PC Reso 1470i e �
=ZECCI`; EN''Dic: :�. ? ` OVA-rs CF A S i ., _ D Rr...''..° NEr 1.01
AZ::3 TO A 6-UNIT S�'.•.ie._ _'.:;ji;.: _ �.`'"_r't ?.= ST��t"__.:. tr.
APPLICANT: - &=dick iDe•relopctent Company
ADDRESS: 819 Ticonderoga Dr., SYnagvale, California
S'ZW=ED: October 27, 137=
WCATU Adircent to and srutherly of Raj-8gces Az--w-e approx#bacely
750 _t. 3^esterly of the intersection of Blaney wenue and-
smor gues A e--ue
Zda€_ P (Planned Decefc; ent writh multiple residentia= use intent)
#CYC¢: l.vl acres
1-14_ Standard Gid-- ions to the extent that they do not conflict with the
sp-cial conditions enumerate? bereia. In the event a comflict does
exist, the special carditis as P-"- rated aereir s :all apply.
15. Tl approval is based =pa= the site g?au labeled Exhibit 3, ist Revision
of ZO-Z-35 as .ay be matted by additional cc:?'_tias contained herein.
I15. The applicant ski '--ave the optica of pla-.iag -t!z-- rear fe»ce line
j for Lots 2, 3 and 3 on the prcperty ::^p or an a future easement
iii extending the rear vards ea=ter?s __zs (5) -t. as described on
Mxh bit 3, isr Bev-sicn of 20-Z-715. �he cats s'a11 be exercise=
prior to recordation of a final s%ibdivisjc= ay.
17. Zhe privste driveway length for each unit s"rr s garage door to edge Of
the fifteen (15) fr- private one-way drive sha- be a mia<<scza of •eat:
(21i) ft. 18. A section of the ta;rtern :_ace If me _cr Lot o steal: be shi_`-ec
southerly so as to create a fifteen (1.5) ft.. lardsCape-
setback a3}t^eat to t!:e a? t::.. =& prcperc7 to the east. The 3:r=:se
of the fe=te '*e g=ift is tc create.a front :and la�—scapiag
tion be •ee3 tra subsect dereic}_,eat and future ceve_opmert of t e
adjoining properrr7 to the east. :Ire architect-za_ and Site
Ca--. ittee siva„? ceserax : e asprcYrate f._teen la) ft. setback
transition design.
19. The street i--,pra';erents for the ce:-eio;ce=< s a:.l be regulates' as
(a) ':-e pavement, c=ubs, gutters a- sto = drains and. -water af:s
..r :,:.e creed sraii oe ccrstr• creel to =me sta-rar s c
City street, sub;ect to the ap2ra:a_�c_ tPze CztJ
exregt that the Ci -.ri-eer may pe:=Lit =di._.at ees ree^. -
aezZei by a ce=sed engineer.
(b) All pri- sce streets s: e I be inspecte-, .-._ Cit curing
coastructio:: . ff//
�:ic{' gi �6's } Si:rc' ti=':'= f...J�.M 'xy.". ii 6Lai S.>`L.ui"S.44i..'�.�i..''�••"r iP<$il�G-
to am L.C3tens t S.. r': C' _ . by City ..:1-i'i[=�.i:: Th- -Y—,e F.;.'_
IctaE►�4. i�f �xea€:tfliars are sutje,_t t ag;..' be _%e
hsch8tec �e- zm! 'Site seval Comaittee.
There shall- t�c a :-srsteu --or c-vr P--=I=g rf the pri•+ace street
-Pr b, 5:
and foT a' r 5s ^*:ria" c;Y. s t' Asa t W .a-
i eparvu-m-t ,affter sl%!! Ky -, t....:rTer, '.tkc {.tntzal. `..
Fire = aszz_cr t Ca". _eta C4, ..i =mums cf l* .;e.
'.- (e)
.City Or4lfma:.-,Ce�So. 276 re atl=;; parksmg Of
..repair ar.& 'b'£'.dclez, i:tZ.. Shall! ----ply to the i:rVe 4L rel-Z an-.'-
toal ..'ptsrktm'T.a_.,:..g5zreet _..s"� parkj3 jj= c¢,s£i"3L'c$�C:..c s.
Y 2ibiES, 3c: as :x.3::3.
is wlt%in a= c=cicac; arca. scabarkirr: a':tg the
private street shall be si sivits3 exce?t`.ia :� designated- ar—
ApFro. rfa:e ',`;a Fzrk!�- s: s s ii A=talled by the a?pllz.anc:.
The ow-aer of rbe develop--e.'r. B ill be particApaate In
the faitiati a Of Ciz7 orzi-n-4n-opto ua-re the prI.71te ztxect _
' ject to the ...7.ahz :.'vie=- cdz. e. - c.:, e�r Z!3e od sectio
of said Code; p.<.€ ies of a.ei_ �ndf=^ n-e su=sj_-cs tc the .s,-Prc:.:
of .. '. f....,...
—E '.—Ts cr tb.� y.rAwaF.e stre-et ""-a3t6 a -t-: 1'.i Steri. !Q-
either s=dem sem : _ .t s[ai� & ? is sem ce e.. srr c;!z, tai
publfe ser: oe or zzy t i r�rated i
the plan.
