SC 02-15-2018CITY OF CUPERTINO SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center 22221 McClellan Road Thursday February 15, 2018 4:00 p.m. MINUTES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Angela Chen, Gary Latshaw, Anna Weber, Meera Ramanathan Commissioners Absent: Vignesh Swaminathan Staff: Misty Mersich, Sustainability Manager; Cheri Donnelly, Environmental Programs Manager; Gilee Corral, Sustainability Program Coordinator Members of Public: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES Action Item: Draft minutes of January 18, 2018 meeting reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Ramanathan and 2nd by Commissioner Weber. Motion passed 4-0-1, with Commissioner Swaminathan absent. POSTPONEMENTS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Subject: Chair and Vice Chair Appointments Action Item: Meera Ramanathan nominated for Chair, motion by Commissioner Chen, 2nd by Commissioner Latshaw. Motion passed 4-0-1, with Commissioner Swaminathan absent. Action Item: Anna Weber nominated for Vice-Chair, motion by Commissioner Ramanathan, 2nd by Commissioner Latshaw. Motion passed 4-0-1, with Commissioner Swaminathan absent. 2. Subject: Presentation on Community Based Social Marketing project 1 Gilee Corral presented the status of the Community Based Social Marketing project to date. Staff will return in a few months for further update. OLD BUSINESS 1. Subject: Review Environmental Jeopardy Game The Commissioners expressed interest in revising the environmental jeopardy game questions to be more relevant for both kids and adults. Staff will review the questions and revise them in time for Earth Day. 2. Subject: Festival planning Staff reported that there are no other City departments that are currently planning on tabling at the Cherry Blossom Festival. This year the festival is April 28th & 29th. The Commissioners discussed whether to participate in festivals throughout the year. Commissioner Chen will check on Cherry Blossom and report back next month. A sub- committee of Commissioners Chen and Latshaw was formed to further look into and evaluate other festivals the Commission should participate in. 3. Subject: Revisit work plan Commissioners reviewed the work plan and agreed to review the budget and green grants at the March meeting. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Commission Reports: Commissioners Weber and Ramanathan announced that the composting program at Kennedy Middle School is ramping up. They expect to get the results of the waste audit soon. Commissioner Weber attended JVSV State of the Valley. She spoke to representatives tabling at the event on food rescue and Silicon Valley Clean Energy. Commissioner Chen announced that April 12th will be the first speaker's series event, featuring Rose Grimes of NASA. Commissioner Chen was also approached by Mid-Pen and they are working on focus groups and a district wide survey. As she gets more information, she will share it with the group . The Sustainability Grants have been posted and outreach to the schools will begin. 2 Commissioner Ramanathan announced that Sunnyvale is going through a Climate Action 2.0 planning process. Staff Updates: • Misty Mersich updated the Commission on SBlOO, and it was determined that Commissioner Latshaw would work with staff to draft a letter of support to the Legislative Action Committee. • Sustainability Division has hired a new Climate Corps Bay Area member, who will start in mid-February. • Sponsorships for Earth Day are being accepted this year. Silicon Valley Clean Energy has signed up as the first sponsor. • The Homelntel program is up and running. Mailers will go out to the high energy users in the City and marketing will begin at the end of the month. • Phase 3 of Energized by Art program applications are out. ADJOURNMENT-5:58 p.m. 3