PC 05-08-61
p, 0, Ejo;¡¡: 597
AL 2~505
C.l.Tc&FE~'riwo? gJ\£¡~O~l N 0
MINUTES OF T~ !œ(HH"¡U'i M1œ'J.'IN& OF T:tœ PLANtaN& CQMM¡S¡¡¡¡oN ~ ~¥ (h 1961
Placel 10321 SQ. SarªtQ~ª~S"nnYVale Road
Time: 8:00 P,M!
II ftQLr.. CPJ.,.L: MIN!J'l'j;S OF TK!ï; LAST ~UUR ~¡N&: Ap¡:>il 24, 1961 .
C9~ßßiQnerß Ppeªent~ AQamo~ ~gªp~ Fitch, L§ona~, Ramp¥ (Q;30),
Sny4E1'l", 81MI!,
CommisßiQne~ª Absent: None
Staff ppeßf;mt: Q:i.t~, Attqrney, City Ein~:t.nEler, Q;I,ty C;.f¡lrlt
Mtn"tes of ApP~1 24 cqpPeetions:
Page 3, line 'll~ cl1ang;e l,etter '''q'' tQ "g" in (ÜagQl1ally¡
page 3, 3rd par¡¡.grç¡.ph; gelel;e "apPI.'Q;¡ç;ilMte:Ly 2 wlclth¡¡"! adçl Ilone lot
4ep'clY' J
Paþe 4, lUle 9, (¡!lange "i1'\" to "lS';;
Page 4, !)a.pªgrç¡.pn t!.0; place paP@,nthêt;ì.cal phpai3e af!;ep tl1e wQ:rq. "zon..
;ì.nß" ,
~nyteß approve4 ai3 corpecteq.,
A, WI'ittE:!n
l, CO"nty P1annin~ OQmmìss:J.on: Plot plan for thE:! ªµPnyvalE:!
Lu.tÞEI:ran IfomEl. poptl1 ¡:¡;ì.4$ o.f stevlilnß CrE:!elç~San JQse f{03.d, be-
tWee1'\ Ht, v;!.ew~steven¡¡ Opeelç IilM ijillcreat "" to be con1'v:lereg
by County A¡:>ch;i.teptqral ~ S;!.tE:! 09ntrol COmm+ttee ,!1ª/6l and
by G01Jnty P'la!'¡n;i,nj!; Gpl!J1:l,s§il'm f?/H/ffJ.. {Sª@ V:¡; G~8} .
~. Bay ANª Fß4~n·ªf:;:I.pp pf' Planm.ng C01,ID9:i,ls; A!'1!1gµPGêmept of
5/19/6'1. GQ1'\ferªnCe on regionªl'plªnning.
3. ~papE:!l¡:i, ~ Puvª~ªß: Gopy of lßt1:;eI' tg the ~yQr Ggn@ePn:i,n~
ªpprQ~:i,matE:!ly ìJ ªGrßs On tÞe i391JtÞ s:i,qe of' Homeêteªª ª4Jo:i,n~
ipg thE:! Qªrden Qªte S1JQd:i,v:i,sion. (See item V¡ G~1',
4, G01Jnty Plªnni~ QOfflmÌßs:i,on: Aj!;en4ª f'or MaY 3, +96+.
5. GO\.11lty P'lªrmîng G(11)l!l:i,¡¡f\I:LO!'H ß~ry Qf ActiPÀê, I'eg4'lªI' ~$t~
:i,ng pf Apr:i,l 19. . .
6. Gßorg;e YªIMQ!ça: SßC9n4 lêtter reqYi1~st:l,ne; temPçraI'Y Þm ¡q:i,ng
permit for fw:i,t; stªPÀ at Stevens CNek and fq¡:>j¡a'l, AVe@\9. .
MO.V. ed. Þy ÇQ~ß¡¡.l...·.o.·ner.. ¡¡':it. C. h th.ª.J;. t. Þê yalM.........O..~. lE:!t....j¡eI' b.. e.I'.. ~...qeive. q.
ªnd filed with tÞe nQtatign thªt the ªpp¡icant may ªpp~ttQ the
ÇOµPPll¡ Secon4ed Qy QQ¡nmìSêioner Snyder. .
