Reso 2943I
RESO=--!: NO. 2943 - (12--M--86) 08/25/86
Page - 3
Staffic coutral signs %nn be plaoed at lo=ticm to be Specified Irl
the City.
6. $T.C=.
St-reet tzvm will be P]aZgMd in the public =xjbt,-vf-%ay and shall be
of a type app=awed by the City in acc=dwoe with OrdirgalCe No. 225:
Grading dal I be as app=ued and ria*zired by the City Engineer in
wdswe v-;r-- 93323S1CG No. 214 (a)
B. k
Dm4nup w-oml I be to the SMtiSfaCtjam Of the 6ty Engineier.
Surface fUw a=oss public sidewalks maybe allowed in M, IR2, and
FS 70m Maness octyw-m drain fadl i-tipc ate CjeeMW ZX3CXM;sary by the
City Magineer-
All (SavelcP0313ts thaw RI, 112, and 23 mmisg shall be served by
am -site StMM drainmjp- facilities =nwcted to the Citystoma
dM2nWa Wil-MOM Si City st— draims axe mt wrailable, dm=Kp-
fhriI:jzjje-- Ahtal] be lmstalls�d to the sadi�farhir�n of the Crty
Me angicant shall be responsible far cmplyjxtj with the
r8TArementS Of the Uxlevp=nd V-iUty Oodirance No. 33:1 and other
elated urd=moes and regulatiams of the City of Q*e3:t3M, and
shall ROOM the Doccossaxy a p 9 1 urith the utility cmpwiies
involved for the iristallation of Said facilities. Mie apliparit
shall subeft a detailed rZ= shmdM utility izzlex-ground 1nioijisicm.
(this PIM rs= have V---w approval of the utility ampmues, and the
City En;inew--)
10. ,
'Its All —I 1m;X-Oviamonts (aq=ee=e:=s and ctraudi-igs) -d-11 include
insualatiom off I== cm=rc-,'- devices to Vrevent -left toms into
or a= of the sumixvxaxam saDje= to the app-rav-a of the City
EngineL--. Me traffic carol mechanism shall be constructed as
rapidly as possible = =qJ==t= %dth the xoa&ay -&k—t to staff