Teen 09-26-2018CALL TO ORDER@ 6:06pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CUPERTINO Cupertino Teen Commission REGULAR MEETING Wedne sday, September 26, 2018 6:00 pm Quinlan Community Center 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 APPROVED MINUTES Commissioners Present: Chan, Shearin, Tan, Krishnan, Tung, Krithika V., Khot Tardy: Subramanyam Absent: Vemula Staff Present: Daniel Mestizo MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 1. September 12, 2018-Commissioner Chan motions to approve minutes contingent upon changes. Commissioner Krishnan seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. 2. August 22, 2018 -Commissioner Shearin motions to approve minutes contingent upon changes. Commissioner Krishnan seconds motion. Motion passes unanimously. WRITTEN/ORAL COMMUNICATIONS • NIA OLD BUSINESS 3. Bobatino: Final Check-in The Teen Commission reviewed the Sabatino event and discussed what items went well and what parts needed improvement. Ideas for future events were shared and potential partnerships were explored. 4. Pizza and Politics 2018 The Teen Commission will spearhead the logistics for segment 3 which is the mock debate between teens. A final plan will be presented at the next meeting on October lQ•h. 5. 2018-2019 Work Plan Commissioners continued to discuss the work plan for the 2018-2019 term. The work plan would be finalized at the following meeting on October lQ•h . 6. Assimilation support for newly immigrated youth Commissioner Kelly Tung brought forth the issue of having newly immigrated youth integrated into Cupertino schools. She currently feels there is not enough support for immigrated youth at schools as they are separated from the rest of the school population. Potential resources and solutions were shared, but it was decided this may be a potential work plan item and would be discussed during work plan discussions . 7. FUHSD Bridge Assistant Superintendent Trudy Gross from FUHSD visited the Teen Commission to discuss ways the Teen Commission and FUHSD can collaborate to bring resources to local youth and teens. It was mutually decided that the conversation would continue and the next step would be to have a student to student connection with IDC and other groups. NEW BUSINESS STAFF & COMMISSION REPORTS a) Staff Liaison Report • Staff Liaison Mestizo informed the Teen Commission about the upcoming Y AC Social on October 11th at 5:30pm at the Belmont Senior & Community Center. b) Commissioner Report • NIA MISCELLANEOUS -NO ACTION REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT At 8:49pm the Teen Commission adjourned to a REGULAR MEETING which will be held on October 10, 2018 at 6:00pm at Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd . Cupertino, CA 95014 . Respectfully submitted, fl.