PC 08-23-65
10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, California, 95014
ph: 252-4505
PC-R15 80,000.4
August 23, 1965
8:00 P.M.
The meeting was held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elementary
School District, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino
II ROLL CALL: Minutes of the previous meeting: 8/9/65
Comm. present:
Comm. absent:
Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer (8:15), Gates
Staff present:
City Attorney, Sam Anderson
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Dir. of Public Works, Frank Finney
Dlr. of Planning, Adde Laurin
Recording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
approve the Minutes of August 9th meeting, as corrected
by supplementary Minutes submitted to the Commission
by mail.
Motion carried, 3-0
There were none.
There were none.
80,002.7 The Planning Director advised the Commission that re-
servations have been confirmed at the St. Francis
Hotel in San Francisco, for those Commissioners who
are attending the League of California Cities Conven-
tion from October 10-13.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, Aug. 23, 1965
A. MASON ENTERPRISES: Application for R~zoning from
Rl:B-2 to R-2-H, 10 acres between Blaney Avenue and
Portal Avenue, north of Stevens Creek Blvd. First
Hearing. (Postponed from August 9, 1965)
Mr. O. D. Mason, the applicant, displayed a drawing which
showed the proP9sed relocation of the park site. The
park is now proposed to face Portal Avenue and to separate
the proposed R-2-H area from the R-l area east of Portal Ave.
Wheaton Drive, to the south, will connect Blaney Avenue
and Portal Avenue.
The Planning Director pointed out that combining rezoning
to R-2-H, and relocation of the park site results in three
separate rez:onings. The proposed R-2-H density corres-
ponds with the density of the General Plan for this area.
In comments from the audience, Mr. Robert Jacobs, 19185
Baywood Drive, said he would like to have more lnformation
on this proposed development - what is the density pro-
posed, the price range, and will the buildings be sale or
rental units. Mr. Mason replied that the price range
would be between $33,000 and $36,000, and there will be
approximately 41 duplexes with 82 dwelling units within
the 10 acres. The buildings will be rented at first,
but gradually sold. Mr. Jacobs said he would like a post-
ponement on this application so the neighbors in the
immediate area may have the opportunity to discuss this
further. Chairman Gates replied that there will be an
opportunity to discuss this further at the next meeting -
the usual action is to conduct two public hearings if
there is audience participation.
Mr. Dick Cameron, 19763 Merritt Drive, asked about the
parking situation - Would there be two complete covered
parking spaces for each bUilding? The Planning Director
said the Parking Ordinance requires only 2 garage spaces
plus 1 open parking space per duplex; that is, It spaces
per dwelling unit.
Mrs. Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, representing the
land owners and the purchasor of this development, in-
dicated that plans have been pénding on this development
since October of 1963, waiting for the Clty Council's
decision on exchange of property tor the park site; her
clients would like to have action on this application
as soon as possible.
Mrs. McCarthy, one of the land owners, implied that the
neighboring residents just want the orchards to remain,
which is not very constructive.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Mr. Riedel, another land owner, pointed out that the
General Plan indicates medium density, which is what
Mr. Mason is applying for. When Vallco Park is
developed, there will be an influx of people; Cupertino
should look into the future and act now by encourag-
ing developments.
Mr. Alexander, 10270 Portal Avenue, asked if there was
an elevation plan of this development. Chairman Gates
said such a plan is premature now, but will be dis-
cussed at the proper time by the H-Control. The part
to be decided now is whether R-2-H is a reasonable
zoning for this property,
Mr. Thompson, 19681 Merritt Drive, inquired about
rental prices, and added that the general feeling of
most people in the neighborhood was that single family
dwellings would be preferable. Mr. Mason said that,
considering the price of this land, slngle family
dwellings in this area would have to sell for $60,000
to $70,000 each, and he does not feel such prices
could be accepted.
Comm. Traeumer and Chairman Gates asked if a condi-
tion requiring two covered garages per dwelling unit
would be acceptable to the developer. Mr. Mason
said he would include them if it were feasible.
Comm. Frolich asked what the present status is on the
park. Does the City have title, or are they in the
process of purchasing it? The Planning Director said
there has been a.tentative agreement between Mr. Mason
and the City Manager that if this rezoning is approved,
there will be an exchange of property, and the City
will then have title.
