Reso 275430-U-85
roan hotel in two phases.
APPLICANT-0 Marriott Corporation
APPRESS: Marriott Drive 0
SuBb1.6bb .- July 27, 1985
LOCATIONO 10050 No Wolfe Road, awertino, .CA 95014
Approy,al, is .Bubject to the f4;44Vp &B Bet forth on page 1 and the
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APPrOVal is granted to construct a 700 roam hotel with approximately
800 Sq. ft. of retail ice and approximtely 10,000 sq. fto of
restaurdnt and 102V8 space,, and 26,,000 sq. ft. of re,-_ting and
banquet room space. The retail,,.restaurant, lounge, and meeting;
banqust Space Shall no exceed 37, 000 sq ft. The prise
ratio May o fi refer to net o Seim areas
not included.
18. The applicant shmld execute an Off -site parking agreement with the
owner of lam located on the west side 0f Finch Avenue. Said
pares facilities l a te 200 pares as id ntified
on site plan Exhibit A, 2nd revision, revised.
30-U 85
The applicant Or successor _IntereSt, shall - covenant
I to -join a van pool/car pool to be established by the City
of Cupertinoo Said,covenant at
the - Is option _
provisions requiring the applicant or successor in interest to
provide,, by ' lease or purr2mse,, up, to one twelve (12�) Passenger van.
Provision. of said van is tobe cWtiMent upon the success of the
private Progrmiq success being defl�needi_as securing a paid driver and
Paying passengers to d4f� the cost of acquiring and
operating the vehicle.
A. T601 caches ill be located on every third floor in each
eyo '1s and gage racks l be acquired by the
alit o
Gt- Buildings shall, incorporate a radio anplification system to
facilitate the use.,of portable radios within the structure.
C. A fire control roan should be located with an outside
exftm-pe. MAS room shall be furnished and equipped as
required by Chapter 18 of the Uniform Building Code.
Do dD Knox boxsystemshall berequiredto store es-
,ential dS(C.yso
30 U-85
E o An electrical distribution system shall be PrOvIaect in a
airWay WIthin each buildiM with outlets at each lardiM that
will be cmpatible with Central Fig Disc emrgency
applicant shall l contribute ',ps to i 1= of 0 0 0 0
txxTards the purchase ofan aerial ladder The intent of
the, condition _ot ti to require - pii' - - s ofhigh-rise - - _ _
M L �.;q - _ -o1t _- Wit::_ shall !� approved by the high-rise-
parking.depth cn Stevens 0�66k Boulevard measured frm curb
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John Claudy