PC 05-10-65
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May 10, 1965, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was held in the Board Roo~, CupGrtino Union School District,
10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino
XI . ROLL CALL:. Hinutes of the previòus meeting: 4/26/65
CO\Tlm.. present: Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer,
Comm. absent: None
. Staff pre.s.ent :])ir.. of Public Works, . Frank Finney
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
Plan.' Dept. Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Recording Se~retary; Lois Inwards
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded. by Comm. Johnson,
to approve the Minutes of April 26th as read.
Motioncàrr~ed, 5-0
Chairman Gates ¡mnOl.:.nced that Item A under Section VI,
HEARINGS SCHEDULED, h~s been postponed.
·1. Message Of res:J.gnation from .Comm. Small, effective
a& of this date.
Moved byComm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich,
to accept w.ith regrets the resignation .of Comm. Small.
.. Motion carried, 5-0·
2. Written communicatiòn from Director. of Planning re
changes in wording of Ordinance that was presented
at the last Planning Commission meeting.
Moved byComm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich,
to accept the proposal for rewording of the Ordinance,
p~r the. Dir. of Planning .1 s memo of May 6th.
Motion carried,5-0
3. We have been notified the Board Foom wiJ.l not be
available for the Planning Commission meetings of
May 2L!th and j'llne 14. The meetings for those two
dates only will be held in the Portal School
Library. 'I'he Pres:.: V¡[iS asked to note this in their
news articles, in addition to the advertisements.
There were none.
A. R. B. & R. WOOLEY: Application for a Variance in Lot
Size, to allow 2 lots approx. 0.95 acre each in an
A-2:B-4 Zone; north of Lindy Lane. Second Hearing.
Also Tentative Map; First Hearing.
Items 8-v-65 and 5-TM-65 were postponed until the next
regular meeting, The applicant had submitted a letter
stating that there had not been time enough to complete
the Tentative Map required by the City.
Application for a Use Permit for extension of the
church site of St. Joseph's Parish. First Hearing.
Mr. Henry Chescoe, 1636 Bush Street, San Francisco, and
Monsignor Ryan represented the Church. Mr. Chescoe said
that since the last project (the school building), the
Parish has acquired an additional ten acres for the purpose
of building nine classrooms and a convent building for the
teaching Sisters of the Parish.
The Director of Planning said there should be a 20 ft. rear
yard setback against residential property. There should be
a 40 ft. setback for buildings two stories or higher. The
12 Standard Conditions should also be applied here. At
the time they ask for a building permit they will be re-
quired to conform to the parking restrictions.
Ingress and egress were discussed. It was learned that
this is a long-range plan that is presented tonight.
This Use Permit is for the 10 acres which they recently
acquired, over and above the area covered by the original
Use Permit.
The Director of Public Wor]Œ said the original Use Permit
says that at such time as it was requested, the frontage
on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road will be dedicated and improved.
He said that time has come. It would also be in order
to do this on Forest Avenue at the time this street is
extended west of Vista Drive.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that
the Public Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
~~t!1n'!-:ep. o£ Lone Regular Ivleeting c:' the Planning Commission"
May 10, 1965.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon} to
approve application 7-u-65, sub~ect to the 12 Standard
Conditions, the 20 fto rear yard setback, the 40 ft.
setback where there wilJ. be two-story buildings. A
section of Forest Avenue shall be dedicated and
improved when necessary.
Comm. F~olich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, 5:'0
~. ,-'"
- ,
CRUnCH OF'·THE NAZARENE: ,Application :tor a Use Permit
for a church site; south öf'McClellan Road between
StEÌlling Road and Kim Street.. S.eçond. Hearingo
. Mr. Dlck Pacheco, real estate broker,represented the
, ' Cþ:airman Gates recapped the highlights of the First Hearing.
" .,,'
The.Director of Planning referred to his memo of May 6th.
·He så1dit is the duty of the City to safeguard a good
street pattern, making development according to existing
zon.in¡š(lO,OOO sq. ft. lots) possible. On the other hand,
the. owners,. of>nearby property have had ample time to make
thèirintentions known to the City, so:j.t may be said that
therlghts·to a lócal street as indicated in the Neighbor-
hóod'Plan have already been forfeited. Alsd, development
with' flag-shaped lots may be acceptable. The proposed
he:l,ght restrictions are mainly based on allowed height of
an accessory building at the property line and allowed
height of a main building at a 20 ft. setback in an R-l
Zone. .
If streets are required here, it will mean tearing down
of an existing structure. He did not recommend a public
street between the houses. By having a driveway between
the homes} and flag-shaped lots, it would command more
Comm. Traeumer said that since nobody is here protesting
this application, it seems obvious thèy feel they can
solve their access problems.'
