PC 11-23-64
10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
80, OOO.Lf
C I T Y 0 F
CU9':;~~ino ,
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PL.~:¡:JING C(:¡'¡IIL;SI::'¡T !'l.2'.":TING - !DVEMBER 23, 1964
8:00 P.N.
Board Room, Cupertino O::c1,001 District Office
and 12tho
Commissioners Present: Frolich, Gates, Hirshon, Johnson,
Traeumer, Thomson
Commisôionerc Absent: Small
Staff Present:
City Cleric Larry Martin
City Attorney Sam Anderson
Recording Secretary Lois Imlards
Moved by Commissioner Traeumer, seconded by Commissioner
Gates to accept the minutes of November 5th.
Motion Carried: 6-0
Corrections to the Minutes of November 9th:
Page 7, Para. 3: Commissioner Traeumer vianted to elaborate
on the narrowness of this lot for turn around.
Page 9, Para. 1: the ;':econd ,~.entence fihould read as follows:
"The City Attorney said they é'hould have an easement from
the shopping center to th8 church."
Page 12, Para. 4 shou~d read as follows:
Traeumer noted th2~/ \",'ould ;""laV'2 100 I 1Hide
looking frontage. 1;'
lots --- spacious
Moved by Commissioner Gates, seconded by Commissioner Traeumer
to accept the minutes of November 9, lc;6 4 as corrected.
Motion Carried: 6-0
Moved by Commissioner Gates, seconded by Commissioner
Frolich to accept the Minutes of November 12, 1964.
Motion Carried: 6-0
A VJritten:
1. RESIDENTS AT REGNART ROAD: Request that the Planning
Commission initiate a plan study.
The City Clerk said the petition, dated November 9, 1964,
had twelve (12) signatures.
Chairman Thomson said he felt this should be deferred for
Staff study because he believed that there has been some
rezoning in this area. The City Planner, who ~ac abcent
this evening, h~d prepared a ma~or road plan for this area upon
the request of the Planning Commission some months back and
there was considcr~o12 co~mc~t ~~o~ the re8idents at the time
of the presentatiol, of tl'ié: l'O:ld p:-'2:1.
Moved by Commissioner Traeumor, s800nded by Commissioner
Hirshon, to refer this letter and petition to the City Staff
and to include in their report the identification of the
area referred to; also to learn if these residents are aware
of the rezoning of the property on both sides of Re2nart
Creek from Regnart Road and Bubb Road and west for Mr. Crump.
Motion Carried: 6-0
2. Notice from University of California announc~ng a course
being offered: Administration of PlanninG Action.
B. Verbal: There were no verbal communications.
C.M. BAER: Application for a Use Permit for a
service station at the J-.J'1J C01"ner of ,;tevens Creel,
Boulevard and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Second
Hearing continued.
Commissioner Frolich
at the last meeting.
and perhap~ it could
by the Commissioners
noted that the Second Hear:ing Vias closed
He said he had prepared a Resolution
be read at this time and discussion
could follovJ :
WHEREAS, the applicant has had a similar ~se of this
property for many years, antedating similar uses permitted
on two other corners of this intersection, and
WHEREAS, a critical corner \-¡ould be vastly improved as to
amenities and visibility, and
WHEREAS, the proposal would replace an existing but less
desirable use, and
WHEREAS, no sound alternative use has been shown to be
feasible during these Hearings, and
WHEREAS, the City Staff has reported favorably on this
application because of advantages accruing to the City,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that application ll-U-64
is recommended for approval, subject to Exhibit B - 12
standard conditions, and
13. Improvements per City Engineer's satisfaction.
14. Additional frontage improvements in front of the
restaurant parcel north of the service station.
15. Building drawings to accompany the application to
H-Control as well as previous concept shown at First
16. Landscaping according to the appropriateness of the
importance of the corner.
So moved by Commissioner Frolich, seconded by Commissioner
Chairman Thomson pointed out that the lot to the north is
also owned by Mr. Baer, but it has a substantial building
on it. To enlarge this corner development would involve
tearing down this building. To the west, on Stevens
Creek Boulevard, there are a couple of narrow commercial
lots. He, too, felt the Commission should encourage
large business developments, but there is not much room for
a larger, better development here. In his opinion, this
corner of the City has gotten off to a bad start. He felt
a service station of the proper kind could vastly improve
this corner.
