Reso 409148-U-87 (Rrrvised) CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOIUTION No. 4091 OF n1E PIAPNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERrINO RECMtENDING APPROVAL OF A M]NOR AM NDMENP OF USE PEFMIT 48-U-87 TO ALMW FC7R OPTIONAL PHASED 0DNSTI3JCIZCN OF A 37,000 SQ. FT. EXPANSION OF AN ECESTTNG RETAIL CENTER 1. The Planning Cmmmission finds that the proposed phasing option, subject to compliance with the conditions enumerated herein, mitigates potential visual impacts and dust control problema to adjoining properties. 2. The proposed architectural material modification for the west elevation of Building A is consistent with the architectural character of the overall project as approved under use permit 48-U-87. SECTION II: CDNDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This approval is based upon the Wdbit labeled, "Phasing Diagram, of Application 48-U-87 (Revised), as may be modified by conditions contained herein. 2. Cond.iticn 12 of Use Permit 48-U-87 is hereby amended as follows: Corx3itien No. 12 - Permitted uses include all uses allowed without the securing of a use permit in the City CG (General Commercial zoning district. Ali uses requiring a use permit in a OG zone, including those activities which encompass outdoor display or sale of merchandise, shall be subject to separate use permit approval. The proposed future kiosk structure is not approved.