Jun-20-58In conclusion, Cammissioner,Rodrigues requested a School map of the sbhool district,, LP -site Rousesoa6=1_)Lcation, t& C-1,944 kb'The Chairman:, that a public hearing is required to change land. use.. Mr. Oakes described the e progerty-as four and-a:;half acres on Stevens.Creek Blvd. to serve the residents of the subdivisi= he Vresont'd a plot plan of the.,pr6po.s.ed shopping: ce-4ter He said his compan' has, always built the stores.within one, year y after he granting , of Commer'cial Zoning© Mr® ,Leonard asked for the addresses, of comprable developments., Moved b , Commissioner, Rodrigues tha.-:t the. applicatioxi'be set for. hearing.atthe adjourned meeting of Jixly 8; aec die b y d., ' Commissioner. Craft and carr. 00, C iD So Pie rest to rezal-ne..JoBMa:r1ahi,_..Drao0.ktv VV �hwav­ll °® t N -or t.,.. f:,,;:, Ari i .t*ifft . an ivi_ bbi22' 6Se. 0;pres.en It f of applicant; the matter was. ndV: isoussed.,, V., UN ED -BU FINISkI SINESS A.. Ba ch 'Plant -.1 ­ 'At 7the last me.-eting the : applic' not a ubditt d ant had xi e -M a prey? 1 s -e • de`s'cr-J 16.n _of : the plant site. -P' Loo, mar& z said that�,':the -original site Is again being 'coniib 641 A answer" has been,'re-c-eived from the- Conoret-'e,�;�8.up I P` :Y C, ompany t -conditi6ns. described in the' .•P 0 the ning la Corr sslo" C n Tetter of May 260. The T e, conditions were. reviewed as tweli as the,*:- rezpons.-es of the! appli.aant, w ho took except Ion only ..to the �'f reeway -ref e- ' r61 ' id"ii' in 1 0 tem. 10 of. the planning oPomisisi" n..,conditions® leitte,Fr -A f rom Mr. Aron's,en, the roperty ome: ad p r, was re as" was" . a. letter from Russell Roessler. 14r. Maki.4 uer referred ,�� to 'the fact the' 0 at the and coii�l­ of 'the :1 companyl-had.been questioned at an barlIer.m&0tin'g' He 'she ;s a I'd: he,. wished, to achnowledge, clearly - the , partn. rs.hip of Darrel Camp and a Mr. Soldini. Commisssionei- Fkscher'4,Lsked UO to, 'speci.fy the meaning of, a. low level; plant He askea_,,Pbr�_the exact-hei k.' '!,e r 6 h. s d 17 feet 'ght Mr. :Ma rau were 1 Inc. rias, -not including luding the. silo which'extends; :above.. d- eci ded to eliminate Item I .,:It: was of the planning commission conditions stated In the ;letteir of y; Mr. Leonard requested that written.nott .Ion be ft cat given to interested , parties, def fined as those whose nam . e� .-a In the alnute8 The matter was tabled until,: the adjouam— d e.. meeting- 6P July 8® Mr.: Fischer was obliged to leave. during the s, no -W quorum as 6vallable for the remainder'.of the �� meet ing, Therefore the balance of the agenda was set ',:0ve.r.-until the adjournei meeting of Ju2y '8. -1:6,f 0 oll t6ok7:"pIac'ce' concern* the f owing, items B6, G6n 0. ro.,tan—, cont ;CUSS s an., . 'ohtini e. er t or t., rdlh&gePa i ieq sub X.- r AV` enue,: vo.. :A of the engineering f it m prepa, 1�6 ring. t map said he had spoken to *Otis fiord, -why -ex spie —no, objections but did -acid a 'few minor :,qualif icati: obj �iis C Myer confirmed this and added that the. -sub.aiv cion ordinance, permit s :a 56 foot width in street :of .this 1 ength Cp L6,61,'S`,�onaqich: Cbntit-ii sAon on one_::.or,�,,Wgre, n r ill U discus Avenjue Comriis ioner odrigues said he had some questilpns., on t r. would reserve 'them f or the t me, e D, Art ll s,. Continued. dts&qqi��ion . on, radiu.6-,, of,,, a oul de sac E. L Garcia.,, Gr�-� �3 ^�Ljcad di sruss lo:i:. ofL�- a. Lane s itua tions Request for Pet rr ..'ssiokt �� cor���eGt uta l� ties to, a C UJB . 7.I7 j ,, r� C. C ie.�.:'i� c^�r, Nr� that tllie building, under contruct.on a.s locate on a,, ta,aded.cate road'. The Gita would like to get +-he p.,cope.rties ;o conform.. building permit has r-ot been issued. on the front 0f the builaing in quegtionb He.sugges. that a legal description be obtained from the ?yank and, a basks by found on which the build.�ng can proceed. and a permit be lssu.ed.e VI NEW BUSINESS A. DonF3a ick le�r° ��� 1 n P ��?rziJ •re to Jo'M-i Baas of `the County B. Ba nhsxdt G'oriiz t _r?� t c�t?'�2.'ly fcr Paul A' Mar_1 w-xwsT[�a —F.aaa n+rns m:tsmsatmyfaa+vmz: u6,--azvs av+:h,+x.+u. �.ax+m xaasY z;a.ra`w?.sac+.,+