Commissioner Gates wanted to make a few comments on this:
1. He reiterated the problems involved where service
stations are located on maj or cor'ners with right-turn
lanes. He felt this would become hazardous.
2. Although it is pointed out it would only add 100' that
same 100' is going to haunt us when it comes in for
rezoning. He paic: the 2élme problem exists at Blaney
and Stevens Creelc. TheY'e is an L-shaped lot around
the Shell Station. You could do tetter by, in some
way, combining these lots and maicing a substantial
development on it.
Chairman 'I'homson said trc'.ffic will have to get in there
no matter what kind of development goes in there. And
Lots 13 and 14 are already zoned commercial so the
Commission could not use that lever ',,0 guide future
development on them.
Commissioner Frolich, in commenting upon the property to
the west of subject prop~rty, said that as soon as you
put this applicant in the position that the Use Permit
is dependent upon the condition that the other two parcels
must be combined in the development, it would put this
applicant in an impossible bargaining position.
Commissioner Traeumer said no alternatives rßve been offered
at these hearings. The property would just stay as it is;
you can't take into consideration adjacent lots with
existing uses. He could not see denying this application.
Commissioner Gates said that, with the entrances reasonably
far from the corner, he does not think it would be
hazardous. He felt 150' or 125' would be ample distance,
and the entrance is shown to be 13' from the right-turn
The next question involved what would be done with the
rest of Stevens Creek Boulevard, which has many 50' wide
lots. Commissioner Gates felt the Commission would have
to face the problem of 50' wide and ve~J deep lots. He felt
the procedence should be set now to get good, large,
commercial developments here.
Commissioner Frolich pointed out that zoning is not the
question here. The City has no leverage to control de-
velopment of this property.
Commissioner Gates said he does not propose to stop de-
velopment, but rather to steer development. With the
growth of the City the value of this property increases.
Chairman Thomson felt that if the City was going to be
against service stations on this corner it should have
been against others on this intersection.
Commissioner Hirshon asked how long this station has
been out of business. Mr. Baer said it is in business
now; as a service station, it has been inactive about
1-1/2 years.
Commissioner Traeumer asked the City Attorney why this
applicant has to come in for a Use Permit when this was
already in business as a service station. The City
Attorney said Mr. Baer was advised by the City Staff to
file a Use Permit. Commissioner Traeumer felt the
Planning Commission would be in a sticky position if
they denied this application.
Commissioner Johnson wondered what would go on the SE
corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Stevens Creek
Boulevard; another service Station? He felt that in a
year or two they will get another application for a
service station at this SE corner be~auce that is an
appropriate use for that corn·~r. He wondered what kind
of businEss will be going on Stevens Creek Boulevard
between the service station anã the Bank of America
if these small lots are not consolidated into one well-
planned development.
Chairman rrhOtTI50n ca::"d our &.u.bbJr:1.ty is limited as to wh~!.l:;
the City can do where the property is already zoned.
Frolich, Johnson, Traeumer, Thomson
Gates, Hirshon
MOTION CARRIED: 1[-2 - 1 Absent
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Commissioner Gates, seconded by
Commissioner Traeumer, to direct the attention of the
Engineering Department and I!-Control to pay particular
attention to this application and to study carefully the
traffic conditions.
NOES: Commissioners:
Frolich, Gates, Hirshon, Johnson,
Traeumer, Thomson
AYES: Commissioners:
Commissioner Frolich requested this Minute Order be
attached to the application folder.
Chairman Thomson said this application would next be
reviewed by the H-Control Committee.
ALPHA LAND CO.: Application for a Variance; 48 sq. ft.
flat type sign for apartment. Withdrawn
end of the agenda.
E & R MOYERS: This item was put to the end of the agenda.
P. & R. ~~~RDA: Application for rezoning from R-l:B-2
to R-2-H of 2 acres at Vista Drive between Forest Avenue
and Appletree Drive. Second hearing.
Mr. Don Bandley, 21490 Columbus Avenue, represented the
applicant. He asked for questions from the Planning
Commission. There were none.
Chairman Thomson asked for comments from the audience.
There were none.
Moved by Commissioner Traeumer, seconded by Commissioner
Frolich to close the Second Hearing.
Commissioner Frolich commented that this is across the street
from an office use and a parking lot. The type of R-l
we want in Cupertino could not be built on these lots.
He questioned whether FHA would approve a loan for R-l
across from a semi-commerical use.
Chairman Thomson commer:ted that several months ago
essentially the 2ame application ..,as before the Planning
Commission and there was considerable opposition to it.
