PC 01-09-61 P. O. Box 597 AL 2 -4505 C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 CUPER'l'INO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PL!\NNING CO¡'1MISSION - JANUARY 9,1961 "lace: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road "!'ime: 8:00 p.rl!. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL: MINUTES OF Commissloners Present: Commlssloners Absent: Others Present: THE LAST REGULAR MEETING, December 27, 1960. Adamo, Bagar, ~itch, Leonard, Small, Snyder Rampy CJ.ty Clerk, Assist3.nt City Engineer, Building Offlcial II Coomi3cioncr SLk~ll presiding. Moved by COmmissloner S~yder that the minutes be approved as sub- mitted; Seconded by Commissioner Fitch. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snydel', Small NAYS: Commlssloners: None ABSENT: Cormnissioners: Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 III C01~NICATIONS A. Wrj.tten 1. 2. Ward Crump: Letter relative to City Planmng. Cupertino Union School DJ.strict: Pupil accessability to schools. Request for 10 ft. pedestrian walk to schools, if streets are not practlcal. Freemont Union HiCh School District: Request for 10 ft. fully concreted finished path where pedestrian paths are used in the future. St. Joseph's Church: Inv:ttation to a testlmonial reception January 15, 1961 at 2:00 P.M. San Francisco Plannlng and Urban Renewal Assoclation: Annual meeting and one day conference, January 2'1., 1961, !1ark Hop- kins Hotel. County Planning Cowmission and Board of Zonlrg Adjustment: Agenda of January 4, 1961. A.S.P.O. Newsletter: December, 1960. Bay Area FederatJ.on of Planning Cauncl.ls: Sample resolution on regional planning. Clty of Santa Clara: Ol'ficj.al plan Ij.ne mapp:Lng for Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara City limlts. ~ .). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. !·1'wed by Commissioner Fl tch that the co!!'muníca tJ.ons be received and filed, excepting the latter two; Seco:1ò.ed by Commíssion"r Snyder. AYES: Commi ssioners: Adamo, Small None Rampy 6-0 Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Comrnissloners: MOTION CARRIED: -1·· B. Verbal Nonc IV BUILDING INSPECTOR 1. Shell Oil Co.: Appllcaj;tc¡, for architcctural and slte approval; gas station, corner Highway 9 & Bollinger; permlt requested to add third bay to the eXlsting station and a pump lsland on Bollinger. ,.,' Moved by Commissloner Fltch that architectural and site approval be granted; Seconded by Commissloner S.,.~¡yder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commlssioners: Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 The representative of Shell Oil, Ed Stall, stated that the Oil Company would remove the revolving sign on the subject station site and replace it wlth another sign which conforms to Ordinance 89. 2. St. Joseph's Church: 1\pplication for architectural and site approvel; rectory additlon to be located east of eXistlng church; northeast corner Hlghway 9 & Stevens Creek Blvd. Leslle Irwin, Architect of Redwood City, represented the Church. He stated that the structure would be woo~ frame and stucco with brick vcneer, and tar, gravel, and aggregate roof. Father Ryan stated that the Church will abide by the general con- sensus of opinion on Hl.ghway 9 relative to road dedlcation and improvement, and that the same applies to their Stevens Crcek frontage. Moved by Commissloner Leonard that architectural and site approval be granted subject to the usual Clty conditions applicable to churches on both Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Blvd.; Seconded by Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: I.damo, Small None Rampy 6-0 Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissi oners: MOTION CARRIED: V HEARINGS SCHEDULED 1. Ordinance 002D - Amending Ordinance 002 By Adding tion "Amusement Resort Zone". Published Hearlng. oy Council Resolution 392. The Classiflca- Recommended Commissioner Leonard suggested that the Planning Commj.ssion should awalt the presence of the City Attorney before taking action on the Ordinance. The Ordinance was read for the benefit of the public and the Commission. Moved by Commissioner F:L tch th<::.t the Planning Commlssion recommend -2- the enactment of Ordinance 002D with the provision that tee word 1/ should 1/ in Section 4.1 be changed to 1/ sh&ll"; Seconded by Com- missioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissloners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Adamo, Small None Rampy 6-0 Bagar, Fltch, Leonard, Snyder, 2. Ellen Craft: Application to rezone 118 acres from A-2:B-L~ to M-I-H, R-3-H, C·-.I-H, and PO-H; north side Stevens Creek Blvd. at eastern Bity limits. Second Hearing. Commlssioner Leonard vacated his seat. The Chalrman asked that items V - 2, 3, and 4 be combined In the presentation. 3. Leonard ~amily: Application to rezone 88 acres from A-2:B-4 to C-I-H, M-I-H, R-3-H, and PO-H; south side of Homestead Road e~st of Linnet. First hearing. 