Reso 2411 ,. . 2_Z-f?3 #�SOLUTIODI N0. 3411 OF ?3iE PLAS�INING �Dl4�SZSSIDN�OF T�E CITY OF CUP£R?INO 2iECQlIl11;NDING 8PP8pVAL OF APPLICATION Z-Z-83 R£Z�AING ''`� APP$QX7}]ATEI.Y 2S ACRES TO P' (PLANNED DEV£LOPlfE�T STIT� , • �0l8IEBCIAL, OF�ICE. Z�IDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTI.AL AA'D HOTEL �NTENT) ZONING .DISTRZCT_ �PPLICAi�Ts CuperL3na City Ceaier (Promeiheus Deve3npment) .AT1)RFSS: 1Q080 North I�7nlfe Road, �201, Cupertinn, Califnrnia 9501G � SIIEtlTIT3�9: February ll, 1983 I.DCSTIDN: Saut�easi corner of Stevens Czeek Bouievard and De Anza Bou3evard . :h � �IDINGS �AID S17BCONQI7SIDNS: _ �raval is subject ro the findings as se� fnrz�a oa £ag� � aa� s:a�cnsac2as�s � as ses �arr3� in Lhe minuLes of the Plaaniag �'^---<<s3.ca meec±s� c� 3�e �, 3981_ � � �T�IONS� � r � 3 3L. SLaadar3 Conditions 20 2he eateni �ai �i�ep �u- �t2 tti:�ESCr �t t�t � special cnndii3nns enssmerated heze3n. Ia c�z es,xrzs a cr�ai�.f.r�t 6io�s - eaisi, r.�e spEcial randitinas as �,•••Prated w�y2¢ shsFZ apgEg_ a: fi 15. �at L�►e approval is hased upoa Fshibi= ,� �sd ���� 4 �g S�xtgc� 2 Z-83 as may be amended by a�di�t��� c�adtr:�ics t� =L+t._..� tb.r.f„_ '� r;`:' bui3.t7i�o £Drm. zircul.ation. nPea s�acas, � eorr�sss. au_, '� s3ia11 �e subsrantial3y as shovu oa �i3fs i� Ta�fs�s� �: ��: 3.li. 3.amd Dses � � I '8 19�e land uses permitted for �e sab�ecc ?rupertr sits.Z2 �zclsssi� � �r � r cf r^,^�rcial, nffice industr3al, �auF. :mcE r�r�£.�--.••*xT as c�uE3t�d i :�: i +� �l.nw: ' � �� `� �qaare �onzage Land �st 'jjr 389,�DD sq_ fr± U�iicr �c.+ �=ztsS �'t" Oi33ce ascs � #s2m�Le a si�Is Ia�r�+e ;• 3S r' ,�.��aiza-a � LCRLdIIL ffiSiCT 9l�T21. �I�� � �r_.3�.,�rr�rfa2y--�}.y .1� $�}�[y�.Li@[t L:� r�Si�9TCY �,iG: iilY�l�= OIiiY� atTTM��s . �" � T8523Y'C61 iffiG� �aCa��... FTLTLO^C� . �� rf`SPSSC� 121� �L L3 Z.�L� �+-�'; LO IID alr! LgG3Tt t ! 31T tlid ����' . - S[]� IZ. LDL3I� '� 3D,DD0 sq_ ft_� Co�ercia3 l Co�aerc3al 8azs.,'. cs.rs � �ezsPl� � ,� allacated �c?.� �_ Ls- �eser. cit� 1 - cas�aercin3 3q�:a=s rosca�e mag exc�+a�:t - this a�bez r� aifsec Tss a esrrzs�amf� decrease 1n nffi.-e �r,ma_-e faats�e gres- , = vidin� a f3xu.°3a� c� b.e mac�r �Irat tG� tozal =raizic gea�e.s=s� 33 � � ,� SL82iL3dl�y iA t]Cf�t3a 3: L253E p�L4�L3cf� � � ' . by =ne �ra._� :�;�.:r__ ,r ` _ / -2- � • ' 2-Z-83 Planning Commission Resolution No. 2411 (continued) . ti �- 130,000 sq. ft.t 240+ Boom Hotel Final size is flexible based on find`ngs similar to thac of commercial land uses � above. 