PC 04-24-61 (r"Î C iJ 'V' l) ( ,)< ' , P. O. Box 597 AL 2-4505 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COl\1MISSION - APRIL 24, 1961 Place: Tlme: 10321 So. Saratoga~Sunnyvale Road 8:00 P.M. SALUTE TO THE FLAG I II ROLL CALL: MINUTES OF COmmlssloner::> Present: Co~nlssloners Absent: Staff Present: THE LAST REGULAR MEETING: Aprll 10, 1961 Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, LeQ1ar~ Ramp~ Snyder, Small None Clty Cleric, City Attorney, Ass't. City Eng~neer Mlnutes of Aprll 10, 1961 approved as submltted. III COMMUNICATIONS A. vJritte¡1 - J. & M. Dlvle, 10440 Lansdale l.Mr. DovJ,e stated that It lS his intention to pl"OVlde room and board for two veterans from the Palo Alto Veterans' Hospltal. Commlssioner Fitch suggested that the applicant obta:U1 a permlt from the County Health Department & assent from his neighbors. City Attorney read the zoning regulations WhlCh applied. Comn1J.ssioner Leonard said J.f the proposed use lS agreeable to the neighbors he has no objectlons. Moved by COmmlSSJ.oner Fitch that mit Iv,th a letter of assent from mlSSloner Snyder. AYES: Commissioners: the appllcant flle for a use per- his neighbors; Seconded by Com- NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: COmmissloners: MOTI ON CARRIED: Adamo, Bagar, Snyder, Small None None 7-0 Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, j.,' 2.Letter from Mr. Yamao!ca requestlng to apply for a temporary bUlld- ing permit to erect a stand for the months of May through December. Planning Comrnssion asked tained from Mr. Yamaolca: the type of constructlon. that the followlng lnformatlon be 00- the location of the proposed buildlng & 3.Letter from Mayor Pelosi congratulating Commlssloner Small on hls electlon to the Chairmanship of the Plannlng Commisslon. 4.Tri-County Plannlng Councll program for Aprll 28 meeting at Lamp- lighter Lodge, Sunnyvale at 6:30 P.M. -- dinner at 7:30 P.M. 5.Santa C1.ara County Planning Commission: Surnmar"J of Actions 4/5/61- 6.A,S.P.0. Newsletter: Issue of April, 1961. 7.Santa Clara Valley Plans: Issue of April, 1961. 8.Santa Clara County Plannlng Commission: Peti tJ.on for a rifle rangf 9.Santa Clara C:-Junty Planning Commission: Petitlon for nursery school. 10.Santa Clara County Plannlng Commlssion: Agenda of April 19, 1961. (above two petitions included in subject agenda). 11.League of California Citles: Legislative Bulletin. Moved by Commissioner Rampy that the communications be received and flIed, except for #8, 9, & 11 (see item VI A); Seconded by C=mìssianer. Fitch. . , " Ay~;:;;. fJOmmlSSloners: Adamo,. Bagar, Fitch, leonaro, Rampy, Sr\)œr, $ma11 NAYS: Commissloners: ~one ABSENT: Commissioners: None MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 -1- 13. Verbal None D1 HEARINGS SCHEDULED A. Jacle Dymond, Jr.: Applicatlon to rezone 18.4 acres from R-I:B-2 to R-2~H; 12.4 acres from R-l;B-2 to R-3-H, west side of Mt. View- Stevens Creele Rd. between r~onta Vista School and Alcade Road. Second hearlng contlnued. Tentatlve map; R-2; 67 lots. Moved by COITllmSSlOner Fltcl1 that this applicati..on be continued to 2 weeks; Seconded by CommissJ.oner Adamo. AYES: Commlssloners: Adamo, Eagar, FJ.tch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder Small None None 7-0 NAYS: Conunissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: B. Paganinl: Application to rezone 38 acres from R-3-H and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H, R-2-H, and R-3-H; south side Stevens Cree!~ Blvd. adjoining west side of Idlewild Subdlvlslon. Second hearlng continued. . City Attorney advised the Planning CortmJ:BSlOn that 'chey may alter an application as they deem flt and then send such amended applicatlon to the Clty Councll. Commissloner Snyder asked Mr. Jones, representlng the applicant, how he felt about delaying thlS applicatlon until a PO-H zoning was form- ulated. Mr. Jones said he preferred to expedite thls application. In answer to a question about the length of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Highway 9 in the City, Commlssioner Leonard sald there are 3 mlles on Stevens Creele Blvd. and 1-3/L!. miles on Highway 9. Mr. Perkins stated that sewers and storm drains are available in the area up for rezonlng. COmmissloner Leonard sald there seems to be objection to earmarking this parcel as the major cOimnerclal center in the City; perhaps partial acceptance might be in order.' This would indlcate a motion to grant 400 ft. of C-I-H plus R-l next to Idlewild and a motion to proceed on the parle site. He sees no clearly de·fined conclusion so far, other than that. . . Gary Stokes, from Idlel'lild, said Idlewild opposed this application when it first appeared, and still does, for the following reasons: 1. Sales tax will not be as hl~h as if it were properly located. 