Teen 01-21-04 CITY 0 CUPEIQ1NO Teen Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 21,2004,6:00 PM Cupertino Sports Center - Conference Room 21111 Stevens Creek Blvd. Approved Minutes CALL TO ORDER Meeting Called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Trang PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLLCALL Commissioners Present: Castaneda, Cohn, Dickson, Goyal, Haley, Jiang, Mertol, Raviv, Schroeder, SOhoni, Trang, Weng Commissioner Absent: Lee Staff Present: Frey, Hanel MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS- January 21, 2004 Haley motions to approve minutes, Weng seconds. Motion Passes. COMMUNICATIONS a) Oral - Cathy Gatley voices concern on age of participants at the teen center. Stephanie Constant voices concern on age of participants at the teen center. b) Written - Richard Lowenthal on renaming teen center. Shirley Chang thanks for your help and support toCCS. OW BUSINESS a) Teen Center 1) Name - have a contest for the name. Announcement of winner of the contest and new name will happen at the Teen commission open house at the teen center. b) Open House, January 31",7 pm. - Change to Friday, February 27th, 6-10 pm. c) Website NEW BUSINESS a) Sandy James, Mayor - Job shadowing - partner with Chamber. Princess motions to have Mark McKenna come speak at the next meeting, Haley seconds. Motion passes. MISCELLANOUS - No action required a) Commission Report b) Staff Report ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm to the Regular Teen Commission meeting of February 2, 2004 at Cupertino Sports Center. Respectfully submitted, Kim Frey, Recreation Coordinator \A~~ ___ ________.__'m··_".._·_.~___.___.._____..___ .__ _____.______.__._