Chairman Gates asked why this property is so expen-
sive that it should be zoned R-2-H when adjacent
areas are zoned R-l. Mr. Mason said this land is
desirable, and that actually a park is more of a detri-
ment for duplexes. Chairman Gates added that R-2-H
zoning is proper as a buffer to separate residential
areas from commercial, but this development would be
adjacent to school or park; he does not see a logical
reason for higher density, other than economical.
Mr. Mason said this is a desirable location - with a
school on one side, park on one side and R-3-H on
the other side.
The Planning Director pointed out that a higher density
than R-l is desirable here be.cause the closeness to
VallcoPark. Cupertino has very little R-2-H z:oning,
but an abundance of R-3-H; R-2-H is also more compat-
ible with one-family homes, and will perhaps attract
more permanent residents than R-3-H.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Chairman Gates asked what would be the advantage to the
community of R-2~H that cannot be accomplished by R-3-H
z:oning. Comm. Traeumer pointed out that R-2~H would com-
bineresidential unit with income unit - people will often
buy a duplex to live in and. rent the othe~, and thus, be
more permanent residents.
Chairman Gates asked if it would be desirable to have the
park facing the back fences of the residential area to
the west. The Planning Director did not think this would
be objectionable. A road a+ong the west boundary of the
park would be expensive for the City, He would like to
limit access to Portal Avenue to the northeast and south-
east corners of the park.
Chairman Gates pointed out that a rez:oning to R-2-H would
induce property owners across Blaney Avenue to apply for
the same z:oning, so the City would be creating a duplex
community from Portal Avenue all the way to Vista Drive.
Comm. Frolich a.sked if the City Council is in favor of
the revision. of the park site. Mr. Bill Lawless, 19172
Merritt Drive, asked what advantage there 1s in the change.
Chairman Gates said the boundary between the school and
park will ,be shortened, wtich may be adisa.dvantage.
Comm. Hirshon said that access from Portal Avenue would be
an advantage. .
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to close
the First Hearing.
Motion carried, 4-0
Comm. Frolich added that the proposed âevelopment is con-
veniently connected with Vallco Park by Homestead Road,
which will be an advantage for the area.
Chairman Gates announced that the Second Hearing on this
application will be held at the next regular meeting on
September 13, 1965.· ..
B. ASKAM~JONES: Application for Tentative Map; A-2:B-4
development (one-acre lots), 64 acres on the hill west
of, the éJCtension of Mercedes Road. Second Hearing.
Chairman Gates called for a 5-minutebrea.k at 8:45 P.M.
to allow the Commission to study documents related to this
application, which were submitted by thePlannlng Director
at the Deginning of the meeting.
Mr.. Jones, rðpresentative of the applicant, displayed a con-
tour .map of ·the area showing loca.tions where t.he grading and
excavations Wduld be performed and where the fill would be
deposited. '
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Mr. John Ewing, 278ll Lupine Road, Los Altos Hills,
spoke on behalf of tliE¥-Committee for Green Foothills
and read a statement (see Appendix A).
The Planning Director then made a number of comments
(see Appendix B).
The Planning Director then referred to comments from
County and other agencies: (1) The Recreation
Director had asked that decision be deferred until the
Recreation Commission could review the map; the Com-
mission feels that its responsibility includes the
protection of scenic landscape. (2) Santa Clara County
Flood Control and Water District had pointed out severe
erosion and drainage problems, and recommended that the
U. S. Soil Conservation Service be consulted; Mr. Briggs
of this Service is working on a report, but had not
been able to submit it as yet. (3) The Central Fire
District of Santa Clara County recommended that streets
be 40' from berm to berm rather than the 24' and 30'
widths indicated on the Tentative Map; streets no
steeper than 15%; two turn-arounds 80' in diameter;
certaih requirements regarding water tanks and capacity.
(4) Cupertino Union School District needs minimum 84'
.diameter for school bus turn-arounds. (5) p.G. & E.
has pointed out that the usual overhead power lines and
poles would not only create difficult technical prob-
lems, but also would mar the skyline.
The Planning Director submitted a list of proposed
conditions for an apPr6val of this Tentative Map, which
included the above recommendations (see Appendix C).
