PC 03-27-61 P. O. Box 597 AL 2-1+505 CITY OF CTJPERTIl!O CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 1'11NT.;TES OF THE REGULAR l-1EE'l'ING OF THE PLANNIN(} COi\1i'oUSSION - MARCH r,"'~ Co t J 1961 t'l:lCe: 1032'1 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road :"me; 8:00 P.M. I Si>.LTJ'l''-!. TO 'l'HE FLAG II H0LL CALL: MINUTES OF THE LAST REGULAR MEETING: March 13. 1961 Comm:lssioners Present: Adamo, Fitch. Leonard, Rampy, Small. Snyder Commlssloners Absent; Eagar Staff Present: C:lty Attorney, City Engineer Mi¡mtes of' March 13. 1961, approved as submitted. II.'. CO;yjìI¡UNICATIONS f... Wrltten 1. Henry Horn: Letter requesting zoning lnformatlon re flowsX' farm. 2. Chase Manhattan Ban;,: Pamphlet on urban renewal 3. A.S.P.C.: March,}lg61 :lssue 't. C:J.ty Attorney: Draft 01' proposed Ordlnance 002H on pI'0fe'3s:lon" al admll1lstratlve and light industrial zoning. 5. Governor's C0m.'!1lss:..on on Metrùpolitan Area J:':coblems: Tr:ms- mittal letter and report. Moved by Commissloner Fitch that the foreg()lng d~)CUl::""it bo clrculated among the Commlssion'''I'::I,: Seconded by CO:JUlIlssioner EQi:Ç:Y, AYES: Commissloners: Adamo, l"itC:1, Rampy, Small, Snyder, I..eon,\r,' NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 6. State Department of Flnan~e: Letter os.' transmittal and -~e":,cI't on iT;,e Legislatlve Functlons Of '.&e Ge~'~~<Ü Plan". 7. 1tlater Conservation News: February,196llSS1W, Initiating resolution not yet adopted by City Council on Crd:'.nanc<ò 002H. ~1oved by Commissioner Fitch that Water Conservation News 1'.~·:d:Jrban Rene\"Tal ooolrlet be ":'1.I·(;,ulatp;)_ dnong -t1·j.t~ \.,;-J::- ~!'.2.8sj,,-.'_~~,~rfJ; 2~~~'':.\·,ndeù. by CommlSSlOnel' Snyder. AYES: Commlssionel's: NAYS: CommlssioDers: ABSENT: Commission;ò,'ö: MOTION CARRIED: Ada.r,)(, } j}Ol1t;: fj¿gar 5-0 :'ltch, ti,"\ì1Ipy, Small, Sny-de}', Leonan· Moved by Cœnm:J.ssioner F:,tch. that the Ce>f:1""",Dlcatlons, except Mr. Homl s letter, he received and filed; Secr'Eded hy Commissio,)..;;r ;':~!JT¡}, AYES: CO¡¡¡llJlssioners: Ad?mo, ""itch, lid;¡;py, Snn~.J., Snydex" ·-.c,·~;.·:,]·· ~T¡\YS: Commissioners.: None ABSENT: Comnlssioners: Bdgar MOTION CARR.ŒD: F·<) ., ..L B. Verbal 1. R-2, R-3 acreage :m C:.ty (deferred - see V r::,~'PagE:6) 2. PlaDlllng COmlll~S8ê.O¡¡ terms oC o¡'flce Terms on Commisslon Hill expire 4/!. /6L~ for Burrel Leonard, E. J. Small, PI1l1lP Bagar, Troy Rampy; 4/1/62 lor Joseph Adar.lo, vJalter Fitch, Charles Sn:~'der. The Chairman aslŒd that the mlnutes show that the Corrmlsslon Inll elect ne1,,1 offJ.cers at the flrst meetJ.ng In Aprll. IV BUILDING INSPECTOR A. Construction oJ:' additional (Jlns, Cali Feed & Gra:.n Mlll WJ.thdravm from this agenda; application Jefore H Control CommJ.ttee. V HEARINGS SCHEDULED A. Jack Dymond, Jr.: ApplicatlOl"l to rezone 18. '+ acres from R-l:B-2 to R-2-H; 12.4 acres from R-l:B-2 to R-3-H, \Ies~ side of r1t. Vlew- Stevens Creelc Rd. betVleen Monta Vista School 2nd l'.lcade Road. First hearlng contlnued. Tentatlve map: R-2; 67 lots. Commlssloner Fitch asked to malæ a recommendation before appllc- ant I s attorney made presentation; the essence o.