Reso 2411 ,. . 2_Z-f?3
#�SOLUTIODI N0. 3411
�PPLICAi�Ts CuperL3na City Ceaier (Promeiheus Deve3npment)
.AT1)RFSS: 1Q080 North I�7nlfe Road, �201, Cupertinn, Califnrnia 9501G
� SIIEtlTIT3�9: February ll, 1983
I.DCSTIDN: Saut�easi corner of Stevens Czeek Bouievard and De Anza Bou3evard .
_ �raval is subject ro the findings as se� fnrz�a oa £ag� � aa� s:a�cnsac2as�s
� as ses �arr3� in Lhe minuLes of the Plaaniag �'^---<< meec±s� c� 3�e �, 3981_
� �T�IONS� �
� 3 3L. SLaadar3 Conditions 20 2he eateni �ai �i�ep �u- �t2 tti:�ESCr �t t�t
� special cnndii3nns enssmerated heze3n. Ia c�z es,xrzs a cr�ai�.f.r�t 6io�s
- eaisi, r.�e spEcial randitinas as �,•••Prated w�y2¢ shsFZ apgEg_
15. �at L�►e approval is hased upoa Fshibi= ,� �sd ���� 4 �g S�xtgc�
2 Z-83 as may be amended by a�di�t��� c�adtr:�ics t� =L+t._..� tb.r.f„_ '�
r;`:' bui3.t7i�o £Drm. zircul.ation. nPea s�acas, � eorr�sss. au_,
'� s3ia11 �e subsrantial3y as shovu oa �i3fs i� Ta�fs�s�
��: 3.amd Dses �
� I
'8 19�e land uses permitted for �e sab�ecc ?rupertr sits.Z2 �zclsssi� � �r �
r cf r^,^�rcial, nffice industr3al, �auF. :mcE r�r�£.�--.••*xT as c�uE3t�d i
:�: i
+� �l.nw: ' �
`� �qaare �onzage Land �st
'jjr 389,�DD sq_ fr± U�iicr �c.+ �=ztsS
�'t" Oi33ce ascs � #s2m�Le a si�Is Ia�r�+e ;•
r' ,�.��aiza-a
� LCRLdIIL ffiSiCT 9l�T21. �I��
� �r_.3�.,�rr�rfa2y--�}.y .1� $�}�[y�.Li@[t L:�
r�Si�9TCY �,iG: iilY�l�= OIiiY� atTTM��s .
�" � T8523Y'C61 iffiG� �aCa��... FTLTLO^C� .
�� rf`SPSSC� 121� �L L3 Z.�L�
�+-�'; LO IID alr! LgG3Tt t ! 31T tlid ����' .
- S[]� IZ. LDL3I�
'� 3D,DD0 sq_ ft_� Co�ercia3 l
Co�aerc3al 8azs.,'. � �ezsPl� �
,� allacated �c?.� �_ Ls- �eser. cit� 1
- cas�aercin3 3q�:a=s rosca�e mag exc�+a�:t
- this a�bez r� aifsec Tss a esrrzs�amf�
decrease 1n nffi.-e �r,ma_-e faats�e gres- ,
= vidin� a f3xu.°3a� c� b.e mac�r �Irat tG�
tozal =raizic gea�e.s=s� 33 � �
,� SL82iL3dl�y iA t]Cf�t3a 3: L253E p�L4�L3cf� � �
' . by =ne �ra._� :�;�.:r__
,r `
_ / -2-
• ' 2-Z-83
Planning Commission Resolution No. 2411 (continued)
. ti
�- 130,000 sq. ft.t 240+ Boom Hotel
Final size is flexible based on find`ngs
similar to thac of commercial land uses
� above.
160 dvelling units Besident3al
minimum The number of dvelling units may exceed
150 provided that the overall numi�er of
residential units for the SO-acre Tovn
Center property does not exceed 600.
The Lriangle s2iaped parcel located at the southeast corner of che
site and easterly of Torre Avenue as shovn on �chibit A 2nd iievisioa
may be developed as nfficelindustrlal, vith related co�ercial uses
and or residenLial.