2. The dOlmtown merchants wlll return sufficlent sales tax. 3. The traffic hazards involved. 4. Poor access to the proposed shopping center. 5. This Hill open the door all around for C-I-H on adjoining proper- ties. Mr. Stokes referred to the petitlon signed by 400 residents opposing this application; Commissioner Adamo said he is in favor ·ofrezom.ng the. property to C-I-H to a depth of 500 ft. George Perkins, in answer to a question, stated that any shopping center will produce more trafflc and trafflc problems. He concluded that the eventual solution was to have signals at Portal and Stevens Creelc Blvd. The east bound traffic presents Ilttle problem, whereas, the Hest bound traffic will be more difficult. Commlssioner Fitch said that rezoning thls property tD C-I-H tea depth at' 400 ft. along the length of Stevens Creek Blvd.. and Highway 9 would resultll1 a total of 400 acres .of C-l-H: in the City on these· streets. NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: by COmmisSionerF;\.tch that the second hearing oe closed; Sec- by Commlssioner Leonard. Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, FitCh, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder Small None None 7-0 Moved onded. AYES: -2- Moved by Commissioner Fitch that whereas muìtiple usage and deep (800 ft.) commerclal usage creates heav;y traffic v¡hlch is not com- patible wlth the limited trafflc access of the parcel and is not com- patible wlth the adjoining school facillties, He therefore recommend that: 1) C-1-H be granted for the fust 450 ft. from Stevens Creetc. Blvd., and 2) that R-l be granted on the remainder save for the parcel denoted on the map as a parte, subject to the twelve standard Clty conditions l~nown as Exhibit B; Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. Moved by Commlssioner Adamo that the foregoing motion be amended co read 500 ft. from Stevens Creelc Blvd., instead of l~50 ft., to make the zoning compatible with the recently recommended zoning dlabonally across the street; Seconded by Commissioner Leon&rd. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard NAYS: Commlssioners: Rampy, Snyder, Small ABSENT: Commissioners: None MOTION CARRIED: 4-3 Moved by Commissioner SèlYder that the subject .motlon be amended to restrict to' R-l zoning the property abutting Idlewild Subdivision, within the aforementioned 500 ft. depth, approxlmately two lot widths. Seconded by Commissioner Fitch AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissloners: MOTION CARRIED: The Planning Commission agreed to advise the City Council, as part of their recommendation on the applicatlon, that there Iflll be a future traffic problem at Portal and Stevens Creek Blvd. requiring traffic signals. Commissioner Leonard asleed that the records show that he objected to any statement that there was an agreement on the zoning at the study session. Commissioner Leonard moved that the subject motion be amended to read that the balance of the property remain unrezoned at this time; Sec- onded b:' Commissioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Leonard, Rampy, Small . NAYS: Commissioners: Fltch, Snyder ABSENT: Commissioners: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-2 Roll call vote on the AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: main motlon: (see top of this page, line 3) Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Slnall Snyder None 6-1 ' C. Paul A. l\1ariani, Jr., et al: Application to rezone 64.5 acres from R-3-H, A-2:B-4 and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H, as follows: 13.5 acres NE corner Marlani & Highway 9; 29.5 acres SE corner l\1arlanl & Hlghway 9; 11.5 acres mJ corner l\1arlanl & Highway 9; 10 acres Ilest slde of High- way 9, 329 ft. south of Homestead Road. First hearing continued. Paul l\1arlani Jr. stated that the substance of the Riches Research Co. communication is based on the fact that the proposed commercial center will dra\'1 30% of the area business. The Planning Commission aslæd for photoa:piesof the Rl.ches letter. The Chairman stated that both the depth of the proposed zoning and the usage of the adjoining properties poses a question. Commissioners asked Mr. Mariani for clarificatlonof the application relative to the amount of commercial proposed in proportion to the size of the Clty and In proportlon to the amount of comrnerclal zoning already