Reso 2985 APPLICATION 21-TM-86 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10430 S. DE ANZA BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 4111 RESOLUTION NO. 2985 OF THE PLANNING CCOMNISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP TO SUBDIVIDE 2 PARC'FTS INTO 20 PARCELS WITH LOT SIZES RANGING FROM 7,500 SQ. FT TO 14,000 SQ. FT. SECTION I: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Tentative Subdivision Map, as described on Page 2 of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the subdivision and Procedural Ordinances of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least one Public Hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the application meets the following requirements: a) That the proposed subdivision map is consistent with the City of Cupertino General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan. b) That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan. c) That the site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development contemplated under the approved subdivision. d) That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. e) That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements associated therewith are not detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals and general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity of the subdivision. f) That the design of the subdivision and its associated improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. • 'pageaoT sT aq-Ts etT4 uaigM uT auoz egg Aq pag;Tuzad ggbTatq umurrxsuz etT . uetp. aaupTLI ou aq netts pue 'saTgaadoad buTuToCpe oq. aouaaagaaguT TensTA go sutzoJ aaggo pue aaeTb apnloaad og Se os peuoT;Tsod aq TTe saangxrg bumpy' •aaauTbtH AgTO egg Aq peAoadde se eq Timis pus paueqsuT eq Tim burgtTbTT 493a4S NOIS�1rIKZSNI ONIIHDIa imams '£ • teeuTbu3 AgTO atilt Aq peT;Toads se spaepuegs pup sepea6 t .TM eouepz000e uT PeTT.sUT eq 'Tugs saargonaqs pageTaa pue s3TeMapTs 'saaggnb pue sganO SINIITnaAOEdfitt 32 LIOD QN`d S2i(17 'Z •aaeurbua AgTO at�g Aq paaTnbaa se pus suapeoT;Toads pue spaepuegs ATM 114TM eouepz000� uT papTnoad eq TTeus suotgeoTpep pus sgtxautanoadurr 'buTuepTM 4eaa4s ONIN3QIM maals 'T INarzeidau SHdOM OI'Tend En AS Q32 SINITAny QI SNOILIQNOO :III NOIJ►73S gau L'fii 411 ssoa5 9'g : (seaoy) ea w Taoaed anuanA uaTes pup paena]nog ITT114003 Jo saauzoo gsezgqnos pup gseEggtoN :uoTgeooi astir' ties Jo clotgSTS oTTogggej ueuog :aaut o Aaaadoad 'aui gsnaLTI :gueoTTdd' 98-1\11-TZ (s)oN uoTqpoTiddv NOIiIdI DS2Q NOILINDlrldd 1 :II NOIJ03S •uraaaq qq zo; ges ATTn; ubnotTg se aouaaagea Aq pageaodzoouT aae puP 'L861 'ZT Aaenuer go buTgaae uoTssTuuoO buTuueTd eq . Jo sagnu H egg uT t44203 4eS Ss '98-NI-TZ uo T4PoTTddv buruaaouoo pzooag buTaeag oTTgnd eq4 uT pauTeguoa axe peseq ale uoTgnTosag sTt . uT paT;Toads suoi;Tpuoo pue sburpuT; eqq. troTum uodn suoTsnTouoogns egg ;mil :Q3A'I0532i 2 1,1103 II 3g pue :3oaaaggg Z abed uo buTuuTbaq uoTgnTosee sT1.14 uT pageaautnue suot;Tpuoo etpg og qoa Cgns 'Tenoadde aog pepueux uooaa Agaaaq sT uoTsTATpgns eATgeguas aog uoTgeoTTdde ate. 'aaggeu sppg uT pe;giugns eotxapTAe aatigo pue Auourr;.sag 'sgeg 's;Tgrtpxa 'sdeu go uoTgeaapTsuoo Tngaaeo uodn get T, as IOS32i 11 aa 'aaaaa 3 an 'MON a -Z- L86T 'ZT =mu (98-LTI-TZ) 586Z 'ON NOIa7IOSS2i RESOLUTION NO. 2985 (21-TM-86) JANUARY 12, 1987 PAGE -3- 4. FIRE HYDRANT Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. TRAFFIC SIGNS Traffic control signs shall be placrd at locations specified by the City. 6. STREET TREES Street trees shall be planted within the Public Right of Way and shall be of a type approved by the City in accordance with Ordinance 125. 7. GRADING Grading shall be as approved and required by the City Engineer in accordance with Ordinance 125. 8. DRAINAGE The applicant shall record appropriate drainage easements as required by the City Engineer. Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Surface flow across public sidewalks may be allowed in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 zones unless storm drain facilities are deemed necessary by the City Engineer. Development in all other zoning districts shall be served by on site storm drainage facilities connected to the City storm drainage system. If City storm drains are not available, drainage facilities shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 9. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Underground Utilities Ordinance No. 331 and other related Ordinances and regulations of the City of Cupertino, and shall coordinate with affected utility providers for installation of underground utility devices. The developer shall submit detailed plans showing utility underground provisions. Said plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility provider and the City Engineer. 