He added that ';he maj or part of this property is across
the street from the sc1-:ool piayground. There already
are two R-l homes acr033 the 3treet from this playfield
and he felt this was a favorable location. There is
room for 14 homes here. He felt R-2 here would be a
form of spot-zoning. Co:nmissioner Johnson agreed that
this would be spot zonin¿.
Commissioner Hirshon said the economic ::"actor of building
a home directly across the street from a school should be
weighed. The spot z~ning ::"actor. does not, in his opinion,
outweigh the properly built R-2's.
Commissioner Frolich asked if those two R-l's across from
the playfield were not a p~rt of a large development?
Chairman Thomson asked whether the residents want a City
of renters or homeowners?
Commissioner Hirshon commented on the shallowness of the
lots and the fact that there are no objections from the
residents at this time.
Commissioner Johnson said they must consider present
citizens and people who will be living here in the future.
Moved by Commissioner Gates, Seconded by Commissioner
Johnson, that application 20-z-64 because it does not
differ substantially from the previous application
considering the same property and the same rezoning and
since, at the time of the previous Hearings there was
considerable objection, and since that rezoning was found to
be inconsistent with the tenets of City planning, that
this application be denied.
Gates, Johnson, Thomson
F'rolich, Hirshon, Traeumer
3-3 - 1 Absent
Chairman Thomson
come up again in
told the applicant this application would
3 weeks at the re;ular Planning Commission
17 -v-64
ALPHA LAND CO.: Application for a Variance to allow
10.4' sideyards, in order to make possible subdivision
of property at Terry Way into three lots 140' wide.
First Hearing.
Mr. John Pasco, Attorney, 1271 North First Street, San
Jose, presented a plot plan whereby the applicant wished
to subdivide this property into three lots. He said this,
as a total unit, does comply with the density requirement.
However, it would not comply with the sideyard setbacks
if approved. Instead, his applicant is asking for a 20'
setback instead of 30'.
If granted, the Alpha Land Company plans to:
1. Put grape stake fence across rear of the property.
2. Completely paint the units next spring.
3. Supply with City with a subdivision map establishing
Commissioner Gates
had been reviewed.
line a mistake has
been called for to
asked if the former application minutes
Mr. Pasco said that somewhere along the
b83n made and that his services have
rectif:' this arid cake it legal.
Commissioner Trae\.:mer as]¡ed if this modification is
requested so the nmer can 2311 these individually. Mr.
Pasco said he had no kno',:ledge of the owner wanting to·
sell the property. He ,.'ants approval of the property.
Commissioner Traeumer asked why Alpha wants tc subdivide
this. Mr. Pasco said that the Alpha people thought this
would be the best possible solution to a problem of
Commissioner Frolich was on the E-Control Committee at
the time of the original approval and recapped, from
memory, the proceedings.
The City Attorney stated the Building Department con-
sidered the lot as being divided into separate building
sites. As an R-3, it appeared that there were 3 or 6
building sites. The applicant said no final map would
be filed. The City A ttor'ney said there has been no
mention of hardship here.
He said we want to keep property easy to sell in this
country, however. By refusing a variance as a disciplinary
measure, we are continuing a problem that exists.
Mr. Pasco said there are Second Deeds of Trust on this
property. The plan is to refinance to improve this property.
It is a hardship to have a piece of land of this size
and quality but with the inability to do anything with it.
It would be in the best interest of the City to get this
matter cleared up.
Commissioner Frolich said nothing was in his mind with
regard to a penalty. This problem has come up several
times in the City and he couldn't think of a solution to
There were no comments from the audience.
Moved by Commissioner Gates, Seconded by Commissioner
Frolich to close the First Hearing.
The Staff was instructed to have the original rezoning
minutes at the Second Hearing.
PERT-CPM: Application for Variances to allow a Cluster
Development of one-family houses, combined with a Common
Area, inan R-24-H Zone, west of ~1ary Avenue. (Also
Tentative Map, 5 acres +.) First hearinz.
Commissioner Traeumer abstained from this hearing.
Mr. Lou Tersini, representing PERT-CPM, told the Planning
Commission that the City Council had ruled that this
application could be treated as a Variance rather than
amending the R-24 Ordinance.
Mr. Tersini said the interior street is to be a public
street. He was of the opinion that a 60' Mary Avenue
extension had been fairly well established.