160 dvelling units Besident3al minimum The number of dvelling units may exceed 150 provided that the overall numi�er of residential units for the SO-acre Tovn Center property does not exceed 600. The Lriangle s2iaped parcel located at the southeast corner of che site and easterly of Torre Avenue as shovn on �chibit A 2nd iievisioa may be developed as nfficelindustrlal, vith related co�ercial uses and or residenLial. � Proto-rype research and developmeat is pezmissiLle if cnnducted in _ concert vith nffice fuactians of a business establishment. Proto-tgpe ' research and developmeat 1s defined as follos+s= Proto-type B S D refers to research and de+relepomt activities vhich lead Lo the develop�t o£ a neer prodncc oz a �v mnu- facturing and assembly :proeess. Prodncss s�ich are developed. , manufactuzed and/or asse�led as a garz oz the proca-t7rpe £acilitq are not intended to be aass pzoducei.+ ior sale. _ Gi�9dp7inE5 for Prflto-type Eesearcb and Deve2epmeat C�ntrnl of �azar�aus materials: l�e type. �sse aad sLnrage of hazardous �aterials for proto-tvpe research � �eoele�zst or I ����ly is regulaLe3 by the Un�S�ra Bu3lding C�ctz. chc Lsaifors ' Fire Cade amd any �v ordi�A*+�p az nther re�silaciaas �tsietk caazrols i - ', ham rdous materials_ Coatral of physical appearance- 2tiere shall � aot autvar3 appearance ihat a prato-type research aac! de�rclopaecL or asseaoh2p process is in place. There vill be ao ezLeriar starage, aad receiving 2acilities shall be limiLed 3a scale. Gentrally, no a�re Lhan 25Z af the Lotal �-pace occc�gied bp tt�e fi.ra vi21 be devaLad to a proto-[ype research aad develapaent nr assemblp acLiviry_ 17_ �evelapment Phasing 14ie buildings lacated aL the perimeLer of ihe s3te are generallp encouz-�ed tn develop in Lhe earlier phases prior to construccion of the build3ngs Zovard zhe ceAtar of the sita. Th� interior structures including =he pedestr3an promenade £rom the corner open plaza to the incerior open space. Lhe zes3dential, and the co�ercial shall be planned as nne 3ategral unit even thongh a partion of this cnmponent may be phased ahead aP the oLher elements_ -3- r • 2-Z-83 't Planning Commissinn Eesolution No. 2411 (continuedj � I �'' 18. He1Kht The height of the buildings in Tow Center shall generally encourage lover building forms tovard the perimeter and easterly siJe, and higher building forms s[epped or terraced back from the mdjor perimeter roads. Four stories ehall be a maximum height of 6uildings i tovard the eas[erly side of tLe site adjolning the rQsidential projeccs across Torre Avenue. Four to sin etory buildings may be permitted at the perimeter of the site near the corn�z,of Stevens Creek Boulevard and �De Anza Boulevard. 2he intezior of the site may constrnct t� a �azfaua 6uildiag height af sis to e3ghc swrles. 19. Buildiag Fora The bu3lding fvr� s�sa22 pro�ide 8ariaLion ia the heigh=, scaPe. a�l tac ` the ancez ezLerivr bsci2�t_�� facade. E�',.a ns< are eaca.sza.