PC 06-28-65
o F C UP E R TIN 0
June 28, 1965, 8:00 P.M.
The meeting was held in the Library Room, Portal School, 10300 North
Blaney Avenue, Cupertino.
II ROLL CALL: Minutes of .the previous meeting: June 14, 1965
Comm. present: Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. absent: none
Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson
Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich
Dir. of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
Recording Secretary, Sylvià Htnrichs
Corrections to the Minutes of June 14th:
Comm. Traeumer noted that on page 10, vote on motion carried
to close the first hearing should be corrected to read 3-1;
delete "Comm. Traeumer aÞstained", and insert "NAY: Comm.·
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded byComm. Hirshon that the
Minutes of June 14th be approved as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
A. Cþairman Gates announced that Applicatjon 8-v-65 and
5-TM-65 by WOOLEY, and Application 9-2-65 and 7-TM-65
.. by BEATTY, have been postponed indefinitely by request
of the applicants, and will be dropped from the Agenda.
They will be advertised· again when they are, put back
on the Agenda.
B. Application 8-TM-65, MACKAY HOMES, Item VI A, has been
postponed untjl the next meeting, when the appeal re~
garding re¡::oning of the R-3-H lots along Foothill Blvd.
has been decided upon, and tJ!).e neces.sary changes·
requested by the Planning Commission have been sub-
mitted, It will not be advertised.
C. Application 8-u-65, VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, Item VI E has
been postponed at the request of the applicant, until
the next meeting. It will not be advertised.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeti.ng, June 28, 1965
80,002.70 A. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES: Announcing the 67th
Annual Conference to be held in San Francisco
October 10-13th.
The Planning Director mentioned that each Commissioner
had received a copy of the notice, and said he would
arrange for reservations for those who planned to attend
the Conference.
B. CITY PLANNER: Ordinances regulating residential zones.
Copies of a retyped edition were distributed to the
CITY PLANNER: Copy of a letter to the City Attorney
regarding the R-24-H Ordinance. This letter was dis-
cussed under VII B.
letter addressed to the City Council discussed with
Application lo-u-65.
The Planning Director reported that at the last City
Council meeting, Askam-Jones had appealed the Planning
Commission decision denying their application to rezone
54 acres from A-l:B-4 to R-l on the hill west of the ex-
tension of Mercedes Road. This appeal has now been with-
drawn, and at present the application does not exist.
The City Council, however, referred this item back to the
Planning Commission for further consideration. Even
though Askam-Jones are not interested now, they might con-
sider coming back with a new request.
.The Planning Director said that the City Council may feel
that the adoption of an ordinance allowing half-acre lots
would solve the problems of hillside developments, but
that in his opinion many difficult technical problems are
involved, which need further study. A Policy for Hill
Developments is advertised as an item on the next Planning
Commission Agenda.
A. MACKAY HOMES: Postponed. See Item III B
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
B. DON CHUCK: Application for Rez:oning of one acre from
R-l to R-3-H, at the southwest corner of Wolfe Rd. and
Richwood Drive. Second Hearing.
Mr. Richard Foust, representative for the applicant, said
he had talked with Mr.J.Zehms of 10165 Vicksburg Drive, who
had objected to the change in zoning at the last meeting,
and had discussed a number of schemes and changes to the
first plan, which could be more agreeable to the nearby
prot!~rty owners.
Mr. Foust said he had changed the parking arrangement, and
included a planting strip which would serve as a buffer
between residential property line and the parking area.
The type of building planned is one that would be compatible
with the surrounding area. louvered windows would not
allow people to look out over adjacent R-l lots, and the
building would be designed with an inner court for entry.
In answer to Comm. Traeumer's question as to the size of
the building, Mr. Foust replied that since they have cut
down the building size because of the parking arrangement,
the building will comprise approximately 10,000 sq. ft.,
with 5000 sq. ft. on the first floor, and 5000 sq. ft. on
the second, and space for 50 cars.
(Note June 30, 1965): The Parking Ordinance requires 67
parking spaces for 10,000 sq. ft. gross floor area in a
PO-H z:one.)
To Chairman Gates' request for comments from the staff, the
Planning Director said he doubted that people would buy a
home with commercial z:oning across the street from their
property~ and PO-H would be preferable zoning. He added
that the Planning Commission cannot make the displayed
building plans a condition for a rezoning, but if these
plans were made a part of the minutes and were sent to the
H-Control Committee, it would be a matter of record that
these plans had been presented before the Planning Com-
mission when considering the rezoning to PO-H.