A¥ßS: Cgfl!l11:i.i:li3;!.Onerfill Mª1Q~ ja¡¡,l!ia~! F:l,tCh~ Leonar4~ &n;V4er
NA¥S: QgmmìßßiomH'fill Small
A~S~NT: Cº~ss:i,onersl ~py
MQ'fIQN GAR!U$P: f?~+
~he Chairman rêQ1Jestêd that the 'lettêrs PE:! PE!CE:!iVE:!q ªn4 filed.
Gommisi3:i.oner .F~tçh repOPP@À On the I@ªgµe of CªlifoI'n;!.ª Giti@s
:).eg:Lslat;:iv~ pqUe1;:i.n Qf April n. ..
1, A,B. '1.rOf? w~il ~mqv~ th~ yti¡~ty µª~ 1;ª~~~~mþt,~Gn f'rgm th~
lpcal ßa+E:!ß Iiln4 1Ja~ t~,
2. aft 1~4a an4 S5a~ Wll¡ PfeV@Qt ß~t~ anq. lººªl governmßn1;S from
Qoll~çt~ng Uê~ t~~i3 f~qm 9ut Pf ßta1;~ VengOI'i3 compet:i,ng wi1;h Gq¡""
Hornia f:imß. .
3. The ~!matª Int~!"ira 纡nnµ.j;t;~E:! em trç¡.nspçrtaÞon hªê ª$rt!ªd 1;0
introguQe ª Pill whiCh wQ1J14 authori~ª Çq~t,i~s 1;9 leVY ~ ~¢
v@hielEl l,ic~nªe feE:! 1;0 be g~!"iP1J1;eg e~agtly the êame ªê(th~ addi~
tional l~ ªs~eg of thE:! $1;ªtª L§giêla1;1JrE:! 1;Qhelp correct GgµQty
road and C¡ty êtr~et def':i.cienClßß.
4. sCAa6 provi4eß a 1% gPQi3ß r~ceipts t~ Qn 1;elephqn~ cqmpaniêª
in 'lieu of' frane~ße 1;~eß .from wAlch telephone çºm~nìeª a~ $X~
empt by court q.E:!ciSions. ~h~ 1% grosß ~geiPtª tax WOuld pe in
lieu of pV9perty taxes on rigÞt¡¡ of way only.
5. AB78r Will extensively reviaE:! the $.tat$ housing law and for
the first t¡me maKe these minimym st¡:lpdar4ß applicaP1E:! to reai-
dential constructipn ¡:lpg un1pCQ!"pOrated areas.
Commlssioner Fitch asked for a copy of the Santa Clara County
Plannlng Department bulletin entitled In?o, Aprl1, 1961 issue.
B. Verbal
A. Jack Dymond, Jr.: Apphcatlon to rezone 18.4 acres from A-2: B-2
to R-2-H; 12.4 acres from A-2:B-2 to R-3-H, west sìe of Mt. View-
Stevens Creelc Rd. between f10nta Vista School and Alcalde Road. Sec-
ond hearing continued. Tentative map: R-2; 67 lots.
Moved by Cowüissioner Fitch that the application be tabled subject to
belng republished at a later date at cost to the applicant; Seconded
by Commissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissloners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Snyder, Small
B. Paul A. Mariani, Jr., et al: Application to rezone 64.5 acres
from R-3-H, A-2:B-4 and R-l:B-2 to C-I-H, as follows: 13.5 acres NE
corner Mariani & Highway 9; 29.5 acres SE corner Marianl & Híghway 9;
11.5 acres NW c9rner Mariani & Highway 9; 10 acres west sid8 of High-
way 9, 329 ft. south of Homestead Road. Second hearing.
Commissioner Leonard stated that the application has been discussed
at conslderable length and whlle he did not wish to cut off debate,
said it is not a problem of "\~hat is it" but "what to do with it".
He said he assumed that most members of the Commission and the appli-
cant would like to see a declsion tonight.
The Chairman reviewed the map posted by the applicant.
Commissioner Fitch stated that the applicant has indicated a number
of uses, many of which do not come within the sCOpe of the present
C-I-H use.
Commissioner Snyder also said that the City does not have an ordinance
which is proper for the zoning in question.
The Chalrman reported that the City has 182 acres of C-I-H zoning at
the present time including the Leonard-Laster-Craft applications. He
calculated this to be 5% of the total land within the City limits.
The present application of 65 acres is presented as a part of a 400
acre commercial district.
Mr. Mariani sald that the net acreage lS 253, excluding land for free-
ways, hlghways, roads, streets and other public property. He stated
that his survey shows that 400 acres of commercial as shown would
handle 1/3 of the retail sales for the Cupertino market area, estim-
ated to have 100,000 people by 1985.