He made further comments on the following items: (1)
Submitted plans show an average excavation 40' below
existing level on the hogsback, in places up to 60',
which would change the entire contour of the hill; if
more than 20% if the excavation were filled on the
outside slopes, these would be denuded. (4) this would
be needed, not only for fire trucks and school buses,
but also to make it possible for citizens of Cupertino
to admire the view from the hill. (5) As proposed,
nobody could move within the development except by
car and by walking ln the automobile roadway; it seems
very desirable that people could combine a little
exercise with looking at the view, and the P.G. & E.
easement could be developed into a footpath. (12) There
is mostly brush and . few big trees in the area, but
this paragraph would help to keep the hill green.
Chairman Gates asked Mr. Jones, the developer, if he
had looked over these conditions proposed by the
Planning Director. Mr. Jones said he had, and most of
the conditions could be included in their plans, al-
though some of th~m may not be economically possible.
The water tank will be included, as recommended by the
City Engineer.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
-- - ---.----- ----,-- - _..... - - - --- -.-....- - -'._- - ---'- -- - ------ - -- - ----- - - -- ----
The Director of Public Works commented on the Planning
Director's proposed conditions as follows:
(1) Agrees that no point should be graded to below 40%
level. It would be difficult, however, to adhere both
to (1) and (3) at the same time on the approach road.
(LI) If one car is parked 'on the cul-Qe-sac, a bus cannot
make the turn; perhaps the 80' turn-around would be suf-
ficient. The wat.er tank covered by earth should present
no hardship. (5) The 75' wide easement is presently
planned for this purpose. Whether this should be individual
(by the developer), the City, or P.G. & E. ownership is
not yet determined. If the City intel)ds to pursue foot-
paths or horse trails in theI'.G.. & E. easements, this should
be agreed upon, but to leave it without a~y p'lanned owner-
ship would be detrimental. (6), (7), & (8) '¡'he Director
of Public Works agrees upon those points. (9) Experience
in the Los Angeles fires has uncovered an interesting fact
with regard to erosion; the present thinking is that all
combustible vegetation ina development shall be cleared,
and area to be planted with non-combustible plants. What
is the Planning Commission's feeling on this? (ll) The
Geological Report should be one of the requirements to
qetermine whether the slopes are stable; natural stability
can be upset by grading.
Comm. Traeumercommented that we have a situatlon here
which calls for a revision of the Tentative Map, in re-
gard to width of streets, etc. Is it possible to approve
this application and include conditions that the Tenta-
tive Map bè revised? The City Attorney said he would
recommend against this, unless for emergency measures.
Comm. Traeumer suggested that the conditions as proposed
by the Planning Director be used as guidelines in approv-
ing this application. Chairman Gates said he would abide
by the City Attorney's suggestion, and would like to con-
tinue the Hearings until a revised Tentative Map is pre-
sented by the applicant, with modifications as needed.
Comm. Frolich further pursued the question of approval
of the Tentative Map with conqitions. The City Attorney
said, that if the Mastin & Kingston office could work
,with the Çity staff on a plan which would be economically
sound to the developer and yet arrive at a hillside
development which would coincide with the Planning
Director's suggested concept, this might be a wonderful
improvement for Cupertino.
Comm. Frolich agreed he would like to see a hillside
development in Cupertin , and by delaying this appli-
cant's request we might be passing up an opportunity
for such a development. He would like to see at least
one of this type in the City, and feels since there would
be three weeks or more delay until another Hearing, the
Commission should act now on the Tentative Map. The
City Attorney said that one more meeting should resolve
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
the problems brought up at this meeting.
The applicant said he would prefer approval tonight
on the Tentative Map, with conditions, and then the
developer could work out these conditions with the
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
to continue the Second Hearing to the next regular
Comm. Hirshon, Traeumer
Comm. Frolich, Gates
Comm. Johnson
Motion failed of passage, 2-2
Comm. Traeumer asked what happens to lot #13 when
the diameter of the turn-around is changed to 8~';
he also feels the parking pockets will affect the
Tentative Map, and is opposed to approval of the
Tentative Map as presented.
The City Attorney pointed out that the 2-2 vote is
not an approval of the Tentative Map.
Comm. Hirshon said that in requesting continued
Hearings, he is not sure the proposed plan is the
best type of development for this area; he felt
there would be too many lots in this particular area;
and was also concerned about the area having only one
Comm. Traeumer moved to continue the Hearings, sub-
ject to comments made on some of the conditions which
Planning Director submitted:
Engineering conditions should be resolved between
the developer and the Engineering Department.
Street widths of 30' and 24' could be accepted if
parking pockets are provided to the satisfaction
of the Fire District and the Director of Public
No streets steeper than 15%.