Mr. Zehms said when they purchased their home, the developer
told them the area was zoned R-l, and other homes would be
developed in the area.
Mrs. Dorothy Webb, attorney speaking in behalf of Mr. Zehms,
related that there were several objections by the families
involved. namely, (1) the building would be lighted at
night which would disturb the residents, and would, in
effect, be transforming a subdivision into a city,
(2) children running up and down the alley behind and
climbing the fence to the open area would constitute a
nuisance, and (3) the parking situation.
Minutes of the Planning C9mmission Meeting, June 28, 1965
Mrs. Webb added that since there is no plan all families
concerned could agree to, the lesser evil would be to
have a one-story building situated close to the edge of
the property line and have it divided from the fence with
evergreen planting and a blank wall. Perhaps objections
could be overcome in this way. Mr. Zehms made the same
comm. Traeumer asked Mr. Foust what his feelings would
be in regard to a single story rather than a two-story
building. Mr. Foust said this might bè possible, but he
would have to discuss this with his client. However, if
the building was pushed back close to the fence, the
planting would have to be cut down considerably.
In answer to Comm. Johnson's question as to how the light-
ing would affect the neighbors, Mr. Foust said the build-
ing would not be lighted at night as a rule. There would
be precedent on certain restrictions.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
public hearings be closed.
AYES: Comm. Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: Comm. Frolich
Motion carried, 4-1
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
Application l2-Z-65 be approved, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
1-12 Standard Conditions
13 That building be single-story construction
14 An adequate buffer for adjacent property be
included in the plan
15 Revised site plan and parking plan be approved
by H-Control.
Comm. Frolich announced that he would prefer to continue
this application to another meeting, and at that time
Condition 15 be modified to include that H-control
hearings on this plan be published. The Applicant should
submit new plans for a single-story building.
Comm. Traeumer withdrew his motion and Comm. Johnson
withdrew his second to the motion.
Comm. Johnson said the Planning Commission recommendations
on conditions to be included in this application should
be given to the City Council, as a matter of record, in
case there is a transfer of this property to another owner
and another applicant submits a different plan for the
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
Comm. Frolich suggested this matter be continued to the
next regular meeting, and asked the applicant to submit
plans for a single-story building. The Commission can
then make conditions for the new plan.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, that
Application 12-2-65 be continued to the next regular meeting.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer
NAYS: Comm. JOhnson, Gates
Motion carried, 3-2
The Chief Building Inspector added that the City does have
a PO-H Ordinance in effect, and there will be added limi-
tations and set-backs compatible to R-l zoning. If the
applicant decides to build this as a single-story building,
a shake roof cannot be used.
C. VAN VLECK REALTY TRUST: Application for Rezoning of
1/3 acre from R-3-H to C-l-H, on the northwest corner
of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. and Kerwin Lane. First
Hearing continued.
Chairman Gates recapped the Hearing of June 14th, and asked
the Planning Director for his report on the difference in
restrictions in sign and parking ordinances between C-l-H
and PO-H zoning.
The Planning Director said there is no difference in require-
ments in sign ordinances between commercial and professional
office uses. However, there is a difference in the parking
ordinance. If a professional office is located in a commer-
cial zone, one space for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
is required; but if the same professional office is located
in a PO-H zone, one parking space for every 150 sq. ft. is
required. If one assumes that the need is the same in both
cases for the same bUilding, a zoning for PO-H would be more
logical. It would be desirable, if possible, to get a row
of office buildings in the area, and it is his recommendation
that this property be zoned PO-H.
Comm. Traeumer said it was his understanding that the problem
under discussion at the last meeting was regarding signs,
and that the requirement for signs was thought to be more
restrictive in a PO-H than a C-l-H zone.
Mr. Van Vleck submitted a sketch of the building they pro-
pose to build on the property, and three photos of service
stations on three corners adjacent to this property. He
explained that the property has already been zoned commer-
cial, nearby areas are zoned for apartments, planned com-
munity and commercial. His lot is adjacent to C-l-H and
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
R-3-H zoned areas now. He has been asking for C-l-H
z:oning for this property for three years. The City
advised him that he could not use the existing resi-
dential building as an office, and if he removed the
building he would be able to get C-l-H zoning.
After further discussion by the Commission on differ-
ences in parking requirements between PO-H and C-l-H,
Mr. Van Vleck said what he was primarily interested in
was hot the type of zoning, but approval to put in a
larger building with less parking spaces, which would
be possible in C-l-H but not in PO-H.