�.ed us stcg or "Lersace" hir}es IracSs af cEE�t bu3����o hauck accs� fzas mmjFsr roa�sY�c � streeu (Per Fs�iaf= 2 �d �f��,••)_ sall B�s2r�ers of fi�t�t.E�,,< avoid 2uae sasttsc 3sziscisras �E s�2S suftm rht ��;�er campaa�em�ts of buildfa6s vL•II �Eer ��.3C�� aress aad uS2 graccfag i�-T�,.► aaserials. 2mte;zazi.cm ef szsfa#aatta3. aad aan-�rrs3ueaLfal sz�rs is ! z��• - . �!. €1p� gyaee . 'F� de+�e2vp�a� rig3�� ca t2� arsa dasi�aaLed as caraer plaza aad �e 3at�riar a� spac� ad jacea= za 2::rre �vzaase slsa3l 3r d�dicaud � to ths Cit7 �£ Cspe�tac_ 3s alternaco �rovisi,as�.:s mnv be � riaroug� i dt�ael�t �r�e�eass� t�ey vi�3 �uaramree Lhas tt�sz ar� r�naa3a� opea sp�e €or �tue ztst�ass. � '� � �I- �ec�rc3�ca1 Ea�rasslL� £��ents . � .lC t�e tiae of da+Fel.�e+ec�asi the sauchgr�y parkinq ��•��. L3�e a�aalican= � shall pra�t�e fr+r r�:�trneal iagrassle�tress veh3cular iste�rszion of the ; Paz�3 1�+�/�� araa � t�a s+�bjeez s#te �rizh z� �ax'1ci.ni; area � oi tire ad'jaizttag Lfaea2a Yrupemt �ite I�rated t� ttle sonth. Rddit3oaa].Sq� i pr�a°3s�s sffa.il ba mrde isr raci�raea:C tna=ess/�ress ve�3cular i �nLegrasfoa v1=h the Barclag 3a:ak gisa iocaz� �3jac� ta $auta De �aa � 3�I�sr3_ ' � L'_ �II. �ert„� izr�rior pra�err+r I33es af rec,�rs � oz .�r� �. Icd3 s�2I be r����,t�_ Creatia�. me+a �r�zz? Zi:�s :�s n�sia� F�rp� �S ; aeiadttrd_ l � 23. Residenzia2 [Ynfts a[ �e ?�rtarLa� af zlx Parti�e Gasa� j • .y � AL the Lime ni nrnoosed �I.�pmea= oz Lhe re5i�enL3a2 ��s atr�e3ird zo the gark3ng garages., tt�t �rv�2apez sba21 dencrosrrase thr a3sf�as3oa _ of noise� nolluzion. �d securiry imnacts ei the Qara�e unon che � _ residential unirs. � '4_ i . � .. Z^Z-$3 Planning Commissioa xesolutinn Ho. 2411 Ccvntinued) 24. Hotel L Prior to development of the hotel ecructuze, the applicant shall demonstrate that the Tova Center Hotel vill aot have an adverse effect upoa eoostructinn of the Yallco Park Hos�l complex. This condition shall be vaived upoa completion and o�cupancy of the Vallco Park hoteL 25. PerSsetez Landseaping Zan�seapiag oa Scevens Csee� Eoule�rard aq�� F9e .S�za 3onalevasd s}:a22 ptoo3de broad Ia...e�.-ap� g�icaca�s yrz G§�e �esaI PPtu aas� L'ree SCevtn3 Creef �ouleessd S�h••�4� � F�**�"�-?=}.m� �fffeT�es. � eo �c a�re:a dr�i8aaccef fos tbe cc�s �2az�. �'�Fs. Tr�£fEe Se�g*•.mg �.r.� s 'Ase folS� craff3.c sysrxm Em��sv�a�aea,rs aud r¢.r�tarf�a aze cass�i.red ra �-�•�•#�> daveSapsaat ax shr grc��ecL sita� 2he app2lcant shaST ,�arcl:ctparz fZ�aseiaLT:g i=+ tt�e cosr o£ cbe las�alZation ar rhe � i�to�s 13sted helacr. B.efmdturaemen[ of sa1s3 cos�s bg ot3ser ' bene'ftted gt'opertp us�oers sha:il b� }iased upon a bene£iZ fo�la es�adslished by ti�e �is�tnr oi nunlic :ior'� and a�prav�� �v ch� Cis� Cauacil. � a_ The �p23.