PC 09-13-65
10321 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
PC-Rl6 80,000.11
September 13, 1965
8:00 P.M.
TI1e meeting was held in the Board Room, Cupertino Elementary School
District, 10300 Vista Drive, Cupertino.
II ROLL CALL: Minutes of the previous meeting, 8/23/65
Comm. present: Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. absent: Frolich (ill), Hirshon
Staff present: City Attorney, Sam Anderson
·Dir. of PublIc ·Works, Frank Finney
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Dir. of Planning, Adde Laurin
Assistant Planner, James Nuzum
Recording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Moved by Corom. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to
approve the minutes of the August 23rd meeting.
Motion carried, 3-0
A. PACIFICA CO. PARTNERSHIP: Application for a Use Per-
mit for a Medical Center Building at 20411 Pacifica
Blvd. First Hearing.
The Planning Director explained this application was a
renewal of a Use Permit which had expired. It was post-
poned at the request of the applicant until the next
regular meeting, in order to complete the necessary plans.
B. ASKAM-JONES: ApPlication for a Tentative Map; A-2:B-4
development (one-acre lots), 64 acres on the hills
west of the extension of Mercedes Road.
Postponed at the request of the applicant, until the ~ex~
regular meeting.
In answer to Chairman Gates' question, the Planning Dir~~-
tor said the reason for the postponement was that the
applicant intends to discuss a new design with him; tlÜs
design might save open space, and the City should gra [,é>
fully accept the delay.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, September 13, 1965
l5-Z-65 C.
PROUD HOMES, INC.: Application for Rezoning, from'
R-l:B-2 to R-l, and change of the location of a park
area zoned R-E:B-4 at Price Avenue, south of Stevens
Creek Blvd., east of Blaney Ave. Also Tentative Map.
Referred back from the City Coullcil.
Withdrawn at request of the applicant - no reason given.
Mr. Martin Madson, 6077 Wellfelt Way, San Jose, submitted
a.copyof "Important Information for the Greater West San
Jose Area Homeowners", which he asked to be discussed
under Verbal Communications.
A. A representation of home owners in the Cupertino and
western San Jose area, bounded by the triangle of
Highway 85, Saratoga Avenue and Stevens Creek Blvd.,
appeared before the Planning Commission with infor-
mation concerning rezoning by the city of San Jose,
of property at Bollinger and Miller, to commercial,
high-rise and cluster development. The property
owners were requesting the Cupertino Planning Com-
mission to write to the City of San Jose Planning
Commission on their behalf in opposing this zoning,
since the proximity of the development to the City of
Cupertino would affect many of its residents.
The City Attorney pointed out that the City of Cupertino
has no agreement with the City of San Jose, and it would
be presumptious on the part of the Planning Commission to
inte.rfere with the City of San Jose's ordinances or rulings.
Chairman Gates added that in accordance witþ the advice of
the City Attorney, the Planning Commission could take no
action on this request, but he. wanted to assure this rep-
rese·ntation that the Planning Commission of Cupertino is
interested in the welfare and wishes of its residents.
Comm. Traeumer pursued this matter further. The City
Attorney said it would embarass the City if we protested
rezonings, etc. in another .ci ty, except under two con-
ditions: 1) if the City of Cupertino owned property in
another City, in which case we woúldhave·the same right
to be heard as the citizens of that city, 2) if we have
a mutual agreement with a city to·.refer items of joint
interest to each other, such as we do have with the
County of Santa Clara.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, S~ptembsl' 13, 196',
Minute Order: Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by
Comm. Johnson that the City of Cuper-
tino contact the City Councils of all
adjacent cities, to ascertain whether
it is possible to work out an agree-
ment tô refer items of joint interest.
Comm. Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon
Motion carried, 3-0
Chairman Gates said he regretted that the Commission
could take no direct action on the petition presented
tonight, but hoped this Minute Order would accomplish
something for the future.
B. Mr. Espinosa, with ALD Company of 1675 Rollins Rd.,
Burlingame, said his company is in the coin-operated
car wash business, and they are interested in in-
stalling a car wash in this area. They have been
unable to get information regarding suitable and
acceptable locations, and would like advice from·
the Commission. Chairman Gates advised Mr. Espinosa
to discuss this with the Planning Director during the
break this evening or after the meeting. (Note: ~IT.
Espinosa did not seek out the Planning Director for
information; perhaps he was answered by denial of
Application l3-U-65 for a car wash, under Item VI-C).