4. Lester & Lester: Application to rezone 100 a~res from A-2:B-4 to M-I-H, C-I-H, R-3-H and PO-H; north side Stevens Creek Blvd. ad- jOlning east side of Idlewlld Greens. First hearlng. Allen \,!,Ü tel's addressed the Pl2.nning Commlssion In hls capacity as representatlve of Leonard and Lester. Mr. Walters presented a drawing coverlng the area enclosed by Homestead Road, Stevens Creek Blvd., Planey Avenue and Lawrence Statj.on Road. The zones, industrial, commerclal, apartment and professlonal office, were colored to indicate the extent, location, and relation of the district from one to the other. He stated that his plan is in harmony with the County plan for the vlclnity and referred to lt as a planned and lntegrated area that will develope handsomely, provlding the necessary tax base for the Clty. With proper control and correct zoning pattern the land uses contemplated are compatable, he said. Borls Stanley vias represente.tive for the Craft application and he stated that the plan shown by Mr. W~lters accurately reflected the zoning application of his client. He said that the princlples of buffering are observed In the plan and he pointed out that the low traffic generator, namely industry, is situated in the center of the district wlth the commercial zones located adjacent to main, wide, thorough-fares. All zoning requested, he said, has H control factor, thus placlng the continuous control of site and archi tecture in City Hall. He said that the road pattern contem- plated by his client corresponds to the:.t shown by Mr. Walters. Don Frolich rose to say that he consldered the plan a compatible zoning program. Commissioner Fitch asked whether the economics of the mattcr d::'d not dictate that the zoning be used only at the tlme of buildlng. 'l'he Chaj.rman referred to Section K, page 3, of Ordinance lL¡4 (Re- vlsed) with respect to the manuer i.n which this Section applies to tho present applications. No site plans or drawings to scale .. .3- showing the elevations of the proposed ~ulldings have been pre~ed. Mr. Walters answered by say~ng that It would be imposslble to meet that recommendatlon of the Ordinance due to the long range nature of the plans involved in the application. Mrs. Hermsmeyer stated that Idlewild Greens were represented to her as prlme resldential land. She said that the development In- dicated by the present appllcations would mean that the subdiv- lsion were not prime residential land. Commissioner Small stE'-ted that the area is bound to grow "in spite of ourselves". Mr. Kuhn asked why no master plan has been adopted by the City of Cupertino prior to consideration of these appllcatlons. Mr. Hanson asked if the Planning Commission is waivin¡¡; the afore- mentioned Sectlon K of page 3, Ordinance 144 (Revised). John Leonard asked the Plannlng Commission if they will not have to approve the details of the bUlldlng plans on subject property at the time of construction. Paul Finch said that it seems to be basicly a question of either grantlng the present appllcations or faclng numerous applications scattered about the City in the future. Mrs. Hermsmeyer also asked why the City did not adopt a master plan to serve QS a guide in judging applications. Gary Stokes said that the plan did not to the nelghboring resldential owners. plan J.S needed to serve as a guide for afford sufficient protection He also said that a master the Planning Commission. Commissioner Fitch sald that several facts occured to him as follows: 1. there is need for added cooperation by and between the applicants 2. that the use of this pl8.n depends upon the access ·to the freeway at the proposed Wolfe Road 3. the high-rises are in conflict with the existing ordi- nance 4. the neighboang residents .might like to participate fur- ther in the hearing process 5. the annexatlon of adjoining areas shown on the plan but presently outside the City limlts requires further ex- ploration. 6. conflicts appear with other phases of the present City ordinance structure. Moved bèT Commissioner Fitch that the hearing be continued to Jan- uary 23, 1961, so that further consideration can be given to re- solve the aforementionE,d difficulties, first hear'lngs on Leonard and Lester to be closed, with January 13, 1961, Friday, to be sCheduled for study session; Seconded by Commissioner Eagar. -4- AYES: Cornrnissianers: NAYS: Cornrnissioners: ABSENT: Cornrnissioners: ÚBSTAINING: MOTION CARRIED: Adama, Bagar, Fttch, Snyder, Small None R[Cmpy Leonard 5-0 5. Thomas & Michael Bonasera: Application to rezone 38 acres from R-3-H and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H; southside Stevens Creek Blvd. mld-way between Blaney and Cree¡c. Second hearlng. (Comn1lssioners Leonard) (resumed hlS seat) A letter of objections by the Idlewild Homeowners Associatlan was read. The appllcant stated that they were proposlng no change in the application, that the lce rink was stlll a part of the pro- posed plan. Mr. Frollch added his verbal objections to t:le ice rink. be closed; Seconded Moved by Commissioner Fitch that the heo.rJ_ng by Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Bagar, Fitch, Leoærd, Snyder, Adamo, Small None Rampy 6-0 Moved by Cornrnissioner Fitch as follows: Whereas this applicatlon proposes a skatlng rlnk which has been vigorously opposed by a large number of residents, Whereas thlS application malces no provision for a small area ad- jacent to the school for parle facilities, Whereas this application provides no safe access between Vic¡csburg and the presently existing school. Whereas this application asks for cornrnercial oxtending 4 times normal depth along Stevens Croek Blvd. lnto the o.djacent residen- tial area, Whereas this application proposes a market, a sJ.mllar