The Chairman asked for opinions from the floor; there was no opposi-
tlon nor any proponents.
Commissioner Snyder said there is no clear cut solution until we have
the proper ordinances. He does not think C-I-H zonlng is appropriate
for the area, although aclmowledged that it might be good for some
form of commercial zoning.
Commissioner Fitch asked if it would be legally possible to give com-
mercial zoning without a specific or numerical designation. The ex-
act type of commercial could be established as soon as feasible.
The City Attorney stated that the County has set up a R-E zoning which
can be converted at some subsequent time to the highest and best use.
However, the law does not permit the suspension of zoning, thus pre-
venting the owner from some use of his land.
Commissioner Snyder asked about planned commercial.
The City Attorney replied that planned commercial or planned residen-
tial permlts the lifting of more rigid requirements in zoning ordi-
nances and allows an applicant more flexi~y, for example he could
be allowed a number of dwellings equal to the number permitted in the
R-l ord:1nanCe, butgroU»ed and situated witMUú, .reference to the stand-
ard lot s¡zes, 1!Ietbaoks.ête. .
The Chairman stated thátno one w01i1ld buildR-l on a Inghway or on a
freewayan~tha.t $\U1nyvá;¡¡~ ,to thénorth, ispermitting,R-2 andR-3·
'Ø.longtñebighway.·· He Said.. thatsom& form of o<1mmœrcial could 1.1os"i-
. bliy bè· appropriate.
Mr. Mariani reviewed some of the existing uses in the area-ánd sub-
mittedthalt·the f1i1tùrte :ì..anduse may not be dete\t'l))j.l'1ed.untUa 1$UP-
. st¡¡ntial sU111'ofmOfiey is -expeoted. tQ.u$. fixing the ,eourse of eVØl)ts.
He said he w:Ulnot knòw' what kind ofcmnmerc1al fQr quite some time
and suggested that application be denied witl1 such qualifications as
the, P:\.anrutng. CommisSio!;l ehOQaes. J:lthe,eOlNØission feels thata.no.t'd-
ina.nce shouldspelFout tÍ'1e regulatiQt),$ of a (:-1. C-2. or C,.3 he said
i t'ma.y be well to deny the application with suchoomments to the
Ci ty Council.
The ,City Attorney s!ld,.d the Comm1Ctß;t.on ~n deny ,the, applioation apd
set up any recommendationfiJ they see fit. It eQuid even be considered
in the studies on the maSter plan. However, he "e.:ld, the Comm;i.ss;:lon
cannot; change the ordinances.
Comm1SsionerSnyder repeated that he doES! not feelthe<C-l crd111allce
is. appropriate.. Mr.lI'Iarian1 requested .a.. vote.
.. -
Moved byComn1issioner Snyder tbatthe-' aecond heaX'lng ,be clo5e<:1~, Sec-
onded by COmmissioner Bagar.
AYES: . ·.Commissioners: Adamo,. Eagar. Fitoh, Leonard. Sny<le:r. .&nall
NAYS: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Rampy
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that, whereas, âpplicant has presented
a thoue¡ht-provok1ng, comprehensive:; studysuggeet;ï.ng .the earmarlQ.ng of
aÙ9Ut400 groasØlcres 1nV'Ôlving.many.9Wn:el'ß. as> the proper location
and aCreage for a "downtown" commercial .area, end, Mher.ea1;l' wplicants'
consultant has suggested a considerable departmentalization or group-
ing of'lil~è uaes.:I;n different diet1ncti veland masses. This: ,grouping
,is noteasilyell1f'O'rcedor administeJ:>ed.1..Inder ourpre¡¡¡ent C,.,J.""U QrQ;i-
nance :which makes no prov1si,on for grouping d1fterent cat~ori.es of
commercial.. 'And. wher&a;s the C.tty}¡¡¡;¡s:: recê,1 ve<t many a'p'pl1~t1on~ f~r
COnUTe rcial zoning pointing up the need for comprehensi ve.analysis .of
polio y on commerc1.al rather than piece-meal oonsideration parcel by
þarc.el.lndl~dùal¡application by. ,application; and,. wh~rea.s a cq¡¡¡pre-
hensi vemaste~. plan. 1tþproaoh to cormre !'Cial zoning may require a Ð'1O~~
elaborate ordinance or ordinances to locate anÀcontI'olooJillllêrc1~1 to
better community and ownership advantage, and, weereas favorable rec-
'ommeridation and subsequent passage of the precise requested re~oning
on this appl:i;cation would probably, result in C0l1stwct1.op before sui t-
able control ordinances ex1st~ Now, therefore, be it resolved that,
the application be denled uithout prejudice; and that the Co;,",,~ SSlon
schedule publ1c hearinga at. once to 1u~tablißh. pçl10y on. centrp.;¡' cOm-
mercial,and that.. asub...cOmmltt~ I;æ appcJ.;nteå t-o :li'eV'ie.w .all policy
statements made heretofore by City officials and bodies; and that
they .present a.1:'eportand a reconunendat10n'lf,p tÞe. PlaM;i.11ß CO¡nmi,'381on
hot later than August., .31,,'1..961; Seconded by -Qomm1sEti..ol'le1". Snyder.