Chairman Gates wondered whether this was a problem or
not - does it matter whether this prop~r~y is zoned
PO-H or C-l-H.
Comm. Frolich agreed the type of zoning did not matter,
but it must be determined if the parking problem can
be solved.
Chairman Gates asked if this property was more suit-
able as PO-H than C-l-H in respect to set-backs, etc.
and what was the final recommendation from the Com-
mission and the audience. There were no comments from
the audience. The Planning Director said that al-
though he feels it would be more desirable to extend
the office area here, he would withdraw his objections.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson,
that the public hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon.
that Application l3-Z-65 be ~pproved.
. AYES: Comm. Hirshon, TraeUmer, Gates
NAYS: Comm. Frolich, Johnson
Motion carried, 3-2
After some discussion whether the 3-2 vote constituted
a recommendation to .the City Council for approval of
the rezoning, the City Attorney ascertained that it
was so. It needs 4 out of 5 votes for an emergency
ordinance, but 3 out of 5 for a recommendation for re-
z:oning. If only 4 members were present, however, it
would still need 3 votes to passon a rezoning, and
4 votes for any emergency ordinance.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
81,025.02 D.
extension of Western
Second Hearing.
Request for abandonment of planned
Dri ve to Stevens Creel, Blvd.
Chairman Gates recapped the First Hearing of June 14th, and
asked if there were any further comments from the Commission.
Mr. Bonacich asked the City Attorney what the legal status
of this property would be if it were abandoned by the City.
The City Attorney said the property would revert back to
the prior owner, or it could revert to the State of California.
if taxes have not been paid. It would then be put up for
auction and sold to the highest bidder. The decision must
be made with the Planning Commission, as to whether it has
any value or will fit in the planning of the City.
There were no comments from the audience.
Mr. Bonacich said this easement is "trashy" and he attempts
to keep it clean. If it is turned into a walkway the City
would have to take care of the cleaning. This strip was
dedicated to the City by the subdivider, and was originally
intended to be a corner lot. Mr. Bonacich feels the best
use of his property would be division to two 7500 sq. ft.
The City Attorney said abandonment is not a method of va-
cating property - if no one claimed ownership, then title
would have to be established. If grantor deeded the pro-
perty to the City and the City accepted, then it would be
recorded with the grant deed and title vested in the City.
Moved by Corom. Traeumer, seconded by Corom. Frolich that
public hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
The Commission recommended that the City take whatever pro-
cedures necessary, with whatever conditions necessary, to
abandon the planned extension of Western Drive. Motion
made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. JOhnson, that
this request be approved.
Comm. Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Frolich
Motion carried, 4-1
E. VALLEY TITLE COMPANY (Page Properties): Postponed.
See Item III C.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
F. GLEN NEWTON: Application for a Use Permit for com-
mercial use of a residential structure at 20381
Stevens Creek Blvd. First Hearing.
James Jackson, 10601 S. Highway 9, Cupertino, represented
the applicant. He explained that the building was an old
residential structure which is not in use, and is no cre-
dit to the City of Cupertino. The applicant proposes to
use this building for a retail furniture outlet for the
Colorado Manufacturing Company, which specializes in
home bars and bar stools.
The applicant is willing to replace any substandard con-
ditions which do not conform with C-l-H z:oning. He in-
tends to put a stucco exterior on the building, and would
like a 90-day period in which to complete the work.
The applicant realizes that the City qoes not approve of
using residential structures for commercial uses, al-
though there are several in the City at present. He has
an option to purchase this property within a two-year
period. He is requesting a Use Permit to use the present
bUilding for two years, and at the end of that time he
will build a permanent structure at this location.
The Chief Building Inspector questioned the applicant re-
garding improvements to the building, and recommended
they be made conditions to the Use Permit.
The Planning Director said the City has been very restric-
tive of this type of use, and he would not normally recom-
mend it. However, if the use is for only a two year
period it would be less serious. Usually when granting
a Use Permit, the City has required municipal improve-
ments of Stevens Creek Blvd; they may in this case be a
part of the overall improvement project for Stevens Creek
Comm. Traeumer commented that the Planning Dept. had been
asked to make a survey of an isolated area, to get an
overall plan for that particular area. This parcel
should be thought of as one of a group.
Comm. Frolich felt granting the application might be
reasonable, until such a time when the City can arrive
at some overall plan.
