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Reso 2052
-ter RESOLUTION NO. 205 OF, THE p YNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUERTINO RECOMM-MING APPROVAL OF A USE PEMIT TO CONSTRUCT • A AMEE STORY OFFICE BUILDING CONSISTING OF APPIR0 ® MATELY 93,500 SQ. FT. APPLICANT ADDS S S UBS LOCATION: Hawkey & Peterson, Architects 3000 El Camino Real Palo Alto California 94304 February 1, 195 Northwest coIrmex of De Anna - Boul avard and Mariana Avanue' Approval is recommended 'subject to the findings as set ,forth ®nage 1 and sub® conclusions as set f orthl in the mutes of the Planning Commission meeting at March.24, 1980s CONDITIONS.- 1-14. ONDITIONS: o 1-14© Standard Conditions to the .extant that they do not conflict with the special conditions :nume1. rated. herein o In the e�aat � con�li�t does exist, the special condition as enumerated herein shall apply. 15. This approves is used, upon Exhibits off. and B of Application, 25-U®!9 as may 'be modified Iby additions Candi t ons contained herein 16. That.land use Liteity shall be limited to 4n inge' ity that will no ®enerate more than 16 one -Way trips per acre wring the peak hour per4ado For the purpose of the 165. one-way trip Traffic Intensity perfo enc Standard, the following accosting of trips is hereby incorporated into t1he project approval: Tris Allocated to the Pro ~ ect Area: 5.294 gross acral (excluding De Anza Boulevard _ richt of way) x 16 84.7 Trips Transferred from BAS residential site 50.8 135o5 Trips Genera ad 93,500 sq ft. x l trip per 1,000 sqo oto 93a5 Surplus m X200 _ In the avant a development does not utilize a gull 16 trips peb a.cb allotted by the Trip End Pargormahce Standard9the owner of record shall have the ability to eitar ,seta -.n9 sell, or transfer tips ,with other property owners w-ithin the forth De Anna Boulevard conceptual planning area sub j act to theprocedural and requirements as listed in the Traffic Intensity_ performance Standard policy ' anual as adopted by the City Council. dUl sales or transfers of trips shah, be filed with the planning Director, and City Clerk, No sale or trans-ber shall be finally consummated until a use perm t has been approved for the - property to which the' trips are to b'e applied. The applicant shall record a covenant to describe the- trip acre constraint and the 'total number of trips allocated .to the .particular devej opment at the time of development approval, The ,c,®venang shall be worded in a manner to suggest chat the future purchaser of properties consult the individual, use pelt files to; obr-ain an up-to-date status report of spaces The term eliminated. 25®U®i9 tion- No. 2052 (continued) install. one secured bicycle locking facility for every ilding area which may be in lieu of equivalent parking in lieu's does not require that the parking spaces be 18 'truck movements including refuse pickup. on the site small be restricted in the same manner a' set forth in Section 10®45.030 of the Cupertino b icip;al Code® 19. That the property tenants with awr:itten bwmer/developer shy provide te •g s the 'Yo rth De Anna notice regarding potential traffic proble= within Boulevard area® $.aid notice shall stipulate that the City reserves the right to review taffic conditions within the area at any time in the future, and should) the City determine. that constraints to easure proper traffic.movement L necessary, the City may impose the appropriate constraints® This may take the form of staggering of work hours by tenants, modification of hours of operation, or an organized car or van pooling program and County transit, bus_ pooling. program. A copy of said written notice shall be signed by the lessee and forwarded, to the prior to occupancy /City og the bua lding 9 The applicant/owneg ob his success®r shall ensure that all future lessees . of the . building receive a copy of . the conditions approved for this use permit® This condition, which I is consistent with the North De Lanza BaUl evard Conceptual Zoning properties 9` s intended to be applied to al pro ernes in Plan, �P _ the North De Ansa a �Boulevard area on a coordinated oasis. 20. the applicant (or its successors in interest) shall enter into an agree- ment to join a oar poollvan pool program ,to be established .by the City Cup ertino ® Said a� reement, may at City's options include provisions � . requiring applicant (or its successors in interest) to provide, by lease." , e or urchase a to k' . van -f l� 6 �eacheach2-9,000. ® f t, ,® f �mp1®ee® one (1)' 12 -passenger ra� occupied floor area® provision of said vans is- to be contingent up= the' success of the pilot program, success being defined as securingn unpaid driver and sufficient paying passengers to pay the costs of acquisition, and operation® - 2l® The applicant ' shall instar changing room o ,, Phase rooms may takethe form of enlargement of restroom facilities; shower facilities are not required but encouraged. 22. Prior to issuance of a 'buildin® permit, the applicant small submit a document detailing measures to be emp1®yed to mitigate adverse impacts gesulih® from, on—site' construction activities. Said document shall include a proposal for delivery truck routing, noise attenuation for equ4pment., dint control, rodent control and hours; ®f..construction activity satisfactory to the director o f Planning axed e ve ®ptent . No outside heavy co ns`'truction or grading will be permitted bh SAiurdays or Sundays and all permitted wo gk shall not commence be�ore 7.00 a o m. and shall cease at 6 0 �® o M. 23. epproval is for athree ®s tory ihdus trial o f f icy building which shad be limited to no more than 93 '50'0sq o ft. of gross , floor area and approxi® rely 50 ft® in height above the existing natural grade. -3 • anning Commission Resolution N®s 2052 (continued) 24The applicant shall plant mature (24" box) trees ®f an evergreen variety along the. westerly property line to provide immediate privacy screening for the adjacent single—family residences, subject t® the review and approval ®f the Architectural and Site Approval Cottee 25. The applicant shall install a public sidewalk around the perimeter ®f the site subject t® the review and approval ®f the Director of Public Works and the Architectural and Site Approval �® ittee. 26. The applicant shall eliminate the proposed ingress drive from NT®rth De Anna Boulevard and open a drivewayoff.Mariani Avenue. Additionally, the. applicant shall enter into reclpr®c ing:pgss/egress easement nth. the adjoining property to the north should; uses of said property be of a sear nature. 1f the .appl c t is unable to obtain the ad j ®ming property owners c®®perati®n, he small recorda covenant obligating ° existing and future p'r®perty owners t.c provide said covenant when the City' can require the same !®f the adjoining ''Property owner.