~· which W8.S fear of too much multlple zoning in the CJ.ty. The CoymTIlssion agreed to hear out the applicant before conslderlng 1<'J. tch 's recommenda- tJ.on. Gene Mastln, represen~ing tbe applicant, dlsplayed pictures show- ing dJ.fferent aerial VleVlS of' the proposed rezonJ.ng propert~'·, "X, plaì:llng that $35,000.00 duplexes would be more accept8.ble l1"], SU,,1 an area than $35,000.00 homes, as buyers would not be entlced tc buy such a high priced home in this area.. Other points he men· tioned In favor of rezorung: freeways already avallable, Perman- ente lS close by for jobs, apartment section will have 12 units per acre, there Hill be less expense and defaclng of land if R-3 :LS used rather than R-l on lullsìde where R-3 is pro)osed. Don Excell said that there vJOuld be a greater tax i1f'<;òSSP.~"".jt from R-3 than R-l if property is so zoned: apprcx~mately $1 ¡,¡illJ.on from R-l as compared to $L!. mj.lllon from R-3. C. F. Spencer said that he ¡'",els people i¡; t):1<".t area do ¡:,..: t ··.;ant cheap- housing in there s:ullply because ;;;0];12 ;)la;.)€s in t ha':; ::'1'8"; J.i , not UpéGO par. Ü", aJ.so said that the 'i;yp.a of developeme1,t pro- posed J.S not wanted next to the schoc)l. He asked about sewerage, water, and other facillt:ces and the avallabj.l~ty of same to thls developement. Mrs. Voss reiterated the water,and sewerage problem; speciflcally that Hater is no\~ a b:I.@; problem in that area. She also r,p,:U-13d the quest~on of the school chlldren traveling to and from school \lith- ouc havlng to cross S'cevens Creek Blvd. In answer to Mrs. VOJSS' concern over the availaiLllty of seller lules for such a laI'ge developement, the C:i.ty Eng:meer st:·l.ted tInt the sewers :en that area Here not meant to handle Ingh density U8a, but were lntended fQj." single faml:'7 r'esj.denc8~;, He stat.ed that the -2- San~tal'Y Distrlct adopted an ordlnance w;-¡erebj multJples will have to pay an add~tional fee ior futupe sewer lUles to run alOl~gside the present oaes in ol'der to fi:\c:Llltate the ~_ncreased usage. CÆ1TßlSS.LOner Snyder req'_lested a report from ~~ater Ccmmissicn prior to next considerat~on of tins =ttel". The C~1airma!l étsl::ed the C1.t;y EnGineer to forward copi.es of the Ord1.nf1.DCe adopted by the Sanitary Dlstrlct concerm.ng tile extra fees required of multlples to the members of the Comndssion. The Cit:; Attorney stated that thls matter should l)e cleared throug; the Sû.nltary D1.strlct Defore the ComnJ1.ssion can recommend approval of the centative map, as Û1e District is the one to sa:;' if future lines :nll be able to handle this developement. Moved by Commissloner Adamo that the first hearJ.ng be closed; Sec- onded by Commissloner Fitch. The Chairman aslced that the minutes sho,~ that the followins i. Gew, ,Je routed to the City 1I1anac;er for a repOl"t on same prJ.or to the next li1earing on this applicatiOn: Report of Water COIDmlssion, report of sewerage, report on storm drainage, and report of school distr1.ct relative to th2 subject application. The roll was called on AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commi s si one rs : MOTION CARRIED: the above motion and second. Adamo, jht;::h, Bampy, Small, Snyder, Leonül'.' None fugal' 6-0 B. Ripley Homes: Applicatlon to rezon~ 70 lots between Blan8Y, Vi~t¿ and B'orest from R-l:B-2 to R-l. Second hearing. 