That the configuration of the turn-a rounds be
left to the Engineering Department, and should
not be a condition of approval, except that the
revised Tentative Map should be extended to
include both of them.
That a condition should not be imposed to restrict
the owners to maintain the easement.
Guide the applicant as to condition ¡;!6 for inter-
pretation of "streamlined" or underground.
to (11) Automatically required in the Grading
Ordinance and final approval of Tentative Map.
Guide applicant on this condition.
---- -- ---- - -------- -- ------- - --- ---- --- - --- ----- --- - -- --.-,..-- -.-- ~.-~ ~--, .
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Comm. Traeumer added that onlY- the conditions in points
(2), (4 last sentence), (6) and (12) ought to be included
as a guideline in· imposing conditions to the approval of
the Tentative Map.
Motion was seconded by Comm. Hirshon.
Comm. Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Frolich
Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, 3-1
C. JOHN PERA: Variance to change double garage to a
single-car garage and install sliding door, at
10436 Colby Avenue. First Hearing.
Mrs. lIleber, of 10293 Judy Avenue, represented the appli-
cant. She explained that the applicant had recently had
major surgery on his leg, and within six months will
have to have his leg amputated. Most of his day will be
spent in this garage, and since he will be in a wheel
chair, the sliding door and the single garage door were
installed for easier accessibility.
The Planning Director suggested that a condition be
imposed if the Varianée is granted, that the garage be
reverted to the orlginal two-car garage when the emer-
gency need is over.
Mr. Lloyd, of 10~22 Colby Avenue, added that plans have
been made by the applicant to build a ramp so that he
will be able to get out into the back yard.
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm.Frolich, to
close the Public Hearings.
Mötion carried, ·~-O
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Frolich, that
application l8-v-65 be approved, subject to the condition
that when this particular use is no longer required, the
garage be rèverted to 2-.car use. Amended by Comm. Hirshon
that the Condition for approval be changed to "as long as
the present owner lives at this address."
Vote on the motion, as amended:
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, LI-O
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
D. DANIEL FITCH: Variance to build a duplex on
property now zoned for apartments, at 10365
Greenwood Court. First Hearing.
Mr. Daniel Fitch, applicant, stated the lot is not
large enough to build a 4-plex at present because the
County Flood Control District is in the process of
···filling the Caläbazas Creek behind his ·'Property.
When the work has been completed, he plans to build
another unit, which will bring his building to the
required R-3-H zoning.
The Planning Director stated this request was in
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
to close the Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 4-0
Discussion followed whether another building can be
added in the back. Comm. Frolich recommended that
the applicant should submit a plan for the proposed
second structure.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, because this is a hardship
case, that application 19-V-65 be approved, subject
to the 12 Standard Conditions, plus Condition 13:
that at the time of construction of the second struc-
ture, this unit will conform with the R-3-H concept
that ~¡as originally designated for this parcel; the
reason for granting this Variance being that filling
of Calabazas Creek is not completed. Comm. Frolich
seconded the motion and added a 14th Condition to the
approval: That before a Building Permit is issued,
the applicant shall submit to the H-Control Committee
and to the Building Inspector a plan showing the build-
ing he proposes to build first, and the approximate
boundary and driveway access for the second structure.
Vote on the amended motion:
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, 4-0
E. MINNIE MAY NEILSEN: Use Permit for the establish-
ment and operation of a Y.M.C.A. between Park
Avenue and Alves Drive. First Hearing.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Mr. Don ~iser Real Estate Agent forY.M.C.A., repre-
sented the applicanb. They have contracted to purchase
the proPerty from Mrs. Neilsen, subject to approval of
the necessary Use Permit. Thè building will not be con-
structed before 1968, and they are trying to. secure the
property immediately east and contiguous with it.
The City Attorney pointed out that, according to County
Ordinances, a public function does not need rezoning,
only a Use Permit.
To Comm. Traeumer's question as to how Park Avenue would
connect to Alves, the City Engineer said there would be
a slight reverse curve in the street.
The Planning Director said the street problem has been
discussed with the staff, including the City Manager.
The approval of the Use Permit should not include any
conditions regarding the street, to avoid complications
to the applicant; however, the applicant should be ad-
vised that a Tentative Map must be submitted. If the
building will not be constructed until 1968, the applicant
must also apply for a renewal on his Use Permit annually.