'. AYES~ Comm:l:;ssitonerð: ~tch.Leona-rdi8n:yder. 'Small
NAYS: Comn1iss.i~se. J3Qgar . .
ABSENT: Comm:i.SSiöne%'s:.,Plampy ... .
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Adamo
.'..' -
. .
Commissioner Snyder asked that dates be set for the hearings described
in' the motion..
., .
to rezone 6 acres from A-2: B-4 to
~b.,)SecOnd hearing..
C. Eubb Ranch Assoc.: Application
C-l-H; 50utheæst comer MeClellan.1!c
D.· R.. Cali: Appl:t.ca.tion to .rezone.IT acres from A-.2:B_4.toR-l; west
side of :6u:bÌJ Roád.<Ua,gonalJ,yoPpos1te ColumÞtis; 11 acres f.rom A-2:B-4
to M';l-H; b'etween BubbRoad &:3. P..,tra,cl1;6, 820 ft.6outh of McClellan.
Second hearing. .
Don Bandley represen~e4 kh~ .applicants on items IV Cand D.
Thelãteat oppyot'Ne:i..ghborÌ1OodF¡an#J..Owas posted. It de'\1'~loped
that 3 schools .are :l.n tbe :i..l11I11èdiate v:i..CllUty with a fourth, the junior
cQllege, located in the south tiest co:t'!1er ~. and StevensCreelt Blvd.
.. ., . S-f~U{""'l-- .
Commissioner'!L$onardsa:i.d a c:J;rc~latj.(m problem def':íniteJ..y e~sts, es-
pecially w1th the schOol Sites c~tt:i;n$ off the projected roa4 M-ttern.
He· reviewed the street condi;,;ions in the area, referX':í.ng tQ' :lpt:e:l;"sec-
t:i..Qns, widths, etc.
Mr$. Rodenbouae, Kerwin LAne, li!ai41il1'¡~ ~,s opposed to M-l-8.ßop.1ng.
Charles IVel'1ZU, WEletacres Drive, said the zOn1ng ~1.1M1 does not appear
to PEl var-¡ well thought out and xt wøuld create at'll'afriC bot~leneck.
MI'. Eandley explained the surrounding zon1ngs, as to res;!.dentfal,..
lichool use, etc. , and the bOUl1.dary lineß of Sa.nJose wittlthe '~s
ant;ì.clpated in tl'1.at area.
Gol11\T\issioner Leonard expressed great COncern with the road situation,
as 1:;0 the p!'Oposed commercial and resid-ential and :Lndustrial. He Ø;d
say that the application could conceiveaÞly start a Bubb Road çonneC-
t..ion to Mary Avenu"\ll'.
IIII'. BanÇlley státed that t;¡e I'o¡¡:ds are vøry poor in the area and tha'ç
t;he divi(ied res~ns1þi:.ity, between Gupert;lnç;,County and ~>n Jose,
~d not auger ~11 for the immedi",te :fut1.1re. }¡e sa1d tl'1.at the solu-
t;ì.on may 11e beyond City Hall andtl1at 1;he only way to start any im-
prP'\1'~ment is to per~~ develop~mentan4pr9~re~s in thearëa.
'fI'¡e Chai~ as,lçªå 11' there were any argumentsà,g,Ünst 1:;heR-J.. zÔning.
Q9nu:n1ssioner j:,eon¡¡.rd said that the spot is de¡3ireaþlefpr a;ì.np;l.e dvrell·
~ng~ b1.1t that 100?r 20pmore f~milies would worSen thetraffie. proà-
~m.· .. .... .. .,.