� Proto-rype research and developmeat is pezmissiLle if cnnducted in
_ concert vith nffice fuactians of a business establishment. Proto-tgpe
' research and developmeat 1s defined as follos+s=
Proto-type B S D refers to research and de+relepomt activities
vhich lead Lo the develop�t o£ a neer prodncc oz a �v mnu-
facturing and assembly :proeess. Prodncss s�ich are developed. ,
manufactuzed and/or asse�led as a garz oz the proca-t7rpe
£acilitq are not intended to be aass pzoducei.+ ior sale.
_ Gi�9dp7inE5 for Prflto-type Eesearcb and Deve2epmeat
C�ntrnl of �azar�aus materials: l�e type. �sse aad sLnrage of
hazardous �aterials for proto-tvpe research � �eoele�zst or
I ����ly is regulaLe3 by the Un�S�ra Bu3lding C�ctz. chc Lsaifors
' Fire Cade amd any �v ordi�A*+�p az nther re�silaciaas �tsietk caazrols
i -
', ham rdous materials_
Coatral of physical appearance- 2tiere shall � aot autvar3
appearance ihat a prato-type research aac! de�rclopaecL or asseaoh2p
process is in place. There vill be ao ezLeriar starage, aad
receiving 2acilities shall be limiLed 3a scale. Gentrally,
no a�re Lhan 25Z af the Lotal �-pace occc�gied bp tt�e fi.ra vi21
be devaLad to a proto-[ype research aad develapaent nr assemblp
17_ �evelapment Phasing
14ie buildings lacated aL the perimeLer of ihe s3te are generallp encouz-�ed
tn develop in Lhe earlier phases prior to construccion of the build3ngs
Zovard zhe ceAtar of the sita. Th� interior structures including =he
pedestr3an promenade £rom the corner open plaza to the incerior open
space. Lhe zes3dential, and the co�ercial shall be planned as nne
3ategral unit even thongh a partion of this cnmponent may be phased
ahead aP the oLher elements_
-3- r
• 2-Z-83
't Planning Commissinn Eesolution No. 2411 (continuedj
I �'' 18. He1Kht
The height of the buildings in Tow Center shall generally encourage
lover building forms tovard the perimeter and easterly siJe, and
higher building forms s[epped or terraced back from the mdjor
perimeter roads. Four stories ehall be a maximum height of 6uildings
i tovard the eas[erly side of tLe site adjolning the rQsidential projeccs
across Torre Avenue. Four to sin etory buildings may be permitted at
the perimeter of the site near the corn�z,of Stevens Creek Boulevard and
�De Anza Boulevard. 2he intezior of the site may constrnct t� a �azfaua
6uildiag height af sis to e3ghc swrles.
19. Buildiag Fora
The bu3lding fvr� s�sa22 pro�ide 8ariaLion ia the heigh=, scaPe. a�l tac
` the ancez ezLerivr bsci2�t_�� facade. E�',.a ns< are eaca.sza.�.ed us stcg
or "Lersace" hir}es IracSs af cEE�t bu3����o hauck accs� fzas mmjFsr roa�sY�c
� streeu (Per Fs�iaf= 2 �d �f��,••)_ sall
B�s2r�ers of fi�t�t.E�,,<
avoid 2uae sasttsc 3sziscisras �E s�2S suftm rht ��;�er campaa�em�ts
of buildfa6s vL•II �Eer ��.3C�� aress aad uS2 graccfag i�-T�,.►
aaserials. 2mte; ef szsfa#aatta3. aad aan-�rrs3ueaLfal sz�rs is
! z��• -
. �!. €1p� gyaee .
'F� de+�e2vp�a� rig3�� ca t2� arsa dasi�aaLed as caraer plaza aad
�e 3at�riar a� spac� ad jacea= za 2::rre �vzaase slsa3l 3r d�dicaud
� to ths Cit7 �£ Cspe�tac_ 3s alternaco �rovisi,as�.:s mnv be � riaroug�
i dt�ael�t �r�e�eass� t�ey vi�3 �uaramree Lhas tt�sz ar� r�naa3a�
opea sp�e €or �tue ztst�ass. �
'� � �I- �ec�rc3�ca1 Ea�rasslL� £��ents .
