry iers Absentees cause i;nreceb, Bary delays due to the rezoning clause in the Planning C'ommissian Ordin- ance, With, a m(--m'bers1gip of seven,. five affirmative votes can be- recuired to recommend rezoning Mr,,,. And c;rsQn said that the law permits a Pl.aitn-i g Commission of seven ��"leis two ..ex of 'icio members to sit without vote, CouY.,.cijman La -a Feu asked the sta`�ue Uf the two. planners that might be apppo " n -ed now or at the nex regular meeting as to when they could vete a�ad wrlether they could sit at the meetings without a: -vote until the ordinance making their aYpointme t possible beoomes offa cial Mr, Leonard, Chairman of the P-lann .ng Commissioiia agreed that the Commission could use two new me�sberso After some discussion it was decided to enact the ordinanoe throL.gh the r egular .pr ocedure rather than emergency but nominate the ' two n:ew members G_t the . first. r adin" of the r.�din ince with their a�iQoint�ment becoming of fa c el wi1ei the. The 1<Iry(7r c"tLith:Q '1Z:ed t-h)e, City Attorney to prejaa.re. n ordinance providi-ng fbr� eC seven roan �l.:anning �`-o�ximi s s ion The M Lyo, referred to the Citizens Coirmxittee, Justappointed-,. and called for protection against annexations a. Qng the bou-radarzesg -fie sa.Jd itA.- z eces,sary to .study the facilities: Mies needed, to= attract nduot-r and an7aexa't on ar easy First meeting, was, c !led f'or Thu.rs.day April 21-1 o Re5.Pectfully subm tted:,, jo LAWRENCE K.. MrF. RT Iii Administrptor--Clerk