PC 04-26-61 ¿if CO"'¡}j P. O. Box 597 AL 2-4505 C I T Y 0 Feu PER T r N 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA . MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OJ' THE PLANNING COMr~ISSION - 4/26/61 Place: Tlme: 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 7:40P.M. I ROLL CALL Commi.ssioners Present: Aò.2.mo, Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, R¿.mpy, Snyder, Small Comm~ssloDers Absent: None II League o~' N~ne Counties Plamllng Association: Re Assembly B~ll 1t'2560. Moveq. by Commissioner Fitch that the above communicatlor¡ be.r¡;¡Ceived and filed, and referred to the Clty Managerj Seconded by COmmissloner Adamo. AYES: Commlssioners: Adamo J Small None None 7-0 Eagar, F;1.tch, Leonard, Rampy, $r¡yder, NAYS: Commissloners: ABSENT: Commlssioners: MOTION CAMIED: III Ordinance 160, Section 2, Item J. DlScussion followed on the subject ordlnance, wlth the intention to change item J of Section 2 so that plans wlll have to be submitted by an appllcant with his appllcation for re-zoning. After considerable discuss~on, during which many ideas were presented to tighten up restrictlons on rezoning applications so that precise plans and lntelligable drawlngs are presented with such applications in order to allow the Commission to have a better ldea as to the 10- catlon of the property and all ramifications of such proposed re- zonings, the following was the öutoome: 1. The Planni.ng Commi.ssion desires to hold re-zonings down to those applicants who have definite ldeas as to what will go on the subject property and its compatlbility not only with surround- ing bUlldlngs but also surrounding areas as far as type of de vel- opement is concerned. 2. Apphcants be required to submit precise j;51a;1s and traffic flow patterns for subject areas along with maps that show eXactly ~Ihere the property is located befol'e even appearing before the ComITássiCTI for a first hearing. 3. Comn1issioner Leonard suggested that the Commission request from the Counc~l a resolutlon v¡hich would give the Commission a fairly consistent approach to all re-zonings including R..,l, R-2-H, R-3-H, C-I-H, C-2-H, and M-I-H. 4. A landscape theme be presented with appllcation. 5. Bufferlng be taken lnto consideration at tlme of application 6.. Recreatlon facilities be included where applicable (may not be applicable with every application. 7. Land coverage, building location, and building size be in- cluded in applications. 8. Signs also to be included. 9. Storm drainage facll~ti33. Commlssioners Leonard, Fi:~C:l, 2:J:'J. S:",yder abreed to be a sub-commïtitee to worlc out a resolu~ior:. \"Ij~~ch :_s 'co be voted upon at the next regular meet~n¡:;, spelling out what ~s wa,lted on all re-zonine:; appllcations. Commissioner Snyder is t!1e Chairman of this sub-committee and Council- man Benetti lS to be aslced to help iron out tl1e problems lnvolved by sitting in on the meetlngs of this sub-committee. The Chairman, Mr. Small, vIas aslced to checlc In th Mr. Anderson as to the legal stand-point -1- on the aforementioned _re~t!ictiO?S for rezonin~ applications. IV Yamaolca appllcatìon re Végetable stand at'Portal à.ad Stevens Creek Elm. The Comnüssion reviewed the re-cDf'icat,îon~ involved, such as disposal of crates and PoKêS, dust, tra:'f'ic hazard's, êtC. Moved by Commissioner Rampy that the applicatJ.on be approved under the followingconåit1ons: th<ò.t structure meet 'uth the requirements of' the B1.ulding Department; that it be constructed in such a manner: that it \äll be removed at the end of the sea::wn; that activities of said fruit stand operation ;;'e confined to produce grown by Mr. Yamaoka on his o,~ ranches; that the applicant obtain a ~Biness license; that all the ground used in conducting the business be smooth; that some arra:-¡gement be made for the dÜrpos1t1on of boxes and crates; that bam- 'boo be used if needed for shade; that two coats of paint be applied to structure; Seconded by Cawnissloner Adamo. AYES: CÖ ) IJissioners,:· Adamo, Rampy,. Small NAYS: Commis.sloners: Bagar, Fitch, Snyder ABSTAIN: CoIlllTli SSlone:rs: Leonard AI3SENT:Comrn1ssione!'S~None V Adjournment Moved by CoIlllTliasioner Fitch that the meeting by COmmissioner Ba¡ar. AYES: Comrni¡¡sioners: be adjourned; Seconded NAYS:· COmmissioner:¡3: ABSENT: Co~ss1oners: MOTION CARRIED: Adamo, Small NOne None 7-0 Bagar,Fi tch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M., April 26, 1961 APPROVED: ~s/ E. J. Small lanning Commission Chairman " i: A~TEST: / (t\.. _ Xc, , . lerlc .. -2-