Dec-09-582 Church on Miller Avenue. Second hearing, Continuations Niro Weaver said that he is willing `to Withdraw the application if the City policy prohibits $,`000 ,sq, ft, jots,for duplex Piousing4 It was decided to hold the appl�cs,tion in abeyance f®r an 111def inate period in light of the positil.ity of new regulations for duplex housings if and when the restrictions are altered NtrWeaver will be notif tea. � a Cuttfimin a Kine Snowl., Application to rezone 35 lots T'':Corte Madera' Highlands LID from R -10B-2 oto m3 -HQ Second hearing, , Commissioner Leonard asked Mr. Cummings whether he is requesting multiple zoning of all lets upon which construction has 'not started,% In listing the con- struction thus�far Mrs Cummings stated that structures . have been completed or started on 16 or 17 lots, as follows by Snow-., 1 `by' Cummings and`` 13 or �4 by 4yne. The difference would equal the number of lots specified. In ,the rezoning application a 35, Mr". Cummings stated that the surrounding zoning, P presently M -1-H= to 'some extent plus the ,�°a ].road track and pending freeway i nd� cate , the property : to be a multiple housing sites C" mmissioner Leonard observed, that the freeway will eliminate a sizeable. frac),tIon of the existing industrial. zones It developed, that one house in the subd.iv<is ion has thus far been; sold,,. Chairman Bell said: 'that an inspection of th.e' terrain and physical,environment seemed to indicate that the. area is suitable for multiple housing o However, he added that the natui 4e 'of the site a1 so means that very, few lots, pos:_61bly only numbers 1:9, 20 and �� can accommodate buildings as large as apartments, Commissioner Leonard said the Commission is" net disposed to rezone simply -because of the hardsr ip aspect of .'an application,, He stated that the. basis Dor tyle rezoning must lie in the site itself and other merit but not the fact that the sites will not sell for another purpose, in this case single family houses' i Commission Rodrigues stated' that the app Aca.tion ' wasinsufficient from the'tanap�int of informatl on necessary to make a decision on land use. He pointed out that it could not be determined which of the lots are suitable for:multiple housing from the, standpoint of terrain $ fr°eeway loedt ion, and lot ownership 4 'the Commission agreed that a comprehensive application Is - necessary to secure an affirmativ-e vote Commissioner Rodrigues also stated, that 'the City would lace control over the lots if the laid vaere rezoned'; The application allows no way ta, deterr-1.ne the combination of 'lots contemplated nor whether° they are suitably located® t <was decided that the application, wou.l Piave.„to be amended;,to include all the necessary information. until Which time g' deci-sion is ,withheld, E, ` Ja- P. ` LyAdon * Applicat ion to rezone Old Cu'' t.ino a� _ Schon”, Property, Vista and Stevens Creek Blvd :, from k._.3 -H t,o. C -1-H. Second. Pleasing; Cont inua.ti©n', Mr, Lyddon stated that he would be willingy in order to acquire the zone" requested, to comply with the following ing conceitions:o nesent improvement Flans and road',dedication, to L,e approved by City Engineer and Planning, Co mmi.ss:zen and Council). Execute agreement with City to do said ;work M I 3 a Post faithful performance bond plus labor and materials bonds 44 ".Deposit -plan checking fees and inspection fees o- 50 Make arrangements with `P,Ga & E,, Water Works and other utilities, 6a pay necessary amount into storm drainage fund'o, T, Secure clearance from, Cupertino Sanitary District, go Zoning requested must conform to Master Plan, An additional requirement is the razing.of the .,buil'ding,.- , Mr,, Lyd.don staved 'ori.ginally` that this, was his intention and the condition was imposed in view of that. Chairman Bell. voiced two main considerations. namely that of the depth of rezoning to be const dered in 'ti iew' of the former stand that the City already Inas too, much commercial combined with the ,past poliey of refusing rezoning applications without building plans. I; He"said ':that the site itself was logically commercial. Commissioner Cali agreed to a'change in policy on the assumption that it would remain in .effect for future applicants, Considerable discussion culminated in a motion -by Commissioner Rodrigues to recommend rezoning to the City Council to a depth of e<th. X0,0 feet or' the' fence line separating the bus yard, subject'to the. eIght; conditions .being met within one year and s.ub jest also to razing of the Old School building within' one: year$ second by Commissioner Cali and carried -5 0, IV ADJOURhMEKT - 10405 P . M Respectfully submitted, - LAWRENCE -K, ubmitted,IAWRENCE K MARTIN Administrator-bClerk I : k' I i • L i