PC 07-27-64
My.· S t'\r '"'""
10321 So. Hwy 9, Cupertino, Calif., 95014
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
PLACE: Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School District Office
July 13, 1964
Chairman Thomson introduced the new Commissioner, Mr. Thomas
Traeumer, to the audience. He explained that, because of an
adjourned City Council meeting at the City Hall, the Mayor was
unable to officially and legally install Mr. Traeumer, along
with Messrs. Hirchon and Small this evening. He hopes this
will be done at the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission. However, they are already legally Planning
Comm. present: Frolich, Gates (8:10), Hirchon, Johnson,
Small, Traeumer, Thomson
Comm. absent: None
Staff present: City Planner Adde Laurin
Assistant City Engineer Robert Shook
Recording Secretary Lois Inwards
It was moved by Comm. Traeumer and seconded by Comm. Johnson
to accept the Minutes of June 18, 22, & 25, 1964
Motion carried, 6-0
It was moved by Comm. Traeumer and seconded by Comm. Johnson
to accept the Minutes of JUly 13, 1964.
Motion carried, 6-0
A. Written
1. County Use Permit for a pre-school to be located at
Stelling & Greenleaf.
The City Planner had no objections.
The Assistant City Engineer had no objections.
It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm.
Small that the Staff write a letter to the County
indicating that the Cupertj..no Planning Commission
has no objection to this use,
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
Traeumer, Thomson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Comm. Gates
Motion carried, 6-0
2. Cook & Wilson, Units 3, 4, 5 in La Cresta Subdivision,
request for an extension of their tentative map.
Mr. Cook was present to answer any questions.
Comm. Frolich said he believed an additional 5 acres
which adjoins this piece to the north was recently
annexed to the City. Mr. Cook said this was true and
that they have considerable work to do prior to sub-
mitting a tentative map for this property. Comm.
Frolich said he was chiefly interested in getting a
feasible street pattern worked out here. He wondered
if this tentative map should be combined with that of
the neW piece of property.
Mr. Cook said there is a 50' access along Foothill
Blvd" but that the logical access is through this
The City Planner pointed out that the expressway
und8 just north of this property. Any future ex-
tension of Foothills Blvd. will most likely involve
this piece of property.
It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm.
Traeumer that, if it is all right with the applicant,
they will table this extension of time on their
tentative map until the next regular Planning Com-
mission meeting and the àtaff is matructed to check
whether this street will fit in with the one on the
adjoining piece. He noted that this tentative map
expires August 18th and Mr. Cook wondered whether it
would have time enough to come before the Council
before that date.
The above motion was withdrawn.
It was moved by Comm. Traeumer and seconded by Comm.
Small that the Planning Commission recommend approval
of an extension of the Cook & Wilson tentative map for
Units 3, 4, & 5, La Cresta Subdivision, sUbject to
the affirmative recommendation by the City Staff.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
Traeumer, Thomson
NOES: None
ABSTAINED: Comm. Gates
Motion carried, 6-0
.-- ',,","' ',,~!"
B. Verbal --- None
A. RUTH & KRuSHKHOV: Appl. l5-Z-64 to rezone 55.2 acres
from A-2 :B.·4 to PC-Hi between Linda Vista Drive and
Stevens Creek (2600' west of the intersection of Bubb
Road and Terrace Drive). Second Hearing.
Mr. Herman Ruth said his firm prepared the plan for the
owners of this property> At the First Hearing he had
been requested by the Plaru1ing Commissioners to:
1. Ask the City Planner to make an investigation of
the traffic problems created by this development.
2. Meet with some of the property owners to try to
iron out some of their differences.
3. Provide the opportunity for members of the Planning
Commission to go over the property to evaluate the
èompatibility of the plan with the topography.
Mr. Ruth said all three of these items have been accomplish-
ed. He met with some of the homeowners to discuss the
Mr. Ruth then reviewed the proposed traffic arteries.
He said the link leading into the Baywood project is
feasible and mayor may not be considered, depending upon
the desires of the City.
Deep Cliffe Drive, going north, would empty onto McClellan.
There is a possibility of a tie in with Foothill Blvd
on the west..
Mr. Ruth said he was interested to hear Mr. Cook's
statement that the County plans to do some road work to
the west on Foothills Blvd.
Upon doing some rechecking, Mr. Ruth discovered the Santa
Clara Sand and .Gravel Company has made a deeper cut in
the west edge of the property, which will enable an easier
access at that point. Possibly all traffic from this
development should go this way.