The City Attorney said this is a subdivision - it is a
change into commercial use. Subdivision requires dedi-
cation and street improvements. Commercial operation
creates a lot of heavy traffic. The City will have to
apply the Subdivision and Parking Ordinances, or lose
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that
public hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by Comm. Hirshon, that the
P~anning ~~mmission feêommends the approval of Application
9-u-65, subject to the following conditions:
Standard Conditions
The Use Permit valid for two years only, from
the date of approval by the City Councilor
the H-Control Committee, whichever date is
the latest.
!mprovements and dedication of frontage on
Stevens Creek Blvd.
Improvements of building and site to the
satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector.
Approval by H-Control Committee
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson
Comm. Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, 3-2
The Planning Director pointed out that this particular Use
Permit should go to the City Council, because it was
referred by the Council to the Planning Commission for
Chairman Gates requested a five-minute break at 9:35.
G. R. DEAKIN: Application for a Use Permit to install an
amateur radio transmitting and receiving tower at
11097 Linda Vista, (Baywood Terrace Development).
First Hearing.
Copy of a letter addressed to the City Council and sub-
mitted to the Planning Commission was introduced. This
letter was sent by amateur radio operators in Cupertino,
asking that consideration be given to instituting an
ordinance to regulate masts and tower heights for trans-
mitting and receiving amateur radio signals. They pointed
out that this would allow the City Building Department to
process most requests, and eliminate extensive paper work and
the $25.00 Use Permit fee for the applicant.
The applicant stated he has filed this application to erect
a supporting tower which will support antenna to a height
of 60 ft; it is straight up and down and not tapered, it
will be guyed at three levels, and meets all requirements
PC - Rll
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
of the Building Code. The tower is to be located 35 ft.
to the rear of the house, in the center of the lot. The
lot behind is not developed as yet. The sole use will
be as a transmitting and receiving antenna for a radio
station. It is a public service, which will transmit
messages during emergencies. A precedent has been set by
Robert Lammers, who applied for and received a Use Permit
for this purpose about a year ago.
Comm. Hirshon asked about adjoining property. Applicant
said there was a house on eàch side - the house to the
left is set bacl{ 50-60 ft. from the street, with a large
garden in front, the lot in back is undeveloped. It is
a residential area.
The Planning Director recommended that a Use Permit be
granted to the applicant, and added that possibly an
amendment could be made to the Ordinance, to regulate
height of masts and towers, to simplify the processing
of requests such as this one.
The Dir. of Public Works explained that the reason this
application requires a.Use Permit is because of the height
of the tower. If the term "radio transmitting" were de-
leted and called a TV antenna, it could be processed·
through the City Building Dept. If the City enforces
this condition as to height of towers required, everyone
mounting an antenna over 10 ft. would be in violation of
the Ordinance, also flag poles, street lights, etc. would
be in violation. Where will this stop? His interpre-
tationis that if the applicant builds the tower exactly
25 ft. high he can do so with only a building permit, and
suggested the applicant may· wish to withdraw his appli~ "
cation and request a building permit. Quotin* from Santa
Clara County Zoning Ordinance, Section 40-4: Height of
Certain Structural Features: Subject to any other pro-
visions of law, towers and similar structures may be built
to a greater height than the limit established, provided
it shall not cover any level more than 15% in area of the
lot, nor have an area at the base greater than 1600 sq.
ft., nor exceed a maximum height of 150 ft."
The Chief BUilding Inspector said the tower in this appli-
cation would be governed under the Uniform Building Code
as a structure, and would require a permit; however, if
the City enforces this applicant and future applicants
to obtain a Use Permit or Variance, eventually all in-
stallations of TV antennas will require the same. Our
Ordinances need clarification.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
The City Attorney asked if there would be any possible pro-
test against this installation. At present there is no
Ordinance regulating them. If there are going to be many
of these applications we should consider amendment of the
Ordinances related.to height. However, this type of request
may not come up very often.
Comm. Frolich agreed that the Planning Commission should
look into the possibility of an Ordinance to cover this
point; he feels that there will be similar requests and
applications. He suggested this application be held in
abeyance until an ordinance has been written.
Mr. J. Marchant, 11135 La Paloma, Cupertino, said his home
is adjacent to the applicant's. He moved to this location
primarily because many of the utilities were underground,
and to get away from unsightly towers and utility poles.
He submitted a petition signed by 78 peop¡e in the Baywood
Terrace area, who were protesting the installation of this
tower. The petition stated this erection would be un-
sightly and would not only mar their skyline but impede
their television reception. Furthey, they feel if one radio
tower is allowed, there will be no stopping others.
Chairman Gates asked for the applicant's point of view;
should the Commission continue this hearing or wait until
the City Council has considered the possibility of an örd-
inance. The applicant agreed to withdraw his application.
