PC 07-12-65
PC-R12 80,000.4
C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0
July 12, 1965 8:00 P.M.
The meeting was held in the Library Room, Portal School, 10300 North
Blaney Avenue, Cupertino.
II ROLL CALL: Minutes of the previous meeting: June 28,. 1965
Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson (8:05),
Traeumer, Gates
Comm. present:
Comm. absent:
Staff present:
City Attorney, Sam Anderson
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Dir. of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
Recording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Corrections to the Minutes of June 28th:
Comm. Frolich had the following correction:
On Page 4, regarding conditions to application l2-Z-65,
Condition /,'15 should include the following: " . . .and
hearings be published; in. addition, adjacent residents who
are interested in the plan are to be notified by mail."
The City Attorney asked that paragraph 6 of Section VI-D
on Page 7 be corrected by Minute Order, to read as follows:
Minute Order: The City Attorney said abandonment is not a
method of conveying property. An abandon-
ment would revert the fee to the prior owner.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer} seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
Minutes of June 28th meeting be approved as corrected.
Motion carried, 5-0
8-TM-65 MAC~Y HOMES: Application for Tentative Map, postponed at
applicant's request, until further notiçe.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission; 7/12
l2-Z-65 Letter from Attorney Dorothy E. Webb" to be disëussed with
application l2-Z-65.
Planning Director announced that the next Planning Commission
meeting, on July 26th, will be held in the regular meeting
place, in the Board Room of Cupertino School District,
10300 Vista Drive. Subsequent meetings will take place there
l2-Z-65 A. The applicant was late; after motion by Comm. Hirshon,
seconded by Comm. Traeumer, the Planning Commission
voted to hear the applicant later during the evening.
B. The applicant asked to be heard after other applicants
as his Was a lengthy item. This was approved by the
Planning Commission.
10-TM-65 C. D. A. EXCELL: Application for a Tentative Map; 3.8
acres east side of Foothill Blvd. at Ventura Avenue.
First Hearing.
Mr. Eugene Mastin, representing the applicant, displayed
a Tentative Map and asked the Commission what their feel-
ing wason Ventura Avenue coming onto Foothill Blvd.
Ventura Avenue has been 1.11 the neighborhood plans in both
City and County areas.
The Planning Director said there is one point which has to
do with access to Foothill Blvd. As discussed at previous
meetings of the Planning Commission, Foothill Blvd. will be
a major traffic arterial, constituting the major access to
the western part of Cupertino from Junipero Serra Freeway
and Foothill Expressway, There should be no direct access
from adjacent lots to Foothill Blvd. In the proposed plan,
lots #1 and 16 would have their driveways exit on Ventura Ave.
Lot #17 does front on Foothill Blvd, but could be given
access from the . irtteriOr,.street system in either of two ways:
Lots 13 and 17 could be made into one lot with access to
VenturaCoÜrt, a Varianc.eallowlng two duplexes on it. ('¡'he
applicant.hasobjected that suchan over-siz:e lot would be
difficult to sell.) Or an easement could be made for access
either through Lot #12 or 13, with joint driveway from
Ventura Court.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Planning Commission, 7/12
Mr. Mastin pointed out they could not make pJ:ans· which·would
lend itself to joint driveway with Lot 13 or 12. Chairman
Gates asked why Ventura Avenue has to go through to Foothill.
The Planning Director answered that there is not now a con-
nection to Palo Vista Road, which is a County road.
Comm. Johnson asked about the standards of Foothill Blvd
between Stevens Creek Blvd and Junipero Serra Freeway, The
Planning Director said there has been nothing on paper, but
if we plan in the near future, wé can still have a road
with good quality; that is, with no direct access from ad-
joining lots.
The Director of Public Works said he had talked with the
County and waS told there are no plans for improving Foot-
hill Blvd. south of Starling Drive, but undoubtedly there
will be a median strip in this highway at a future date.
The Planning Director remarked that the County's General
Plan (Trafficways Plan), which has been submitted to the
City of Cupertino, show$ Foothill Blvd. as an Inter-City
Arterial, with back-up policy or frontage roads, The County
has not done anything to implement this, however.
Comm. Johnson suggested Lot 13 be adjusted to provide for
acceS$ to Lot 17 from Ventura Court. Mr. Mastin said they
could not possibly come up with anything in this respect.
Chairman Gates pointed out that Foothill Blvd. is a major
artery and will be more heavily travelled in the future.
