PC 12-27-60 P. O. Box 597 AL 2~i.l-505 C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING CoMM3:SSION DECEMBER 27, 1960 2lace: 1032l S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Vlme: 8:00 P.M. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL (Commissioner Small presiding) Commissioners Present: Adamo, Leonard, Small, Snyder Comm~ssioners Absent: Bagar, Fitch, Rampy. Others Present: Clty Manager, City Attorne;y, C:Lty Engineer, Clty Clerk Minutes of the last regular meetlng, December 12, 1960, were approved as submltted. III CoMMm~ICATIoNS A. Written B. Verbal 1. 2. Water Conservatlon News: Newsletter of November, 1960. Cupertino Union School District: Letter expressing apprecla- tlon for past cooperation relative to subm~ss·lon of tentative subdi vision maps and asking for contÜ,ued cooperation. County Plannlng Department: II Santa C1ara Valley Plans", De- cember, 1960 lssue. Count:? Planning Commlss:con: Minutes of December 7, 1960. County Plannlng COmmlSSJ.on: Agenda of' December 21, 1960 - 2 applications listed for Cupertino-Monta Vista area. County Planning Commlssion: Minutes of December 21, 1960. County Pla!1nlng Commission: SlŒtches 0;: 2 applications near C~pertlno City limits. Mark Thomas & Co.: Suomlsslon of tentative map Tract 2860 for approval of street names. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the street names on Tract 2860 be approved; Seconded by Commissj.oner Adamo. AYES: Comm~ssloners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commlssioners: Bagar, Fitch, Rampy MarION CARRIED: 4-0 Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the communications be recelved and filed; Seconded by Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Corr~lssioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commlssiore rs: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar, Fltch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-·0 None -l- IV BUILDING INSPECTOR 1. Northwestern Enterprises, Inc.: and site approval; 7 lots, Tract Avenue, west side. Contlnued. Application for architectural 1181, Yeeland Heights; Mlller Moved by COmmlssloner Ada.mo that architectural and slte ap¡:roval be granted to Northwestern Enterpr~ses for the constructlon of 7 lots, providing first, that medium shake shingles be used; second that the units abutting Miller Avenue employ brick veneer facing and brick planter across the side of said buildings; and third, that the other units use lesser amounts of orick planter to dress-up the building; Seconded by CommissJ.oner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Eagar, Fitch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 . 2. Peter Bianchi: Appllcation for architectural and site approval; 4 apartments, vicinity of Bianchi Way. The Ctt~ Attorney reported that the City was orlglnally criticize~ forßòf¡-'(fð~orming uses by the applicant on adjoining property. He stated that inspection should be made on these adjoining prop- erties to determine that the building code and zoning ordinances are not belng violated before consideratlon of the instant appli- catiolè. The Building Official, Mr. Benevich, stated that the adjacent building is apparently J.n violation of the zoning ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the Bianchi applj.cation be tabled; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: COl.1lTIlssioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commlssioners: Bagar, Fitch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 The Planning Commission requested that the building department report further on the subject. *****************************.1(-*** Commissioner Leonard put various figures on the blackboard lndicating commercial zonings of various classifications, such as existed and granted, in use, proposed, etc. ***********'k********************* V }ŒARINGS SCHEDULED 1. Anton & John Saich: Applicatlon to rezone 10 acres from R-I:B-2 to R-3-H and extend existing C-I-H to cover 25 acres; northwest corner Hlghway 9 and Stevens Creek Bvd. Second Hearing. The applicant stated for the record that he is willing to abide by the density specifications in the pertinent ordinance(s). Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the hearing be closed; Seconded by Commissioner Adamo. -2- AYES: Commlssloners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: CO!!!!J1lssbners: MOTION CARHIED: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard None Bagar~ Fltch~ Rampy 2.]·-0 Moved by Commissioner Leon¿rd that the Cupertlno Planning Comm- lSSlon recommend approval of the Saich applicatJ.on conditioned as folloHS: that the regular Exhibit B (12 conditions) is made part of the motlon. l~. The approximate 10 acres of multiples for families are to be built per the particular subdivlsion plan showing 40 lots and providing pools and play areas; average den- sity per net acre to be 20 families or less; suitable variances to be worked out by counsel to clear the 7500 ft. plus 1,000 ft. R-3 formula. 14. The approximate 2.5 acres for motel developement to be built along the lines of studio apartments with a rest- aurant and pool treatment and is to oe revJ.ewed by the City Council to see If zoning should be R-3-H or C-I-H under our ord:Lnances. Seconded by Commissloner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leoi1ard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Eagar, Fitch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 2. Ordinance 002D - Amending Ordinance 002 By AddJ.ng tion "Amusement Resort Zone". Publlshed Hearing. Council Resolution 392. The Classifica- Recommended by The Clty Attorney submitted copies of a revised d~aft. The CJ.ty Clerk stated that this was a published hearing on Ordinance 002D. Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the hearing be contlnuedj Sec- onded by Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissloners: Eagar, Fitch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous I. The Commission asked the City Manager to check the conditions upon which the permit was issued for Yamaoka's fruit stand, corner of Portal and Stevens Creek Blvd. Permit may have been issued on the condition that the stand be removed at the close of the fruit season. 2. The City Manager assured the Commission that check1lsts are being prepared with respect to Planning Commission business. 3. Relative to street names, City Manager said that he will be- gin to complle a list for the use of the COmmisslon. 4. Commissioner Leonard objected to the possibility of under·· ground water rights being reserved or transferred to the City of Cupertino. -3- VII NEW BUSINESS A. Racanelli & Duvaras: Appllcatlon for Varlance to permit two (2) story buildlngs where Ordlnance 144 Revised allows one story; south side Rodrigues Avenue ~ 2~ acres. The lot deslgnated R-2-H not a part of application. Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the appllcatlon be denled with the qualiflcatlon that the City Council review Ordinance 144 Re- vised inasmuch as the applicant secured rezoning at a time when a different ordinance was in eftect; Seconded by Commissioner Adamo AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar, Fitch, Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 B. Miscellaneous None VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:07 P.M. APPROVED: Chairman of the Planning Commissi ATTEST: f"i' .l\~''''Ç!...-c.O.--U l' .I.J.", _ , L2.I~rence K. City ClerIc / t,\ Martin tA\.1t_,I>-..v.- -4-