Reso 201223-Z-79 1ESOLU00N NO. 2012 OF THE PLANNING CONVISSION OF THE CITY GF CUPERT1W RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CITY OF CUPERTINO 1NIIIAND APPLICATION 10 REZONE APPROXIMATELY 4.2 ACRES iri ROM PR AND 3.5 WES FROM aA TO P (PLANNED aEV11OPMEN`TL RESIDENTIAL 4-8 WS ACRE INTENT! AND REZONE APPROXIMATE0 6.2 ACRES 2 O BA TO PR. Exhibit A, which in attached, is the Conceptual Zoning Plan for the Planned, Development zoniag district. Exhibit 3, which is attached, is the Conceptual Zoniag Plan fcr the PR zouiag 11F district. ------------- - ----------------- - ------- - ----- - ---------------- - ----- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 1974, at a regular meeting a! the Plaaalig Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the . fo10wing roll call vote: AYE SI Commissioners Adams, Blaine, Chairman Gat t3 NAYS: Commissioner Claky ABSTAIN: Noae ABSENT: Commissioner Koeniczer UPROVED; Is/ John QLjg_0_ joha X. Gatto, Chairman Planning Commission ATTEST: Robert Gowan Assistant Plan%iag Director