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the audience. There
were none.
Motion waS made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson,
that Public Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Motion was made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Frolich,
that application lO-TM..65 be approved, Bubject to the 12
Standard Conditions.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon;Traeumer
NAYS: Comm. Johnson; Gates . . .
Motion carried, 3-2
. . J2-2-b$~
A. DON CHUCK~ APPlicationlfor Rez:oning of one acre from
R-l to PO-H, atthé southwest corner of Wolfe Road
and Richwood Drive. . Second Hearing continued.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission, 7/12
Chairman Gates said that since this was a continuation of the
second hearing it was not necessary to recap the second
hearing. He read a communication from Attorney Dorothy Webb,
who wrote on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Zehms, 10165 Vicksburg
Drive, owners of property adjoining Mr. Chuck's.
Mrs. Webb asked that her letter be read aloud and entered in
the records of the Planning Commission as opposing the change
of zoning from R-l to PO-H as requested in application
l2-Z-65 for the followlng reasons:
1. "Mr. & Mrs. Zehms said the change in zoning will damage
them in their peaceful use and enjoyment of their
2. "Mr. & Mrs. Zehms, while not agreeing to such rezoning}
said that the only development of this property to
another z:oning (PO-H) that would make .it possible for
them to continue to live in their residence would be
a one-story building separated from the property line
by a solid planting of evergreen shrubs for the entire
length of their property line and to continue past the
dead end of the alley running along side their resi-
dence; the back wall of the building to be windowless;
and all parking to be on the street side of the pro-
perty. . .
3. "A time limitation should be included for completion so
that a revised plan could.not be presented for approval
after the change in zoning is approved, that would be
completely incompatible with the residential living re-
quirements of the neighborhood property.
4. "All the officials of the City of Cupertino should con-
sider first the welfare of their residential citiz:ens
in hearing applications for rezoning or for architec-
tural and site approval, and should deny any such
application that appears to violate the settled rights
of these citiz:ens. There appears to be no pressing
reason to rezone these lots except that private in-
terests may desire such rezoning; however, it is re-
spectfully submitted that it is to the public interest
not to do so."
Mrs. Webb added that "it should be the City's foremost re-
sponsibility to maintain consistent and dependable condi-
tions of living on which all potential resident citiz:ens
can rely in making their investment in a permanent home.
When a tract· is zoned R-l, the buyers have a right to
assume that City officials will not take away their use and
enjoyment of their homes by rezoning unsold lots in the tract."
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
Mr. Richard Faust, representative for the applicant, pre-
sented a revised plot plan showing a one-story building
proposed for this property in deference to the residents
in the area backing up to this property and to the dup-
~exes adjacent. .
After talking to Mr. Zehms, who waS quite adamant about
a one-story'bullding, Mr, Faust had contacted the appli-
cant, who agreed that the one-story bUilding would be
satisfactory to him and asked Mr, Faust to develop some-
thing on that basis. Two separate plans were draw n up,
which showed a cross section of two possibilities in
terms of design which would not obstruct the view of the
closest property owner, over this fence. Parking would
be placed in front of the building, and eliminate the
lighting that residents feared would disturb them. In
. this way, the one-story building would resemble buildings
in the residential area and Mr. Faust felt this would
be satisfactory to the nearby residents.
Mr. Zehms said he was satisfied with the presented plan
and opposed to the two-story bUilding plan} but would
still prefer that the property not be rezoned.
Mr, R. W. Cooper, 10175 Vicksburg Drive, said that he
agreed with Mrs. Webb's letter, but he would like to add
a stipulation to the application that the alley behind
never be allowed to go through.
Motion made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson,
to close the second hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gates said he thinks this is a basic problem;
there is more to consider than the actual property in
question. As Mrs. Webb's letter stated, when a tract
is zoned R-l and homes are sold therein, the buyers have
a right to assume that the City will not rezone adja-
cent lots to other uses, which will take away the enjoy-
ment of their homes. When this subdivision waS first
zoned (to R-l) would a PC-H lot on the corner have been
acceptable, considering that Wolfe Road was bound to
be a busy street? Putting himself in the position of
these adjacent property owners, having it recently
zoned R-l, there would have to be some pressing reaSon
for rez:oning it to PO-H at this point, inasmuch as this
is a developed subdivision. This is an important factor
and needs additional comments and ideas before taking a
Comm. Frolich pointed out that at the time this property
was rezoned as a subdivision, it was assumed that there
would be an· extension of Wolfe Road, but it has only
-5- .