'l'entative map. Mr. Podell, applicant, distrlÌ:mted new tentati ve m:lps to t-he Com-- missioners and noted changes rr.nde. ¡).;_ ty T;nginc, ,-' r' sa.id t':1.e map does not conform exactly \nth the master plRn but t:-;.~ changes r.18.c1(c wlll allow for good traffic flow. Charles Alexander, President of ldlewill G1'p-ens Homeovmers L~30Ci.- ation, aslced that the m~nutes show "neigl1bo:':'hood plan" ic"te8,d vf "master plan". Commissioner Small moved that the second hea1'ing be clos2d; onded by Cormnissioner F:Lteh. AYES: Commissloners: Adamo, F~tch) Rampy, Small, SnYGs~, NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 c I-,ec·., L:.;ün··,...·· Commissioner Snyder moved that the Commission recommend aG0~ov¿1 of the land use subject to Exhibit B; Seconded 0:;' Commissioner Small. AYES: Comm~ssioners: }L0~Y'S: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: ¡'10'rION CARRIED: Adamo, None Eaßar 6-0 Fltch, Rampy, Sm'J.ll.. Sn:,'de:I.. L~O:.JB ," -3- ¡.1cved by Commlssioner FJ.tch that tl1c~ tpiltat1vc' milp be approved; Seconded b:;- Cor:wllssìoner Adamo. hYES: CO!!1IllJ.SSìO¡1ers: l\.damo, Fitch, ;'1amp:", 8l:JEÚ1, Snyder, LeonaJ' NAYS: Commis:sioners' None ABSErIT: Co~missloners: Bagar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 Commissloner Fj.tch aslced that a mìr,ute order be ¡-¡lade asking City Manager to inform th3 R0cI'ea tion Com:mS3J_On élnd School District of the contents of thj_s recommendat.lon for' such comment 3S those bodies care to malee; Seconded by Commlssloner 0nyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, F'~ teh, J:ìa.mp:;, Small, Snycle:c, Leol18.Y" NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar MO'rION CARRIED: 6-0 C. Joseph F. Brown: Application to rezone 8.5 acres on w"st slde of Highway 9 between projection of Mariani and F::il'e'ßt, fron:: If é).crd:' to 1\1-1-H; bacl::4" 5 acre.s to R-· 3-H~ Se8Gl'1,j heF.~~cing ~ Dr. Brown answ~red !I!l'. Small's question as tc the necpssi ty for M..l,-H zorÜng by saying that any city Hith a me_ster plan has /1':-1-1. zoning for an anlmal hospital. He also sald, è_n ans\,'er to !f,r. Adamo's questìon; that he is r.1Ùre than "VI,?:.LIJ.ing -GO ded.::'c;8.tE: front- age on Hißhway ~, Commlssloner Snyder suggested 3. eJÆ pe!'!!:J.t aplyrci'tch ratlll'~r than rezoning. He said a use permit with a res,òrvatlon that such pel"- mi t be unrevoca"ble 2,3 l.~ng as i:u ~:.tne8ß if:; In opera tion ì,vo'.11c~ pre· tect the appl.ì.cant from the p:òril.s of tiw U:3(' p~l'r¡jt lJe" D2. The ChalI'mar.. asked tLat the recor'ds show there 1,'~¿:r2 no p~ot(;SJ\.:3 to the applicatlon from the floor. caty Attorney said the lÐ.;~ :,wcvid',s that if Ð_ ìYculdÜ¡g bU::·'.l': dOè;,1 the property can bp rezcned t'J fit into the cì ty p.':.tterr_, Ò¡;t 1..': e- ìf property is rezoned and dev-.~l().lY~~d a~cúrdingly ~ Þ use p8:':~.i:: is for use otber than property ex b1.Ül.dir:g oricc;:i.naJ.ly ínt"'·'dG'.;.. He said there a1'("; only t..l:JO COUl'ses of :;lC.t':.,)n: eit.l.l~:;r :;'.:on8 ·;:,h\:-~ pr(~...