PC Reso 1288• ,ll 6»U-71
/ --
~ ril:t:.' ~":'. L:: N'J. 120;
~~ C: 'iilr' 1•;.,L';11I:+If, CO!MISSTUtS OF T!IE• CITT Olr CUPt1CCIN0 '
CO::.`F.':':lU\ Vi A P.I'rCI0;1AL S1ICPPTIiG C.C7ITER CO11'AISI:;C
• FLt>n:t RL:1. IH JIC•DiTIOY TJ T11% £a15T1l;C r'CARS FACI1.TTi
!lI^_'lli1: ,1 P (PLl'.^•7~ L'oV1:1.0i':ICVT' l/ITl1 1 ta.^.SOlL4. 5110PPTNC
CCITFi: CC•=1LRCIt.1 USE ItiTt:;I)LUtiI:.
:-PPL1C:~;7: Vtllco Peck, Ltd. '
AUUI:FSti: P. O. IIra~•cr V, Cuprrcinu, California 95L'14
>Ub.NITY~:r: !fate![ 30, 19i~
r.GC.:'.':0~: SoutJ:erly of a:+d ad~tco^t to Frer~ay .l:ouce 280 at its into:-
eectio:. rtth :lolls I:oJU, ertrndin;; southerly on tl:.: veatrrly
sits: of. Yolfa Irnad irsr: raid Freeway to Stsveos Crcelr Doule•ra_o
sad extending aoutirrly from ar.id Preevay oc the eal:cerly side
of {lolfe Road co V:.llco 2aric Itay.
•l•OtiE: P (Ylamed 9eveloot~r:t vlth a 1leR:ona'. Shopping Ceatsr C~•:c•rcrciri
Slsa Zaccnt)
GOtiDI':IG.;S AI;D 1'r7,IdYk 17SOIl:GS:
T-14. Standard e;nuditlonc cu rte extant that [hay do tw: coniltcr vJth :ho
spr.cial toniitlcn+ cuu^on.trd herc.n. !n the ev~nc .a cun'._C:t ...:c
~' c::iRC, tlw special c:cnciuuna as ermr~.ralccr herein cite!! arply.-
IG. Tlr~ npprr~al is Jreacd upon. Chu attnc}wci e+ite plans lnEtled Er.::ibit :..
Iat :tau., ,;•; lac Jtev., 8 Jst Aev„ i;-7 i,c: ;~e~., (: 1st acv. ~-. ls: kc•+..
~ A, E, i-1. ar~1 ;P-2, at rosy 5• moriiti~i iy pridltia.el c.i~d:tlor:a cnn-
tainud htreir..
1G. Yricr to tasunaae u_° a building pcrwlt, tL•c. CevtJ:po.-/a•:rcr shall
o~y:rire :Lc neces~.tsy alr r:1;!+' s .`or tLr. crcxsirl; of t:u:.fc i.rrd •- . ..
. a r.rructt:rr ss proposed or r,!,r• n:La plvn Iuhclr: C..::ihlc /., 6-L-%.,
in a canner a9 cpprwrd by thz Cicy Cou.,;il.
2i. Prlor to iNrruaucr. of :aai2:u: Ve~alt, tJ.e o.:re::; r•-/..acs' r;:+a::
r•tter ir,t...uw`L*~:e.ioe`n!; :+i `I: rhr •• '- • r ••:,cit.o prr~•:r.ln; L..:
th_ Incaaon :.f :.asr ra~l3 trr.~a:tv::r:i: tt:r:~ ..^i7 [ . .--rt:ir:
lc: oroas J_'L:_i or. :.. •:f'r ui.:: uce•'e.l l.a.h_"oie .. ~--•r3• J••~'•
ugrouaca+ b~.at's'::ro•.•:d:-I~: 'c•: vancrrhlp. ..~•.•r^L:a, . ;,!r:~ ur
a_to:ircr anpronrGs to iatC. oot to I•a det.•rei+u••i in u:., 1:.:ur. •Sy •i.r
Cay of :•snrrtl.>.~ :ct;: sin rocruprl:,te want![ .+trt:u'rtcy. ~1•dJ1LJr•~l' .
bntJ aCro_.^:nc ata:l d.•`Gnr ::r. rarcnac; sot vi.'.u r.r:,{r ;,'"Pl-t<<•• ~ l
18, i'rlor to 3zru•tc_ of a n:,lid:n;• perolt; :!:e dr e; ,•ir•r' d~~'•^,I•,~
:nSrC lnt.a w. a~•r rapt l..:r r;r~t•. -.. a•. :.r. r^,vc' :. .. 'r. n~-• ••~•••-
•-:y C-.•...-t1. V:tvrSi:r r~r .,r. ...r•.• r•........+ .. .: ._ r,. l
r per/n.:.a :•~ },er-.. ..i_ r ..nr .6:1. _. ......... -.....