�aat s#saii gar[ic3,ate in the fsindin� f�r a rr�fiic signal to�` Sosre Aveaue aad Sreamens Gr$ek 3unl�var�. TSte desi� of c3u tr�ft3c 91gna1 st�ail :3stt Vis� �r3ve :urnire� ar�vemeats t,� rir,ht turn-ias �cl rig}►= c;sn-aut_ - }�:. �3C� 3�i��C:�tt��3�4��.�.�8lL3C�Si.�' �317 L178 7aDt��+.�jt3Lj.�tY tS.Y t'�]!!'�5:�.lLitdl . ac Lha fs�tersacri� vi McClallaa Raad a�d De �nza �ul�var� snd sj�s21 iust.u3.1 a sigaai at t3�+a 1a=ersrezion oi Pac��ica ?avea�e and IIz Ani,a. ' � Bc+ule�vard ra ptaavSde c�tsvIlad acczsa to ead iroa ;le �nza �ui�+sa«ci frva 3'acifi.ca Avenrae. ic_ 11se psapesstd l�ft tvrn pvcket :m �e �n.0 Bvuleracd :aear �tae vieiniru I of Stniield Drivs i,a ndt apgt'rsvc�. I ' d_ T#a grapcs�sd 1,Eix eum P�ke� ass Sczrens Cr�eic Ec»2avard +servees� � *Je Aaxa Eoulevard asd T.�rre Aveaue nav va 3ubject �n �iasur�_ r_ Tba mJ�wr szreats tii3t3tit baad�r =iae prc�asad �l.z.a near t3ae in�ar�artian af S�a�attl Creck Sas�le�*ard sad TJa .�nza 3�u3.suard s3ta11 be des3�ried vi2.�t scc�l.er:s�ian aad �eler�t:au i.snes sa as n�L tn r�strict �he Lraff3,c csscvinta ca�acicJ-oi De iaza 9aulavsrd �� Stev�us Crcaic ���.� ��� �'S�- 3tid21. �bL.l:ild� +fYC�i-�O�tt Lilt LS3II33:2 1]tLSE3�� � . �.T� iT9�Ls�i I�SSDtl�GlLTS-��@:t!���SZ300lj. P'CO�C@CL�sY . STse �+���r„�= s3sa2� �a�[tctarsr.� fa ciar iastY7.�'=,�;,:�a: �:c .� =za:zii:c m�a- � �a [m� cFi��►� _� ,.�.�-�'_-'. '^-c- ^�--a- �-�.F��� `:�:� peae�a��d�m,�3rtg .v.atd�--x� y�}:}�fleT:a�=�s. '�sEEs� �� SFssm mm�5 3mcEucSe .a18. g�mrL ar a�=3�1 ��:� �z�at� �sr�.n�e- _� � • 2-Z-83 P3anaing �ommiesloA Hesalution No. �4i1 {�nntinued) meats as �scrl.b�d �n Page 2b aad Flgur� lU vf sl�e tsaffit s�port �- pr�pared for Tnrrn Cnntes �tiiled, "Traff ic AnalysiD: Cup�rsino City Cenirx", dar.ed �Say 23, 1983. Tfie decision tv install variosss imprvve-� soessts, tbQir dQslgn, and siming of in�tallatiQn, sLall i>e desQrmi.ned by rhe f•ity �ountil fnllo�a2ag a publis hearing h�ld ia con'uac:i3cm �+ish aubsequ�as use pesmit spplScaiinns Si1LDSYSTt}, A�L3S£� GL'L�SDQ�iCI1L5' vizhia LLe zonlag boundary. I{elssburse�as for sLe coss af �isi impro+rments bY other benefired prapert} osmers siaa23 be bas�fl vgsm a bmefit #nreuls esis3�lis�e� bY sLe Dir��r of �13z 3rar3cs au� aFP� :'�lr Lr+e CY�7r Cosmcl3_ !� _ �. �edes[r3� � ��SF'=2s C�rr�.�a��.... F� a� b+f.tpe�r e�r^,•r�+fi,,•• � �ez�sa�srY tfs�c�+aeas s'�r Ci`sy� r-�.w.r gra�r�e s?Le. S�h �'ssems saalS I� i��a:r••� f�atts� i;a+div�aat ' p� o� cT�a C�sg � psaire�. � Z3. 1� P�= 8,eqssix�d- � u�e pesafi[ shaZl: be rex�aired f.�r gaci,t i�ndY�sridual pl�ase {buildia�) o€ r3�e C:xy t'd..«„r p=p jecr. 3p, n..��:d �i.,e Ttateria3:� T!►a gro�ect arefilteers are mcaurag� rg aga3.d use �i refi�cLi�a ar a�irrortd giass_ T3.:�d g.Iass f� permixred_ 33. F2r8 Protsciina 23s�t dtea=operJPraperty* nwas�r s!