.lC t�e tiae of da+Fel.�e+ec�asi the sauchgr�y parkinq ��•��. L3�e a�aalican= �
shall pra�t�e fr+r r�:�trneal iagrassle�tress veh3cular iste�rszion of the ;
Paz�3 1�+�/�� araa � t�a s+�bjeez s#te �rizh z� �ax'; area �
oi tire ad'jaizttag Lfaea2a Yrupemt �ite I�rated t� ttle sonth. Rddit3oaa].Sq� i
pr�a°3s�s ba mrde isr raci�raea:C tna=ess/�ress ve�3cular i
�nLegrasfoa v1=h the Barclag 3a:ak gisa iocaz� �3jac� ta $auta De �aa �
3�I�sr3_ ' �
L'_ �II. �ert„� izr�rior pra�err+r I33es af rec,�rs � oz .�r� �. Icd3 s�2I
be r����,t�_ Creatia�. me+a �r�zz? Zi:�s :�s n�sia� F�rp� �S ;
aeiadttrd_ l �
23. Residenzia2 [Ynfts a[ �e ?�rtarLa� af zlx Parti�e Gasa� j
• .y �
AL the Lime ni nrnoosed �I.�pmea= oz Lhe re5i�enL3a2 ��s atr�e3ird
zo the gark3ng garages., tt�t �rv�2apez sba21 dencrosrrase thr a3sf�as3oa
_ of noise� nolluzion. �d securiry imnacts ei the Qara�e unon che �
_ residential unirs. �
'4_ i
. �
.. Z^Z-$3
Planning Commissioa xesolutinn Ho. 2411 Ccvntinued)
24. Hotel
Prior to development of the hotel ecructuze, the applicant shall
demonstrate that the Tova Center Hotel vill aot have an adverse
effect upoa eoostructinn of the Yallco Park Hos�l complex. This
condition shall be vaived upoa completion and o�cupancy of the
Vallco Park hoteL
25. PerSsetez Landseaping
Zan�seapiag oa Scevens Csee� Eoule�rard aq�� F9e .S�za 3onalevasd s}:a22
ptoo3de broad Ia...e�.-ap� g�icaca�s yrz G§�e �esaI PPtu aas� L'ree SCevtn3
Creef �ouleessd S�h••�4� � F�**�"�-?=}.m� �fffeT�es. � eo �c a�re:a
dr�i8aaccef fos tbe cc�s �2az�.
�'�Fs. Tr�£fEe Se�g*•.mg �.r.�
s 'Ase folS� craff3.c sysrxm Em��sv�a�aea,rs aud r¢.r�tarf�a aze cass�
ra �-�•�•#�> daveSapsaat ax shr grc��ecL sita� 2he app2lcant shaST
,�arcl:ctparz fZ�aseiaLT:g i=+ tt�e cosr o£ cbe las�alZation ar rhe �
i�to�s 13sted helacr. B.efmdturaemen[ of sa1s3 cos�s bg ot3ser '
bene'ftted gt'opertp us�oers sha:il b� }iased upon a bene£iZ fo�la
es�adslished by ti�e �is�tnr oi nunlic :ior'� and a�prav�� �v ch� Cis�
Cauacil. �
a_ The �p23.�aat s#saii gar[ic3,ate in the fsindin� f�r a rr�fiic signal
to�` Sosre Aveaue aad Sreamens Gr$ek 3unl�var�. TSte desi� of c3u
tr�ft3c 91gna1 st�ail :3stt Vis� �r3ve :urnire� ar�vemeats t,� rir,ht
turn-ias �cl rig}►= c;sn-aut_
- }�:. �3C� 3�i��C:�tt��3�4��.�.�8lL3C�Si.�' �317 L178 7aDt��+.�jt3Lj.�tY tS.Y t'�]!!'�5:�.lLitdl .
ac Lha fs�tersacri� vi McClallaa Raad a�d De �nza �ul�var� snd sj�s21
iust.u3.1 a sigaai at t3�+a 1a=ersrezion oi Pac��ica ?avea�e and IIz Ani,a.
' � Bc+ule�vard ra ptaavSde c�tsvIlad acczsa to ead iroa ;le �nza �ui�+sa«ci
frva 3' Avenrae.
ic_ 11se psapesstd l�ft tvrn pvcket :m �e �n.0 Bvuleracd :aear �tae vieiniru
I of Stniield Drivs i,a ndt apgt'rsvc�.
