Reso 2699 ;2-U-85 FE';(11_.UT I OP� NO. ?699 OF II�E F'LANNIMG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUFERTINO Rf1:IIPihIENU I NG �f PFtOVhL Uf- n USE PEf:MI T TO CUNSTRUCT ANI� I11'ERATE A CONTIPfUUUS CAFE RETIFEMENT CENTER. AFI•( [CANf: E1 Camino Hospital ADI)1�1=55: �50�? Grant Foad, Mountain View, Californi.� 94039 SUl�tl[TTFD: August lr 1985 LGI'r11 I��N: South side of Highway <B�� begi�ning approximately 8C�0 ft. west of Foothill Houlevard ------------------------------------------------------------ F1�-IUI�JGS AND SUBCONCLUSIONS: F1p��rov�1 is subject to the findings as set forth on Fage 1 and th� s�.�bconclusions as set forth in the minute5 of the Planning Cornmissi�n meeting of September 25, 1905. COhJD I T I DNS: t-t,;. STANDARD CONDITIONS Standard Conditions to the er,tent that they do not conflict �aitn the special conqitions enumerated herein. In the event a conflict does e>:ist, the special conditions as enumerated Fierein shall apply. 16. AFF'ROVED_EXHIRITS That the recommendation of approval is based qn Exhihits A ist Revision, A-1, Br B-1, E-2, B-3, C, and D of Application �2-U-85 except as may be amended by spe�ial conditions enumerated herein. 17• SITE_RELATED_STFEET_IMPFCDVEMENTS The applicants shall be respansible for their proportionate share of the total cost of installation of � traffic signal at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Cristo Rey Drive. The proportionate share shall be determined by the City prior to approval of a tentative map or building permit, wtiichever occurs first. rlo occupancy will be allowed until the signal is installed. 18_ MODIFICATION OF AF•F'ROVEp DEVELOPMEN7 PLAN In the event that the applicant or subsequent property owner shall desire t❑ �nake any minor changes, alteration ��r amendment in the appr•oved development plan ar building permit, a writtan request or r�vised development or I�uilding permit shall be submitted to the Director of Flanning and Development. If the Directar makes a finding that L-ne changes are minor and do not affech the general appearance of the area, tlie Director may certify the change on th? revised plan. If such approvai is � -1- Fl,����iing Commi ssion Resolution No, 2699 (cont'd) S2-U-BS witl-�held, the applicant may appeal to the Planning Commission. If tt�e changes are material, the Director =hai1 submit the chanye to the Planning Commission fnr approval. If the change is dented by the Planning Commission. the applicant may appeal to the City Council as provided in City Ordinance No. 652. If the change is approv�d, an appeal may be made by an interested party. t=urther, any mem6er of the City Council may request a fieari ng before the Ci ty Co�inci 1, said request 'to be made wilhln ten (10) days from tne date of approval - when the clia�ge has been approved by the Planning Commission. I'7. PJOISE_ANALYSI5 Tlie applicant shall prepare �n acoustical report to demonstrate compliance witli Title �5 of the Cali4ornia Administrative code. A1l residential units shall utilize good quality �onstruction practices and installatian including sealing of doors, windows, and frames a�d casings to ensure that the interior average day/night �oise level does not e::ceed 45 dBA Ldn. The applitant shall retai� an acoustical consuitant to evaluate the detailed building plans and to monitor construct3on practices to ensure the above measures have been complied wi th. ^_0. RE1041 t1ARN,'ET_FATE HOUSING_F'FDGRAM The proposal is exempted from participation in the City's Helow Market Rate Housing Frogram. �1. DEDICATIOPJ_OF_4JATER_�INES Ttie developer shall dedicake to the City all water lines and appurtenances installed to City standards and shall connect with the Cupertino Water Utility for water service to said development. �2. SLOPE_ROUNDING A minimum of 15 feet of slopc rounding shall be provided at the top ot all �ut banl:s. a Flanning Commission Fesolution No. 2699 (cont'd> 32-U-85 .... GFADING F1NU bUILDIhJG LOCATION The gr-ading �oncept is not approved at this time. E�uilding lo�ations shall reflect substantlally the information containad on E::hibits A lst Revision and U e�cept as modified hy a�Jditional conditions contained lierein. Ttie aplicant shall return to the Planning Commissio� for review and final approval of a detailed grading, landscaping and tree preservation pl�n. Shift in b�ailding locations may be approved by the Planning Commission review at the time of precise grading plan approval. 7he site plan shall generally reflect the building and roadway configurations e::hibited on Exhibit A lst F.evi si on and D. ^<4. GRADING_F:EVIEI�_8Y_LANDSCAPE_ARCHITECT A regiskered landscape architect shall review grading plans in consort with the project and shall submit a plan ko prevrnt soil erosion and visually screen e:etensive cut and fill areas. The intent of the visual s�reen is to soften grading scars. A IOC1% screening affect is not r equi red. The in�igenous trees >hall be ratained subject to review and approval of tFie Director of Flanning and Development and tFie City Engineer. 