PC Reso 14164-0-75
12FS01.`.�il�;,• !:O. 141E
OF Till' i'? _,.lI::G C i:..:i5S7n\ OF THE CITY OF CU: FRTI!;U
OF h USE PLn-IT To { n 3-iI=7
AUYI:tt::il ,TF Y ,9,200 Si). FT. OF LIGHT
SPACE IN A P (FL:.-NED DUF1.01 .!'ST ZO:.i,') .
API'1.7:CkNT: ColdY0-1 Banker Managenent Corporation
AADYI S�.: Oae I.t,abarc ader i Unter, Suite 223101 Sar. Francisco, Calif. 94112
SU,IMII } `. March1.7, 2975
LoCAT IO::: itesterly of and adjacent to Bandley Drive' approxi=eateiy. 30 ft.
r,rti:era; of the intersection of Bandley Drive and Lazaneo'Drive.
ZONE- D (t•l:t_til.ileVr3trpmcr> ?ores
1-14. Standard Gc•rditions to the extent that the; do not conflict with the
special cer=ditions enun,,rat:ed herein. In the event a conflict does
exist, the s1=e-cial c<r-di.tivns a: ;.t,s,.._ratei herein shall apply.
15. The special conditions required as • part of nerolution No. 1M,
approving The Chane of tone.
35. That the pr perry o rxcr t- ha11 I- Wj; .e pott:utla] tenants vith a vr.itteia
notice regariing potentia3: trat ic'problems within the area.. Said
notice shall' stiptil.at•a that the City pre erve:the right to re•:ir.�
compliance with the „i•cteeei (16)'trip end trr-,rfic constraitrt at any
time iu tl.: future ai,d that Should the City determine that the con-
straint as exceeded', thc• Citez3isalri
, `impose additional r:easures to
Insure corpliance. Slid neasuzez...are---nolimited t o tie foilo..in2 I
1 t -r .ri.7 hours y,bry.=i the -tenant -s. st
1un� Orgn-t11G_., Cur poo:
c.- A6y. other.,reasonnbie condition r3merrciued necessary.
A cop} or .:._id 1:•r3Lt_C-1 notice shall be s: ,real by the lenxr.c and fcm:Lrd_d
Lo the City prior to occupancy_of the lull :t.
17. That the i7,4ni b . 1,, d
Cul �ti� uL t: -.r, ,E t t Y=;nt75 0 rPorR£'?` G :ILc
Drive, z «d by 4 1 Ion 15 f,f t .z 1t. , 1=359, .:11 t+n�
inst.:Ilc I In -ri th Oki --
b. 1£. That Lite rxcimtical <lc__e. stuev'required 1 l,_solutlell :;t• 1399 to
deteri3 c 1"' c lei{ lit 61 rite acptr,:i.lcal ,o!!'.e. rale, _s:r=11 be
r^!! �+3. :+r.•d to 0— City prior ,t, appli,,utlttn for :icUtcctural and
site apYroval,
37. That. the 1_r.-,,?tecttsrni. and Sitil Approval ?_c..;ittee shall revir_w the
^,ur_ s' r,' c_ z4 fcr a3c qu. _, and i. res I ni cary reduce
the ::u,?. i, i, all Hth' ._ll 1
:.ir,:a ter !:-.i .$ .":4
not- be x �._;,lc:.. c3 t t', >v., Ir+_ .^.1 ! i r _ r: ,i_ :: 3 sell tl mcc: (i.e. 197)
hesolution Nu. 1416 (continued)