PSC 06-10-04 ITYOF CUPEI{fINO MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION JUNE 10,2004 The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Chen at 7 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Charles Caldwell, Jay Cena, Nolan Chen, Hugh Riddell Absent: Barry Chang Staff Present: Glenn Goepfert, Assistant Director of Public Works MINUTES April 14, 2004 Joint Meeting: Approved with correction by Commissioner Cena. Moved for approval by Commissioner Cena, seconded by Commissioner Caldwell. May 13, 2004: Approved. Moved by Commissioner Chen, Second Commissioner Cena. OLD BUSINESS The letter to the tri schools regarding the on-going traffic issues was sent by Commissioner Chen. To date, one response has been received in the form of a phone call from the Principal of Lincoln School. After some discussion it was suggested by Commissioner Chen that the item appear again on the July agenda under new business Tom Lowe, a resident on Elm Court was again present to continue the discussion of the flood problem that occurs on that street and the neighboring street each rainy season. Glenn Goepfert indicated that the city is well aware of the problem. The solution is to lay a parallel, larger pipe to the closest drain (on McClelland) but the cost (estimated at 1.5 - 2 million dollars) is not in the current budget, and will not appear in the next budget. A serious safety issue is the manhole cover on Bubb that is actually moved off of the drain by water pressure. Glenn indicated that he had requested that the cover be replaced with a grate to allow the water to bubble up and not force the cover off. The Commission, after much discussion, decided to send a Resolution to the City Council requesting that they direct Public Works to install the grate cover. The Resolution was moved, seconded and passed unanimously. The Resolution states: Whereas the displacement of the manhole cover on Bubb Road during heavy rainstorms poses a serious safety hazard to vehicles and pedestrians, Be it Resolved that the City replace the manhole cover with a bolt down grate as a temporary means of relieving the water pressure, thus solving a safety issue. A second resolution to seek a permanent solution to the flooding problem was also drafted. The resolution was moved by Commissioner Riddell and Seconded by Commissioned Caldwell. The second resolution reads: Whereas the flooding on Bubb Road, Elm Court and McClelland Road during heavy rains poses a serious safety hazard to vehicles, pedestrians and residents and, Whereas the flooding of the area results in physical isolation of some residents Be It Resolved that the Public Safety Commission urges the City of Cupertino to revisit the issue of funding the installation of parallel storm drains from Bubb to McClelland Roads. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS Commissioner Riddell reported on the Mayor's Breakfast of 5/16. Commissioner Caldwell will attend the June 21 break t.