23. F...pro a-cats axed Cove= rs for Area
i :mss _t cf :^1c, cM:oa areas In ie..e: 3v Z!te dcvelzp, r
-...,sr a= rte: - =ar 5trecrtie
Ordinan_ P_> mac-,. - are2s sa: -�ee4e_ to a
the : --=c-c.^ ,,:- Yr s v - t-*, = ^.µ.� arca is ,
de elap^e - "mats s%xa1 i- his erse�Wo tr_ _:ar: he
naintema--:e c f t- e': are-as ai. L_"
.fife ±5 .i '.t3cr7 ti7_E . ion _... .Y. .. % ...2 .,...._ �. c..=' :e
In the e= th r. _ romi, dr1,.e7.rzz---
-sib -a'.3 r.ts the t__. =,yafter- n;:iz--;
effect thit tare r�>' 7.t re a to Ce:
- '
lien �iu tile-:o
th i
-dedicates' to C..-<' Civ. itCunzrtIn. a-l' n. W f t^ rcccrezri
of ..
^�w�FSebiV"PTir: C F ?FLANMNG c�°P�ssm-1; L; clzr Ori"--ar-no
UMUMF.S the attached appli ation his been sa:=itced to the City of
Capertina requesting a chase of zone is the zar!=& regulations of the
Citg, as seated on Page 2;'atL
T EEERMAS the Planning. CaeneissTom has e!d at :est one pubic heariszg
in regzr: to the agpl.ica•_ .ca on the date as : at(:i ,^:n said application;
;M�E&c the P€amn-F Ca==ss+� n has r°"-2-v c-onsidered and heard al
evide-ce scx�--:tted in regard to said application; and
7hs S the necessa v 7ublic notices have ate:: given as required by
the Zoning .Ordinance or the Cita* of Cupesti�a;
That the Planning C--mmission firms that the prppo--" zone change:
a) Encourages the =st apprc?riate use of lana,
Ts) Conserves and stabilizes the :aiu+e of arapc+�,
c) Provides for avec a~.e open spaces for light and air,
d) Permits 'adequate soozrol of fires.
e) Promotes that bea :^, safety av-3 clic urelfare,
® f) Provides for the orderly dereio;:mest of tIje City,
g) is advantageous to the =roptztsa� i.4, em= s in the zoning
district a--d neig!zbor-hoad in -rhe the pro=erz3 is locate-1.
what said ?la-nir& Commission, the.-efore, reports is osabiv t the City
Council in the =atter of gra- i=& said zone =ha..ge.
a -i +5
Bescluti;n Na. (continued)
(c) The private street and the na or walkways shall be li3hte'_
to an intensity approved by City Engineer. The type and
location of electraliers are subject to approval by the
Architectural and Site Approval Co='ttee.
(d) There shall be a syste^ For the naaing of the private street
and for address n— ers, subject to approval by the 9uildir-A
Department after consultations with the Pas --aster, the Cettral
Fire District and the County Co=unications-Office.
(e) City Ordinance No. 275 regulating parking of trailers, campers,
repairing vehicles, etc., shall apply to the private street and
to all parking along said street. The parking of recreational
vehicles such as boats, trailers, ca=pers, etc., shall be
Prohibited taroukhout the entire development unless said parking
is within an enclosed area. 'Vehicular curb parking along the
private street shall be prohibited except in the designated areas.
Appropriate ",%'o Parking" signs shall be installed by the applicant.
(f) The owner of the developaent will be required to participate in
the initiation of City ordinance to :.oke the private street sub-.
ject'to the Vehicle Code, under the provisions of Section 21107.7
Of said Code; provisions of said ordinance subject to the approval
Of the enforcing agency.
i (8) Tee-roadaays of the private street plus a 5 -foot tide strip on
:. either side shall ::oastitute a public service easement; other
public service or c:tilities easements may be incorporated in
the plan.
20. 1=:provesents and Covenants for Co --on Area
(a) irprovenent of the cc =n areas shall be ccapleted by the developer
and shall be subject to bonding and other procedures is the sa=e
Wanner as required for street i_-proveaents by the Subdivision
Ordinance. The ca=on areas shall be deeded to an association of
the hoaeownners for whose benefit. Lhe coffin area is set aside;
develop=ent rights shall in this case be dedicated to the City.
(3) M intenance of the core -on areas sha'l be the responsibil-ity of
the ho -_:ea ners association to which the capon areas are deeded.
In the event the private toad, driveways, parking areas, walk -ways,
landscaping or buildings are not maintained to applicable City
standards, the City =ay, after notice and advertised public hearings,
effect the necessary maintenance with the cost therefore to be a
lien on the proper -ti.
;c} nos assure t: -at tae open space shall be available for the entire
development, the develop=eat rights to the cc=on area shall be
iedicated to the City of Cupertino in advance of the recordation
of a final su'adivisiora =ap.
Resolution No. 1470 (continued)
(d) Prior to recordation of the Declaration of Covenants* Conditicns
and Restrictions by the developer, said declaration shall be
reviewed by the City Attorney to dete^nine its compatibility with
the intent and conditions as set forth herein. Any changes in
said declaratio.: shall be subject to the approval of the City
(e) The articles of incorporation of the F.oneowners Association and
any other instrument related to said association, shall be subject
to the approva! of the City Attorney.
The subject application is recommended for approval baseu upon an
understanding that the Santa Clara Palley Water District Vill not
require additional dedication or that if additional dedication is
required that no more than four (4) ft. of additional widening of '
the present channel right of way will be required. The dedication
requirement shall be made known prior to City Council consideration
of the subject zoning case and prior to Planning Co=ission'review
of a tentative cap involving the subject property.Should the
dedication requirement be greater than a four (4) ft. strip, then
the application shall be referred back to the Planning Commission '
for further consideration.
PASSED AND ADOPTED'this 24th day of xove-ber, 1475, at a regular meeting of
the Planning Cozmission of the, City of Cupertino,: State of California, by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Cooper, Woodward, Chai_...an Gatto
RAYS: Commissioner O'Keefe
ABSE:\'T: Co=issioner Adams
/s/ Bohr. M. Gatto
John H. Gatto, Chaircan
Planning Co=issiod'
r/names H. Sisk
Planning Director