PC 02-13-61 l'lace: rtme: II -HI P. O. Box 597 AL 2-4505 C I T Y 0 F CUP R R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 'l~HE PBTì·ì.G'G COMJ'-1ISSION FEBRUARY 13, 1961 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:00 P.M. I SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL: MINUTES OF Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: THE LAST REGULP:R MEETING: January Leonard, Rampy, Small, Snyder Adamo, Eagar, Fitch City Manager, City Attorney, Clty Asslstant Clty Engineer, Building 23, 1961. ClerIc, Offic~al. Mìnutes of the meeting of January 23, 1961 approved as subI11ltted. COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. A.S.P.O.: Newsletter, February, 1961. 2. League of Callfornia Clties: Legislatlve bulletin, dated February 3, 1961. 3. Hahn, Wise, & Barber, Inc.: Letter soliciting Cupertino's business with respect to all phases of planning such as general plans, central business district studies, economìc studies, etc. Brochure attached. 4. Sunnyvale Standard: Letter requestlng at least 24 hours notice in advance of all regular, emergency, or special Jr.::!etings. 5. Toro Developement Company: Notice that proposed sign to b~ installed at East Estates Drive and Stevens Creek Blvd. will be removed as soon as the property is sold. 6. Water Conservation News: January, 1961. 7. County Planning Commission: Summary of Actions, r~gu1ar meeting of January 18, 1961. 8, County Planning Commission: Agenda of February 1, 1961. 9. County Planning Commission: Summary of Actlons February 1. 10. County Planning Commission: Agenda February 15, 1961. 11. Louis D. Segal, Idlewild Greens Association: Letter asking continuation of the Craft, Leonal~, Lester hearings on the ground that residents are very recent occupants and are only now becoming acquainted with the applications. 12. Cupertino Union School District: Letter with plat and legal discription attached asklng review and approval of the subject property for school purposes. Moved by Commissioner Rampy that the communications be re·· cei ved and flledj Seconded b;y Commi.ssioner Snyder. AYES: Commissìoners: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 B. Verbal Louis Segal, 10293 Denison Avenue, rei.terated his written request -1- for a postponement of items V 1, 2, end 3. IV BUILDING INSPECTOR A. Thomas B. Fryer: Variance applicatlon to allow 17'6" front set-back where ordinance requires 20 feet; lot 16, Tract 2436, Westacres. Blll Cardia, 10401 Westacres Drive, objected to the variance. He said it would not harmonize with the rest of the street. The Building Official informed the Commission that he sees no objection to the reduced set-back. ~~e applicant, T. B. Fryer, said that the variance would i provide variation; that the 17'6" would releave the monotony of uniform house fronts. He also said that the curved drivé· way would enable him to park a car entirely clear of the sidewalk. CharleS LeVezu, 10371 Westacres Drive, objected to the vari- ance. He said he could see no reason why a variance was necessary inasmuch as all the other homes complied with the existing standards. Commissioner Leonard said that the City normally tries to stay wlth accepted pol~y, although deviations have been permitted where the situation warranted. On that basis, Commissloner Leonard moved that the applica- tion be denied, suggesting that the applicant abide by the n8rmal 20 ft. set-back; Seconded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 V HEARINGS SCHEDULED 1. Ellen Craft: Application to rezone 118 acres from A-2:B-4 to M-I-H, R-3-H, C-I-H, and PO-H; north side Stevens Creek Blvd. at eastern City limits. Hearings closed. Vote scheduled. 2. Leonard Family: to C-I-H, M-I-H, east of Linnet. Application to rezone 88 acres from A-2:B--4 R-3-H, & PO-H; south side of Homestead Road Hearings closed. Vote scheduled. 