The City Planner then brought up several points:
1. Schools -- If this and adjoining areas were to be
developed, one or ~w? new scho9ls will be required
and sites for these schools would have to be located.
2. Water -- Water can be brought up to the top of the
hill here, but it would be expensive. Drainage is
another important factor. There is some risk that the
water level would be dropped; due to all the surfaced
and covered are~s it wculd not have a chance to soak
in. Some way to f~nnel the water back into the gravel
area will probably be r.eeded>
3. A small commercial center may be needed and should be
made available to the people living here.
4. Traffic problems. We need to plan the traffic for a
much larger area than has been done previously. The
choice properties always go first and frequently the
developers of that land do not allow for roadways for
future development in the foothills.
The City Planner thought the entire Foothill area
should be planned at one time (about 1000 acres).
Then you can plan a balanced area: estates, 1/2 acre
lots, medium lots, town houses, high rise apartments,
As it is presently zoned, the aforementioned area
could contain about 2800 dwelling un:lts. he zoning
of the property now und~rTéon~~deration plus other
areas could result in about 4200 dwelling units.
The City Planner felt Bubb Road is the only road that
can receive the traffic from the foothills, although
some at the north end could get onto Foothills Blvd.
He then went on to explain the traditional traffic
pattern, which is the grid pattern, where everyone
mile or half mile a grid goes through the suburban
areas. At present, these roads are not adequate to
handle the traffic load. Most of them are only 2
lanes, in contrast to the 4 lanes of the residential
streets --- a situation which is just backWards from
what it should be.
The City Planner felt Regnart Creek Road could be
developed with one roadway on each side of the creek.
The City Planner translated an old Swedish saying:
"If the devil does not want anything done he appoints
a committee." Nevertheless, he felt much could be
accomplished in 'long range· planning if the landowners
joined forces. He hoped there would be some careful
and èomprehensive planning here because this is such
a beautiful area.
He said the access to the roads between the schools
should be at controlled points only.
Comm. Hirchon wondered if the road improvement possi-
bilities would vanish if they are not determined in
the near future.
Comm. Frol1ch said the County feels it is very neces-
sary to get access roadS to the foothills.
The City Planner emphasized that if we cannot get the
roadways he recommends keeping the present zoning and
get as few people as possible in this area.
. .
," .
:,.', "',<. r'l
Mr. A. Co ß~rlow, 21739 Terrace Drivo) acted as chairman
for the Citizens I Commit·i;ee, He asked Chairman Thomson
if the pet:ttj.on submitted a'c the First Hearing was made
a part of the Minutes. H,) was ,wsured the.t it was.
Mr. N. W. Ferreria, 1]244 Terra Bella, said he was deeply
concerned over this proposed zoning change. He said there
are only a few rural areas left in Cupertino, and sub-
mitted large photographs of tl:l1s lovely area to the Planning
Commiàsion.· .
Mr. Ferreria said this development would take five years
to build, according to the developer. and that means that
for five years the peace and trariquili:liY of the area will
be disrupted. .
Mr. Barlow said the Baywood residents are. definitely
against this proposed development. He quoted traffic
studies by Mr. Wolfgang Schroeder. He then presented
his ·chart of the traffic. study hsmade of this area.
. Mr. Barlow said thepres.ent zoning would yield a traffic
increase of 52%, and .if thià .rezoning is granted it would
. . jump· to 59% increase to the already overloaded McClellan Rd.
Mr. Ràlph Beasley, 21613 Terrace Drive, felt the Mountain
Shadows brochure was misleading and pointed out some of
the discrepancies.
Mr. R. L. Bowlby, 11124 La Paloma
intricacies of the PC-H Ordinance
pointed out some of the pitfalls.
master plan calls for ·q-3 density
Driv(¡, explained the
to the· audience and
He noted that the
per acre on this
Mr. James R. Cretcher,' 21711 Terrace Drive, spoke on
"Zoning 'and theProdt Motive." He compared the Val Vista
Hills area in Los Altos Hills with what might be done
with this property now under discussion. He said they
have· lacr~ 'minimum lo·ts and. the owner has grossed 1/3
million dollars and has only developed half of his
property so . far. Mr. Cretcher fee 18 1· acre lots here
could yield a considerable profit.