' d_ T#a grapcs�sd 1,Eix eum P�ke� ass Sczrens Cr�eic Ec»2avard +servees�
� *Je Aaxa Eoulevard asd T.�rre Aveaue nav va 3ubject �n �iasur�_
r_ Tba mJ�wr szreats tii3t3tit baad�r =iae prc�asad �l.z.a near t3ae in�ar�artian
af S�a�attl Creck Sas�le�*ard sad TJa .�nza 3�u3.suard s3ta11 be des3�ried
vi2.�t scc��ian aad �eler�t:au i.snes sa as n�L tn r�strict �he
Lraff3,c csscvinta ca�acicJ-oi De iaza 9aulavsrd �� Stev�us Crcaic
���.� ��� �'S�- 3tid21. �bL.l:ild� +fYC�i-�O�tt Lilt LS3II33:2 1]tLSE3�� � .
�.T� iT9�Ls�i I�SSDtl�GlLTS-��@:t!���SZ300lj. P'CO�C@CL�sY .
STse �+���r„�= s3sa2� �a�[tctarsr.� fa ciar iastY7.�'=,�;,:�a: �:c .� =za:zii:c m�a-
� �a [m� cFi��►� _� ,.�.�-�'_-'. '^-c- ^�--a- �-�.F��� `:�:�
peae�a��d�m,�3rtg .v.atd�--x� y�}:}�fleT:a�=�s. '�sEEs� ��
SFssm mm�5 3mcEucSe .a18. g�mrL ar a�=3�1 ��:� �z�at� �sr�.n�e-
• 2-Z-83
P3anaing �ommiesloA Hesalution No. �4i1 {�nntinued)
meats as �scrl.b�d �n Page 2b aad Flgur� lU vf sl�e tsaffit s�port
�- pr�pared for Tnrrn Cnntes �tiiled, "Traff ic AnalysiD: Cup�rsino City
Cenirx", dar.ed �Say 23, 1983. Tfie decision tv install variosss imprvve-�
soessts, tbQir dQslgn, and siming of in�tallatiQn, sLall i>e desQrmi.ned
by rhe f•ity �ountil fnllo�a2ag a publis hearing h�ld ia con'uac:i3cm
�+ish aubsequ�as use pesmit spplScaiinns Si1LDSYSTt}, A�L3S£� GL'L�SDQ�iCI1L5'
vizhia LLe zonlag boundary. I{elssburse�as for sLe coss af �isi
impro+rments bY other benefired prapert} osmers siaa23 be bas�fl vgsm a
bmefit #nreuls esis3�lis�e� bY sLe Dir��r of �13z 3rar3cs au�
aFP� :'�lr Lr+e CY�7r Cosmcl3_
!� _
�. �edes[r3� � ��SF'=2s C�rr�.�a��....
F� a� b+f.tpe�r e�r^,•r�+fi,,•• � �ez�sa�srY tfs�c�+aeas s'�r Ci`sy�
r-�.w.r gra�r�e s?Le. S�h �'ssems saalS I� i��a:r••� f�atts� i;a+div�aat
' p� o� cT�a C�sg � psaire�.
� Z3. 1� P�= 8,eqssix�d-
� u�e pesafi[ shaZl: be rex�aired f.�r gaci,t i�ndY�sridual pl�ase {buildia�)
o€ r3�e C:xy t'd..«„r p=p jecr.
3p, n..��:d �i.,e Ttateria3:�
T!►a gro�ect arefilteers are mcaurag� rg aga3.d use �i refi�cLi�a ar
a�irrortd giass_ T3.:�d g.Iass f� permixred_
33. F2r8 Protsciina
23s�t dtea=operJPraperty* nwas�r s!=all c��v viZh iir�s �rnrecricxn re�nire-
mear� iaq�osed via suhsequear ssse perais appii�a=ions. Huild�gs
auend3ag floe star�es 2n heigh= may �ig�r modizica�iaas tp t3u
�, fire f.i}yhting capa#�iliLi�s oz the Centzal Pire T�#3.cri=r. i3i�s� cha�ges-
� aav iir3�sdt additi.anal ger�cme3 and �quipaeaz. ;°Rce d�2�eri'Pr�errg'
I �sm�er Yi7.1 be resp�ansi�i,� zor bar3� ona rirae and �u�3 ::vau asso�istari:
� vLrh t3�e 3ncrease in persom�eZ an�ilnr z�ui�menc nec��sas9 ta iighr
I pateaL3a1 mid-ri3e iires_ .