Chairman Gates asked Mr. Pacheco. if he had anything further
to add. He said he had talked with the people who purchased
one of the nearby homes, chiefly for the barn on the pro-
perty which the man intended to use for his hobby.
Movèd by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, to
close the Second Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
pC-R8 Minutes of 1010", Hegular !·1eeting of the Planning Commission,
May 10, 1965.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to
approve application 5-U-65, subject to:
1-12 Standard conditions
13. Dedication of street right-of'-way extended to
thirty feet from the centerline of McClellan Road.
14. H-Control approval.
15. That no building higher than sixteen feet be con-
structed adjoining the easterly and southerly property
line, that building height within less than thirt¥
feet from the property line shall not exceed a
height in feet of 16 + 0.45x, where x is the dIstance
from the property lineo (At 20 feet distance, tor
instance, allowed height is 25 feet.) At or beyond
thirty feet from the property line there shall be
no height limitation, except as imposed by the
Architectural and Site Control Committee.
The Director of Public Works said, relative to the dedi-
cation, provision has been made between lots 5 and 6 for
a 25 foot street. Along the frontage on McClellan there
is an intended widening to the east. He recommends that
the church frontage along McClellan maintain this.
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, 5-0
5-z~65 D.
ASKAM-JONES ENTERPRISES: Application for rezoning from
A-2:B-4 to R-lj 9t acres on the hill west of the ex-
tension of Mercedes Road. Also Tentative Map. Second
Hearing on rezoning. First Hearing on Tentative Map
continued 0
The applicant was represented by Mr. Gene Mastin, Civil
Engineer, 40 Woodhams Road, Santa Clara.
Chairman Gates recapped the Hearing of March 22nd. He
said everybody has now had a chance to go up and look
at the site.
Mr. Mastin said the applicant wants 20,000 sq. ft. lots,
and does not feel he can go ahead with the Tentative Map
until the zoning is acted upon.
The Director of Planning does not feel there is enough
basic data here to make an accurate evaluation as to
drainage, streets, density, etc. He p~oposed the applica-
tion should e,ither be denied as it stands now or post-
poned until a later date, which date cannot be determined
at this time.
The City Attorney raised the question of the granting of a
rezoning based on the Hillside Ordinance as it now reads.
He wants to study this further before making recommendations.
pC-R8 I~11nutcs of the Regular Meotin0 ot thç 'Planl:>.. ,~ cU~(Jr::Å..!":slon,
May.10, 1965
The Director of P¡annlng felt that 20,000 sq. ft.
lots over the. entire area could cause hazards and
destroy the beauty of the areao Also, we cannot
Gondition tÜe rezoning to make a minimum of 20,000
sq. ft. lots. R··l ZoninG .would make it allowable
to bulldoze the area flat enough for '7,500 sq. ft.
lots. .
The City Attorney na:1.d that if this is going to be
residential,.it might be to the applicant I s best
interest to have some more studies m'J.de. Mr. Mastin
said a time limit enters inhere·, although he realizes
more data is needèd.
The City AttorneY said an R-l:B-3 classification
co~ld be created hereo
The Director of Public Works felt that what these
gent1.emen are really looking for is a policy state-
ment from the Planning Commission. If they go ahead
wi th thè engineering, etc., wh.ich is very expensive.,
they waht to know if the Planning Commission will be
receptive to it.
The City Attorney said R~1:B-3 would require a
Tentative Map. Since the Hillside Ordinance presumes
R-l, this may take some clarification.
Comm. Frolich asked if a rezoning could be granted
with the condition that it must be developed under
the Hillside Ordinance. The City Attorney said we
need an enabling act to put the Hillside Ordinance
to work.
Mr. Mastin said the applicant is willing to postpone
his application for a reasonable length of time.
The Director of Planning said an overall density
here of two lots per acre is far too high for this
type of acreage; it should only be one acre lots.
Moved by Comm. Frolich to ask the City Staff to pre-
pare for consideration an amendment to the Zoning
ordinance to form a new classification of zoning
including most, if not all, of the Hillside Ordi~ance
requirements, the actual acreage to be left open, but
to include something of a development plan to give
the City some sort of leverage. The minimum density
~. to be left open for discUssion,
There was ho Seêond to the above motion. Comm.
Johnson suggested this come under New Business.
He asked if the applicant is willing to wait for
this amendment to the Zon:!.ng Ordinance, if decided
upon, or if he would like a decision now.
f'C-R8 Minutes of che Hegular Meeting of the Planning '~mllss:'_'_':1,
The City Attorney said this is A-2:B-4 now, which means
one lot per acre. It may be that we could leave the
zoning and apply Ordinance 47A to the existing ordinance,
as it now stands, and they would come in with a map
which would conform with the Hillside Ordinance.
Chairman Ga te-s asked for COiD:nents from the 2,udience.
