Written CommunicationsFrom:Lauren Sapudar
To:Kevin Khuu
Cc:Jeff Milkes
Subject:FW: Item 6, 1/10, Parks And Rec Agenda Serious Authority Overlap Issues
Date:Wednesday, January 9, 2019 1:43:03 PM
Lauren SapudarExecutive Assistant to City Manager and City CouncilCity Manager's Office/City Clerk's OfficeLaurenS@cupertino.org(408) 777-1312
From: Kitty Moore [mailto:ckittymoore@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2019 1:30 PM
To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org>; Cupertino City Manager's Office
<manager@cupertino.org>; City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org>; City Attorney's Office
Subject: Item 6, 1/10, Parks And Rec Agenda Serious Authority Overlap Issues
Dear Mayor Scharf, Vice Mayor Chao, and Council Members Paul, Sinks, and Willey, Tomorrow’s Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda item 6 extends astonishinglyfar beyond the control of that Commission: https://cupertino.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=657081&GUID=90D060B3-FCE7-4A04-B4A4-443213F82AE1 It is unclear where in the work plan they shared, where their limits of authority lie: https://cupertino.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=6966565&GUID=974EFE85-0FED-4D4A-BA68-02AF8312869D For example, as an AT&T customer, I am concerned with the rollout of 5G Verizon in thecity. What impact will this have on non-Verizon customers? Is this fair? Incentivizing ADUs which are turned around and rented as short term lodging does nothingfor the long term housing shortage while enriching a homeowner who can earn 150% on ashort term vs long term rental. The city has no caps on the number of AirBnBs allowed.
Without controlling the short term rental market, the city is in a tough place to then turnaround and say X many apartments should be built if homeowners with excess space are going
to short term rent that space because it’s lucrative, while having a negative impact on rents andlong term housing availability.
Vallco is incorrectly listed in the Work Plan. It is subject to a Referendum.
The Performing Arts Center concept at Vallco would be considered recreational space under
the Quimby Act, as such, I oppose this. The survey the OAC concept was based on was of anolder population and not representative of the residents impacted by Vallco. The survey needs
to be of residents in the geographical area because Vallco is in an area with only 10-16% ofrequired park space and Creekside Park is half closed and gated off annually for the rainy
season. Recreational space in a park deprived area must be for physical and not sedentaryleisure activity. The west side of Cupertino, around the Forum for instance, has hundreds of
acres of open space at Rancho San Antonio and Fremont Older. It may be that the needs ofthe community surrounding Vallco, are completely overlooked.
Please review the Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda for 1/10 and explain why they
have essentially taken on the City Council’s authority without parsing out which areas arereally theirs.
Best regards,
Kitty Moore
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