3. Lester & Lester: Application to rezone 100 acres from A-2:B-4 to M-I-H, C-I-H, R-3-H, & PO-H; north side stevens Creek Blvd. adjoining east side of Idlewild Greens. Hearings closed. Vote scheduled. The controling ordinance requires four afflrmative votes on the Planning Commission to recorrmend a re-zoning to the City Coun- cil. With Mr. Leonard vacating his seat,only three votes would remain. Moved by Commissioner Rampy that items V 1, 2, and 3 be post- poned to February 27; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. -2- lÌ-'~{ES: ComTf.lssìcl1"17S: N"f-l..Yf): CCffiíf:,issionCJ:>0: ABSE:;:,J~: Ij::.rrJ!rj,isslone:.."s~ ABS'I'AININU: MOTION CAP.R:LóD: Ran1p~¡~j ~':JJ¡Jc:rJ c,rl'~3,~1 Nor:.l': Adamo:; Lagar~ FJtch Leonal'Ò. 3-0 4. Stephen Dorcìch (L08 Coches Carr.;: AppEcaLo;1 to rezone 2 lot.s lccatcd at th8 no:;.:·sh8êtS"C CO:;:-ilcr of Bl2.ney AVCn:l8 B.n':_:~ Stevens Crecl<: B:vd. i'ro:T: R-3-H to C-l-·H. Second hearing C;O"rl- tinued. The appllc2n:-..:' !Vir. DC)I"'cJ_c;h;¡ 2..cidrebSed tllO Commission ¡'\fltn hJ_Co request for re-zúni!le;. He s2.id that the plan now in eviòGrlcE: '.;as the third sè:b.1u t ceel to the City, the latest beii":g date,l Pebruary 6.) 1961, recoi-Iled Februa.J,~Y 8;¡ after c'JDsultati')n ~.'Jith the office of the Clty })lgineer. Vincent ~f..1orre 8.s1~cJ. the COf.1missicn about the l...:ndei....·-grol..(lcl CO:-:-- cretE: irl'ie;?_tiür~ pipe-lin(.; Ì'...-hj-,~h run::.:' along tl18 t~~o ~~otE';J fl'C1"a his well located on the cP..st s.iè.':-; ,)f }··L' is lc~: to th.=: in-i~c'~:sçc,t"-~L(n- of Blaney and StevE:nc Cr'e¿k Rl \~d ~ IT.;;::: l:a.d. ßubmi tted <-.1. lE,"C,tall en the subject statìng his o';)ject·,lor.t to haVll1!:j this line~;Iol:;:en 01'" destroY8c:' :'n any way to r.:.1~c~ :.. t l.u1usabl,=. The City Attorne~T é~dv~L3ed .i;!;.2.,'c ths bUYG:c has no way of IfY101'!ing the 8xisi;~~ce of su~h lrrig~'tlon lircß as ir~igation line~ are not r~co~~ded ;.,.~l'~; nJ t:;_tlG j'-~~¡-'"",',.,:..(lr::<~s :oc~.t~·:~~s 8.re i.SSU(-:~.. Ee su.ggestf-·~d tb.;';T c:.....ea-ct: 2n sas(;:ü''::;_lt of r: (;ord along the edg0 of tlJ,0, property or Jl1 tJ_"; St1:-'88C. lL-; saìc:. thìs ~ùuld be done eitiL prj.or to GCtirJ:1 jy th'..;COT.~l~'lj_~):~ir:,n or .':?_C't;2r1~;'8.rd::::.$ ··:'l a.r:>ange:nenb ~iet1¡;('3rl t¡l-;:: p'~Lx·t;ies o:~·, irlt21"CD'C e JOl-;D IngJ.~brc¡;l..:, IdJf-;v;rild Grecns O~)jcct.(:ü to the re-zo::ìing. Corrmissioncr I,eon..-:'.c·û l'Sb'(~ 2~ S.i:~-lP;~S Dot] r)~i. fo:' ccn2,ideratio~1 of tIE Cor:rrni s S l an. M:'d. }{.:::: :CÜi,3IT!.':';Y'::;}:', ~ ( '!.;'" ".:) .....r ~ 8?lCl :::'[;..;;.; Dor..sidered the :L1e- zo~J.ng a gooJ ì~e2~ IJIr. Ir:gleb:::>s0K st.:lted t.h:.Ù~ the; r;0~;.l~~:8:"":;.:':~. :C.lGGds fL1T'the:.-o plans relative L"· ~_,~:,c applj.cd,t,ic.,1; '~.l '.,'.; tbF.-::':; i.'r,c. ?ppJ.lcat::'..on h~l.s :.10 cor~n3c;~:1_ü.il to Systf:]fYitj_IJ 01' jl.L~C¿;l·ó_i~'":::. ::::;:':'~~',ri.ll:.r:g. ~vI:t¡. .':2g:11, J\~r,_:isr)J'" !:"-'~nue, S'C(l.-I->2:.,l l~ ~: ~'~ FJ./?8ter O£' genera] pl3.D v,r()uld [L:~)par8i:1t.:Ly 8úJ,.,,J :û1)ch ()f Jc:-> , (d.t ,"::._C1}~.t.y. Bob r-.1_ichaelf:Jn, Jdle\'JJ_J.d Gr~~2rl_3J y-::;,::"~ to Gug~;8St Lcne:t.>a:" ref~;3ê,.:. of ellJ a)plj.r:?t;i~jns;¡ 01""' fre·::;ZJ-Ylg oJ' all ".1:"'c"Zcni~g8.1 l.,~nt:j.l a mast81'" plan ìs ¡3L.-:.br:12.tt·ed 1'0:;" tiH~ lh:~"l~:<ric oJ:' c:J]' tht:: f,sor-Ie J.n t.he C!iJC~ì 0 (app]:.":~}.~.~e). Don bémùl"y stat,'·ó. tha:; the 8.r;;>li cation merits the a t'c·ent·'.OD 0:: th~:; C(;::1~niS3ion a-orÁ th3.·;-; th:j s\J....div~.::'·j ons5 :yyth Idl€':l:i.J.d 2.1:rl ~.~c~I': ~..n.·1 d G:'(~ens, are 8U de signed G..!J.d C(.'!_;'5t: ~~J.cted tlJ3. t they i::'0v:Lèie ''-,"ltl1i::1 t~.',;m381vt.:;~3 ·¡;he nece.:3:;aJ."~;r 'ji"'ot~':-ctc:n fr-om oV.ts::d,:;- l.>Je~. .. -:-~- ~1r. Segal said that the Idlewild Grecns subdivision was not pro- tected or buffered from three and four story apartments and buildings. Mr. Dorcich sald that the economy must be moved along, even where ~t concerns such small projects 8.S this. Mr. Segal advised the Co~r.ission that their statements and criti· ctsms probably are not apropo at this mO'.i.'