in existance and in thé form of current applications. No objections to the applica'i;ion were preset;lted from the flopr. George Yamaolea sald he is in favor of the application Commlssioner Rampy said the applicatlon represents as good a location -3- as exists in the City for commercial zoning and thus deserves consid- eration; houever, buffering should be talcen into account where exist- ing land use differs from the application. Commissioner Bagar agreed w:;:c h the need for buffering. Commissioner Snyder proposed that the City obtain data from a source other than R'.ches Research in order to see how it corresponds with the information already presented by the applicant. Commissioner Leonard said there is no doùbt. that the area in question in very heavily traveled making it somewhat unsuitable for single àwellinßs and that the Commission might wish to consider multiple dwelling district for the area as wel¡ as commercial. He said he con- sidered the presentation a ve17 good one and would like to. proceed by closln~ the first hearlng. Relative to a question about the school site Mr. Mariani said the school distri.ct may wish to be apprised if th e City intends to reserve commercial zoning for an area including a proposed school slte. Moved ed·by AYES: by Commissioner Rampy that the first hearing be closed; Second- Commissioner Eagar. Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: The Commission set a study session on the application for April 26, 7: 30 P.M. D. Bubb Ranch Assoc.: Application to rezone 6 acres from A-2:E-4 to C-I-H; southeast corner McClellan & Bubb. Flrst hearing. E. R. Call: Application to rezone 17 acres from A-2:B-4 to R-l; west side or Bubb Road, diagonally opposite Columbus; 11 acres from A-2: B-4 to M~l-H; between Bubb Road &S.P. tracks, 820 ft. south of McClellan. Flrst'hearing. Don Bandley, representing the applicants on both the aùoveapplica- tions. He ldentified the sites on the map and said he has a couple of concerns interested In the M-I-H district. He stated theappli- cants wlll comply with any and all conditions of the Clty, also that the zonlng is logical due to its (C-I-H and M-I-H) locàtion 'on the railroad track. A representative from the Claude T. Lindsey Company protested the C-I-H and M-I-H zoning saying they feel it is not in the spir:¡:t of good planning with the area thus far tending to strictly resid~ntial developement. He said the streets are designed for residentiai traf- fic rather than commercial or industrial. He had no objection to the R-l distrlctproposed. Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the first hearings on items D and E be closed; Seconded by COmmlssioner Adamo. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: F. M. J. King: Application for variance to Sign Ordinance, permitt- ing builder to use flags, 20379 Bollinger Road. Applicant not present. Moved by Commissioner Fitch that the hearingee,contirlued .to the next meeting1 Seconded by COmmissloner Rampy. AYES: CommiSsioners: Adamo, Bagar, Fitch, Leonard,. Rampy; Snyder Small NAYSf Commlssloners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 -4- V UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous 1. The Commlssion decided to include the subject of a C-2-H ordinance In the next study seSSlon. Commissioner Leonard said that he has a sample C-2-H ordinance whlch he will make available for study. 2. Commissioner Fitch asked the Clty Attorney for a further report in the recent case of El Monte vs. City of Industry. 3. Moved by Commissioner Fitch that the Planning Commission prepare a resolution putting the engineering check list lnto effect; Sec- onded by Commissioner Leonard. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder Small None None 7-0 NAYS: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 4. Commissioner Leonard said that the finance factor in the prepara- tlon of the master or general plan is still undetermlned so far as the Plannlng Commlsslon is concerned. He suggested that fur- ther overtures be made to secure such a meeting. VI NEW A. BUSINESS Miscellaneous Santa Clara County Santa Clara County school. Planning Commission: Plannlng Commission: Petltlon for a rifle range Petltion for nursery No further discussion as County action taken on April 19, 1961. League of California Citles: Leglslative Bulletin - Commissioner Fltch agreed to study the information at home and report to the Commission. VII ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M., April 24, 1961. APPROVED: Chairman, Planning Cornrnission ATTEST: (,........"-..~\.. Cty Clerk (<. \tv'~- -5-