A. MASON ENTERPRISES: Application for Rezoning from
R-l:B-2 to R-2-H, 10 acres between Blaney Ave. and
Portal Ave., north of Stevens Creek Blvd. Second
Chairman Gates recapped the highlights of the first hear-
ing, and asked for comraents from the Commission and the
Mr. Stephen Dorcich of 1888 W. San Carlos, San Jose, ask8d
if the applicant intends to build duplex or multiple units,
and added that some years ago the developers built a COi.ll-
plex of stores on Stevens Creek and Blaney. Many mer-
chants bought into the complex with -che undeì's;:.antlir:PJ"·h",t
the developer would build multiple units in the area.
Mr. Dorcich indicated he was in favor of this development,
and said that the merchants wóuld like to see some sort
of development there.
PC-R16 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, September 13, 1965
Mr. Richard Nebel of 10226 Portal Avenue questioned the
applicant about the development abutting school property.
Chairman Gates pointed out that the issue is the rezoning
only. .
Mr. Robert Jacobs, 19185 BayWood Drive, stated that an·
application for town houses on this property at one time
w~s made by CPM Developers, and wondered of CPM still had
any connection with it. Comm. Traeumer answered that it
has not. Mr. Jacobs continued that he still objects to
the duplexes and feels the one-family home area is being
hemmed in by apartments. He can understand that the mer··
chants want a development in the area; however, there is
a conflict in the expectations of the home owners and the
merchants - the residents feel there is no advantage in
duplex zoning, and the density is about the same for
duplexes and townhouses. Some years ago the residents
presented a petition to the City Council, with 500 sig-
natures of"liomè'owners in the area objecting to multiple
zoning, and they feel the situation now is basically the
same, and they oppose it~
Mrs. Juanita McLaren, 22101 Lindy Lane, Cupertino, repre-
sentingthe land owners and. the developer, reviewed the
Cupertino General Plan of 1985, adopted by the City
Council in 1964, and pointed out that this Plan shows a
medium density of 7.3-10.0 units per net acre for this
particular area. The developer did not. submit his appli-
cation for rezoning until after the General Plan had been
adopted. She added that the City will be growing, and the
density will necessarily be changed in the future because
of economic pressure caused by increased price of land.
The developer is now applying for 41 duplexes, or 82 units,
on Ilt acres. There is a great demand for duplexes at
present, which will enable parties who do not have a large
income ·to buy a building to livèin and rent the other
unit. The location and proximity to the future Vallco
Park and to Stevens Creek Blvd. business area will mean
less traveling distance for residents in the development.
The developer and landowners would appreciate if there
were no further delay in deciding on this rezoning.
Mr. Catron, 10153 Dennison Avenue, said he understands
some of the business area has not developed as the mer-
chants· had planned, and wondered if the purpose in de-
veloping the area with multiple units was to bring more
people to shop in this shopping center.
George O'Brien, 10214 Portal Avenue, asked about com-
parative depths from Portal towards Blaney; Chairman Gates
answered that the park area is 290' x'668' ,the: residentÜ,]
area is 520' x 417'.
PC-R16 rftnutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, September 13,1965
Mr. Jacobs w/lnted tQ c:J.a.rify Mrf3. McLsTen's report, and
explained that at a previous home owners' meeting, the.
residents had been assured by Mr. Tersini, who was rep-
resenting the developers at that time, that the area
would not be zoned to multiple again, but only to R-l use.
(Note: This maybe a misunderstanding. The previous
application was for clustered one-family homes with the
same density as a duplex zone, not as a multiple zone.)
Mr. W.Linn, 10168 Dennison Ave., stated he opposed duplex
units in this .area. He said multiple units have not
·carried their fair share of ·the tax burden, and believes
they will only increase the school burden; Portal School
was not designed or planned with that in mind.
Charles Alexander, 10275 Portal Avenue, questions the
reasoning behiod R-2 use in the area, with the school on
one .side and residential on each side - R-2 is normally
used as a buffer, what are 'they trying .to buffer from?
One home owner has already put his home up for sale since
there has been a discussion of a z:one change to duplex
across the street, and has been unable to sell it. Is
the park area being cut down to bring in the duplex area?
Chàirman Gates answered that any action taken by the Plan-
ning Commission is to preserve the park as it is shown in
the drawings. Mrs. McLaren added that on June 9th the
City Council voted to malŒ an exchange of property in
order to make the park a buffer for people who were ob-
jecting to the rezoning.
Norman Stine, 20948 Alves Drive, stated that he had gotten
the impression from listening to the arguments that most
of the people objecting to this rezoning feel the area
should be zoned to R-l, in order not to increase the popu-
lation of school children, and to prevent proximity of
private residences to multiple dwellings. Can the popu-
lation explosion be held down? Do these home owners ob-
ject to being near a school and. the noise, or to a park.