The Planning Director added that he has had several in-
quiries from residents in adjacent areas, ¡¡.nd suggested
a condition be attached to the Use Permit, th¡¡.twhen the
site plan is submitted to the H-Control Committee, these
residents be notified by the applicant, by registered
mail, so they c¡¡.n ¡¡.ppear at that meeting.
Two members of the Y.M;C.A. Bo¡¡.rd, Mr. Chinchen,Vice-
Ch¡¡.irm¡¡.n of the Northwest Board, and Mr. Ray Day, st¡¡.ff
member, s¡¡.id th¡¡.t some years ago, Y.M.C.A. decided to
construct br¡¡.nch centers, to be able to serve Sunnyvale,
Cupertino, Santa Clara, Alviso and Milpitas. They feel
this is going to be a heavily popul¡¡.ted area soon, and
¡¡. Center within this ¡¡.rea would be an import¡¡.nt service.
Their initial plans call for one structure, which will
house a meeting room and patio, and will be primarily a
leadership training center, with a professional staff;
it will accommodate 150-200 people. A gymnasium, swim-
ming pool, etc., will be added as a second unit of the
building at some future date. The building will be
attractive and grounds will be landscaped.
Mr. Don Shellito, 20969 Alves Drive, said he would like to
have answers to several questions: 1) Sewers - 11111 they
be coming through Alves or some other area, and who is
going to pay for the installation of sewers on Alves?
2) ÌlTater - Water pressure is somewhat reduce d now; how
will this problem be solved? 3) Traffic and parking in
this area? L!) \'!ill sidewalks be constructed on Alves?
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
The Planning Director answered that this section of
Alves is sufficient and adequate to allow traffic that
would be created by the Y.M.C.A. Improvements might
be necessary in the street. Mr. Day indicated that
Alves Drive, Saich Way and Park Avenue should be ade-
quate to handle the traffic. They would cooperate with
the neighbors in solving any problems that might arise.
The Director of Public Works said the sewer would be
serviced by the Cupertino Sanitary District; and any
costs will be paid by the Y.M.C.A. The water pres-
sure will be more than adequate for everyone in the
area. There will be adequate parking area, as required
by the Parking Ordinance.
Mr. Ed Bayer, of 20927 Alves Drive, said he was afraid
that a connection between Alves Drive and Park Avenue
would attract through traffic, to Gemco or elsewhere.
Chairman Gates assured Mr. Bayer that, by the time the
Y.M.C.A. building is completed, most traffic will be
using Stevens Freeway and Mary Avenue.
Mr. Norman Stine, of 20927 Alves Drive, asked for
further information, particularly what earlier dis-
cussions had consisted of. Chairman Gates explalned
that this matter had been brought up under NEVI BUSINESS
during the July 26th meeting, but no action was taken
until an application and plans were submitted to the
Commission. This is the First Hearing on the applica-
tion. He added that Neighborhood Plans were devised
by the City in 1960 to ensure that street patterns in
various developments conform to an overall plan, and
these Neighborhood Plans are used as a guideline by
the Planning Commission. Mr. Stine continued, that
even with the relief caused by the Freeway, there will
be. very heavy traffic from Gemco shoppers using Alves
Drive if it is opened through to Park Avenue.
Mr. Harry Olson, 2088L¡ Alves Drive, asked if another
street will be added from Stevens Creek Blvd, parallel
to Stelling Road and Saich \'lay, and how zoning would
be affected on the south side of Alves Drive, with a
Y.M.C.A. being located on the north side. The Plan-
ning Director said that commercial zoning is 400' from
Alves Drive, with some commercial zoning extending all
the way along Saich ¡'!ay.
Mr. Shellito said that all the residents on Alves Drive
want to go on record as opposing the extension of
Alves Drive. He asked what would be the procedure
they should follow to lceep Alves Drive closed.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Chairma~Gates said tnat a neighborhood must nave the
necessary internal street connections but he wanted it
on the record t'ha"t 'it is not the intent of the Planning
Commission to encourage traffic. through a subdivision.
Comm. Frolich pointed out that he does not think traffic
has anything to do with this Use Permit application, and
i.f the Use Permit is granted the staff would study and
make recommendations whether to keep Alves Drive closed
or to extend lt to Park Avenue. Mr. Stine said he dis-
agreed with this premise, and feels that the closing of
Alves Drive has a great deal to. do with an approval of
the Use Permit.