· erty r,1-1-H or sqt'!.p.e:z~..:· it:; out a~;. L{}n-(,:ol.!.f:'))~~lìinrs t:...se ~ The idea behind the UR~ r'~Lri.:':"·-' apJ)'':'l'nCIJ. r:-1.tber 'chan re:-::;OlT:.ì,,")fd., ster,1. med from tl'le (on.t~ern ti1e-c scrrv.·::·hì~-g Jess att.ré....:tl\le than D,·~.~ ao:tm&.~_ hospj~tal mìght b~J pl:~t ',)l.. tt1E,; property 1:r.. tl'"'}~ f'..1'Cure 1.f ¡;cned ~I.l.-J....> Tl1e applicant q¡;.J·clT'ed th8 COrŒ.!llss\or, that he had no ini;;'~i.!tìon of uSJ_ng the M··l zoning foJ:"' 8,nyth.ì..y.g"0ut 2.n animal hos~::.i.t8.13 a.s stat.e·': Tom Burrasc8no stJ.ted that Vega Electl'cnics was g~v'o'n ~;-l·-H zoning and then a;:,a.ndoned plans for ì:nlildiDG on that s:J.te. H3 feels th!j: if the Comrnisston could recommen..'i M-I-H ZOlllng Oil a n01l-e.iC,s~:;:ing b~lsíness l t could cefltainly r~~ommr]nd thi,3 ZOll:l.nF.--'; for :Jr~ Bt~ov.."":~. as his ì:msin8ss and building art: already in ex:i.stancp. on the prop· erty \'Illlcl1 is the subject of this applJ.c'ltion. Yi,.)\18d ì")=r Commissioner Actó.mo that the p,E.;;·.ond he21:"'lng Î:).) clúsed ~ ~~(:.. anded "oy COr1l!ni8Bion(~r Rampy. -. .~~ .. COmmlssioner F:Lteh meve1 tha'; l.t.~ re/">',lnp; be. l'ee') Illi'" 'é'dé', for' appi?ovs.l: 8.8 per aprliCé4.tion·.~ ~~1j.bJ~ct tCJ ~~~',Lìbit }3 t.t:1(', c.l.t~d'i.~a:t.:i('n. of prdperty fOI' v¡tdmung ofW_Zhw::tj 9; S8conded by Commis<oioner Small. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSF~T: Commissioners: ABSTAIN:Commlssioncrs: MOTION CARRIED: AYES: Commlss~oners: NAYS: COI'Lmissioners: ABSENT: Commisslone:'s: llÏOTION CAHRIED: f..c1amo -' Pit~h) L'lmpy, Sme.11.f E,.-.lyd\~r) Le(¡tl':,. NŒ1e Bagar 6-0 Adamo, None Eagar Snyder 5-0 F:1. tch, Rampy', Srüall, Leon8 :i.~~'. D. Bonar & :t''isher: Applicatlon for me p"X'!Tlit .and rezonir.g, SOL~Cb.-· east corner Homestf..ad Rd. and Grant from M-I-H to (-,1-11; m::J.rket. and service station; second hearl!'!g. The Chairme.n recapped the applH:,-, tlon and the lssues bro'..~ght for'tl on the previous hearing. Chairman aslœd that the records sholl that ,,0 oppositJ-'~n ..¡as í'orÜ comlng from the floot' on tllJ:ò applicatt on, Moved by Commissbner Adamo that the s~cond he2.ring be closed; Se'~- onded by CommissiOner rampy. AYES: Commission'f!rs: Adamo, F'itch, Rampy, Small, SnJrder, J_€OlV"'. NAYS: Commissior,eI's: :(,'(;11e ABSENT: Commissj.oners: B"igar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 Comrr.lssioner Adam:') moved that th') Commiss::on I'ecc)!lImend to 'ell;, C-,.\". Council aPP""Gval of the applìcatlon subje<"t to ]<;xlÜ:Ji t :8, 2·'~condi by Commisinoner F.ampy. AYES: COIDmQS~lODers: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT:· CommissiorH'Jrs: MOTION CARRIED: A<iamc, None Eagar- 6-0 F~.tch, Rr.!:'!P:l) ~;l¡1all-, Sny.JcrJ ]"190ns ( E. Paganìni: Application to rezone 38 aCl'es from R-3":¡ ém(1 R--l:B·,~~ to C-I-H, R-2-·G, and R-3-H.; sO\J,th side'! ,'i~e'Jens Creel~ n:'c·,-,". ;"djOlL ing ~Iest side of ICllewild ::íutd-:'. visior'.. :1"~'.r!3t heal'L.g e,¡ t:;:,i. ',l.. A. E. Jones; r:;p.ces~r,t1.n.g t~~ dppl:Jcar..t, pcinted out or'. c:'\, ~ìFi.p tl)ó the R-2 area Vias cr..anged to E-l, 11,>,J to Irllewild, as a taff,,,r. Discusslon folloVJed, at lenGth, X'0 E.