Mr. Gratenhogen, 11067 Linda Vista Drive, said he is
against this application because it may set a very bad
precedent of something WI" do not want in the hills. He
feels 20,000 sq. ft. lots are too small for that acreage.
Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, feels this is similar
to the Stone property near her home and which is now
being developed. She said the property does not have to
be bulldozed into pads, if properly planned.
Hirshon asked Mr. Gratenhogen what his objections
Mr. Gratenhogen said there would be drainage prob-
landslide problems, possible floods, etc.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to
close the Second Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gates said it seems to be a unique experience
in planning to have a General Plan before an area is
developed. Here is a chance to do an excellent job of
planning. He feels this should be an important consi-
deration in any decision on this acreage.
Comm.Traeumer agreed with Chairman Gates. He said there
are two avenues possible here: plunge in because an
application is pending, or Ðit back and take a close look
at the situation. He felt more· research should go into
this before any decision is made for developing this acreage.
Comm. Johnson felt that this may be feasible for develop-
ment, but not under our present Ordinance.
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that
applications 5-2-65 and 3-TM-65 be denied.
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, JOhnson, Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, 5-0
ft. lots
Gates advised
He added that
here would be
the applicant of his right of
it is his opinion that 20,000
inconsistent with the General
];'C-hÖ l'IH1UóeS 01" the Regular I'leeting of the Plannl"g commission,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ª:Y _lQ.. _l9Q5_ _ _ _._ _. _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ,_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
50,000.1 E. CITY COUNCIL: Ordinance No, 306} Redefining Archi-
tectural and Site Control Procedures, Second Hearing.
Comm. Frolich had several suggestions to make. In Section
6, he feels anybody should have the right to speak up at
these hearings. He cited a specific incident whereby a
next door neighbor's living room window now looks out upon
a duplex's driveway because t~e zoning was granted before
this R-l resident purcha.sed his home and he had no way of
knowing about the Architectural and Site review of the
property next door.
The City Attorney said there are no statutes to go by here
·so we are somewhat limited,
Comm. Traeumer asked if the H-Control agendas could be
published in the newspapero Chairman Gates thought it
might be a good idea to publish the Council, Planning
Commission and H-Control agendas.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to
add to the Ordinance that the H-Control agenda is to be
published in the Cupertino Courier the week before the
meeting for all items except those that turn up at the
Planning Commission meeting the night before at their
regular meeting. This motion was withdrawn.
Comm. Johnson felt it should be a prerequisite for items
that require approval by both the Planning Commission and
the Architectural and Site Control Committee to pass the
Planning Commission before they are reviewed by H-Control.
Comm. Hirshon wondered if it would help if the H-Control
changed their meeting night.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, that
any application on the H-Control agenda that has not been
on the Planning Commission agenda within the last thirty
calendar days is to be published at least three days
prior to the H-Control meeting.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
In Section 9, Comm. Frolic.h suggested adding the words,
"or in person at the City Council meeting" after the
words "in writing." This was withdrawn after discussion.
In Exhipit A, Item 6, it was suggested the words "and
free-standin\? signs" be added, or better, that "attached
to buildings be left out.
f'C-Hö ~Unutes of the Regular Heotlng 0:' the Planning vommission,
May 10, 1965
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comrn. Frolich, to
suggest that in Exh:Lbit A, Item 6, the words "attached
to buildings" be deleted.
Motion carried, 5-'0
Moved by çomm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, that
all applications should be sent to the Planning Commission
prior to H-Control review unless waived by the Planning
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Thomas E. Riddle, 86 South Third Street, San Jose,
representing P. G. &E., requested the words "meter
boxes" be deleted from Item 1 of Exhibit A. He said
this could get quite difficult and expensive to recess
them into the ground. He felt they could bè concealed
by landscaping, as called for under Section 7(b) (1),
which would be a more practical- approach. .
The Çity' Planner' said that under Section 7 (e), on page 3,
the intent was that the H-Control should decide upon a
check list. . The word:i:ng migh.t be: . "TheArchitectural
and Site Control Committee is empowered to adopt a
standard check .list." The.Comr.lissioners, however, felt
. tÏ1a t tf\e simplest way to achiev:e the purpose would be
to delete the 8uq-sectión.
There was none,
1. Chairman Gates brought up the item of a new zoning
ordinance incorporating the Hillside Ordinance.
Comm. Frolich felt this was a good time to ask the
staff to start researching this.
The Director of Planning sald the Cluster Ordinance
might apply here, if the applicant wished this.
The Department of Public Works would make necessary
studies and recommendations, particularly in the
area of whether the existing Hillside and Grading
Ordinances would suffice to safeguard the area.
Comm. Frolich repeated that we should build the
actual Hillside Ordinance into a Zoning Ordinance.