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
been quite recent that any indication of access to the free-
way was contemplated. This does change the characteristics
of z:oning here, and if this had been known at that time,
this property might have been zoned PO-H. The purpose of
PO-H zoning was to solve similar situations. We are not
violating the intent of our Ordinances by a rezoning, as
people would not want to build:.single family homes with com-
mercial zoning across the street.
Chairman Gates said Wolfe Road induces a substantial change
in the entire neighborhood, thus changing the entire aspect
of z:oning plans. Comm. Johnson agreed with Chairman Gates
in one respect, in that when a tract is zoned R-l, buyers
have a right to assume this will remain R-l, but when con-
ditions change, especially on a major corner, it would be
reasonable to rez:one the property to meet this change. The
residents will have to rest their hopes on the architectural
and site control approval, with regard to control of the
type of bUilding approved.
In answer to Comm. Frolich's question as to how soon the
applicant intends to present these plans to the H-Control,
Mr. Faust replied that it will probably be a few months.
Comm. Johnson asked if there was a time limitation on this.
The City Attorney pointed out that a time limitation in
Zoning is something to be discouraged, for the reason that
the law says no man has a vested lot in a rezoning unless
he has put in improvements. The only way to amend a Zoning
Map is to initiate rezoning proceedings.
Comm. Frolich felt that PO-H would be an appropriate zoning
for this property, but if ·the applicant does not make use of
this application within a limited time, the application
should be revoked, by public hearings and rezoning.
Comm. Traeumer said he believes PC-H is a proper zoning for
this property because of its location, and feels that since
the applicant is showing consideration for the adjacent pro-
perty owners, the application should be approved, subject
to the 12 Standard Conditions and Conditions 13, 14, 15, as
outlined in the June 28th Planning Commission Minutes, with
the addition to #15 that H-Control Hearings on this plan be
published and adjacent residents who are interested be noti-
fied by mail.
It was suggested that the applicant should be required to
pay the cost for advertising the Public Hearings, and sug-
gested this be added to Condition 15. Also, particular
reference should be made to the. architectural plan presented
by the applicant, and a second reference should be made to
Point #2 of Mrs. Webb's letter referring to single-story
building, buffer z:one and landscaping.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
Motion was made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm.
Johnson, that application l2-Z-65 be approved, subject to
the following conditions:
Standard Conditions
That building be single-story construction
An adequate buffer for adjacent property be in-
cluded in the plan
Revised site plan and parking plan be approved by
H-Control, and hearings be published at applicant's
expense. In addition, adjacent residents are to be
notified by mail.
The architectural plan presented by the applicant
to be included as an exhibit to the Resolution.
Reference to Point ff2 of Mrs. Webb's letter to be
made in the Resolution.
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Gates asked that it be noted in the Minutes
that the reason he voted yes on this application is
simply because of the transformation of Wolfe Road into
a major arterial, and for no other reason. The situa-
tion þere has clearly changed dramatically since the
property was first zoned.
D. NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO.: Application for a Variance
for a sign at Portal Plaza, exceeding sign area al-
lowed by Ordinance.
Mr. Walker Davis, 360 Collingwood, San Francisco, re-
presented the applicant, and presented photographs of
typical signs applicant ha$ erected in other locations,
which would be similar to the one proposed for Portal
In answer to Comm. Frolich's questions as to whether
this sign is revolving, Mr. Davis replied that 99% of
their signs are of the revolving type; however, accord-
ing to request from the 'Commission, this one on Portal
Plaz:a would not be moving.
Comm. Hirshon asked if each Shopping Center planned to
have one of these signs. Mr. Davis said there are
several sizes of signs, which they lease to different
stores. This particular sign is the standard size for
this size light standard; however, they could stipulate
a smaller size for Cupertino.
'-.- -.-- --- ....---- --- ------ - -- --- - - - ---- -- -..;. --,- -- - ----- ----------- - -----
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
Comm. Johnsan asked what other cities in the area, south
from Palo Alto, have these signs. Mr. Davis enumerated Palo
Alto, Mountain View; Sunnyvale, and San Jose; and added that
no Variance has been required in any of the other cities,
except in Cupertino. These signs are placed on light stand-
ards, are wind-activated, but have a check, so they will not
rotate too rapidly.
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the audience. There
were none.