ß!'CSS, €oßress, ar.d t"C'?veli'ii' 'I of school children; also the proced';).:c"~ of s:.;hcols J.n th,'Jll' !TIp-th,;· of developement and improvement of roads, etc. Commlsslo11er F~tch sho\led 011 ths board hc"" 3 acres i11stead of 11 aC:r'es could be incot'pora ted lnto a park site oy redeslgnir'6 t,"f;; stt'Ðet pattern on t .l~ propo3e-l i'.pplication. Th(~ ClniI'I!1an aS~;f;d r;O!J);'1iSSlGre:o:> 1:"5 tch if he \Iou] cl dr~~f~ ,', 12t :~,,: to the Gi ty If..ana.be~ 2}:!.d R¡::c ('eM. t·:_O!~ l:om'Tris8:Lon :C'3: the ahr)v::::: pa:r:'lf pr~)paf:',al. CClrr'ni.f.!f;j.,:;neJ." F~tG;.' ;-:.)..1 : ;-1'=' 'A',)'l~,.J'·l ,~_:.:) ~..:.,o ~ .. ;Vi()v(~d '¡y:r COmm~L S SlOn?r' Ac1arao tha/¡; tl;e fiY.'8 i~, ~1(::B ::,".·L~lg be closed; Seccnded, by (:0rrJ~lisi::Li(,)ner Small. AYES: CcrJIì1ìssiotlers: Ada.mo J Fi tch.? P..amp~·+. SrJaJ_l, Snydel';¡ Leona!, :¡\)"AYS: Con:missioners: n.:me ABSENT; Ccrunisßloners: BaGar !,10'J'ION CAHRIED: 6-0 Aft8I' C::is~ussion regarding the c~;:istJ.ng R-3-H zoning :in the City It vias moved by ComnusslO",er Sma.ll that a wor];: fJession be sched- uled for 1,Jednesday, Appil 5, with the Clt:\' Nana[ßî' and any CouncLI m'ôn interested to be pl'esen-c, a'c 7: 30 P. ~L, to discuss the mul tip~ and commercial zonlng now in the Cj.i;y; the Ci t:/ j\bn,o,ger to 1lotlf;/ the Councilmen of RU')J ect meetlng, and to contact CO!111T1lssionors Fltch and Small; Seconded ìJY Cor.mnssioner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fltch, P.a:npy, 2,mall, Snyder, V,oLa;. ~TA),S: Comn1islHoners: :\Jo,1e .ABSENT: GOl1JI11J.ssione':'s: Baca.r lVIOTI,")N CARRIED: 6-0 F Cup'õrtino NnrSel"Y (E, S. Uenalca)' A:OPlicÐtion to rezrme 3 acres to C-3-H; 3 acres to R-3-H; exisLLns zoninó lS R-3··H 2.n.d 11-1:B··2; ,Ütuated west side No, Hi[,hvlay 9 oetwcen praj"wt:,ons of Mari.J.nl and Forest. First h-:al"ing. ~1r. Uena];:a stated tIle purpose of ]us requ,')st for r<òzonil1g is to zone the property to conform:Lng use, on tne C-2,-H po:d;ion of the prüpel'ty; and to H-::] on tIle adjoir:ing parcel to conform to t:1e zom.nQ, pattern. tIs ::ot'lt8d th8.t he Flntleipates no f,ltur":! major changes, in ans/Jet' to thE: :..>~.atl"!l1:)iJ~· s question re same. He also aa.j.d he is wllllng to go aL)ng with widernnCi of High"'iy 9. The Chairman asked that the records show thel'e VIas no pretest to the application from the floor. Commissioner Small ¡:loved that t!1.8 first hearing be close~j 3"10' onded 'by COJll;nìSbioner Fìtch~ AYES: ComrnissioLC1'S: AdaJrloJ Fitch.:> ?..ELl1<PYJ Sm:tll, Sny<i:~;:r.~.; IJe':.:':'.1?:: KA.YS: Commissioners: NODe AB3EJF.e: COTnmis sj ')rJ.'~ rs ~ B:-lgal' l\'iO'IION CARHIEL': 6··0 G. IV1J.l1 Bj.lich; Úpplic8.tion trJ re?;cn" 2 :.ct8 IX'om R·-l;B-2 to :"-3-H; lots 43 a~~i::l [!)+., lV¡on-~a V).st,(l B:..~.h,i2.v~"sj,c>n..] 1","-:tVl'.:!Gi1 Dla.;;),e:l ;,~_),:~1 :)\-.'x-tD~ north of Stevens Cr8,~1( Bl vrl".9 :""1jllflèd.ii;n:,:-;:i.)''- w:_~st of lr;Ì182ttü~'- ~-,'I"è 'rf.'.. ~ Fir&t 11<c~arlng Gerry Fltzgerald, C+LJ_pertino Er~~a.lty, r(~¡,.t·esel1t:L~,IS ths appl::i (;~,n~-·:. pOJ.nted out the o'-ne1'l ts of R· 3·,R (,uffering COITJ!'er,-,;j 8.1 ag,.