Ç<>mmissioner F:ì. tch said. i'ç might be advisable. to asle for plans on the
R-.l... bUlldHlg. aswell'as in. ·0. ther zones. He.. .said ther.~~~. f\Óme );'e.p...ort
1:;11at ~st1onable houses may be J..ntbe ornl'lg. /Þédt!zF€¢¿J:;:t'Y
Mr. Eandlèy said he wanted the application to progress. He also said
thªt prospective industries have 11ttle orno choice of land in the
Qityand that if Vega Electrònics had had an opportunity to. choose a
~ite other tÀa~ the one on Stevens Creek Blvd. they would have settled
in the City.
Col11lllissioner Leonard said that there are some other light :í.ndust·l'ial
sites in the City but that the freeway h$i$s1iced thl'O.ught the largest
l~ght industrial zone.
¡n r~sponsetoa question ~r. ~ndley sa1dthat theC-I-H could oe ex-
~.cte.d,to house such shops as a oeauty parlor, ba:ròershop. andð.onut
h d .
The ~airman sàid the COmmlsslon is cpnfrohted, in these 2 ª-p-lica..
t:¡.'ôns"'with a school problem, rœ.dpt'O\:)lem and ,stOrm drainagE. problem.
, ',',1", ',',
MOy,t:!d by CommisSioner Leonard that the hearings be continned,request-
fng thå.'ç the Clty Manager authorlze the prep;1ratJ.on of a report Pn the
st~et pattern ;ì.n the subject area, tooe forthcoming at the next. meet·
ing 'qf tl1e Planning COl11l11ission; Secpn(lðd 'by CÇrt¡m;i.Sß1oner Adamo.
AY,ES:' Commissioners: Adamo, Eagar, Leonard, Snyder, Small
NAY'si Commissioners: Fitch
AB$EN',t': Commissioners: Rampy
~~~O~CARRIED: ·5-1
E. M.~. King: Application for variance to Sign Ordinance, permitt-
ing òUiÍder :to use flags, 20379 Bollinger Road.
Applicant not present. (Actiøn taken later in the evenin$).
'\i" (,
F.. Stena Gertson: Application to rezone lots 74, 77, 78, and 79,
I"!ap otMonta Vista Park to C-l"-H; lots 52, 53, 54, and 54A, Map of
¡;,os Palmas to C-I-E; 17.5 acres easterly of Stevens Creek· Canyon Road
to AR.F:i.rst hearing..
Applicant not present. (See motion on page' 6).
A. Consideration of C-2-H Ordinanoe
, .
The Chairman referred to the Leonard moti'oh;.in the'Narian:iappl1-
cation and suggested the C-2-H ordinance be grouped with those hear-
inga. Comm.lSSlOner Fitch preferred they be !œpt,sepa.rate.
The Chairman formed a committee for the
oompoaed of Corrunissionera Small, Adamo,
made at the next meeting,
atudy of· a
and RamW..
C-2-R ordinance,
A ~po~t will be
',',.-r" .
B. Miacellaneous
A. Ordinance 002 (~): Amending Ordinance No.ooa,.By,Repealing lI'Pro_
fessional Offic·eD1strict class;H'ication and addin¡tthe cla'ssifj:ca'tion
"Professional Administrative .KOning" (PO-H) and Further By 4dding. The
Classiflcation ¡fLight Industrial Park Zoning" (Ml"-P1r)., Ifllhated bjT'
Ci ty Council Resolution 424. ',<
The Chairman asked for copies of Ordinance 002 (H).
B. By Minute Order The City Council ha,s referred tar-the P}"nning
Commission the zoning, queS'¡;ion of the 10ft. just :outside the C-I-H
district between Scofield and Rodrigues.
The Chairmanadv:i.sed Col1llllissianera to lool~ 'at·the pro1)erty in queati~n
in order to discuss the problem properly. The file of' the ot'1ginaq.
Statewide application was reveiwed.
