Reso 2616 � ..I . ArY�-�UV�ll Ilarch ��, 198�q•Z �UU.��;;L , RE5OLUTION NO. �616 (hiinute Order) Siqned ' OF THE PLANhi1NG COt9MI55I0�J OF TIIE CI7Y OF r_UPERTINQ RECOMhIENDIMG GUIDELINE5 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR Date � REVlEW OF NEW USES WITHIhI F'UBLIC SCHOOL 5ITE5 P Nl '' l;v:�l>•:iJ"'iCN �JHlCH ARE NO LOMGER FULLY UTILIZED FOR PUBLIC `1��(.�� �, SCH[]OL FURPOSES. S[gne �.�:_ � �INDINGS• Date�1.! `� �' ARCH. & 5Ttc CC::�ROL Open space located on publi� school sites is a valuab��i68mmunity resour�e. • �� � School buildings and facilities on public school sites are �lso a valuable community resource and should continue to be avaiLable for public usage. Traffi� generation char�cteristics of new uses sliould generrlly reflect that of previous public ed��cation facilities at the site. rarking shuuld be reason�bly adequate to ensure there is minimal spill-ov=r into adjoining residential areas. Hours of operation should be restrieted to qenerally reflect r_h�racteristics of public sct-iool utilization. Ful.l priv�te utilization of the school sites is unlikelv as the level oF activity 140L11� lik.ely e::ceed that normally expected from a publi� school utilization of a similar site. r'ublic school sites were developed to a��ommodate activities d=voted to the education of children wl�ich operated prim�rily during daytime hours, generated relatively low levels of traffic. and served commur�ity needs. Said sltes typically do not provide �.deq�_iat=_ parking, lighting, security. etc. characteristic of ommercial, industrial, or office facilities generally fvund in che community. Fldditionally, said sites are generally located ��ithin neiqhborhoods and the pohential for si�nificant off-site impa�ts is much greater than is normally found on commercial. effice, industrial facilities lo�ated in other areas of the community. r�rmitted Uses and Ar-chitectural and Site Standards --------------------------------------------------- The General Flan land use designation for school sites is quite restrictiv_. 5�hool sites are d�signated -for p��blit and quasi-public/lnstitutional activities. A quasi-public/institutionai activity is a "designation applied to a privately o��ned property wtii�h involves activities such as a private Utility, a profit or non-profit facility that provides continuoue c�re for people, an educational facility, or a religious facility". . (�IOTE): Tlie Flanning Commissinn is of the epinion thet the allowed range of uses slio�_�id be e::p�nded. The Commission has �sl�ed City Council for authorization to cenduct he�rings to consider an amendm=nt to tl�e Gener�I Flan to „� allow qrn�ter land us� Fle::ibility for s�hoal sites. �. "-' I F'lanning Commission Resolutivn No. 2616 lcontinued) Ar�hite[t�iral �hanges to a leased portion of a school site should • be in character with the balance oF the site. If a schbol site • is completely revamped, the building form and materials shall be in harmony with the surrounding residential co�nmunity. TNe use of iron bar grill works and barb wire, or the boarding up of �-iindows with temporary materiats are generally not approved in areas which are e:�posed to public view. Approval of a use shall not render historically used turfed areae unusable. Hlours_of_OQer�ti on Hours of operation shouid ge�erally be limited to the daytime fioi�rs from 7:30 a.m. to 7:�?U p.m. Llmited evening activity from 7:i14 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. m�y be permitted when it is found that the activity aill not generate significant amouhts of traffic or �nnoyance to the surrounding neighborhood. Noise Noise from such facilities should not be audible beyond property lines. Traffi� In gener�l, ths traffic generation ch�racteristics of non-p�ablic school activities sliould be consistent with traffic ch�racteristics associated with a typical school use. For the purpose of tliis policy. tfie traffi� profile for a typical school site will b� based Lt�1011 the historical �ise of the site. incl��ding nen-s�liooL a�tivities such as recreat(on uses and publi� service a�tivities. iie traffic assessment for a proposed nan-school u=_e nf a schovl site shall contain the following elements: 1. Haurly tra4fic qeneration rate for the e::isting or form=r schoal operation and the proposed uses(s). 2. AUT (Average Daily 7raffic) and peak hour traffic generation from ttie �ite. _. ADT and �4-hour counts of neighborinq streets. 4. Trip assig�ments of er,isting and propnsed uses. When traffi� levels equal or exceed trip qeneration levels of a typical public school use. use permit requests will be evaluated based upon the followinq: i. Degree (to) wliich tr�ffic levels e:�ceed public schoal qencration. , Z. Characteristics oF e:;isting and proposed treffic. :�. Hours of operation. �� �= Planning Commission Resolution �lo. 2616 (continued) 4. Cammunity benefit f�om exisCinn and ��roposed uRes. 5. Composition o4 uses. b. Sensitivity of �eighborhood to tr•affic impacts. f� sctiool site with access to an r.rter-ial, ma.�or collector� or ' minor collector streek wlll have the ability tu accommndate a greater intensity of use than a site s�trved 6y lo�al neighborhood streets. PAS5ED AND ADOPTED this LJfFI day of Plarch, 1985, at a regular meeting af the Flanning Commission of lhe Citv of Cupertino. State of California, by the following roll call vote: ' YE5: Commissioners Adams, Macken�ie. Sorensen, Vice Chairman Szabo NAYS: None ABSTAIM: None ABSENT: Chairman Claudy ATTEST: AI%Ff;OVEU: /s/James il. Slsk /s/:�icholas Szabo James H. Sisk Nicholas Szabo.�Vice�Chairman Planning Uire�tor Planning Commission 1 � ` n �� �