Mr. Walter Lish, 20885 Alves Drive, said hls property
is adjacent to the proposed Y.M.C.A. building, and he
would like to know how close the building will be to
his house, Chairman Gates replied that the side yard
requlrement would be a Planning Commission decision,
and they usually require a buffer, adjacent to resi-
dential areas.
Mr. Harold Hermmeyer, 20900 Alves Drive, asked whether
the eritire property will be fully developed, or will
there be an unused section for a period of years. Mr.
Day answered that the first structure is planned for
1968, a second unit to be added in the future. In the
meantime, the building will be well kept and the land-
scaping attractive.
The City Attorney answered Mr. Shellito's previous
question on procedures to keep Alves Drive closed:
a Minute Order should be submitted to the City Council,
including the list .of people present at the meeting
and opposing the continuation of Alves Drive, and the
reáson for their opposition. This would then be a
matter of record. This procedure Would be more con-
venient than clrculation of a petition.
Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by
Comm. Hirshon, tnat the City Council
be apprized of the objection to the
extension of Alves Dr:Lve by residents
on that street, with a list of their
names and addresses; and, further, that
these names be put .c:m record and main-
tained so they will ,be notified by mail
when the Tentative Map is scheduled for
a Hearing.
Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Motion carried, li-O
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
Comm. Traeumer, in voting on this Minute Order, felt
that publication of the Hearings would be preferable
to notifying the people by mail.
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
that the Public Hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Hirshon,
that application l2-U-65 be approved, subject to the
condition that a Tentative Map must be filed with
the Planning Commission.
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gdtes
Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, ~-O
F. A. L. CHADWICK: Use Permit for automatic car wash
and auto repair center, at 20100 Stevens Creek
Blvd. First Hearing.
Mr. Frechette, architect for the applicant, displayed
the plan of the layout for the proposed building, ex-
plaining the various services which would be offered
in this auto repair center. He added that this would
not be the usual type of greasy, noisy and smoky repair
center, but geared more for minor repair services where
the housewife could bring in the car for small repairs.
The building would be attractive and clean, and the
area would be tastefully landscaped. This type of
repair center is a new idea, and is being used by oil
companies in the East. The plans will also be sub-
mitted for H-Control approval if the Use Permit is
The Planning Director said the C-l-H zoning ordinance
does not designate a car wash as such, but it is
similar to a service station, which requires a Use
Permit. However, a full repair shop is considered as
light industrial use and would require a rezoning.
The hope has been expressed that Stevens Cree!{ Blvd.
would be developed along the lines of Wilshire Blvd.
in Los Angeles. However, so far, there is only strip
commercial, and there is a beginning of an automobile
row between Blaney Avenue and Highway 85. In the
Director's opinion, it is very hard to reverse such
a trend, once it has started.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
81, OOl~
Chairman Gates felt that Stevens Creek Blvd. ~ill be an
attractive entrance to Cupertino; a divided highway with
a planting strip in the center, a college, and a planned
community adjacent. He does not feel this type of struc-
ture which the applicant proposes wo~ld be conducive to
the beauty of the Boulevard. The aesthetic quality of
Stevens Creek Blvd. is of material significance to resi-
dential property values ln Cupertino.
Mr. Frechette reiterated that this will be an attractive
and an expensive structure, and will be well landscaped.
It will not be noisy, and it will be some distance from
the signalized intersection of Blaney Avenue.
Comm. Hirshon said he realiz:es an automatic car wash is
a necessary service, but feels another area in Cupertino
would be more desirable. Comm. Frolich said, in his
opinion, a car wash on a commercial street is feasible.
Mr. Chadwick, the applicant, said he owns this property
now, and has an established car sales business adjacent
to it. He has done a great deal of research as to the
best usage of this land, and feels this proposed plan is
the most favorable.
Moved by Comm. Hirshon, seconded by Comm. Frolich, to
close the First Hearing.
Motion carried, 4-0
Chairman Gates announced that Hearings on this applica-
tion will be continued at the next regular meeting,
on September 13, 1965.
H. CITY PLANNER: Ordinàncesestablishing standardized
symbols on zoning maps; regulating heights of build-
ings and constructions; and providing for dedication
of land or payment of fees for park or recreational
purposes as a condition for approval of a subdivision.
First Hearing.
The Planning Director submitted a draft of Ordinance No.