Mr. William Vim Marter, 11160 s¡;¡.nt~ Tere~a Drive, sum-
1IIårized the talks given by the previouå;inembers of the
Citizens I Committee:·· ..,.
,. .
~ '. . .
L The area around' BaywòodTèrrace. .is a beautiful spot.
2~ ·Thiadeveloper would change'the topography by shaving
off the top of' t~e. 11111, ~tc . .
Trâf:f1c .
We have an al~ost imþossible situation on
and wé ·pan see no 01.¡t at this time.
. ,
;it. :....:.
!-I. . The discrepáp7ies of,the brochure.
~ ". .:' . , -I '., ,-~ ::: i, f !-.: :' ~, ;.t ·'c. .:: ";':' " :i_:
The' explanat1on'of töè PG;:H.,Zc;>n1ñg ,O~d1nance surprised
many of the résiderits~ Mrid1.rig ahd Stretching of the
fairly new master plan does not make sense.
, .
~ ' .
~. ,
--,--.---- --
..--,--- -------.-----,-- .---. --'f""--'--'"
Mr. VanMarter ended his summarization by saying the bro-
chure 1::3.· a "collectioIl of fluff."
Mrs. Dale Williams, 22022· Lindy Lane, aslced Mr. Cretcher
if he knew the prices of'th~ Vál Vista homes. He said
they ran ·$45,000 and upfôr' a 2000 to 2500 sq. n. house
. and the Þrop~rty·1t·is on.
'. ,,-,',--
Mr. W. G. .Gibson, l29t! Emory, San Jose, said he is a
retired contractor and wished to speak in favor of this
development and in favor of· progress in general. He said
that Santa , Clara C0unty has the land available and the
climate and will soon have the freeways and development
of the· foothills is inevitable. Hillside property develop-
ment standards were out of the question before but now
they are mÇ>re realistic. If. we Id had the Planned Community
concept :e?rlier we might have saved a lot of the orchards
and the rural atmosphere. Mr. Gibson felt it made more
sense .. to leave the . orchards on the flat land and have the
homes on the hillsides. He added that .he owns 80 acres
to the south of sUbject property.
Mr. Harold Scott, 11110 Santa Teresa Drive, said he has a
little background in hill country and road construction.
He also has a lifetime investment in his property and
wants to protect it. He was concerned about what safety
precautions there would be for the school children cross-
ing Bubb Road.
."Mr.'Ruth·was asked if he cared to rebut. He said that it
was" his understanding that the· City Planner IS recommenda-
tion was in favor of this proposal provided there is a
solution to the traffic in the whole area; that storm
drainage plans are needed; that one or possibly two school
sites should be provided nearby; and that a commercial
center is needed. Mr. Ruth felt the commercial center
could go elsewhere in the area.
Mr. Ruth stated that if people moved to this area to enjoy
the rural atmosphere they have not moved far enough. It
is within the limits of the law for the property owner
to develop his property. Santa Clara Sand and Gravel
Company might very well continue their operation and level
this hill. Instead of cutting the hill to bits, this is
an opportunity to preserve much of the view that so many
came out to this area to enjoy.
Mr. Ruth went on to say that, during the five years that
it will take to build this development the movement will
be to the west and riot out Baywood Terrace.
AS to the recommendation given by the City Planner on
traffic, á good portion of this traffic solution is de-
pendent upon the cities of Cupertino and San Jose, Santa
Clara County and on th~ State. The State would become
aware of the roadway ne.eds of this area when a development
of this magnitude becomes a reality·o In a way, it would
be forcing the 'issue.
,... -6-
The rezoning application calls for PC-H zoning, which
would prevent anything other than this plan from being
constructed on this land. And this plan will produce
more variation than R-l homes. Mr. Ruth felt the PC-H
Ordinance gave the City much tighter reins on the
deve lopment.
Mr. Ruth said there has already been an inquiry to pur-
chase this plan for a retirement home.
Comm. Frolich asked the Assistant City Engineer who would
have jurisdiction over the water service here. The
Assistant· City Engineer said that although the brochure
showed it would be San Jose Water Works, he felt it
would probably be the Cupertino Water Department. This
could probably be accomplished with the installation of
a booster pump.
Chairman Thomson explained to the audience that the PC-H
Ordinance is very tightly controlled by the City, step by
step. Neighborhood 18, under the master plan, calls for
a density of 0-3 housing units.