Comm. Frolich felt that since the applicant has paid his
fee for the application, it should be held in abeyance un-
til either an órdinance has been written or the Planning
Commission holds another hearing on the application.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to close
the public hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
If an ordinance is written, Public Hearings will be adver-
tised, and the application will be restored,.on motion,
without charge to the applicant.
Mr. Bob Robinson suggested the Commission read the "Amateur
Radio Handbook" for their information.
The Dir. of Public Works pointed out that the applicant can
request a building permit to construct the first 25 ft. of
the tower in the interim, while waiting for the decision
of the Council on the ordinance.
Comm. Frolich reminded the audience and Commission that
Public Hearings have been closed; and asked that the staff
make Xerox copies of materials pertaining to this application.
Minutes of the Plann~ng qommission Meeting, June 28, 1965
Further comments fro~ the audlence were allowed:
Mr. Vim Jacobs, 11076 Linda Vista Drive: If there is
no ordinance regulatíng height, who should the resi-
dents contact if there is interference from this tower?
Comm. Traeumer suggested that the FCC would be the
proper authority to contact.
Mr. Theodore Constant, 11056 'Linda Vista Drive: It waS
represented to the Commission that the petition sub-
mitted represented the views of the entire Baywood
Terrace area; however, many residents, lncluding him-·
self, do not subscribe to this petition. .
Mr. Melvin Peterson, 1159 ~~sford Drive, San Jose:
He feels this would be a useful service and a boon to
the neighborhood.
Mr. Keith Bower, 11106 Linda Vista Drive: He has not
seen any specifications of the tower, or what the ap-
plicant plans to build, but he understands it is a very
elaborate structure, with large and smaller beams.
Mr. Eston Baker, lil07 Linda Vista Drive: This tower
will be erected in his line of sight, and will be un-
sightly. .
Minute Order: Moyed by Comm. Jopnson, seconded by
Comm. Frolich, that the possibility
of an amendment to Ordinance 228, to
regulate the height of receiving and
transmitting towers be stuqied.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Trâeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
Motion carried; 5-0
There was none.
A. CITY COUNCIL: Standardized zoning nomenclature.
Proposal remitted by the Inter-City Council of
Santa Clara County.
The Planning Director said that the system, though
modified in several respects, is originally based
on .the system emerging from the study sessions on
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
Zoning Ordinances conducted by the Planning Commission of
Cupertino. It has been discussed, refined and extended
during several meetings of the Inter-City Council's Ad-
visory Staff Committee for Planning, then discussed during
two meetings of all Planning Directors in Santa Clara Co.,
and refined further.
Minute Order:
It was decided unanimously to recommend a
report by the City Council to the Inter-
City Council, reading: That the proposed
system would suit Cupertino; and that it
is recommended as a standard for the
County of Santa Clara and the Cities'
within the area of the County.
Motion carried, 5-0
B.:. .CITY PLANNER: Number of Dwelling Units allowed in an
R-24-H zone.
The City Planner mentioned that Ordinance 002(k) allows
"Multiple dwellings" in an R-24-H z:one. This has been in-
terpreted as 3 or more dwelling units, but Webster defines
"multiple" as 2 or more. He asked if any of the Commis~'
sioners remembered the intent when the Ordinance was written.
The City Attorney said that the County R-24-H Ordinance was
copied, and that Webster's'definition probably would stand
up in court. After some discussion, the consensus was that
the City Planner should consult with the County and pos-
sibly submit an amendment to the Ordlnance.
Minute Order;
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm.
Frolich, to instruct the staff to re-
define Ordinance 002(k) more clearly with
respect to interpretation of "multiple"
as it pertains to duplexes.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
Motion carried,· 5-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
recommend to the City Council that Ordinance 220, Section
4:1 (b), BUildin~ Height Limit, be amended to sub$titute
the word two, an delete the words one-and-one-half from
that Section. Approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, JOhnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, June 28, 1965
The City Attorney feels that height limitations for res-
dential zones should be brought up-to-date. The Planning
Commission can discuss this, acquaint the City Council
fully with their opinions and findings and ask the City
Council to initiate an ordinance to cover it (this is
permitted by the Planning Act).
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich to
recommend to the City Council that Ordinance 220,
Section 5:1 (b), BUildin~ Height Limit, be amended to
increase the height limi in an R-2-H zone to two stories
to conform to R-l height limits.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, G.:c tes
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer· and seconded unanimously, .to
adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m.
Isl Jack Gates
Odck ~.~
Director of Planning