._` tb~ _,.-. w.. .. .,,_ rat 4i-_~~ -,~~ •.•"Y t.a~
C.•ni..•a~ 1 •
.. _. r
2~ ..... , . ~ . 6-t>r~a
ta; Resolution No. 128R (continued) "
- 19. The rtQufred fuprovescnti~'co public Fends'vithin'the'vallco Pnrk
nroa efwll be as rtipulated ia'the Public pocks Director report
dated October lE, 1973. hctached hareco.. The laprovmente shalt oe
ae set forth is the aeerion,eatitltid "STAGE 11" on pages 2 and 3 of
said report. In"addition, tf,.: coar o! all trstfic signal trodifica-
tiona and; or in:~callncione~noeuasary eo aeeosmcdete the proposed
street isptovcaents shall be boznu by the developer/over.
The developer/t»•ner fureher.'agrees~to participate in the landing
of the Tentau Avenue overcroat:ing 1n order to expedite the eon-
seruetion, so as to be asaurod of'its completion, prior to coa-
pletion of the shopping tenter.
20. Prnvfaion shall bs trade to cetsinate Auburn Drire, f!crsite Drive
and Amherst Drive !a the form of a modified col-de-sac as approved
• by the City F.nginaer: The imprnvemeac ray provide fn: odditioat].
ltcndacaplna ns required by the Architectural and Site /,pproval
Costai ctte.
21. Ir~provesrats to public roodway shail~iaelude the landseapiug,
autor~atioc sad construction of median strips vaere dersed
approprivte by the City.
~A2. .Lr 8 ft. hig!t :usoarq wall shall ba' constructed on tt.e veatnrly
boundary line of the project to mitigate noise intrusion into eha
.~// ~~ nd~oir,ina singlrfaaily neight•orl,ood. :he S-ft. t,eigh^ .f enid
t P sound wan stall Le oeasutad from the finlnh Erode of the rus!Cer.tln2
property. Tic soured wall shall continue of:eiLe to prorate reri.uutp
living~aa Drol;e Brive beginning fratr tht> northss: ap ;,: 'he a)wpp!n;•
center alce,ti;en along rte cotanon reaiden:ial/flood control dirtrict
propert;• i1:-e to rho trian6ular shaped California tracer Ser•.•ice Cou.pen;•
• 23. The propoi.ui ZS-ft. vide lendccaping strip Lrtucen the ad~oininP
ritc.ldential n.:ighburhood aid rho pncisxce~r road/p,,riJ-;; Lot bl,all
be evaluatet Sy c1,e Archtceccoral uru! Site Apprcvsl ;:os.tttre to
deteru:nr, if additiots:+l width is accessary co LnClude [pate for
Sicyclc pacts a:sd larulscapiaK acrecnfna.
~/ ~ 7hc acplican: shall enter into aerzagrsa~st:at vith~'`the owner of Purcr.l
~~,1•„11,~ P]nza and clot lcars, koebuck anJ Caapamr to rcctmstruc: sad laad-
~~KKY'"'"'~- _ seape the er•=..oa perixaerr :oadw;,y ad~a=enr to the Yorta: Plns•
._. - -' ~ 3 Shopping Crnter site.
.'.~. Ir, order tc provide tar pe-lpt,cral and incrrnal landsc..p:r.~; ~~:!
,~4L bicycle pats, t!:e Architrc:oral and 51 .e F^yrclat G~.-;tr:a• :~
~~ authorized e, delta: etc n.unver of eff-sired ~ar~l:.• ,.:.l )r aKl;:-
1; I~~.'s• y~~ ne[a•d un rl,c /ug_:.f: u: t.xnJbit A, Ire Itarir.lo: by 1:".