PC 09-14-64 80,000.1+ 10321 So. Hwy 9, Cupertino, Calif., 95014 C I T Y 0 P CUP? R TIN 0 CUi'ERTINO, CA'LIFCH1\~Ii\ MINUTES OF THE PLANNING CC¡,í;US8ION l'1:<':';'J:ING 2í" ~'.EPTEMBER l4, 19G4 TIME: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: Cupertino School District Board Ji.oom I SALUTE TO THE FLAG II ROLL CALL: Comm. present: Comm. absent: Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Small, Thomson Gates, Traeumer Staff present: City & Traffic Planner Adde Laurin City Attorney Sam Anderson Recording Secretary Lois Inwards MINUTES OF TilE PREVIOUS REGULAH ~1EETING: August 24, 1964 It was moved by Camm. Johnson and seconded by Cornm. Hirshon to accept the Mir,c~tes of Aug\"st 24, 1964. Mot·u·n ca"~'-1 5 0 ! .J.. _ ( ......L _.ç.', - III COMMUNICATIONS: A. Written: 81,003 1. CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN: 1985 Mr. Ray Schoenfeld, of Wilsey, Ham & Blair, pre-- sented 25 copies of the CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN: 1985, to the Plar~ing Commissioners, the Staff, and a few to the audience. Mr. Schoenfeld said that, although he came into this project at a late date, he had been happy to work with the Commissioners and the City Staff. He said he was sorry that there was some misunder- stand:tng by the govel'n5.ngbodies and the press as to the role of the Com.'uJ.tant. He s8.id they were only meant to guide the City .of Cupertino. -1.. Mr. Sçho0nfeld ôdlc'i Cupert:ln.lans tlli":'m.nelvoß} who lmow theIr clty beot; :.;1101.l1d make the det.,dled s];'8G:!.ficatl.':m,;. The fupction of the Consultant was to give, C';rcrt1.no a fitart on the road 'co the creation of a hand-tailored ord1.nan,;o. He emphasized Point l3, Undel" ".FlecO;'l\!F3!)Üé\tiu1'~" of the CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN: 1985. Chairman 'rhomson asked how many copies of this CUPEHTINO GENEHAL PLAN; 1985 are c11..1e Cupertino under the contract. Mr. Schoenfeld said there would be 200 copies included under the contract. In addition, the City Manager has ordered 400 more, at a charge of arOlIDd 25¢ each. Mr. Schoenfeld gave the City 25 copies at this meeting and said an additlonal l75 copies would be coming to City Hall later this week. Comm, Fr'olich thought it would be appropriate to send complimentary copies to the City Cound.l and to the former Planning Commissioners Vlho have worlÅ“d so diligently on this project. Comm. H:!.rshon asked the consultant to briefly clarify the columnar head:!ngs in thrò NEIGHBORHOOD DENSITIES chart. The City Planner asked what arrangements can be made for additional copies in the future. Mr. Schoenfeld said Wilsey, Ham & Blair has some copies in their office which could be purchased for a nominal f'3e. HOVlever, if any great number of copie s are needed, Cuper't iDo shculd be prepared to pay for the setting u¿ of the plates, in addition to a charge fo1' the copie¡;. Actual printing would be done by another company. Mrs. Gustav Anger, 10185 Empire Way, Monta Vista, is very concerned about the light industrial zoning given her area. She pointed out the differen'G types of industrial uses that cOLlld come about. Mrs. Anger added that she has worked vigorously for years 'Go upgrade this area and intends to continue fighting to this end. She Dald she has contacted County, and even State officials about this. Mr. Schoenfeld said that, due 'Go the general deterioration and small lot sizes in that ares, without a total redevelopment program it is best suited:'for light Industrlal use. ~1.r:;J. Anger said she is not against light industrial, with nice landscaplng, etc. Chairman 'i'110mson pointed OLlt that the General Plan encompaßses a,'eas outside the Cupertino jux'isdiction but that Cupertino 11'lS no power' to dictate zoning to tb.l:;t~e a::'83.S 1X:.'11ÐfJS thç:>ðT 8.28 ar:x:exede: -2~ 80,011 2. Notlce from Foothill College in regard to the DeAnza College dinncr meeU.ng at 6 :00 P.M., Tuesday, September 22nd. The Commj.ssioners want information regarding where to gather, etc. The City Manager's secretary will phone this information to each Commissioner as soon as this lni'ormation 1[1 available. 