2:i. SLOFE_DENSITY CRED7T Application of the appropriate slope density formula results in a hypothetical yield of approximately 107 dweiling units for the S4 acre +- continuous care retirement center site. Activation of this use permit sliall preempt conventional/residential u5es and eliminates the slope density credit on the subject property. The slope density credit is eliminated and may �ot be transferred to any lot or group of lots within the area, The applicant may mal;e minor lot line adjustments in property lines subject to Ciky approval of said ac�ion and provided they will not create the potential for additio�al dwellings. I Pianning Commission Resolution No. 2699 Ccont'd) 32-U-BS �'��. PEV[LOPMENT AND Ih1PROVEPI[NT PHASItdG Tlie development may be r_onstru[ted in phases suhject to final approval by the Flanning Commission. :'7. F'RIVATE SIREETS All applicable subsectinn5 of Sections 13.5 and 13.6 of the RIC Ordinance fOrdinance No. 664) regarding street improvement requirements and covenants shall apply to the subjett develapment. :�0. CpMFACT F'AFf:I NG Th? compact parking stalls shall be limited to no more than 20% of the total parking spaces and shall be distributed throughout the site so as not to limit unduly khe park.ing ❑ptions for a portion of the project or group of buildings. .^_i. FIRE ACCESS LANE3 Emer9ency fire �ccess lanes shall be recorded as fire lane eaeements and shall meet Central Fire District standards. -9. USES FERPIITTED 7he approval is granted for the constru�tion of a continuous care retirement center specifi�ally devoting to serving the needs of senior citizens. The approval shall include the following components: Liv_ing Units No__of Units Independent Living Units fApts.) 60 Group �uarters with Common 275 Dining Facilities Fersonal_Care_Units 7� SU670TAL 410 Skilled Nursing_Facility 100 beds Dining Facilities Recreational Facilities R -4- F'lanning Commission Fesolutio� Na. �699 (cont'd) 32-U-85 '.1 . V(1N FOOLI�JG The applicant shall prepare a plan for van pooling services for residents of the subject facility including vehicles For delivery of residents with minor medical emergencies to the appropriate medical fa�ilities off-site. Said van pooliny progr�m shall be submitted to and accepted �y the F'lanning Commiseion prior to or_cupanryo uf the subject development. ._. CONSTRUCTi01� VEHICLES rnnstru[tion vehicles shall utilize Crista Rey Drive only for access to the subject site. No construction vehicles may be permitted on St. Joseph's Avenue. . .. CARD KEY GATES Tne card �ey qate on St. .loseph's Avenue entrance to the project shall be {:ept in good repair and constant operation and shall include a mechanism for constant monitorinq of activity at the gate. The applicant shall pr-esent reports to the City reflecting the level of i activity from said gate upon the City's request. Traffic generation levels significantly in excess of 200-400 trips per day may trigger review of this use permit and mitigation measures. The St. Joseph's gate sliall be available for use by emerg�ncy vehicles but shall not be used by employees, service vehicles, or all other users of the site except residents. �•R. GEOLOGIC Frior is issuance of building permits, the applicant shall prepare a detailed qeoingic evaluation utilizing the recommendations contained in the report prepared by Earth Sciences Associates, dated June 1985 (ESA Project it:;2�3). The subsequent report shall detail any and all measures ne�essary to off-set any geologic hazards subj?ct to review and approval of the City Engineer. �5. FUBI.IC STREETS Cristo Rey Drive shall be dedicated as full public street access with required fire turn-araund areas up ko the private gates entering the subject development. The applicants shall grant an irrevo�able offer of dedication from the Cristo Fey Drive turn-around to the lease Line/property line between tlie EI Camino Hospital site and the St. Joseph5 seminary site. The precise location shall be determined by the Director of Fublic Works. St. Jo=_ep�i Avenue shoulr� be constru��ed to City of C�.�pertino standards. Gldditionally, the applicaq�t shall gi^�n� an irravocabl? offer of d�dication for the St. ,7o<Aph Av?niie righF. oF riay. -J-" '� �'I,�nning Commission Fesolution No. 2699 (ront'd> 32-U-85 './,, t1INI�tUt1_{\GE_RESTFICTION qt least B�l percenk of the senior housing units shall be occupied by residents of at least 60 years of age or older or married couples living together where at least on? spouse is 6U years oF age or older. Higher minimum age limits established by private restrictions are permissible. The covenahts, conditions and restrictions for the subject development for the subject property stiall include tlie above referenced aged description and shall be approved 6y the City Attorney and shall not be amended e;;cept by appraval of the City of Cupertino City Council. The applicant shall record a covenant in a form approved by the City Attorney which shall obligate e:�isting and future property owners of the subject development to maintain the above referenced age restriction for the Senior Citizen component subject to State and local laws. Tli? proposal is a senior citizen project which provides �entinuous care services. Any future alterations of this usc: permit away from this concept shall require subsequent use permit amendments or approvals by the Flanning Commissiori and City Council. Said changes may require significant alteration of the unit count and building configurations as presented in this use permit. PASSED APJD ADOPTED this 25th day of September, 1985, at a regular adjourned meeting of the Flanning Commis5ion of the City of Cu�ertino, 9tate of California, by the following roll call vote: A`/ES Commissioners Szabo, Adams, Macken�ie and Sorensen MAVS: P•lone AASTAIi�I: None APSEP7T: C1 audy FITTEST: AFFROVED: t���.L.�� V ���---- -- �"--- - ----- FobPrt Cowan Nictiolas 5zabor Chairman �'l�nning Director Flanning Commission I, -b-