The Planning Director remarked that letters from the Archi-
tectural and Site Control Committee and from the Chief Build-
ing Inspector stronglY advising against the Variance, had
been sent to the Commission.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
Public Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Comm. Frolich asked if the staff had a Sign Ordinance re-
quirement present. The City Attorney quoted from the
Ordinance that "..a Variance of the sign use corresponds
with the land use.....the Variance to b3 granted is one
that will require the least.modification and the minimum
Variance that will accomplish this ·purpose......Any person
aggrieved by order of the Planning Commission may appeal
such order to the City Council by filing a written notice
to the City clerk."
Comm. Traeumer asked what the violation is on this Variance
request. Director of Public Works replied that excess
area covered by the sign is one violation.
Comm. Frolich moved that application l4-V-65 be denied
for the following reasons:
1. It is the philosophy of the City of Cupertino that
advertising signs of this type do not improve the
appearance of the City, and do not further its
2. The sign does not meet the requirements of the Sign
Motion was seconded by Comm. Johnson.
AYES: Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Applicant was advised of his right of appeal.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
C. B. Archdale: Application for a Variance, to ex-
tend present building into rear yard, at 20063
Merritt Drive. First Hearing.
Mr. Archdale explained that the extension requested is
for an addition. of a family room to the present building,
which would change the building from an L-shaped to a
U-shaped building. Only 4-1/2 feet will be needed for
this Variance, which would still leave 15-1/2 feet to
the fence line in the rear. Since Variances have been
allowed in the past for other property owners in the
immediate area, he does not feel this 4-1/2 feet would
have much adverse effect to the adjacent property owners.
Chairman Gates clarified the fact that standard require-
ment for a rear yard set-back is 20 feet.
Comm. Traeumer asked the applicant why he wanted to add
the family room, and added that Variances were given
only in hardship cases.
The applicant said they are interested in making this home
a comfortable, livable home. They have 3 bedrooms at
present, and four members in the family, and this addi-
tion would give them more area in their kitchen and a
When asked by Comm. Hirshon whether the neighbors in
the back object to this addition, the applicant replied
that they were not against it.
Comm. Traeumer asked if there was a window or a sliding
door directly to the left (west wall) which connects to
the house, and.suggested perh~ps this could be eliminated
and the addition built from there. The applicant said
there was a sliding door, but if it were removed, this
would change a nice kitchen into a dark kitchen, and
would not be suitable.
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Vern Schwartz, 20046 Merritt Drive, said he did not
realize the nature of this addition. Although he liked
the layout of the plan, he would be hesitant to have a
neighbor build a structure larger than the lot can ac-
commodate. It is his opinion that the Planning Commis-
sion has set certain restrictions on their z:oning to
protect individual home owners, and in this case, other
adjacent property owners. Therefore, he is opposed to
this variance as a matter of principle.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
Mr. Erwin·Morgenthal, 20043 Merritt Drive, said his home
was one of the original homes in this tract and he likes
the spacious area. They have a Variance of 20 feet, with
public utilities and easement running through the rear.
The house to the rear of the applicant's was given a Var-
iance at the time the house was first sold, and they have
come close to the rear fence. The applicant's proposed
extension wOUld, in his opinion, be. too close to the rear
fence, and.. ,he is very much opposed to the Variance.
Mr. Fritz Weinert, 20103 Merritt Drive, said he could not
follow the,~easoning of the other residents in their opposi-
tion, as there have been many Variances granted in this
block, including the house directly behind the applicant's.
The only two remaining homes in the block without Variances
is the applicant's and one other. He cannot see how it
would harm the adjacent property owners if this building
would be extended 4-1/2 feet.
Mr. Jerry Matz, 20083 Merritt Drive, has no objections
Mr.Vern Schwartz said that he is not in the same subdivision
as the applicant, but lives across the street. He said the
point brought out that the number of variances on that block
seems to be the rule rather than the exception, whereas
they should be the exception. He felt the Planning Commis-
sion should uphold the requirements in their set-back
Chairman Gates asked for comments from the staff.
The Director of Public Works explained that FHA requirements
state that rear-yard set-backs should be 15', and this appli-
cation meets that requirement.
Comm. Johnson noted that the addition requested seems to be
20-22 feet long - would applicant consider an addition of
17'6' and thus meet the necessary requirements. The appli-
cant said this would not be sufficient for his plans.
Comm. Hirshon asked Mr. Morgenthal what specifically dis-
turbed him about this Variance. Mr. Morgenthal replied that
his conÖern was that a situation would be created here which
may br1nglarger families into the area. Although some
Variances have been granted, it should not be continued, but
should be "nipped in the bud" now. .