Comm. Johnson asked Mr. Ruth to explain his statement that
the Ordinance must be changed if there is a change in
these plans. Mr. Ruth said he didn't mean the PC-H Ordi-
. nance would be changed -- tha~ the rezoning ordinance
would. He would have to go thrOugh the whole procedure
again of Public Hearings before the Planning Commission
and the City Council, just às any other rezoning would.
Comm. Frolich said he wished to comment further on the
PC-H Ordinance. He is not convinced every' change would
necessarily require Public Hearings.
Comm. Frolich feels this should be a R-24 application
because PC-H calls for a mixture of uses and this appli-
cation is just for one use.
Mr. Barlow said that, as of this date, Mr. Ruth has not
contacted the local sanitary district to see if it could
handle the situation.
Mr. Dean Sayre, 10805 South Stevens 'Creek Road, said
Santa Clara Sand and Gravel lost their vein and are
bringing in sand to add to theirs to bring it up to
It was moved by Comm. Frol1ch and seconded by Comm.
Johnson to close the Second Hearing.
Motion carried, 7-0
Comm. Frolich had several comments to make:
1. The traffic from the college on McClellan has been
exaggerated on the southwest side of the college.
He was also con¿erned about tlie statistic of 1-1/2
cârs per· dwelling unit.
2'. 'Ì'hi$be:¡.ng e~sentially R_24,
... the PC-H .Ord1nà,pce. He felt
R-24. .
it would be a misuse of
it should be handled as
He wanted (0 .make it clear that :the ·ri!aster ·plan cost
less than $30,OÒÒ aM t-nefiQ¡:l1t1onal expens~ will be
negligible because the bulk of the remaining. work
is.be,1ng dona by the Planning Commission "ar¡d the
members work pretty 'c·heap.;' . ..!.
Còmm. Traeumer wa.nted to add a few dOrtlmentsJ:
.. I.TMs d~velopment: is very W~,11 la"id out. He is not
èomp:).etely in accord with tJ;le thinking that every hill
in the Bay ,Area has to be ,1ll single family, R-l
... deveJ,opmet;lts.
.' ,
2. The alignment of the ingress and agress is not good.
'He felt the City Planner's studÿ made sense..
'3. Wh1.le We ..d.o have a general plan, we must con,sider
density transfer; i.e., ~pnsi~er open areas, adjacent
to developmentS' when figur:ingdens1ty, such, as the golf
course here. .
This. would be good for the ta~·base¡
5.ft 15%.road grade is bad.
6.' . The ,deve lopment should not opèn onto Linda Vista.
7. Another ingress and egress is needed.
Comm. Hirchon wanted to. know more about the depletion of
the property by SaritaClara. Sand and Gravel'Co.
Comm.S!)!all sáld his- chie;f conce.rn here was that of
Comm.Johnspn said he thought the plariwas .a' very good
6ne but it. is in 'the wrong location. There is a definite
traffic pròblèm. .
. :Camin. Johnson is also concerned with the problem "apart-
'ments.versus rioapartments.~I; He then quoted an article
fI'om'the San Francisco Chr.oIDcle in which three prominent
California people 'said apartments breed aloofness, not a
neighborhood-type atmosphere. He went on todescrib~
several situations in the news lately where some grim
happenings might'have:beep averted had neighbors and/or
passersby shoWh some concern. . He said he is not sure we
have to preate a problem and then try to solve it. He
is concerned about apartments surrounding an R-l area.
Another point Comm. Johnson wished to make is that he is not
sure this exact plan has to go in once the zoning is grant-
ed.· His interpretation is that it can be changed once the
PC~H zoning is granted.
. ,.j
. t'
~ .
Cbmm. Johni!on feels executive homes will be in demand in
thériear-' futti1:!e; å,rta thlswould be an excellent s.i te for
them. . .:t ¡".,..
Comrn; . Frol.1Qh . had several questions:
1. Can this land be ßeYelqpedto anotlfer use?·
2. Would this deve lopniérit infringe on i;he ad jacent R-l?
3. How do we solve the traffic problem; can .it. be solved
·4. Is the City i~ a position to gain by granting this re-
~. Do we want any apartments in Cupertino?
Chairman Thomson wanted to add his thoughts t.o the discus-
sion. "What is,' the. basic issueher.e? It is not schools
or seWers or PC -H .versus R-24 ; Considering the Cupertino
planning as a whole. is. this an optimum ,s.pot . for this
deve lopment? II . . ... ,
'. .