.ent. Moved by Con~issioner Bumpy that the hearing be closed; Seconded by Commissioner Leonard. AYES: Commissioners: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Cornmissloners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the Planning Cormnission r8()()L mend to the City Council that the zoning be granted subject to ExhibJ.t B, items 1 - 12, and that the Commission suggest to t;:;ç Council that they consider certain surrounding situations) namely: 13. The two halves of Stevens Creek Blvd. at the Blaney Avenue intersection are not level. 14. Signals will be needed eventually at trB intersection of Blaney and Stevens Creek Blvd. 15. The property is traversed by a Torre Frigation line which furnishes water for orchards and fire protecti.on; Sec- onded by Comrnlssioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Leonard, P.ampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: CO¡mniSSloners: None ABSENT: Commissionel's: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 (RECESS) 7. Sunshine Acres Investment Co.: Application to rezone lots 1 - 8 inclusive, Tract 2086, Idlewild Greens, from R-l to R-3-R. F:1.. rst hearing. Mr. OalŒ aslced continuance of the application to February 27. Moved by Comrnissj.oner Snyder that the application be cOl~tinued to February 27; SecondGd by Commlssioœ r Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Leonard, Harr:.py, Sp:,rder, Small NAYS: Comrnission8rs: None ABSENT: Comælssionors: Adamo, Eagar, Pitch MO~ION CARRIED: 4-0 5. R. Cali: Application to rezone approximately 4i acres from R R-3-H & R-l:B-2 to C-I-H located on south slde of Stevens Cree~ Blvd., 400 ft. ':lest of Mlller Avenue. 600 ft. frontage. Second hearing continued. Don Bandley represented the application and posted the map of the property. Being questioned, he stated that their proposed use of the property provides for the extension of Wolfe Road as adopted by the City Council, also that applicants proposed -4- . . to abide by all standard City condit~ons. Moved by COmITQssioner ~onard that ~he second hearing be closed; Seconded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissione:-s: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 Moved by Commissionel' Leonard that the Planning Corrunission reCODi' mend to the City Councll that the zoning be granted subject to Exhibit B, items 1 - 12, and that the Planning Commission suggest to the City Council that they consider certain surrounding sita- ations, namely: 13. That the two halves of Stevens Creek Blvd. at Wolfe are not level. 14. Signals will be needed eventually at Wolfe and Stevens Creek Blvd. intersection. 15. The parcel being close to Calabazas Creek may require a dedication to the Flood Control ~~strict; Seconded by Com· missioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, None Adamo, Bagar, Fitch 4-0 Small 6. Ripley Homes: Application to rezone lots 36 and 51, Monte Vista Subdivision, 10 acres, east side Blaney Avenue south side of Baywood Subdivision; from R-l:B-2 to R-l. First hearing. Ten·- tative map, 39 lots. George Somps, Engineer, represented the applicant. The tenta- tive subdivision map was posted and distributed. Commissioner Leonard inquired about a park site on the subject property or adjoining property since the subdivision adjoins a proposed school site and the Recreation Committee has endorsed location of parks at such a place. Mr. Somps stated lots and did not its boundaries. that the subdivision was a small one, being 39 lend itself very readily to park site within He thought it would be uneconomical. Jerry Fitzgerald said that the school district has Ilt acres adjOining the proposed 2Ubdivision instead of the necessary 10 acres. Perhaps the additional acreage could be utilized for recreation purposes. The recommendation of the City Engineer was read. The letter recommended that street openings to Blaney Avenue be limited to one; and also advised that the street pattern as indicated on Neighborhood Plan #8 becomes impossible to complete due to the acquisition of the property to the south of subject property. by the school site. The recommendation suggests that a letter be obtained from the school district regarding their intentions. Mr. Podell, applicant, stated that the company will install the -5- þ-uoJ.icj,mprovementson two lot 3 freJriting Portel Avenue not in- cluded ;in the subdivision. Mr. Somps, the engineer, obse:rved that this would ¡:o-equire approx- imatelY $2500.00 worth of' improvements",nd ¡.