Motion made by Comm. Traeumer, seconded þy Comm. Johnson,
that Puþlic Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
.'- .
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
The Director of Planning commented that, as a matter of
principle, as few Variances as possible should be granted;
only those that alleviate a real hardship, and that the
neighbors' opinions should be seriously considered. In
this area, however, there already are several similar
Comm. Frolich pointed out that the other Variances in
this area are in cul-de-sacs, so the situation is not the
Motion made by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Traeumer,
that application l5-V-65 be denied on the grounds there
is no hardship indicated here; it would bring the build-
ing too close to the building on lot l420-B immediately
behind. Regulations in the Ordinance should be upheld
to provide adequate fire protection. An addition re-
stricted to 17-1/2 feet would not need a Variance.
The Planning Director pointed out that this kind of
Variance automatically goes to the City Council.
Chairman Gates requested a 5-minute break at 9:15.
B. VALLEY TITLE COMPANY (Page Properties): Application
for a Use Permit for a 60-acre one-family Cluster
Development within a PC-H Zone, north and east of
Mary Avenue, near Stevens Creek Blvd. Second Hearing.
Mr. Mittelman, representative for Page Properties, asked
the Planning Director for his comments before proceding
with applicant's plans. The Planning Director stated
that the revised map WaS not submitted until late on
Friday afternoon, which did not allow him ample time to
study all the details; however, he displayed an earlier
map for comparison. In his opinion, the plan submitted
by the applicant is a desirable kind of development and
would have lower density than it was zoned for. There
are numerous details, however, that would have to be
solved. The present zoning is PC-H, with a maximum
of 16 dwelling units per gross acre - 960 in all. The
proposed plan is divided in low-density area of 51 acres
with 340 clustered one-family houses and a high-density
area "A". If the overall density were to be 16 D.U./
gross area, area "A" would contain 620 D.U., which is
70 D.U./gross area, an entirely unreasonable figure.
If the density were lowered in one portion of a planned
community, the Ordinance does not guarantee that the
developer can increase correspondingly in other portions.
Each portion is subject to a Use Permit, and is to be
judged on its merits.
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
A note on the proposed development plan states: "This Site
Development Plan contains exceptions and variances which
shall be deemed approved by the City upon granting of the
Use Permit." The Planning Director did not think the plan
is detailed enough to be the basis for a Use Permit, nor
should it be considered to be a finished product. He
realized, however, that the applicant might be short of
time. A possible accommodation might be to grant a Use
Permit for 340 Clustered one-family houses in the area pro-
posed, with a condition that the developer would come in
with a development plan acceptable to the PlanningCommis-
sion before the application for a Tentative Map; this plan
should clearly show the proposed Variances.
In answer to Chairman Gates' question as to what is re-
quired in terms of more detail, the Planning Director said
that front yards, side yards and division into lots should
be specified in the plan. A development plan for a Use
Permit should be more specific and perhaps in a bigger
scale, so distances could be measured accurately. Both
PC-H and Cluster Ordinances state that lot lines should
be shown on a Development Plan.
The proposed plan shows 36' wide streets, including parking
on both sides, but with no sidewalks; cul-de-sacs 28' wide.
Streets without .sidewalks may be preferable· if walkways in
Common Areas are proVided, which are at least as direct
and convenj,ent as the streets; this is not the case in
this plan. Reduced lane width is satisfactory for short
cul-de-sacs or loop streets; in this plan one street with
two accesses serves 280 units, and needs a standard cross-section.
Director of Public Works agreed that applicant must submit
further details in regard to street widths, etc.
Chairman Gates pointed out that he definitely opposes sub-
standard streets; he approved them in a previous applica-
tion because they were short loop streets.
Comm. Frolich asked if this is PC-H zoning and is the Use
Permit which the applicant is. requesting for a Cluster
development? A Use Permit, Comm. Frolich pointed out,
should be for a particular type of use, and for that reason
we should determine just what this use is. If an R1C
zoning permits cluster, why is it necessary to ask for
reduced street widths and crowd the houses as they are
'shown;. the density does not lend itself to the Common
Area concept for recreational purposes. Comm. Johnson
indicated. there was sufficient "green" area shown, but
not in a usable· arrangement.
