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ffi w 2 a In response to questions -Mr. Garlick-estimated that the Church Biue would require at leapt half an acre q in which case they might sell the balance. He said the pre'senU congregation numbers about 45, snore are expected w_it the growth,of the area and the proposed Church would aocomodate abozat 200 peopleg= .. Commissioner Leonard pointed out that a. use permit must be contingenton sale oT the property, i© e© recipient of the use permit must be the owner or future owner of the land. The property is subject to H control after the issuance of a use permit. $ame objections were raised by neighboring residents on, gpounds of tzgaffio congestion and absence of building pla s:s The standard conditions involving storm dr>ainagea sari Lary sewersv strreet mprovemen.ts and street dedieation were=rade known to the applicant. Moved by:Coitmissioner Gali that. a second hearing be h:el,d; seconded by Commissioner Craft and carried 6 - 0e August 15 was set for the second: hearing o Ga Joh"""�7ercadd:a" .and Gino Barsanti Application to rezone ab6"t"'"acx^e G®" C®l�Ii far° "niboroodh®psig center at. corner of Blaney and Bollinger on property cif Cefal.ua Hr� Barsanti claimed. a weed at this location for suob a shopping facility e staffed there 'would be squa."r® feet of parking area for each square foot of floor sgac e . A :h ub,,er of people were present to protest the, application and three written petitions were received in objectlon to the proposed useo ®ne letter signed by e°3 stile pees"on, c second signed by about*30 resl�ent;s an`.Yaopkeeper in Cupertino and a thirds delvere_ d. duraing the meeting, signed by about 103 residents: largely ; of the. 'Slar'roundarAg jurisdictions. After listen' in t0 the , opia ionsaradpyw shes of those attending an& tie app.ant 8 th� Chairaan declared the hearing'1%J660d un t ll" Auust p �® Irk Work anti Application to rezone the Maggio property .s®f West Taney between Stevens Creek Blvd an Bollix�g r. from dal0 ®2 to permit lots less than .lb` 00.0 squire "f°eet;'irs hearings The snap shows lots of appr6ximately 7, 000 "square feed plus. 350 each adding the storm drain ease entQ' Mr. h...y. Fleming explained the flood control play of the City � - Niave� by o a issioner Leonard that the first hearing be closed and a second one scheduled for August 13, S, edonded and carrl.edii V UNFINISHED "d; ITSIN, S$ A Tro aY," Construction Cams an : on Silverado. Subdivisi:ona. Af'te`r reit"ieUJ1rI tk�e pG�ss111ties t Oat ''the ply®pos e Workman. subdivision will a,d��a�ce the sewer construction arid. `the. "storm drain: channels G6mmis'sien.er Lenard moved: `Construction that T. oo an Company be notified th t 1`l.ew, ma.p should , `be submitted- all" ii pr°o�ls�.cr� .for sanitary: sewers "rather than septic., tanks; seo®reed by Gc�i�ti`ss1®tier . Neilsen and o.arrie;d b Q, s"o!ell:an"e:ous It was agraeed to hold work sessions daring the coring ` weep: rel;at ve to sign and zoh�.ng ordinances It waa also aedld.ed `t®,deet 'hereafter on .the second and; fourth P!Ionda s of each monthp the first M®nday m et ng to be S tember $ ri ADJOURNMENT ',�'10030 P O N e'spectfully submitted o LAWRENCE K. MARTIN I Administrator- Clerk