=all c��v viZh iir�s �rnrecricxn re�nire- mear� iaq�osed via suhsequear ssse perais appii�a=ions. Huild�gs auend3ag floe star�es 2n heigh= may �ig�r modizica�iaas tp t3u �, fire f.i}yhting capa#�iliLi�s oz the Centzal Pire T�#3.cri=r. i3i�s� cha�ges- � aav iir3�sdt additi.anal ger�cme3 and �quipaeaz. ;°Rce d�2�eri'Pr�errg' I �sm�er Yi7.1 be resp�ansi�i,� zor bar3� ona rirae and �u�3 ::vau asso�istari: � vLrh t3�e 3ncrease in persom�eZ an�ilnr z�ui�menc nec��sas9 ta iighr I pateaL3a1 mid-ri3e iires_ . I 32. Pahlic Fari13z3es{�"ust Dxrice � . i � Pu3�lic 7�j?i_ri�s ma7r ba lncnrpaarated inLo thr �ver�ll- deai� uit3wut dt,•i�•�••�+3ug tbe taral sil:�siable square �ootag� virizin �he proj�ct_ � Such iac;.I.i.ties� irua �a 3�si�;n sraad�nia=. sfiail ae fuily luz�g,ra�ad ' . � 3ara Zt12 CDIICiSj?LS aLL1..�IB� OA Ex3�ibit � �d �,evis3an �sd iz Lr,3fi:,c � �gacrs are na� �•,�+=r�rTially hl�her. Zn particuZar.. i- tiie Pnst �ffir� � 3s l.ocaLed ias che Tona C.enr�r. Fasta3 vehi�zl.ar parki�� etta22 iar�r3red' i 3n�a tfie Pazk#aB" ��-- � 3_?_ t'7ev�eic�7me�� 3fite•••••�ra - i II� �s�t� Lls� �s�-'te' � �Z�: � CY:t? t� ar�rrer � �,.... :.:�re�_amt=z 3.�:L�me_:>, _'�i .:::_:.c�._ -'_:.:_: �a r_e�i_r�: == =-=== � � � � mm �L gSLis t� �LgF •,m,•�s•ae=� z�s,r �ri�rr �..^a.'t�� � aasan� � ga�as � ��s �SIlitcar�c, $':-�-t�.�p_ --f,- � � 2-Z-83 Plaaning Co�misslon Hesnluiian Nn_ 2411 (cantiavQd) �-- 33. �rnnilstue.d) ' Aay squar� �flnLages 1s� excess nf 339,D00 sq. fs., excQps residen=3a1, ' . asy 3�e sui�je,ci sn addlslosial s�quls�menss suc� as publ3c ameniiies, dey�llflpmeaz f�rs ar nx3�er a�uaiiy �aef3ss as ��r.merl ��proprias� �j' i�� �.ST9 ��_� �PDII �Tprj�.� 3IILD B3�C�1 �'S�fs�IILS� . � �i. 8S� � 3mPSDV'�IILS " . . '� ��f� flyQ�Ss 2�tg ?,D� �yS�jL,j�dL.t+ 1Q �1�5 �SDQDStj.D213ZE a3SaSt a� ��i�Z 6�$�-si#s sizCe2 3xqpraas�rasr+ a� a 1DL33 vt *.�`'—T'�- arJ.s9s =----. s� is �s�s �g+sa+r�ata zs3 L� �+,••��'��', ni 3'+e�aza �m:e�sd �." � Cs�a'c s��--a�+�. r.a3s." �gssaamt �� c,�.�a,� bme m�c � g�� r�a„ a� san ;�,:-��- � s �a3 �� �Pt'E-.�.�..� � �r�,-1�� ccm�s Tl�.�6s s� dr-c.�.+ � --�_ � � . � � fs $m�. *�a! a�'t�--�-""►��g �"� ��"! a�aL�be � � � � �� sa� � �r--E€.�-� � � �s.r dt�r*�cr �� �i:�s i� �v �cZ � tse d�� az a I� da�a� par �se�r �_*'*"=r '�. T,�a a� � j`�''�T � �uve �ss st�13: b+ �Ss� a�! r�'S}rlar :.sr ¢r 3ai, caa-�+�^y � rSss fV••,•�^•.� as a tru3T�s �z.. yBSS$II �i � ffi� ??�d rfs3 a� .Tnae, I�3. at a r�gulas �d3oua�me�atia� of Xfie FLsrmlag �"�`�icm ai r3� Cizy oi Cuper_;ao, SzazE oi Ca3if�xuia:�. bs t3►e ffli2ovi,vg. rn31 ca12 �ca� �ygs, r••�•=++;t,,,�.s Slaiae. �, IL�ea3tzar, _''�.aiz�an � ��5= � �. �� �.SSES�'f: �a � ��: r i � Isf �i,:tnr J. �dams I Pi.cz�r J. �asas..: �-",a�-•R� ; - Plaa�tiu� ���t�i,,,. �I': l�l sa�as �. s3� J� �- Sis�� p,�.� '�"�' _:