. .;,012-
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
Chairman Gates restated that this property was z:oned for
one-family residential before being rezoned to PC-H,
when the granted use was R-3-H. If the pr~sent applica-
tion is a material change, the original maps should be
substituted and new mapS submitted, showing the now pro-
posed use in this ,PC-H zone.
The City Attorney stated that this application is for a
Planned Community area, and as such, must comply with all
requirements of the Ordinance, to include areas proposed
for commercial uses, professional office uses, and light
industrial uses. A statement was made at the Hearings
that the City Council was not worried about residential
uses, but commercial and industrial uses; and concern
was expressed as to how deep the City wOUld be involved
in these three classes. The City Attorney suggested the
Commission rile an amendment to this development plan,
stipulating that the applicant list in detail precisely
what they propose to include in this development, in
accordance with Section 6, Development Standards in
Ordinance 002(0-1). If applicant wishes R-l zoning, it
should be regulated to 7500 sq. rt. per lot and 60 ft.
street widths, and other standards coinciding with PC-H,
in set-back purposes, height, etc. There would be some
architectural freedom allowed in regard to curved streets
and modern concepts. If PC-H zoning is granted, Section
7:1, Variation of Regulations can be applied. The
development standards for PC-H, as set forth in Section
7, speciry that desirable structures and other such
features will be permitted provided that the overall
density does not exceed sixteen (16) living units per
gross acre. The City Attorney further suggested that
prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the Use Permit
should show a plot plan with locations, tree plantings,
elevations, etc., and be reviewed by the City Council.
The applicant is requesting and proposing a distribution
of single-family residences - can the Planning Commission
rightly deny him a PC-H zoning and substitute an R1C,
Cluster zoning?
Mr. Mittelman said the applicant would prefer the PC-H
z:oning, uSing Section 6, amended by Section 7, as speci-
fied in the 002(0) Ordinance.
The City Attorney continued: "It is the Planning Com-
mission's duty to note that when this application comes
before the Architectural and Site Control, the develop-
ment standards for streets, etc., shall apply in all
cases subject to provisions of Section 7 of Ordinance
002(o~, as established in Subdivision Ordinance Section
47-A. Our problem here is that we are using the word
"cluster" in this application. If we are trying to apply
a Cluster Ordinance to this application, we have a brand
PC·-R12Minutes- of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
new Ordinance, and applicant is interested only in this
particular plot plan under PC-H zoning. Single-family
cluster ordinance gives power to zone for single-family
cl~~ter only - this is not the situation here. This is a
Pla~ing Commission problem, to decide on street widths,
side,~ards, set-backs, etc., and use of this will come
under general rules. This is the Ordinance structure as
it stands today. When the PC-H Ordinance was enacted, no
one was thinking of a Cluster. Ordinance, and the City
still has not had a trial run on a Cluster. This applica-
tion has met the density required, 16 units per gross acre;
the street widths do not meet the Ordinance requirements,
but Section 7 of Ordinance could solve this problem.
Comm. Frolich pointed out tha~ if R~l is granted, then R-I
standards in set-backs, etc"would have to be met. The
possibility of addingRIC requirements to PC-H has been
discussed previously - was this not done? R1C standard re-
quirements are permitted in PC~H zoning.. If we approve
this application for PC-H, does. this automatically indicate
that we will approve all of the applicant's requests for
Variances? (The Planning Director answered that an amend-
ment to the PC-H Ordinance, including R1C use in a PC-H
zone, is now in effect.) ---
The City Attorney suggested that every exception to the
R-l zoning shouldbe·documented,such as eliminating cer-
tain standards as setwbacks, height, etc.; provided the
area does not exceed 16 living units per gross acre.
Comm. Frolich asked whether this plan could be R-24, R-l,
or R1C'l
Comm. Traeumer aSserted that the end result will be R-24-H
zoning, and if this be the case} it will have to meet re-
quirements for parking spaces, building envelope} etc.;
R-24 does allow narrower streets than R-l requirements. He
advocates cluster developments with their common area that
can be utiliz:ed for the benefit of all the people in this
area. He believes the way to proceed with this application
is to zone it -R24c· and to meet the required standards for
R1C. or PC-H zoning. ..
The City Attorney pointed out that Ordinance 002(k) in-
corporates the R-24-H and PC-H in that "multiple dwellings
or combinations thereof" are allowed; but how can single
family dwellings be allowed in . R24c when the limitation
is 16 dwelling units per gross acre - why not call it R1C
rather than the R-24-H or PC-H. Chairman Gates said the
difference in R24C as opposed to R1C is the density.
