Sep-08-586 14 OlWi1 PV4 � ta C3 Awad, cS W.. awmv �-w. �••� • optic of the zoning: Crdinanee of h ,Oh pasta Virst seso0n cl° '�k ya September 11 at 8400 PoM. in Mr. Myers office 0 Highway 9. �Heavy Ind.ustryo Mr. Myers referred to the O eek 1. meeting of the City. Council held � 6� �� question of heavy industrial zonings. Mr, Myers° position, is that the City does not haV0 the IEWd area necessary for heavy industryo h ty�� �f use will notattract Pe® le who can aff0rt .0� 4 the 229000 Clas:9 0 The su`jeot of heavy iia ulst.ry was also slated for,discuSsion at t w r - eS, CotmissionerLeonard lu ted that the PI9ZmIUg C® is$i0n might hold,pab� he irs 8. tiative to' help sOP e.a de0isi00�Cn,e rhAg heavy industry question Wlthin theCiityb Chairman Bell observed that there Might be ocnakerabge interest in such a hearing inasmuch q� , en pad q� zoning ardinanee affects eVery0ne W0 0 ,within the City. Fetter toAmilant cv"G'A¢Gaaai+T �Ck�e memo9 implementing the pol ipy adopted ..b us 1958, Mated applicant. that tent ��Im maps outlining subd.ivisi0ns p oommero Vel- it other uses will be submitted.9 prior t0 discussi=2 t0 the City Engineer and/0r th.e Consultant o The statement is satisfactory t0 the C®tmmi si0np: a N � nec a ec�r�ax'd that a resolution be 1f®ved. by commissioner° drawn naming the 2nd and. 4th Mondays of each month as the regulIar meeting time of the Plann ng Camm�.Ssien commencin September 89 19580, seconded by CommIss ione.r . Fischer, and carried 7 - 0 v NEW BUSI5 Aa Miscellaneous 6ne RaVi0a, p�°esented drawings of an addition to hls p ®pe.rtyv 10621 Highway 9, currently zoned.Pt-1-Hs He requested a building permit. Nevedby Damm sslener° Leone:'rd that r I3avizza `fie P, anted a `�ullding permit upon co' Bance with present policy,, $econded , by CommissId er Neilsen and carried 7 - P. VI ADJOURNMENT 10:07 Respectfully submitted9 LAWR'EKcE K. MARTIN* Administrator-CleIr