LIB 01-05-05 City of Cupertino Library Commission Regular Meeting January 5,2005 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:07 p.m. Janet Riddell called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, City Manager's Office, Cupertino. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners: Kathy Stakey, Yuhfen Diana Wu, Sheila Mohan, and Janet Riddell. City/County Library Staff: Mary-Ann Wallace, Melinda Cervantes, and Carol Atwood Absent: Eno Schmidt Guests: Ram Gopal 3. MINUTES Commissioner Mohan moved to approve the minutes from the November 9, 2004 regular meeting with Commissioner Stakey's second. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair - Sheila Mohan was nominated by Kathy Stakey and seconded by Janet Riddell. Vice Chair - Kathy Stakey was nominated by Janet Riddell and seconded by Diana Mohan; Secretary - Janet Riddell was nominated by Kathy Stakey and seconded by Sheila Mohan. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ram Gopal came to observe the group as he has applied for the commission. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Courier Article by Diana Wu - Diana discussed her letter to the editor and the City Manager's response in regards to Oakville Market. Carol explained that the city did meet with their ownership via the Economic Development Committee and discussed marketing, etc. b. Sunday versus Tuesday hours - See item #7 c. Schedule of CALTAC Workshops - Enclosed in the packet is a schedule of upcoming meetings. 7. LIBRARY PROJECT AND HOURS OF OPERATION a. Carol Atwood discussed the request to SCC for a change of staffing hours from Tuesday to Sunday. Melinda Cervantes will analyze the proposal and respond. b. Mary-Ann updated the Commission on the new library building and stated that several items are still outstanding. They are still making modification to the lighting and signage. The library is functioning very well compared to other grand openings according to Melinda. The commission inquired as to whether the savings from the CIP could be used to pay off the FF&E loan. Carol explained that the decision would be up to the City Council. -3 8. CITY OF CUPERTINO LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mary Ann Wallace gave the commission a copy of the SCC Historical and Genealogical Society newsletter addressing the new Cupertino Library. In addition, she passed out the Children's Calendar and an announcement of the next guest speaker. The Friends have announced their first book sale since the Library opened and it is scheduled for February 12- 13th. There were 52,000 visits to the library in December (gate count) and over 172,000 in circulation with the library open only 5 days per week versus 7 last year. We are now within 15,000 of the highest circulation in the old library, and have reclaimed the top spot in circulation in the County. They are doing lots of tours in the library and will start regular tours twice per month in February. In addition, the California Young Reader Medal book discussion series will run fÌom January - March for 5th _7'h graders. 9. COUNTY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Melinda Cervantes stated that the Friends and Commissioners Forum on December 4th was a great success. In addition, tomorrow is an open house at the Library Administration Building. The JP A Board is considering a mailed ballot with two measures - one with an amount of $33.66/yr and a second that would only go into effect if the first one passed that asks voters to consider an additional support level of $14/yr to restore hours and services. The fmal decision on whether to go with a mailed ballot or a special election will be made at the JP A Board Meeting and Public Hearing on January 27,2005. Silicon Valley Reads has picked the book "Epitaph for a Peach" by Masumoto. It is available in English and Chinese. The author will be coming to a number of events scheduled in February of 2005 with the Cupertino event scheduled for 2/23/05. Melinda passed out the marketing flyers for the event noting that SCC Library is one of the three major sponsors. 10. NEW BUSINESS None. 11. OLD BUSINESS A. Fine Arts Liaison Subcommittee - Sheila has received a copy of the SCC donated art policy. The Fine Arts Committee genuinely believes that there is space to display art and the Library Committee subcommittee does not necessarily agree. Kathy and Sheila will work together to see if there is sOme level of compromise. B. Sister City Library - Diana just came back yesterday fÌom Taiwan. The Sister City Librarian was excited about the space that we have now built. They have just sent a batch of books to the City, which should be received in approximately 2 weeks. Kathy stated that the Friends would include a book budget for $1,000 for a book exchange program with the Sister City. In addition, the Mayor was very excited about his attendance at the library grand opening. Kathy asked if the children's art that is currently being displayed at the Senior Center could be returned to the Library. Mary-Ann will identifY a permanent place to hang the art and contact Julia Lamy. The Commission was very appreciative that the City has hung this art all this time. C. Mayors Breakfast - No breakfast in December. Carol will fmd out what the new mayor will be doing. D. Friends of the Library - Kathy Stakey stated that the Friends are in the process of developing a new slate of officers and that they might be making another contribution to the capital campaign, but will probably wait until the book sale in February. They will be placing a box for donated cell phones in the lobby as a way to raise additional funds. They anticipate that they win be able to raise at least $2,000 per year. They will be adding "a part of the SCC Library System" as part of their logo. Kathy asked all of the Commissioners to help at the upcoming book sale. Logistically, the location in the new community hall will be challenging. Carol suggested that we might be able to hold future sales at another city facility. E. Library Foundation - An accounting recap was enclosed in the packet. Discussion followed. Carol mentioned that the goal of the grand opening event was to pay for the grand opening festivities, pay for a wonderful gala event and then provide some funding towards the project. F. Calendar - Deferred. 12. AGENDA BUILDING - Deferred 13. REPORTS BY COMMISSIONERS a. The State of the City is scheduled for January 26,2005. b. Diana passed out copies of the artwork collection at the San Jose Library. She reported that OCLC (Ohio College Library Center) would be speaking to virtual reference service trends in several different languages at the conference in June in Chicago. c. Kathy asked that the trash containers be emptied more rrequently or that more containers need to be added. In addition, she asked if the section by the book drop would be landscaped. 14. OTHER - Carol discussed an employee suggestion for increasing revenue for the library. Unfortunately, the suggestion would be inconsistent with the current State Code and would prohibit them from applying for grants and transaction reimbursement. 15. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING Janet Riddell adjourned the meeting at 9:09 p.m. to February 2nd ~ Ú/w-tr4¿, Carol Atwood