32. Pahlic Fari13z3es{�"ust Dxrice � .
i �
Pu3�lic 7�j?i_ri�s ma7r ba lncnrpaarated inLo thr �ver�ll- deai� uit3wut
dt,•i�•�••�+3ug tbe taral sil:�siable square �ootag� virizin �he proj�ct_ �
Such iac;.I.i.ties� irua �a 3�si�;n sraad�nia=. sfiail ae fuily luz�g,ra�ad ' . �
3ara Zt12 CDIICiSj?LS aLL1..�IB� OA Ex3�ibit � �d �,evis3an �sd iz Lr,3fi:,c �
�gacrs are na� �•,�+=r�rTially hl�her. Zn particuZar.. i- tiie Pnst �ffir� �
3s l.ocaLed ias che Tona C.enr�r. Fasta3 vehi� parki�� etta22 iar�r3red' i
3n�a tfie Pazk#aB" ��-- �
3_?_ t'7ev�eic�7me�� 3fite•••••�ra
- i
II� �s�t� Lls� �s�-'te' � �Z�: � CY:t? t� ar�rrer �
�,.... :.:�re�_amt=z 3.�:L�me_:>, _'�i .:::_:.c�._ -'_:.:_: �a r_e�i_r�: == =-=== �
� � � mm �L gSLis t� �LgF •,m,•�s•ae=� z�s,r �ri�rr �..^a.'t�� �
aasan� � ga�as � ��s �SIlitcar�c, $':-�-t�.�p_
--f,- �
� 2-Z-83
Plaaning Co�misslon Hesnluiian Nn_ 2411 (cantiavQd)
�-- 33. �rnnilstue.d) '
Aay squar� �flnLages 1s� excess nf 339,D00 sq. fs., excQps residen=3a1, '
. asy 3�e sui�je,ci sn addlslosial s�quls�menss suc� as publ3c ameniiies,
dey�llflpmeaz f�rs ar nx3�er a�uaiiy �aef3ss as ��r.merl ��proprias�
�j' i�� �.ST9 ��_� �PDII �Tprj�.� 3IILD B3�C�1 �'S�fs�IILS� .
� �i. 8S� � 3mPSDV'�IILS " . .
'� ��f� flyQ�Ss 2�tg ?,D� �yS�jL,j�dL.t+ 1Q �1�5 �SDQDStj.D213ZE
a3SaSt a� ��i�Z 6�$�-si#s sizCe2 3xqpraas�rasr+ a� a 1DL33 vt *.�`'—T'�-
arJ.s9s =----. s� is �s�s �g+sa+r�ata zs3 L� �+,••��'��', ni 3'+e�aza
�m:e�sd �." � Cs�a'c s��--a�+�. r.a3s." �gssaamt �� c,�.�a,�
bme m�c � g�� r�a„ a� san ;�,:-��- � s �a3 ��
�Pt'E-.�.�..� � �r�,-1�� ccm�s Tl�.�6s s� dr-c.�.+ � --�_ � �
. � � fs $m�. *�a! a�'t�--�-""►��g �"� ��"!
a�aL�be � � � � �� sa� � �r--E€.�-� � �
�s.r dt�r*�cr �� �i:�s i� �v �cZ � tse d��
az a I� da�a� par �se�r �_*'*"=r '�. T,�a a� � j`�''�T
� �uve �ss st�13: b+ �Ss� a�! r�'S}rlar ¢r 3ai,
caa-�+�^y � rSss fV••,•�^•.� as a tru3T�s �z..
yBSS$II �i � ffi� ??�d rfs3 a� .Tnae, I�3. at a r�gulas �d3oua�me�atia�
of Xfie FLsrmlag �"�`�icm ai r3� Cizy oi Cuper_;ao, SzazE oi Ca3if�xuia:�. bs
t3►e ffli2ovi,vg. rn31 ca12 �ca�
�ygs, r••�•=++;t,,,�.s Slaiae. �, IL�ea3tzar, _''�.aiz�an �
��5= �
�. ��
�.SSES�'f: �a
� ��:
� Isf �i,:tnr J. �dams
I�r J. �asas..: �-",a�-•R�
; - Plaa�tiu� ���t�i,,,.
l�l sa�as �. s3�
J� �- Sis��
p,�.� '�"�'