Commissioner Gates asked the applicant how they planned
to enforce the "No Parking" on the interior streets,
to enable the four moving lanes of traffic. Mr. Tersini
felt this could be best handled the same as it will be
on Mary Avenue; possibly "No Parking" signs.
Mr. Mike McDougplJ., of Ruth & Krushkhov, explained the
Tentative Map. He said normally the 60' street wculd
provide two parking lanes and tviO moving lanes. Parking
bays will be provided at certain intervals to eliminate
the parking on the street. He said they planned to dedi-
cate the 20' streets to the City. The City Attorney re-
ferred to the Streets and Highways Code, which says they
should be 60' or, by Resolution, they can be reduced to
40' .
Mr. Jack Kuzia of MacKay and Somps, was of the opinion that a
30' right-of-way would be legaL 11r. Tersini said a 60' street
has 36' of paving.
Comm. Gates felt that in previous discussions of cluster zoning,
tne aim was to allow creativity, H<ò did not feel much imagina-
tion had gone into this develop¡;¡ent plan. This was not his idea
of a cluster plan.
Chairman Thomson called for a 5 minute break to ena.ble the Com-
missioners and the audience to come for·ward and take a close look
at the Tentative Map.
Comm. Frolich wondered if the Fire and Police Departments would
have anything to say about the interior street widths. He would
like to have comments from them at the Second Hearing. Mr.
Tersinl said the Tentative Maps will go out to these agencies
before the Second Hearing.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. JOhnson,
to ask for replies from the Sheriff's Dept. and the Fire Marshall
on this Tentative Map; applicant to call to their attention that
it is a 20' paving that is being proposed.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirshon, Johnson, Thomson
NOES: None
ABSTAINED:Comm. Traeumer
ABSENT: Comm. Small
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm. Frolich noted repetition of street names and wondered if
the Post Office Department would have some comment on this.
Comm. Gates would like Mr. Tersini to think seriously about how
to prevent parking on these narrow streets.
Comm. Frolich wanted to know how the applicant proposes to locate
units 32 - 37 with addresses.
Comm. Gates noted that some units were as far as 350' from their
parking space.
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Gates, to close the
First Hearing.
Motion carried, 6-0
12- u-64
CUPERTINO CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Application for a Use Permit
for a church site at the SW corner of Wolfe Road and Richwood
Drive. Second Hearing.
Mr. George Oakes, one of the property owners, said he had met
again with Mayfair Market and they will sign a written stipula-
tion to allow parking. This is not an easement because it
affects their financing.
Comm. Frolich asked about the possibility of additional parking
behind the Mobil Station.
Mrs. Dorothy Webb, 19640 Redberry Drive, Los Gatos, the attorney
representing neighbors who protest this Use Permit had the fol-
lowing comments:
1. She has filed with the City Clerk the withdrawal of names of
people living in the neighborhood of Vicksburg Drive who had
signed the Minister's petition. It seems they were misinformed
as to the use of the property.
2. She read a copy of the letter she has written i.n protest to
this Use Perm:l to
3. She said thE) people would ll.ke a copy of the petition by the
church to make sure the people wh.o signed it are propert;y owners
and not renters.
Chairman Thomson said no petition has been filed, to date.
Mr. Oakes then presented this petition, signed by 110 neighbors
who are in favor of this church. He said he wanted to add the
comment that a church is not a business. It meets infrequently
and at hours when other businesses are at their lowest ebb.
Mr, Oakes said they have been open and honest and very optimistic
about their plans. The ultimate size of the church therefore,
shows that the parking is inadequate. Nothing other than a
church is planned for this property. Signs have been posted on
the property indicating this is a church site.
Mr. John Zehms, 10165 Vicksburg Drive, said that when he purchased
his home, Mr. Oakes had passed off that those vacant lots are R-l.
The City Attorney stated that the Planning Commissioners can take
into consideration whether or not those people who have signed the
petition are renters or property owners.
Mrs. Zehms had noted full-page ads in the newspaper indicating four
services throughout the week. Mrs. Zehms had gone over to the
Mayfair Market at 10: 30 A.M. the previous Sunday B.nd there were
only 22 empty parking spaces.
Comm. Hirshon asked what the expected congregation would be. Mr.
Oakes said the sanctuary would seat 300. There are 50 members now.
The off-street parking that is planned would house them nicely for
some time to come.
Mrs. Doris Anderson, 10536 Davison Avenue, said they do not
anticipate full capacity for sOme time.