Ùnst s.ny pOHcLil)le rasld'2.::1b:i.-:.l d-avelopemeat to the nopth. He; sa~!..cl the apartment bu:U.dings will ~)e one ~.tor'J In h<c'ight. Charles A12x<md8r, I.G.H.O.A. Pn~sideJl1t, stated that the pI'oxi:ni.t:: of R·3 to $20,008.00+ homes in Idlewlld G-r>eens Inll lower "be value of these homes. v/, J". ErJerÌJa:.;lz., 19777 Hheaton, st?t'2c1 ;j'~ hn,s had eG'cn-ntu1 froG marry re '::l. 1 tors -ehB. c l-ì- 3 next to ~ 2;):1 CGO 0 00 home S~',/nulc1 decpcase ~ ··0- t~e value of sald homes bet~een ~(1'èC' (, (. 15... {)()( J, (j!J> to $Lf, 000.00. !-loved by Commiss:.oner Sm8.11 t11at the first 11earlng be closed; Sec- orlcì.ed c:r Commiss,:,o::le::,:"" Re.mpy. AYES: Commiss:"on.ers: Aò_amo.1 F:.tch" Ramp:>r;¡ SmallJi Sn~lder" LeonaI' NAYS: Commiss:'.oners: None ABSE}~: Commissioners: Ba~ar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 Mr. Alexander empllasized that the C:ccy needs a rüaster plan very badly, and asked if He do have a plan that we are following. The Chairman stated that He do have a series of neighborhood plané: and that the Planning Comraission has no jurisdiction over a City }~ster Plan; this is up to the City Council. Mr. Alexander wmed to So on record as saying that the Idlewild Greens people wish multlple zoning to be held up unt~l master plan is set up. Corr~ìssioner Fitch moved that a recommendatlon, whlch he read,in draft form, be given to Cit¿' Manager to be distributed to the Recreation Commission, H Control Co~"ittee, and Planning Commissi(> for further study at the April 5 study session; Seconded by Com- missl0l1er Small. AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Conmrissioners: MOTI ON CARRIED: Adamo, None Bagar 6-0 Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leona)." VI UNFINISHED BUSI~~SS A. Miscellaneous Commissioner Fltch moved that r1r, Horn's letter ìJe referred to the City }hnager for administrative handling; Seconded by Corr~issione' Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leona;,:" NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Bagar }lOTION CARRIED: 6-0 VII Nh~¡ BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous !\loved by Commissioner Snyder that 'che Commission suggest that if the City Il1a.nager does not have substantial objections and COlmter proposal, that hereafter material cominG; to the Commisslon follo\'l the check list procedure; Seconded by COIDn1lSSl0ner Small. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, llltch, R:lmp~T, Small, Sn:'der, Leon8.' NAYS: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Co~~ss~oners: EaGar MOTION CARRIED: 6-0 VIII ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commlssioner Adamo, Seconded by Commissioner Small that the meetinG be adjourned at 12:25 A.M., Tuesday, l\1arch 28, 1961. AYES: Commissloners: Adamo, Fitch, Rampy, Small, Snyder, Leonard NAYS: Commissloners; None ABSENT: Commissioners; Bagar MO'rION CA!1RIEli: 6-0 A FPSU'lED: ,~TTEST: r;i', ,...'ljA:.. ·,Uty clé"i:¡C- / "\ <,I¡ --r \L\..J...'__,"I,--.J_tl'- ._._-- chäil-;¡!1iï!1, pf¿i.ïîñfñg-- Conll~I·s O:LÕi1··· .'{ -