êhåirman Thomson Î'~lt this was a good' conpept, but road
access makes it the wrong place to have it.· He did not
> ',,, .J
see how the City has the power to develop a road pattern
here. He felt he could not vote in favor of this particu-
lar project until there· are agreements with the County
and with the State for roads.
Chairman Thomson commented on· the acreages in Cupertino
already zoned for multiples. He felt developers should
come into the area and put a good development on property
already zoned for this purpose.
Comm. Johnson commented that this is right at the doorway
to the foothills. Would this open the flood gates for
multiples in the foothills?
Comm. Traeumer felt there is a solution to the road
patterriànç,·traffic problems. He, therefore, moved that
this application be· referred back to the City Staff for tœ
purpoSe of solving, the traffic and the drainage in a mann~
suitable to the Planning Department." .
Th1s motion' failed. for lack of a Second. .
Cómm.Gates ·felt that Mr. Ruth's comment that necessity
must be created before the roadway problem will be solved.
had a lot of merit. He sáid that1f eyerybody had waited
to 'move down here unti.l the freeways were completed most
of us would not be ,here now. It is only after the need
for community service becomes anecessj,ty that officials
are willing to spend taxpayers' money t.o make it financially
feasible. As long as rights-of-ways exist that are not
built, if used for thé highway program proposed, that might
alleviate the problem. The freeway now under construction
has gone from Cupertino to Bayshor.e without going through
homes. It is cheaper th1swa;,r.:,- XÞo.,
;,.r: '.,
.-< - -,..-
It was moved by Comm. Johnson and seconded by Comm. Small
that application l5-Z-64 be denied for the foregoing
Whereby the present and proposed roadway system is inade~
quate to handle the existing traffic; and
Whereas there currently exists a 30% vacancy factor; and
Whereas the aesthetic beauty of the rolling hills will be
marred by the high structure; and
Whereas the neighborhood community atmosphere of the
surrounding area would be diminished or destroyed; and
Whereas this does not encourage the most appropriate use ~
the land; and
Whereas this does not conserve and stabilize the value of
the property; and
Whereas it does not promote the health, safety and public
welfare; and
Whereas it does not provide for the orderly development
of the City; and
Whereas it is not advantageous to the property and im-
provements in the zoning district and neighborhood in
which the property is located.
The motion was amended by Comm. Frolich and seconded by
Comm. Hirchon to delete the 'Whereas there currently
exists a 30% vacancy factor" portion of the above motion.
Vote on the amendment.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
NO~S: Comm. Traeumer
Motion carried, 6-1
Vote on the motion:
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
NOES: Comm. Traeumer
Motion carried, 6-1
B. R. J. HULL & P. J. BALEN: Appl. 6-u-64 for a Use Permit
for a Used Car Lot. 2/3 acre plus or minus, on the east
side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, 200' north of Stevens
Creek Boulevard. First Hearing.
Mr. Pat Hull presented sketches of the proposed used car
lot. The building will be 12' x 30'.
The Assistant City Engineer said Mr. Hull has been check-
this .out with the Chief Building Inspector so he had no
pertinent information on this application.
Mr. Hull said he learned there are no regulations as to
l1ghtingthls.10t. He said, if this is approved, it will
look better than it does now. This property adjoins the
Texaco Station at the corner o~ Highway 9 and Stevens
t'·',: ."
Comm. Hirchon as·ked aboutthest'atuS 01' thè two
between this property and St. Joseþh's Church.
said someone is living in one of' them.
Mr. Hull
Comm. Johnson asked where customers would park, Mr. Hull
said there· is a curbing .. inside the. property line up to
which the customèrs are expected: to park, out of the line
of traffic. .
The subject property is 173 'deèp. There- is a section
behind this lot· between them and the Church property to
the rear.
Comm. HirchoÍ1 asked what vintage' cárs will be offered for
sale. Mr. Hull said they-expect tQ have '58's or newer
and a lease arrangement. Later on he hopes to get a small
car dealership (Volkswagonor Volvo). ... .
: :.:..
The Assistant C1t~ Engineer said U-Controiapproval will
be re qulred here'¡,
Comm. Johnson asked if the applicant had talked with the
adjacent property owners and with theChûrch. Mr. Hull
said he had. He said he knows the Monsignor very well
and feels sure he can get his endorsement.