In his opinion, the arguments are contradictory. Chair-
man Gates commented that in his opinion the park and the
school would make the area more desirable.
Mrs. Anger, 10185 Empire Avenue, Cupertino, asked what
makes the residents feel duplex units would bring in
more children? Whmyoung couples are first married they
generally live in rental units; then when they have
children they purchase their own homes.
Mr. Indn, 19834 Baywood !)rive, aslŒd if the Commission
was going to vote on this application tonight, and if so,
does Comm. Traeumer, who is .associated with CPM and a
former developer of this property plan to abstain - can
he in good conscience vote on this? Chairman Gates
PC,-R16 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, September 13, 1965
answered that Comnl. Traeumer is in a position to supply
more information than either Comm. Johnson or Chairman
Gates. He is not now connected with the applicant, but
his previous 'mowledge will be beneficial to the Plan-
ning Commission.
Dick Cameron, 19763 Dr., commented that the park is
narrowed down to a small strip - what does the City hç¡,ve
in mind for the park. Is it to be used as a ball park,
just a piece of land, or what are the City's plans? He
added that this park will be overrun with children from
the duplexes - the park was built for one-family resi-
dences, not for a dnit of duplexes. Chairman Gates
replied that judging from another parK where a more
elongated shape was judged acceptable, 290 ft. width
for a park of 5 acres area should be usable.
Mr. Stocl;:meir, 22012 Stevens CreeK Blvd. said he lived
at the other end of Stevens Creek Blvd. in the foothill
area near Deep Cliffe where they have a complex of tri·,
plexes with single family dwellings, and the triplexes
have all the appearance of single residences. He said
the doubts of the residents in the subject area are un-
founded, and he cannot see if the duplexes are pr0rF.rly
built how they would interfere with aesthetic values,
or be objectionable.
Herman Meyer, 19787 Wheaton, repeated that the residents
had been promised that the opposite side of the street
would be zoned R-l, and believes people should be alerted
to the fact that there is a great difference in R-l and
multiple zoning.
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to
close the public hearings.
Motion carried, 3-0
The Planning Director stated that the General Plan does
show a density corresponding to R-2-H for this area. He
feels there is a need for R-2-H use for this area in the
City, and the proposed area is entirely screened from
the þresent R-l development.
Chairman Gates said this application will set a pre-
cedent for a wider area, limited by Portal Avenue,
Stevens CreeK Blvd, Vista Drive, and Forest Avenue, and
asked the Planning Director if he would recommend R-2
for this entire area. The Planning Director stated that
this larger area is mostly undeveloped, now zoned R·,l :B-2
except for C--l-H and R-3-H along Stevens Creek Blvd., and
indicated for 7 to 10 dwelling units per net acre in the
General Plan; he would recommend R-2-H density for this
area, but would prefer a cluster development with varied
types of dwellings rather than straight R-2-H over the
entire area.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, Sept. 13, 1965
Comm. Johnson asked: "If no park .had been located in
that area, what would the proper density have been? If
40 acres were rez:oned to R-2-H, would the City put a
park in the middle of that area? Is it judicious to
locate a park next to an R-2 or R-3 z:one? What would
the parking situation be?" Comm. Johnson further ques-
tioned the applicant's statement that if single-family
residences were to be built the cost would have to be
from $60,000 to $70,000 in that area. He saw noadvan-
tage in rezoning from R-l to. R-2-~.
,. ~.
Comm. Tra,eumerstateq, that parks in most large cities
are used by.lnhabita·nts of multiple dwellings, which is
most proper. The General Plan is gearedto~ard an
average density of area, which may be cbmposed of R-l,
R-2 and R-3 areas. The traffic has leäsened considerably
in this area sinêe Wolfe Road was extended, which should
have a bearing on the rezoning. The area is set back
far. enough and does not create a use that:ì.s incomþat1tJ1e
. to the area, and he doesnot·'beiieve the R-2 z:oning
would be adisâdvantage. . .
, - !,;,'.
Comm. Johnson· pointed out that as Cupertino has only
5 parks, should oné of them be located near an R-2 or
R-3 area? Do we want one of the 5 parks, ~inanced by
residents of the area,; to be used by.tra.nsient renters?
There is no public necessity for this.
The City Attorney explained thatpa,st practice in the
State Planning Act recommends that a 3/5 vote of the.
entire body be required for approval of any mötion on
the agenda. ,If there were 5 members present and 3
voted for the motion,· it .cQuld be passed, but since
there are only 3 members present, 1 "No" vote would in
effect be a denial. If all rights could be better
served with all 5 members present, perhaps ,this applica-
tion should be tabled tonight; (The applicant preferred
to have the application put to a vote..) .