C. Miscellaneous ',~. "
1. Commlasioner Snyder lntroduced ,requirement-s.' fOl'~'app1icants :':.\
seeking a rezoning of land. . 'fhe requirements are as follôws~ '"
-.~ .~
A t'irat hear:i.ng on a rezoning application v¡;U..l no~ De scheduled
until the applicant has first done the ~o~lowing: 1) obtained from
the City Manager's office complete and preé1lse. in1'ormatìon:on procéd-
ures to be fOllowed; 2) filed 20 copiea each (Bt'· x n":'Bhì!tets) of.'
the legal description, and of the plot map of the propé1.'J:¡Y';(indicating
boundariea, reference point a, and preaent uses of the surrounding
1ands);3} met With the H Control Committee and aé¢ured their approval
in general terms after preaenting. sJ<:etchea, drawings" .01' ren&'1ertngs
at ,the propoaed deve¡opemant; d:i.sCuasi:ng ~rklng¡ (âhtl.landscaptm2;;a.nd
such other aspects aa they deem necessaI"y for an adequate.1y thought .
out and documented prèaentatiOn.
The CltyAttorney said he will check the ordinance proble/nsfO!! con-
curance of the H Control Committee. and the GUy Council. ','
COIlll11iSabne:r Fl tchagainsuggested the PlanrtingObmmiss:t.onpas a ;~$O-
lut:ton to adopte thesUl)div;Lsion anddeve.lopemenit éheck l'i-stsubm1j;¡ted
by the off:ice o.fdity Engineer under date of':. February 23Þ . . '~\'
COmmissioner Leonard suggested that the IIlàtter be referrectexpl1cí£telY"
to the City Manager asking that a; re.eolu:tión be drawnado.pting theY
engineering check list.
Moved by Commisaioner Leonard that the motion of Commissioner Fitch
at the last meeting be referred to the City Manager for passage or a
resolution at the next meeting of the Commisslon; Seconded by Comm-
issioner Fitch..
AYES: Commisaioners:
Bagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder,
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Conmnssioners:
2. The City Attorney reviewed the legal decision in the case of
E1 Monte vs.Cityof Industry.
3. Commiasioner Fitch again took up the subject of finance and
its relation to the COmmlSSlOn and general plan.
4. COmmlss~oner F~tch again aaked for copies of the City Manager's
Report to be distributed to the Planning COmmlssioners.
5. IV F (see ~.ge 4).
Moved by CommisUi.oner I,eonal'd
and the applicar ~ notLc:Led to
that the flrst hearlng be continued
appear; Seconded DJ Commissioner
Adamo, Eagar',
Snyder, Small
Fitch, Leonard, Rampy,
NAYS: Commisl110nel's:
ABSENT: Commis, ¡j.oners:
6. IV:~ (see fage l~).
NAYS: '::ommisSíC hers:
ABSENT: ·Comm..ì.ssiOollers:
Moved f.-W Comm1 Esionel' Leonard that the Comnllssion recommend de-
nial, the .pplicar~ having been twice notified to appear and failing
to do so;Secondetl by Commissioner F:itch.
AYES: Cemrn:issic:r.aers: Adamo, Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder,
7. Relative to the Racanelli & Duvaras letter concerning 13 acres
south of Homeste¡¡¡.d Road adjoininG Garden Gate Subdivision C,'mmissJ.oner
Fitch suggested that a stucly seSSlOn be arranged.
Co~~ssioner Le~nard advised the Chairman to arrange a meeting. The
Cha:J.rman appolllted Commissioners Fitch, Leonard, and Bagar to a sub-
COll,Cl1ittee to c'onsider the question in the aforementloned letter.
8. Moved by Commissioner Leonard that a letter of thanks h~
W.II'itten the C'Jounty Plann:ing Commiss:ion for aGJising Cupert:ino 02: the
'Application '~f Sunnyvale Lutheran Home, further stating that the Cup-
ertino Comm:i.ssion has no particular objection; Seconded by CommiSS:LOnel
Eagar, Fitch, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder,
NAYS: ,. CÇ,mmissioners:
ABSENT: Ct;>mmissioners:
9. '-'he City Engineer advised that the COlmty be reminded that
the stOI'm drainage for the site (Lutheran Home) góes into the City
storm ~.rain and therefore Þlould require payment of Cupertino storm
dra;i.n fees. .
lQ.· Commissioner Fitch aslced that the legislative bulletins of the
Leag1:.e of Cal1fo;rnia Cities be submitted to him j.mmediately upon re-
ceipt. so that he can study and report f;i.ndings to the Planning Com-
mission, possibly In time for the City to tillre action on the subject
of t;be proposed bills. Upon being advised by the City Attorney and
theÇity Clerk of the Council position on measures before thç State
Let..1S1ature, COmm;Lssioner Fi tch w~thdrew his request.
l\lflreting adjou;rned at 11:25 p.r~., May 8, 1961.
Chairman, Planning Commission
i ty Cleric
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