220(f), on Zoning Symbols for the Commission's study,
which introduce the Standardized Zoning Symbols. Since
there are a few extensions beyond the symbols agreed
upon by Santa. Clara County Inter~City Council, the
Planning Director asked the Commission for a Minute
Order to submit the draft to Mr. Bob Lawrence, Planning
Director in Mountain View, who is appointed coordinator.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by
comm. Hirshon, to instruct the staff
to send a copy of the proposed
Ordinance No. 220(f) to Mr. Bob
Lawrence, for his review.
Motion carried, L!-O
The Planning Director said that he had discussed a
revised Ordinance for regulating heights of buildings
and constructions, including antennae, and for re-
quired park area in subdivisions, with the County and
with adjacent cities. Various problems have turned
up, so he was not ready to submit a draft. When the
draft is completed, hearings will be publish~d and
notices will be sent by mail to the group of amateur
radio operators in the area who have expressed in-
terest in the revised Ordinance.
Driveway near Pharlap Drive:
This matter was brought to the Planning Commission at
the last meeting, to establish a policy regarding
easements or alley-ways in Cupertino.
Comm. Traeumer Wondered how the Planning Commission
could prohibit the developer from putting these
driveways in back of the homes as long as the property
owners are willing to share the easement. The Director
of Public Works pointed out that a developer has to
ask for permission to connect driveways with City
streets. Easements must be recorded on the City
Record Map.
Comm. Traeumer added that when a final map is sub-
mitted to the Planning Commission, it does not in-
dicate where the driveways are located. He feels
this should be solely the decision of the Engineer-
ing Department.
Chairman Gates countered that, since the City staff
brought it to the attention of the Planning Commis-
sion for their opinion, a Minute Order should be
enacted to recommend a policy, as requested by the
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, 8/23/65
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Frolich, seconded by
Chairman Gates, recommending that the
staff permit this alleyway in back of the
lots; with the condition that the staff
ensures that arrangements be made for
proper maintenance of the easement; and
a second condition that traffic hazard
created by cars coming out òf the alley-
way to Woodbury Drive be brought to the
attention of the Engineering Department
for remedial action.
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Johnson
Motion carried, 4-0
Comm. Traeumer wanted to go on record that his vote was
based on the concept that the responsibility for ap-
proval rests with the Engineering Department.
There was none.
It was unanimously approved that the meeting adjourn
at 12:05 A.M.
Jack Gates
Odck kuu___
Director of Planning
Appendix A to the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of
August 23, 1965
My name is John Ewing, 27811 Lupine Road, Los Altos Hills. I am
a vice president of the Committee for Green Foothills. As its
name suggests, the Committee is concerned with, among other things,
the preservation of open spaces, land usage from the standpoint of
the maximum benefit to the community at large, and conservation.
The Committee's membership is about 700, drawn from the Bay Area,
including Cupertino, in the most part but with members from other
parts of the State. ~
It is readily apparent that valley or flatland in the Peninsula
is becoming more and more scarce and that, to an increasing extent,
development will probably have to move more into the hills, if our
population is to be housed. At the same time, the hills represent
a prime reason for people wanting to live in this area, a natural
asset of great beauty in addition to their role as a watershed and
conservation area. The Committee for Green Foothills appreciates
the interest of developers in uSing the hills for housing but it
feels that the developers have an obligation to the area to do
the best possible job of such housing. The Los Angeles area pro-
vides too many examples of what happens when community interests
are not served, from the standpoint not only of aesthetics but
also from perhaps more practical considerations of landslides,
fires, and water run-offs, and it is to be hoped that this sort of
thing will not become common here.
Our examination of the Tentative Map for the Askam-Jones hill
development and of the site suggests that there is some danger in
the development as proposed along the lines just mentioned. There
appear to be problems of erosion, vegetation clearing and regrowth,
access for fire trucks and school buses and, perhaps particularly,
the view. The viewpoints are not now accessible to the citizens
of Cupertino but that is no reason why they should not be. We
would urge that consideration be given to a viewpoint with parking,
or for the possibility of parking and walking to an unobstructed
viewpoint, so that the great beauty and tremendous outlook which
will belong to the householders on the hogsback might also be
shared with the community. It seems conceivable that the apparent
objective of the developers, of maximizing the number of lots
within the z:oning minima might be realized in other ways which
would contribute to maintaining the overall value of the hills for
all of us.