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The Planning Director explained that the PC-H Ordinance
states that the develòpment standards for different uses
in a PC-H zone shall conform with the standards in tne--
zones in wñIëñ they are otherwise allowed. Cluster
development consists of individual lots plus a Common
Area, plus parking.
Mr. Robert Rees, associate of Mr. Mittelman, said that
their application, at tne timez:oning was granted, and
also when they requested an amendment to PC-H, was not
for cluster zoning. Their application is for a PC-H, and
it is their understanding that all uses are allowed under
PC-H, and that under the development standards of Section
6 of the Ordinance, together with Section 7, gives them
a very broad power to do as they wish.
Comm. Frolich said proposed changes in use should be
stated on the Development Plan - it would be wise to find
some label by which to determine which regulations need
a Variance.
There followed considerable discussion concerning the
advantages and disadvantages of zoning this area R24c,
as opposed to PC-H. Chairman Gates recommended this
application be processed under R-l use, with a Variance
for density and to use the R1C Ordinance as a guide
(limit of 7 units per gross acre).
Mr. Mittelman said the overall density would have to be
considered in z:oning, also for land not yet developed
in the area. The original application for this area was
requested by Stoneson, under Pc-H zoning. Comm. Traeumer
asked if this original development map did not designate
the type of zoning for each parcel. Director of Public
Works said there were some drawings, but they were scrap-
ped when the application was dropped. Chairman Gates
pointed out that a Tentative Map on this undeveloped land
must be submitted by the applicant.
Chairman Gates indicated that this development plan
can be controlled up to a certain density limit. He
felt it would be far better to have 25% more buildings
and 3 times as much green area, even if those buildings
were R24C (multiple dwellings). Comm. Johnson said
the applicant's proposal would result in 70 D.U.jgross
acre in area A (to be developed in a later stage).
Comm. Frolich pointed out that if the area shown in the
present plan constitutes a change, it is granted only
for that area; the area shown in the original plan was
designated as R-24-H and would still have that label.
It the applicant later requested another change, the
PC-H Ordinance would allow only a certain density; con-
sequently, area A could not contain more than 16 dwelling
PC~R12 Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 7/12
units per gross acre, and applicant could not request higher
density. However, Comm. Frolich asked, would the PC-H
Ordinance permit the granting of 70 units per gross acre in
area A, if the applicant so desired. The City Attorney re-
plied .that the present applicatiop. is for R-l z:oning, and
we do not know what is being planned for the remaining pro-
perty, but if the applicant meets all the development stan-
dards for the type of zoning he requests, it would be
posSible to get approval.
Chairman Gates .said he would much prefer this property be
used for multiple dwelling units; perhaps one high-rise
building,which could contain more green area than single-
family dwelling units·with high density. In R-l zoning,
he feels the density of 7 living units per acre is too high;
but it could be possible that 5000 sq. ft. lots would be
utilized in some cases, although in an R-l z:oning 7500 sq.
ft. lots is the accepted and required siz:e. It would be a
mistake to convert this R-24-Huse to R-l concept.
Comm. Traeumer said that in his opinion, cluster develop-
ments, if they are developed properly, can be desirable with
narrower streets that are not thoroughfares, etc. What
would be the objection to applicant requesting R24c for
the entire area, with a variance to allow for sale of units.
The Development Plan would show location of buildings,
parking spaces and streets. .
Mr. Mittelman pointed out that the original application has
been studied for about 18 months, they have discussed cer-
tain street sections and incorporated them· into other ideas
which would meet development standards. He feels this plan
is an improvement and they are satisfied with it. They are
willing to go into more detail and to revise any objections
where necessary.
Director of Public Works said the street. pattern and the
street widths should be clearly indicated and in more detail.
Comm. Johnson wondered if the applicant would be limited
to the 7 dwelling units per gross acre, although the entire
area allows 16 units. The City Attorney said this R-l area
could be treated as a single entity, and area not yet
developed as a separate plan.
Mr. Rees explained that economically, at this point, high-
rise apartments are not feasible. They have drawn up a
number of plans designed in order to see how each one worked
in detail. In the present plan, buildings permit light and
air on 4 walls, which is important to persons living in
this development.. The open land area constitutes 1/2 of
the area, 1/4 of the area is streets, 1/4 covered by build-
ings. This plan is the work of 18 months and they feel
this is an excellent development plan which they would like
to build in Cupertino.