3. Underground Pewer Conference. This meeting will be held at the Cabana, in Palo Alto, on October 9, 196}+, corrunencing at 8:30 A.M. and cont~nui.ng throughout the day. Purpose of the Conference: To eneonrage cooperation and coordination among government, profeDslonals, developer~ utility groups and individL~ls who are striving for more attractive communities. It will also stimulate wider interest in solving the prob- lems of underground power installations and provide the most recent information available. cos'r.: Membership in the Conference . . . . . $100 (includes 5 copies of the proceedings) Individual observer ticket . . . . . . $20 (includes 1 copy of the proceedings) Chairman Thomson feels we have some obligation to advertise this to the local developers. Comm. FroJ.ich felt someone on the staff should be authorized to attend this conference and we should definItely try to get a copy of the proceedings. The City Planner felt it should be someone from Engineering rather than hlrneelf, but added that we probably could get the information free from rG & E. It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm. Johnson to ask the City Council to authorize payment of the $20 fee for an observer ticlcet for one person on the staff to attend the Underground Power Conference. AYES: Carom. Frolich, IIirshon, Johnson, Sma 11, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. Gates, Traeumer Motion carried, 5-0 4. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT OFFICIALS CONFERENCE Hyatt House, 171+0 ]\T. bt Street, Sa.n Jose. 2 :00 P .11., Wedrwsday. OctC)ber 7th (Regli1. at 1: 15 P.M.) Subje(' t: ';'~'illi CHA.Nm~;S IH 'J:H,':> 1964 HOTJ3ING ACT" Reg1Ðtration fee: ~5,GO -3~' The City I'lanner sa:Ld that he would like to attend this COnff):t'eJ1Ce, at hi sown expem:e n Comr.1. Frolich felt the City Planner should be authorized to attend and that thu r'eglstration fee should como from City Funds. It was moved by Comm. F-.colich and seconded by Comm. Small to recommend to the City Cauneil that they authorize the City Plarrûer's at~endance at this conference and that the fee be pa1.d out of City Fund s . AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Small, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. Gates, Traeumer Motion carried, 5-0 It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm. Johnson to receive the written communicat1.ons. B. Verbal Communications --- 'l'here were none. IV HEARINGS SCHEDULED: ll-V-64 A. HYMAN WEISEL, FONTAINBLEU APTS.: Application for a Variance; two pole signs at Stevens Creek Blvd. First Hearing. Mr. Mort Schneider, 27212 Dumbarton, San Jose, was present to request this variance. He said they have a very low vacancy factor and have been very careful in choosing their tenants. They have advertised ex- tensively, but since the sighs came down they feel sure the reason potential renters have not appeared is because they can't find the place. Mr. Schneider feels that if this Variance were granted for another 6 months their problem would be solved. It seems that t'1.e sign ordinance says these si.gns were legal as long as the projcct was under construction. Mr. Schneider said that, technically, they are still under construction because they have been notified b;r the City of some minor changes that must be made regarding meter boxes, etc. The City Planner presented the following memo from the Chief Building Inspector and said that he concurred wholeheartedly with 1t. -4- "I understand an application for a Variance has been requested 1'01' two 50 sq. ft. di.1'ectional si.gns located at the corner of Miller and Stevens Craele Blvd, and at the corner of Wolfe Road and stevens Creek Blvd. by Proud Homes, representing Fontalnbleu Apartments. "The Sign Ordinance #89 requires that apartment houses who wish to advertise are allowed 12 sq. ft. of sign surface to be placed on site, "I feel that if a variance is given by the Planning Commission, this will definitely start a precedent and the Thlilding Department recommends to you that this application be denied." Chairman Thomson said that he would like a chance to study the Sign OrdInance before the Second Hearing. Comm. Hirshon asked how many vacanc:l.es there were. Mr. Schneider said there are 13. Chaj.rman Thomson asked for comments from the audience. There were none. It was moved by Comm. Frolich and seconded by Comm. Johnson to close the First