Appendix B to the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of
August 23, 1965
There is a conflict between the General Plan and the actual Zoning
of the area in question. The General Plan shows most of the hill
area in and adjacent to Cupertino as Open Space, which would allow
agricultural and recreational use, including dude ranches, etc.
Only a few areas are shown as residential, with a density of 0.5
dwelling units per developed net acre and including a total of
only 475 homes in an area of about 10,000 acres. These residential
areas are nowhere near the now proposed development. On the other
hand, the existing agricultural A-2:B-4 Zoning allows development
with one acre lots. It seems, that in absence of an action of the
City Council to implement the General Plan, which might involve
the City in financial responsibilities, the actual Zoning takes
precedence over the General Plan. The latter is also a legal
document, however, and an approval of the Tentative Map should be
accompanied with a formal revision of the General Plan, recommended
by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council.
From certain points of view; it would be desirable to keep the
hills as Open Area, but it seems not feasible or even preferrable
to do so for the entire area. Development in the hills could
create interesting dwellings, all with beautiful views, if well
planned. The major objection to the proposed development is, that
it includes heavy grading and that, while only a small part of the
area would actually be usable, the entire area would be taken up
by streets and private lots, with no possibility to move around
except in a car. It should be noted, that the area is much steeper
than most of Saratoga and Los Altos Hills. The proposed develop-
ment would necessitate houses on small pads or on stilts, with
most of the lot unused; not big, landscaped lots as in tho'se
One would like to see a modern development, with different types
of building: big landscaped lots on the less steep slopes, ter-
race houses where the roof of one house is the other's sundeck; a
sprinkling of apartment houses, etc.; and with most of the area
open and accessible to the citizens. A mathematical example may
be of interest: Newer apartment developments, in Stockholm for
example, have a density of about 8 dwelling units per gross acre,
half of Cupertino's R-3-H. With this density utilized by high-
rise buildings, only about 3% of the land would be covered by
buildings, 6 to 10% including streets. With 90% left open, the
hills in the Cupertino planning area could still house 250,000
persons, even with the aforementioned moderate density. This is
not a recommendation, but it shows how much land can be left open
and accessible with the high-rise concept.
The major asset of a modern development on the hill partly covered
by the Tentative Map now under consideration would be to leave the
narrow, exposed hogsback ridge untouched. The present plan to
develop this ridge would preclude such a further development.
The developer would not have to commit himself now as to the
Appendix C to the Planning Commission Meeting of August 23, 1965
(3-TM-65 )
1. No point shall be graded to below 40' of the existing level.
Street profiles shall be balanced as much as possible, to
avoid excessive grading. At least 80% of the fill shall be
placed in the central valley, not on the outside slopes north
of Winship Place and south of the southern leg of Voss Lane.
2. Streets shall be 40' wide from berm to berm, except that the
proposed widths of 30' and 2L¡' will be accepted, if parking
pockets are provided to the satisfaction of the Central Fire
District and to the City's Director of Public Works and the
Director of Planning.
3. Street gradients shall not exceed 15%.
4. A turn-around 84' in diameter shall be provided at the end
of Winship Place, and a 20' wide one-way loop shall be con-
structed around Hill 933.7, with minimum possible grading.
The hill itself shall be preserved as an overlook, accessible
to the public. A water tank may be constructed at that
point, but must be covered by earth so as to present a
natural profile. The area around Hill 933.7 shall be in-
cluded in a revised Tentative Map.
5. The 75' wide easement for the P.G. & E. high-tension trans-
mission line shall not be made part of residential lots; and
shall be made accessible to the public, subject to agreement
with P.G. & E.
6. There shall be underground power supply in Winthrop Place
and the southern leg of Voss Lane; "streamlined," or under-
ground power lines in the northern leg of Voss Lane.
7. The Central Fire District's recommendations on capacity of
water mains and storage tanks shall be followed.
8. Sanitary sewers and other drainage facilities shall be pro-
vided to the satisfaction of Santa Clara County's Flood
Control and Water District, santa Clara County's Health De-
partment, Cupertino Sanitary District, and the City's
Director of Public Works.
9. Adequate protection against erosion shall be provided to the
satisfaction of the City's Director of Public Works.
10. An Engineering Geological Report and a Soils Engineering
Report, such as specified in the Grading Ordinance of the City
of Cupertino (No. 2l4-A) shall be required.