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Comm. Traeumer pointed out that the Planning Commission
should give the applicant their opinion on street width,
as this will definitely have a bearing on the plan.
Director of Public Works said that Mary Avenue is con-
templated as a full 90' right-of-way, and should have
a planted median strip. The development plan should
show location and width of internal streets, loop streets
and cul-de-sacs. The present plan provides no connection
to the north or to the east, and it is important these
details be included. Also, sidewalks are preferable,
as space is needed for lamp posts, hydrants, water meters,
The Planning Director feels the developer should carry
some of the costs for Garden Gate Avenue to be connected
with Mary Avenue; and that a local connection to the
north should be provided. This should be done so as to
discourage traffic through the area. The proposed cross-
section of Mary Avenue is unsatisfactory and the numer-
ous (5) entrances and exits to Mary Avenue would create
accidents similar to Rodrigues Avenue and Highway 85.
The Planning Director showed a sketch for design of
Mary Avenue with only 2 intersections, which sketch had
been submitted to Mr. Mittelman at an early stage of the
contact between him and the City. -~ The Planning
Director added that in view of the many unsolved problems,
it would be reasonable to continue the Second Hearing.
Mr. Mittelman said they would like an opinion at this
time from the Planning Commission on the street pattern.
Street sections have been reviewed with the staff as
follows: street sections did not include sidewalks,
width of street 36' where parking on both sides was al-
lowed and 28' where parking was allowed only on one side,
sidewalks will be in addition to this where there is
no other access. A landscape architect will work out
different details with the staff after agreement in
principle. Development will be created as an attractive
environment and neighborhood and have designed features
of a common area. If buildings were lined up in a row
the back yards would face Mary Avenue, so they have
eliminated accesses where possible.
Chairman Gates instructed the staff to study the
Development Plan further, and the matter will be con-
tinued at the next regular meeting.
Motion made by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Johnson
to close the Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
PC-R12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission, 7/12/65
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Mr, Mit'!;elma!'l added that the aPPUoflnt woulc! like thispor-
tion of the d@V\i!¡Qpm@nt \,\s@c! u R·l~ hQwClvet'. the Planning
Direotor has applied Rig Ordinanêê. The app110flnt would
like to know what zoning they should be guided by.
The City Attorney said he feels the R-l would be preferable,
with variance in set-backs in compliance with Government
Code which provides set-backs, front, side and back yard,
and lot. siies. He would not like to see any development
with 7 units per gross acre to be used as a cluster zoning.
Comm. Frolich said that an R1C zoning would compound the
confusion. Chairman Gates advisèdthe applicant to use
R-l zoning with variances.
Mr. Mittelman asked if this hearing could be continued at
a special session, as they wanted to proceed as far as
possible in order to get ahead with the necessary steps
for approval. The Planning Director, however, said there
were many details to be studied and he could not possibly
present them earlier than July 26th.
Chairman Gates then announced that this application will
be continued at the next regular meeting of the Planning
Commission on July 26th.
F. CITY PLANNER: Proposed Policy for Hill Development
Chairman Gates asked the Planning Director if it would be
agreeable to him if this item be continued to a further
meeting. The Planning Director said it would. As· the
agenda of the next meeting will be very heavy, this item
would be postponed until further notice. The Chairman
then proceeded with the next item on the agenda.
Comm. Johnson made a .recommendation that the staff initiate
a form which. would be an addition to the present Use Permit
and Variance ~pplication forms. This form should spell out
in more detail , to apprize the applicant (in statute langu-
age), what requirements he needs to meet for approval of
his application öy the Planning Commission. With the pre~.
sent application form the applicant does not realiz:e that
a Variance is granted only in a. 'hardship I case, and does
not know what constitutes a 'hardship'. He pays the
$25.00 application fee, which is not refundable, and does
not prepare his case compl.etely when requesting a Variance.
Comm. Johnson, at the suggestion of Chairman Gates, offered
to draw up a suitable form for, rev.iew by the staff and
approval of the Commission. ·In the interim, the staff
was instructed to appriz:e the applicants of these require-
ments verbally.
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Comm. Frolich asked the Planning Director if the Santa
Clara Valley Plans and Santa Clara County Planning
Department Information bulletins will continue to be
distributed to the Commission. The Planning Director
said he would attend to it.
There was none.
Motion made by Chairman Gates, and seconded unanimously,
to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 P.M.
Jack Gates
Dock j'DM/iA' ~
Director of Planning