Hearing. AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Small, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. Gates, Traeumer Motion carried, 5-0 V UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous There was none. VI NEW BUSINESS A. Zoning Ordinance Work Sessions. Chairman Thomson stated that he cannot attend certain Thursday night work sessions since his PTA has chosen Thursday nights fer PTA and PTA Board Meetings and it is his obligation to be there. If the Commission so desires, Vice-Chairman Gates could "chair" the Work Sessions and Dr. Thomson would come whenever possible. The alternative is to move to some other night of the week, but no other night is suItable for all the Commissioners. Comm. Frolich suggested the Work Sessions be held on the second and fourth Thursdays, 8:00 P.M., at City Hall. All agreed. The next Work Session will be held September 24th. Comm. Small s2,1d the telephone r'eminél8rs on the day of the me.etlng were very helf¡fuL ··5- The City Planner was agl'eeable to this setup, saying that preparing for week.Ly zoning ordinance work sessions in addition to preparation for regular Planning COt!l- mission and C:1.ty Council meetings, and the other duties at City Hall a¡¡ well, made for a very full schedule. B. A Regular Planning Commission Meeting should be held on October 12th. Comm. F'rolich said that since several of the Commissioners will be Ol~t of town that day per- haps another date should be set. After discussion, Chairman Thomson tentatively set Tuesday, October 20th, for the second Planning Commis- sion meeting in October. The Recording Secretary was asked to check on the room reservations. Comm. Frolich said that if there is not a great deal of material on the agenda, possibly we could just skip that meeting altogether. 50,300 C. Proposed form for Zone Change, Denial of .Zone Cr~nge, Granting of a Variance, Denial of a Variance, Granting of Use Permit, and Denial of Use Permit. The City Planner explained that the present forms pre- sented time-consuming problems to the secretaries. He proposed putting all standard information on the front side of these forms and running off hundreds of copies of this. As each application is passed upon, ~he secretary would type a completely new stencil for page 2 of the form with all the pertinent information applicable to this individual application and run it ofT on the back side of the master form. Chairman Thomson said this sounded like a good idea to him. It would save time for the staff. The City Planner said a minor change in wording was made in Exhibit B, Item 5, to clarify height of masonry wall required where elevation might be different between two lots. The City Attorney said that unless it is contrary to the Ordinance it is all right. He felt this would be classified as an interpretation of this item. The City Attorney suggested a minor change on page 2 of the Granting of Variance form. Aftèr the horizontal line, it should read "Conditions and. Further Fi;ndings : ". ':'6- It was moved by Comm. FI·OJich an.u seconded by Comm. Hirshon to approve the four form changes presented by the City Planner with the exception that Item 3, Page 1, of the GrantÜ1.g of' Variance fOI'm should read: "That the granting of the application ancl Hearings show that it will not materially....."."; that the back side of the Zo~e Change form, the Granting of a Variance form, and the Granting of Use Permit form shall say: "Conditions and Fur~her Findings" rather than just "Conditions "; and that forms be created for Denial of Variance and Denial of Use Permit. It was further moved that the above-mentioned 6 forms be adopted as the official forms of the City. AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Small, Thomson NOES: None ABSENT: Comm. Gates, Traeumer Motion carried, 5-0 D. The Chairman had Comm. Small sign the CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTf~NT OF IRVIN M. SMALL AND OATH OF OFFICE, explaining that the evening the others were publicly sworn in he had missed it. VII ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Comm. Johnson and seconded by Comm. Frolich to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M. APPROVED : /s/ Scott Thomson Chairman ATTEST: (-¡ í/' ij i (~/ /':Æ4/Fj /,.....\ City and Traffic Planner -7 -