¡ould be àn impositior. on the builder. He reque£ted ~pproval of the Plan as submitted. Ward C!'li)l1P aà:í,d he favored the map as submitted by t!'le subdivider rather than as recommended byt,he City Engineer. He said he thoug!'lt ßlaneyAvenueshouldþe closed by the freeway and tMt a residentj,S,l street i:;¡t\ot essent:lally a traffic carrier ",nd should be planneda.ccordingly. Mrs. Hêrl:n'¡'meYer said she Vavored the subdivision and that it app· eared to provide 39 nice !'lomes. Moved by Commi$sionerLeonardthat the first hearing be closed; Seconded by Commissionq r ~mpy. AYES: Coromissioners: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 Relative to the map, C6mmisstoner Shydersaidhe is inclined to go along wit!'l t!'le developer and the opinion of WardC!'li)l1p. Mr. Perkins stated thattheCoromission should consider that some of the streets contemplated by the Planning Commiss16n are not in fact a reality.at the pl'esent tfme;spec1ficallythere is no Wolfe Road except On paper and there is a narrow Highway 9. ::~ the expectations do not materialize a grade sceparation at Blaney Avenue may be a necessity. The City Manager stated that the G1tyCounciltlaß executed a freeway agreement with the State Division of' ij:tS;hwaYß. provid:j.ng for a grade separation at Blan~y. The Planning Commission advfseçl Mr. Perkins to persent alternate maps at the next meeting. VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous Cupertino Union School Distr:!.ct: Submi.åßion of plat and a legal description of G:!.adone, Copstantini, and Kalafa'lllchproperties, east side of Blaney Avenue adjoining south side of proposed Rip- ley Homes Subdivision for review and approval of the subject property for school purposes. Commissioner Leonard suggested that the Commission pursue the possibility of' a recreation site before second hearing on the Ripley Homes application is closed. He SUggested a leiter to the School District inquiring whether Oheor two acres would be available for recreation use either through acquisition by the City or other means. He suggested the Recreation Committee dis- cuss the subject with the School District. Moved by Commission Leonard that the Planning Commission recom- mend approval in principal of the school site location suggest- ing attachment of Exhiblt Band suggestlng that the City Coun- cil consider the fact that: 13. The school district has acquired about 11.6 acres and that the school district may see fit to corrmdt about 2 acre~ to City recreation. 14. There is need to extend Amhurst Avenue through to Forrest. 15. The Recreation Committee and the Homeowners Associatio;-, of adjacent tracts may wish to participate in the negotiatio' for school site lands to be devoted to recreation; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissi oners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, None Adamo, Bagar, Fith 4-0 Small VII NEW BUSINESS A. Bruce Callen: horses, 10621 Application for use permit to stable and ride Madera Drive. The applicant was not present. Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the application be tabled un- til February 27; Seconded by Co~~issioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 B. Miscellaneous None III ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M., February 13,1961. APPROVED: Chairman, Planning Comrrdssion ATTEST: { Ci t~ Cleric / !;.:':. 4- ......;"