PC 12-12-60 P. O. Box 597 AL '2-4505 C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 1960 Place: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Time: 8:00 P.M. I. SALUTE TO THE FLAG II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Others Present: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Rrnflll, Snyder None City Manager, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Clerk, Building Inspector Minutes of the last regular meetlng, November 28, 1960, were approved as submitted. III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. Regional Water Jòllution Control Board: PublJ.c Water Contact Sports Areas. 2. County Planning Commlsslon: Mlnutes of November 16, 1960. 3. Trl-County Plannlnc Councll: Minutes of Summer Meetings. L~. Division of Highways: December 15, 1960 meeting relative to freeway program. Moved by Commissioner Small that the communications be received and flIed, except for the letter relative to the Water Sports A~eas; Seconded by COlnmissloner Snyder. AYES: Commissloners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyèe~ Leonard None None 7-0 NAYS: Commlssioners: ABSENT: COmmlssloners: MOTION CARRIED: B. Verbal 1. Commi ssioner Fl tch asked the C:L ty Clerk to place a copy of City Ordinance Books on the table for Commission meetings. 3. The Chairman informed the Commlsslon of the December 1 meet- ing held in the Council Chambers for the purpose of dlSCUSS- ing streets and roads in and around the City.- A Chamber of Commerce Committee. The Building Inspector advlsed the Planning CommisE:lon that he is unable to lnterpret Ordinance 144 (Revised) due to the fact that a discrepancy exists between the formula of 7500 2. -1- plus I,OOO and the maXlmUlll allowable units of 20 to the acre. He aslced the Plannlng Commission for clarification and, If possible, revision of the Ordinance. The Commission agreed to arrange a date for further discussion of Ordinance 144 (Revised). IV. BUILDING INSPECTOR Northwestern Enterprises, Inc.: App12catlon for architectural and site approval; 7 lots, Tract 1181, Yeeland Helghts; Miller Avenue, west side. Moved by COmmissloner Fitch that a conference be arranged wlth the appllcants in order to discuss the plans, a deClSion of the Planning Commission to be deferred until after that time; Seconded by Comm- issioner SmalL AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Leonard None None 7-0 Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: V. HEARINGS SCHEDULED I. Ordinance 89A: Amendment to Sign Ordlnance; decreasing time allowed to remove non-conforming sign. NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the Planning Commission recom- mend in principle Ordinance 89A after the necessary revlsion by the Clty Attorney, as per Planning Commission preference; Sec- onded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder. Leonard None None 7-0 The Commission asked that the reVlSlon provide a remedy for non- conforming signs and signs posted by negligent advertisers. 2. Anton & John Salch: Application to rezone 10 acres from R-l:B-2 to R-3-H and extend existing C-l-H to cover 25 acres; northwest corner Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd. FJ.rst Hearing. Donald Earr, Pacific Engineers, Palo Alto, and Herbert Ketell, Burlingame, represented the applicants. They described the facility as a regional shopping center of masonry construction providing a 5-1 parking ratlo with the R-3-H zone designed for the construction of an apartment house intended to proviae houslng for the employees of the shopping center. No objection was registered from the floor. The applicants prom- ised a brochure of past projects of theirs for the next meeting. Moved by Commissioner Small that the next regular meeting be held on December 27, 1960; Seconded by Commissioner R~mpy. -2- AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commlssloners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, 'Leonard None None 7-0 Moved by Commlssionex Snyder that the plans be reLerred to the Engineer, Building Inspector and H Control Commlttee prior to the next meetlng; Seconded by COmmissloner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fltch, Rampy, Small, Snyder. Leonard None None 7-0 Commissioner F:,.tch that the first hearing be closed; Sec- Commissioner Small. Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fltch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leonard None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Moved onded AYES: by by NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 3. Ellen Craft: Application to rezone 118 acres from A-2:B-4 to M-I-H, R-3-H, C-l-H and PO-H; north side Stevens Creelc Blvd. at eastern Clty limits. Flrst Hearing. Chairman of the Planning Commisslon, Burrel Leonard, turned the gavel over to the Vice-Chalrman so that Commissloœ r Small could preside at the meetJ.ng. He stated that as owner of property ad- joinlng the applicants he preferred not to participate in the discussion in the capacity of Commissioner. He therefore vaca- ted his seat. Boris Stanley represented the applicant. He stated that the appllcant requests approximately 20 acres of R-3-H; approximately 24 acres of PO-H; approximately 27 acres of C-I-H; and approxi- mately 44 acres of M-I-H. Members of the audience asked the Commission and applicant to locate the property on the map. It was identlfied by members of the