Comm. Johnson asked about how many of the 60 families represented
on the petition are apartment dwellers. The Minister said he could
not say; he would have to go back over the territory for this
information. Comm. Frolich said there were about 70 single family
homes there.
It was moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Gates, to close
the Second Hearing.
Motion carried, 6-0
Comm. Frolich was not at all satisfied with the parking spaces here.
Maybe the congregation never will become this large, but what if it
does? If this Use Permit is granted, he feels careful attention
should be given to the insulating of the church property from the
The City Attorney asked if the Ordinances are being met, based on
the applicant's proposal. He asked if it is good planning to allow
a church with inadequate parking facilities.
Comm. Johnson said we have churches in the area who are providing
the required parking facilities.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to table this
matter until the next regular meeting, and to request a report
from the Building Inspector and to request the a.pplicant bring in
something more concrete in regard· to the parking problem.
Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Thomson
Comm. Small
Motion carriedJ 6-0
E. & R. MOYERS: Appl~cation for a Variance to extend a building
to within six feet of the property line at 22480 Starling Court.
Second Hearing.
Dr. Moyers distributed copies of a diagram to help clarify
posi tion of his property. ¡Us is lot 6 of the cul-de-sac.
said he now has a 3-bedroom house and he needs 4 bedrooms.
cannot build up because he has trees that would have to be
destroyed in order to do this, He wants a w:!.ndovlless wall
closets on the rear wall to Insulate f'rom the noise at the
As to the sewer easement, Dr. Moyers had checked with the City
Engineer, and he did not under'stand how an addition of a room
to this home would involve this sewer easement; no additional
bathroom is contemplated. If he cannot add on, Dr. Moyers said
he must sell this home and purchase a larger one because he is
outgrowing this one. He does not feel he would be creating too
many problems with this addition.
Chairman Thomson asked Dr. Moyers about the elevation. Dr.
Moyers said the people at the rear are 2' higher than he is.
Chairman Thomson asked for comments from the audience.
Mrs. Marguerite Gilber,t 10562 N. Foothill Blvd., said she does
not feel Dr. Moyers will stay at this home and it would not help
her property value. All she would have to look at would be his
roof' if this addition were allowed.
Comm. Johnson felt that, with the expectation of more people in
that house, there are more chances of having something go wrong
with the sewer. If your backyard is torn up, is it replaced to
the exact condition it was before it was torn up? No, these
things are not replaced.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to close
the Second Hearing.
Motion carried, 6-0
Comm. Traeumer commented that when a person purchases a home in
a subdivision it is usually as well suited and about the right
size f'or the lot since the developer has explored all these
factors before building. Therefore, if a property owner needs
a larger home it probably would be wiser to sell the present one
and purchase a larger one, rather than try to make the present
one larger. If we are to allow var'iances to occur we are
setting a precedent.
Comm. Hirshon referred to the rules for granting variances. On
that basis, he said he would be opposed to this variance.
Comm. Frolich felt the sewer easement factor was not germane
to the problem here. The existing rear setback is 19' 6", but
when you actually go out and see the building on the lot, this
seems like a small setbac!c in relation to its setting.
Comm. Johnson said his reasons for bringing upt the sewer
easement factor is that possibly some reciprocal agreement
could be made between the neighbors, should the problem ever
come up.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to deny
application l5-V-64.
Comm. Frolich, Gates, Hirshon, JOhnson, Trae~~er,
Comm. Small
Motion carried, 6··0
A. rUsce11aneous
1. P. CAMARDA: Record of Survey; 4 parcels of lot #34,
SVl corner of Blaney Ave. &: FOr'est Ave. Continued.
Mr. Camarda, 10191 N. Blaney, said this lot is 150' wide
x 34' deep. He has moved a house onto this lot and
wants to see what improvements must be put on it. He
said he was not infol'med that a Tentati.ve Map was
The City Attorney sa:id the question is, does he have
to improve only Lot C or all four lots. The City
Planner's report says Lot C improvements would be
reasonable. Mr. Camarda says he does not own all
four lots.
Moved by Comm. Gates, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to
continue file No. 51,151 to the next regular meeting.
There was none,
Moved by Camm, Fro1ich, seconded by Comm. Gates, to
adjourn at 11:30 P.M. to November 30th, 8:00 P.M. at
City Hall.
Isl Scott Thomson
o dr 0.. ~1'1/i! vi^,-
City and Traffic Planner