10. TRANSFORMERS Electrical transformers, telephone vaults and similar above ground equipment enclosures shall be screened with fencing and landscaping or located underground such that said equipment is not visible from public street areas. S I RESOLUTION NO. 2985 (21-TM-86) JANUARY 12, 1987 PAGE -4- a 11. DEDICATION OF WATER LINES The developer shall dedicate to the City all waterlines and appurtenances installed to City Standards and shall reach an agreement with San Jose Water Works for water service to the subject development. 12. CUTrDE-SAC STREET STANDARD The public cul-de-sac width shall meet minimum City standards. The lot lines may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate said City Standards. 13. LANDSCAPE & SETBACK EASEMENTS The applicant shall record a landscape setback easement from property line to the sound wall (approximately 20 feet width along the Foothill Boulevard frontage of lots 1, 19, and 20) . The casement shall name the City as third party beneficiary. 14. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE The applicant shall enter into an agreement to install and maintain the landscape easement on lots 1, 19, and 20 for a period of 10 years. The agreement may take the form of a cash deposit, bond, or an assessment district or other mechanism suitable to the City staff. The agreement form shall be resolved and included with the subdivision improvement agreements to be signed prior to recordation of the final map. 15. ACOUSTICAL BARRIER The subdivision improvement agreements shall require installation of a solid acoustical barrier at the perimeter of the site adjacent to Foothill Boulevard. Said acoustical barrier shall be continued along the north property line of lot 1 to tie into the existing acoustical wall. The walls shall be set at a grade elevation of 1 foot of the building pad for parcels 1, 19, and approximately 20 feet back of the property line. Precise wall location and design shall be per the approval of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee as required in Condition 18. 16. TRAFFIC SIGNAL-PARTICIPATION The applicant shall agree to fund his/her proportionate share of the cost of installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Salem Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. The share attributable to the subject development shall be determined by the Director of Public Works. SEc:l'.ON IV: CONDITION ADMINISTERED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT • 17. APPROVED EXHIBITS The recommendation of approval is based on Exhibits A and A-1, except as may be amended by the Conditions contained in this Resolution. A P • •aoupurpao aouag auk t4TM uuoguoo uTpus esTmaaugo pup T goT go seas )(pumas guoag atp. go apTsgno pup aZbupTa4 aous4sTp gubTs goo; 0{, ate go apTsq.no aq TTpus pasAaTnog TTT'°3 pup anuany ttta'ps go aauJoo ate uoTgpooT TT M eq1 '14aou ate oq. Agaadoad aug uo paq oT TTpM buTq.sixa et4 o;.uT eTg nulls TTem ate '3 •qubtaq u[ qaa; g 3o uruarruru p eq TT 'Tam ate '£ •papnaTnog TTTI.Poo3 uo auTT Agaedoad ate puruaq 499g 0 Z ATa4puzrxoaddp goT q.uaos cpp 9144 aog appa5 ppd TpuT; au. go wog T uTIT4Tm peq. 00T eq TIMIS T aus 'Z •papna'nog TTT 003 Jo apTs 4Savi ate uo aniaQ Addod go upaou pegpooT goaCoad SVU 8114 uo peT'pgsuT TT2M egg 114TM gua s-rsuoa papna'nog TTT114003 papMog pagtxaTao eopg Nooa p asn TTpus u6Tsap TERM atf 'T :paioTTo; eq TT spappusgs buTMoTTo; aUM 411 tuaq.sAs uoTgsbTazi adpospusq sTpTaa4pN adpospusq •E (sTpTaa4pw Pue gu:Tag) ubTsaa TIPM 'Z uoT4poal TIeM 'T :buTMoTTog eq go Tpnoaddp 'puuoguT ao; ea44Tunuo3 Tpnoaddv ITS PuP reinqoa4TWaVA4TO ate 04 sutd 4Tuns TTetie gupoTTddp ate, ONIdvDSCIN I QNV TWA M 30 MIA MI rIail1IO IHOIN '6T •a4Ts upsa uo Aoupdn000 go essa'aa aaggs Agaadoad ate utoag penouaa aq Attu pup AapToTgauaq Apapd paTug sp AgTO ate eutpu TTpus ;upuanoo et '73NO st ups ssaT ao oa. Isnba Tana' esTou aoTaaquT up urp qp off. Aapsseoau saanspaut uumonaqsuoo buTAAT;uepT sueid butpTTnq t TM paqqTutgns aq gaodaa saaauTbua TpoTq.snoop up 4pt4 agpTndT;s TTpus q.upue o ate, •uoTsna uT asTou agsbT4xut 04 sbuTTTaMp TpdiouTad atiq 4onaqsuoo oa. saauMo Agaadoad aangnn pup buT4sTxa burgpbTTgo 0Z p '61 'Z 'T ago' uo pepa0oaa eq TTpus qupuanoo V DIVNMOO 3SION '8T -5- 3O3 Vd L861 'ZT AUVfM 2 (98-141rTZ) 586Z 'ON NOIJmOsaa P 411 LS98 }TZs3Z uoTssTumroD buzuusTd ao4peaTa buTuupid umaTeLI `�{�Q'ogezzzs ssIo TN 9171 t\ ugmo0 'S qz3toa \ID 4/Pn 42/71 •GEADdddK :ISaIIV ApnnIO :SZIINOISSINDIOO :JNIISflrd ozS usuz ti t :SZIINOISSIMIO :NIVI,SSFt auoN :SZiINOISSIVINOO :SAVN uasuazo5 pua'eTzuaxoW 'surepV :SZIIMOISSINVIOO :SSAFI :agon TTE0 no/ bupouTo; aq. Aq 'PTuzoJTTPJ 3o 9474S 'ouTgaedn0 go PTO eq . go uoTssTuuuo3 butuuUTd aq4 go buTgaauz .zsTnbaz a 4P 'L861 'Inusr ;o Asp AZT sTg4 QEIdOQv QNK QSSSKd •anT.za Addod go q tou TITtpood uo guauzdoTaanap sdg 9114 114TM aTcT4uoo et TTgs smaa4011 ad spin •S 4111 -9- 3JVd L861 'ZT AdVONV2 (98-NL-IZ) 586Z 'ON NOIJLfOSS2i