Commission by reference to both the zoning maps and aerial photographs. Noved by Commissioner Fitch that the hearing be continued so that the Plannlng Commlssion can study the issue In light of the im- pending applications of surrounding owners, the second hearing to be scheduled for January 9, 1961; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitth, Rampy, Small, Snyder, NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: None None 6-0 Mr. Leonard resumed his seat on the Planning Co~~ission; Mr. Small continued to preside. -3- 4. Thomas & Michael Bonasera: Application to rezone 38 acres from R-3-H and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H; southslde Stevens Creek Blvd. between Blaney and Creelc. Fi rs t Hearing. Thomas and Michael Bonasera presented thelr appllcation. Don Fr 0 lich, President of Idlewild Homeowners Associatlon, add- ressed the Commission and stated on behalf' of the IdleWlld Home- owners Association that he lS opposed to the applicacJ.on. Sever- al of the neighboring residents also presented objections. For the most part the objectlons were variatlons of the argument that the application represented commercial encroacrunent on a residen- tlal area. Some expressed no objectlon to the C-I-H zoning to the depth of the adjoining Idlewild Shopping Center. NAYS: Commlssioners: ABSENT: Commissloners: MOTIoN CARRIED: Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the flrst hearlng be closed and the second hearing on the appllcation scheduled for January 9, 1961; Seconded by Commissioner Eagar. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snydel Leonard None None 7-0 Moved by Commlssioncr Snyder that the Cupertino School District be notlfled of the application, also that the oplnion of the Clty Engineer be secured prlor to the ncxt meetlng with particular reference to the storm drain situatlon, also that the Building Inspector study the plans and that a member of the Recreation Commission study the plans. Wednesday, December 21, 1960, 8:00 P.M. was named as the time to hold a study session on the applicatlons of Bonasera, Northwest- ern Enterprises - Yeeland Helghts, and BJ.anchl. 5. Sakura Construction Co.: side of Lucille, east of newed hearing. Application to rezone 420' x 914' south Highway 9 froœ A-2:B-4 to R-3-H. Re- Yamaolca's representatl ve asked the Plannlng Commission for a de- cision at this meeting. Plans depicting the precise location of the Junipero Serra Freeway and the interchange at Highway 9 and Lucille are still not in the possession of either the applicant or the City. There is a prime question of access to the subject property in view of the Freeway locatlon. The applicant requested an immediate decision. Commissioner Leonard moved for denial of the applicatlon; Seconded by Comm- issioner Fitch. AYES: Commlssioners: Adamo, Bagar, Leonard None None 7-0 Fltch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, NAYS: Commlssioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MoTION CARRIED: Commissioner Leonard based his motlon on the failure of the appli- cant to present plans and the fact that the Commission is not -4- apprised of the precise Freeway locatlon. V:¡:. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous 1. The suggestion has been made th8.t the City talee under consid- eration the posslbJ.J.::.ty of securing some splinter lands re- maining after Freeway location and acquisitlon for park sites. The subject could be discussed lD conjunction with the fln- ancial meeting of the City contemplated in the near future. Also the question of separating recreation facilities from other civic buildlngs is marked for further discussion. 2. A recapltulation of the study session scheduled for December 21, 1960 showed that the Bonasera, Northwestern Enterprises, Bianchi and Saich applications are scheduled for discusslon plus the report of the Recreation Committee and the checl;:·· Uses submHted by the CHy Engineer and Building Inspector. U1I. NEW BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous 1. Resolution 392 of the Clty Council was reviewed, a Resolution of Intentlon to Initiate An Amendment to Ordlnance 002, and referring same to the Plannlng Commission for hearlng and recommendation. Moved by C~mmissioner Fitch that a public hearing on Ordi- nance 002D, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance 002 by Addlng a Classiflcation "Amusement Resort Zone" be published for December 27, 1960; Seconded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissloners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leonard None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: COmmissloners: MOTION CARRIED: 2. Moved by Commissioner F:Ltch that the Cupertino Plannu1g Com- mission support the ).ntent of the Regional \·Iater Pollution Control Board Resolution outlinlng considerations in the des- 19natlon of publlC Ivater contact sports areas and that the Planning Commissinn communicate their endorsement to the Water Pollution Board by transmitting a certified copy of the minute order; Seconded by Commlssioner Bagar. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commlssioners: None ABSENT: Commissloners: None MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 VIII. ADJOURNMENT Ldjourned at 12:30 A.M., Tuesday, December 13, 1960. APPROVED: Chairman of the Planning Commlssion ATTEST: . W.·'J ..<J-« 8... (Jity VlerK / \-:. V~_,~ -5-