application for which has already been denied another applicant, Whereas this application asks for parking to be used extensively at nlght next to residential areas, Whereas this appllcation seeks a motel next to a school in oppo- sltion to the request of parents of the areas who judge this facility as a hazard to their chlldren, And, whereas this application would produce traffic congestion too gr'eat for the area, even if a portion empties j.nto adjacent resi- dential areas, in itself bad, We therefore request that this nied; Seconded by Commissioner AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Cornrnissioners: Rampy ABSTAINING: Leonard MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 application for rezoning be Snyder. Bagar, Fltch, Snyder, Small de- 6. Stephen Dorcich (Los Coches Corp.): Application to rezone 2 lots located at the northeast corner of Blaney Avenue and Stevens Creek Blvd. from R-3-H to C-I-H. First hearing. The applicant stated that he intended the re-zoning for the purpose -5- of constructing "small nelghborhood stC'!"'es". The applicants stated that they would present elevations prior to the next meet- ing. Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the H Control Committee be form- ally activated wlth Commlssloner Fitch to serve as Chairman. Motion withdrawn in favor of further dlScussion under unfinished business. Moved by Commissioner Adamo that the first hearing be closed; Seconded by Commissloner Eagar. AYES: Commissioners: I,damo, Bagar, Fltch, Leonard, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commlssioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Rampy MOTION CaRRIED: 6-0 7. R. Giuffrida: Application to rezone 4~ acres from R-3-H and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H and R-3-H; located on west side of Hj.ghway 9, 988 ft. north of Stevens Creek Blvd., 206 ft. frontage. Front 400 ft. to C-l-H, balance to R-3-H. Flrst hearlng. The applicants took substD.ntlally the same position as the prior applicants with respect to the submission of site plans and eleva- tions. They said they were not in a good position to submlt such plans prior to zoning and before they learn the nature of the plans on the adjoining property. Mr. Eandley stated that the applicant intends to abide by all City or~inances before completing the process. ~10ved by Commissloner Fl tch that the first hearj.ng be closed; Seconded by Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, Small Nl,YS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioncrs: Rampy MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 8. R. Cali: Application to rczone and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H located on !fOO ft. ,'lest of Miller Avenue. approximately 4i acres from R-3-H south side of Stevens Creek Blvd. 600 ft. frontage. Flrst hearlng. Mr. Fltzgerald, represcnting the applicant said that the location would be a very good corner slte at the intersection of Wolfe and Stevens Creele Blvd. He said that zonlng J.S needed before develop- ment. Moved by Commissioner Fitch that the first hearing be closed; Sec- onded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, S=ll NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Rampy ~mTION CARRIED: 6-0 -6- VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous 1. The Commission scheduled January 19, 1961 as the time to con- sider the recreatlcn l'eport and named CommicslonersAdalDo, Leom::. rd, Small and Snyder as 2. sub-committee for that purpose. They requested thf,t C.·)uncilman Benetti be advised. 2. Commissioner Fitch inquireè about the status of the new City zoning ordinance. 3. Mr. Benevlch, Building Official, aslwd for an lnterpretation of Ordinance 144 (Revised). Review of Ordinance 144 (Revlsed) delegated to Chairman Leonard. 4. The City of Sunnyvale proposes to construct apartments near the north east corner of Highway 9 and Homestead. Moved by Commissioner Fltch that the matter be referred to the City Engineer; Seconded by Commlsmoner Bagar. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, Small None Rampy 6-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 5. Status or the checlc Ilsts ,/as aslÅ“d. City ClerIc answered that they were in progress. 6. Reference was made to the master plcm and the fact that there is community pressure to proceed with It. 7. Moved by Commissioner Fltch that the Plannlng Commlssion sug- gest the nights of February 2 or 9 or 16 as meeting nlghts with the City Council to study Clty finances, fcS proposed in an earlier memo; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fltch, Leonard, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Rampy !l10TION CARRIED: 6-0 VII liEW BUSINESS A. Mlscellaneous 1. Moved by Commissloner Snyder that the H Control Cornrnittee be formally activated as a sub-commlttee of the Planning Comm,· ission nominating Commissioner Fitch as Chairman; Seconded by Cornrnissioner V.wnard. AYES: Cornrnissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Leonard, Snyder, Small NAYS: Cornrnissioners: None ABSENT: Cornrnissloners: Rampy ABSTAINING: Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 2. Moved by Cornrnissioner Fitch that Planning Commission request City Council opinion respecting the application of Section K Ordinance 144 (Revised) and whether or not applications fail- -7-