Comm.Traeumera'sked thèCity Plånner it this would be a
compatible use. The City Planner considered this to be
compatible becaùse it isàlong the highway. There is the
threat of cars pulling out from this business could cause
accidents, but this is always the casein situations such
as this. Actually, the Church is not compatible here,
but it was there-first. .
Chairman Thomson asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Gene·-Rosen, 11053 Bella Aire Ct. asked what the set-
back would be for the first line of cars. Mr. Hull said
it will-be lot to 12 ' and the building wi1:1 be in the
Mr. Jim Cretcher questioned the appropriateness of a Used
Car Lot here. He said there are a riumberof children
going to school here during the day and teen clubs are in
the social hall. He wonders about the "attractive
nuisance" being so accessible to large numbers of children
passing through here.
Comm·Pl¥~l:1,ch said that if carsar·en't safe next to a
Church, where are they safe? .'
. _ r~' t ~:
Mr. Bolby asked for êìarification of the location of the
lot. He wondered if it would be too close to the corner
where right-hand turns are made at quite high speed.
Comm. Small said he was not in favor of a "motor row"
on the highway.
Comm. Hirchon felt that a nice, clean-looking lot looks
good. He said this is commercial zoning here anyway,
and the Monsignor does not object.
Mr. Hull assured the Commission he plans to run a clean,
neat operation here.
It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm. Gates
to close the First Hearing.
Motion carried, 7-0
J. 1. BACON:
pole signs on
20031 Stevens
Appl. 7-v-64 for a Variance to allow
one site where Ordinance allows only
Creek Blvd.
Mr. Bacon said his pool business has a 60' frontage on
Stevens Creek Blvd and hè already has a sign here. That
portion of his business property which has a 79' frontage
on Blaney Avenue is a used car lot and he would like
permission to install a 5' x 10' plastic sign with
interior illumination at this location.
Comm. Frolich noted there are two separate uses on one
piece of property here. He would like some time to read
the sign ordinance again or ask the City Attorney to give
a report on this. Mr. Bacon said Gemco has set a pre-
cedence here.
Comm. Hirchon asked what the sign would say. Mr. Bacon
said it would only say "USED CARS."
It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm.
Johnson to table this application and have the City
Manager instruct the City Attorney to check on the
situation where there are two separate businesses on
one piece of property, but where each business fronts
on a separate street.
Comm. Frolich,
Comm. Gates
,. . ." Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
Motion carried, 6-1
Mr. Bacon asked to have this application expedited.
A. Miscellaneous
1. In ~egard to Mr. Cook's application for renewal of
the zoning map, discussed under '~ritten Communica-
tions", Chairman Thomson said Section 2.7 says
authori~ation of the Planning Çommission is all that
is neede d. Therefore, the IIlOt¡.6n:: was .Jnot:.in order.
It was moved by Comm. Frol1ch and seconded by Comm.
Gates to have the City Manager look into this matter
with the City Attorney to determine whether this
matter. must go berore the City Council, thus making
the originàl motion stand. If not, this application
shall come before the PlanningCommiseion at their
next regular meeting. The City Staff shall inform
all those concerned as tOcwhich body will be reviewing
thl's· tentative map and. the date it will be heard.
. ,.' .' .
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirchon, Johnson, Small,
Traeumer, Thomson
NOES: None
Motion carried, 7-0
,,__.0__' '0.. .
2. It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm.
. Small:
Whereas, existing and proposed developments south and
west of the proposed intersection of Junipero Serra _
Stevens Freeway portend a heavy population in this
area, and
Whereas, the proposed De Anza College will generate
additional heavy traffic to and from the north, and
Whereas, present plans for the West Valley Freeway
offer no convenient access except at Stevens qreek
Road for traffic generated by these areas, and
Whereas, through traffic on Stevens Creek Road will
compound the problem because of the "diamond" inter-
change planned, and
Whereas, at one time De Anza College and the developers
of the Gagllasso property expressed willingness to
dedicate the necessary land required,
Now, therefore, be it resolved:
1. That this Commission finds that a south-bound
off-ramp and a north-bound on-ramp where the
Stevens Freeway crosses McClellan Road is of
utmost importance if the western portion of
the City is to develop to its fullest potential,
2. That the City Council of the City of Cupertino
be hereby requested to instruct the City Staff
to make a suitable presentation to the California
State Division of Highways, and take such other
steps as may be deemed necessary to secure their
cooperation in providing said additional freeway
Comm. Gates felt it would be a good time to include
proposed roadways for the whole area in this
The City Planner felt they were two separate matters.