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Chairman Gates,
that application 10-z-65 be denied for reasons brought
out in the previous discussion.
Comm. Johnson, Gates
Comm.· Traeumer
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon
Motion carried, 2~1
Chairman Gates advised the applicant of. his right to
appeal the decision within 5 days.
. .
Chairman Gates asked for a5-minute break at 9:25 P.M.
Minutes of the Planning CommissiOn Meeting of Sept, 13, 1965
3-TM-65 B.
l3-U-65 . C.
15-2-65 D.
8-u-65 E.
Postponed. See Section III-B
and auto repair
Second Hearing.
Applicant reca.pped highlights of his applicatidn, giving
location and description of the proposed center.
Use Permit for an automatic car wash
center, at 20100 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Chairman Gates asked for commen~s from the audience.
There were none.
Moved byComm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
the hearings be closed.
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, that
application l3-U-65 be denied, for the reason that the
Commission feels Stevens Creek Blvd. should have other
business enterprises than a car wash; something more com-
patible with the future character of this thorofare.
Comm. Johnson, Traeumer, Gates
Comm. Frolich, Hirshon
Motion carried, 3-0
Chairman Gates advised the applicant of his right to appeal
to the City Council within 5 days.
Postponed. See Section III-C
VALLEY TITLE COMPANY: (Page Properties) Application
for a Use Permit for a. 60-acre one-family Cluster
Development within a PC-H zone; north and east of
Mary Avenue, near Stevens Creèk Blvd. Continued Hearing.
Moved by Comm. Johnson, seconded by Comm. Traeumer, to
reopen the Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by Comm. Johnson, to
incorporate in the Minutes the documents that have been
made a part of this Hearing.
Motion carried, }-o
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, Sept. 13, 1965
- - - -- - - -- - --- -- - - -- - - -- - ----- - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -.,-'" - --- -- - - - - - - ---
Mr. Reese ånd Mr. M:!:tte1man made a presentation. of' a
revised project, stating that they had tried tof'ollow
the guidelines incorporated in the Minute Order voted
. by the Plann:i.'ng Commission during the meeting of
August 9, 1965. The applicants a:Lso submitted a pro-
posed wording öfa Motion approving the revised plans.
.(Theproposed Mqtion if,! enClosed as Appendix A. 'A
writtenstaternent by the applicant.s covering the
verbal presentation, is enclosed as Áp;pénd.i:x'B.)
Chairman GateS went through the Guidelines set forth
by the Planning Commission. The applicants .had not
been able. to follow these in all respects. It was
agreed to request the Planning Director to qnalyze
the revlsed plan, compare it with the.Guidélines, and
submit a comprehensive report, if possible to the
next meeting, September 27, 1965.
Comm. Traeumer aSked the applicant if they had taken
the plan to FHA for si teapproval. Mr .~u ttèlman said
they had, and that the FHA had approved thè plan and
site, and were very enthusiastic about the·· pla'n.
Chairma¡;1 Gates summed up the' diecussion,and·à.dded
tþat hewoulg like a very careful analysis, possible
conditions, possible variances,.. pros and cons', and a
. framework on which to work. The Commissionánd the
Planning Staff should.· inspect Mm,ilaraevelopments and
take pictures - good points· as. well as·the bad·~ and
submit all to the Commission for further study. This
developmen~ is too important - too new and different -
to pass without further studY..
Moved by Cómm; Traeumer, seconded by ·Comm. Johnson,
that, thè first hearing on the revised plan be closed.
Motion carried, 3-0
Mr. Mittelman offered to arrange a tour of similar
developments,plus the projects listed in his rePort,
and the. s.táff will contact the Coq¡missioners for a
. convenient date. .
. .
Chairman Gates suggës·tedtheCommission read the
September issue of Scientific American; most of this
issue is devoted to the problems of cities.
. ' '. .
Chairman Gates advised that, the Hearing w.ill be
contin\,led at the next regular me.eting, September 27th.
. ..
'l'here was none.
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting, Sept. 13, 1965
CITY PLANNER: Emergency Ordinance Regulating Home
Chairman Gates related an incident concerning homeoccupa-
tions which occurred in Sunnyvale recently. A family
moved into a neW home in an above average neighborhood, and
applied for a business license to operate a beauty parlor
in the hòme. Five members of the family are all employed
as operators. Regardless of opposition and Petitions of
the neighbors, this family is proceeding with plans for
this venture. Chairman Gates said that Sunnyvale is in a
difficult situation because their ordinance covering this
is not specific, or· binding. Chairman Gates instructed
the Planning Director to check further with the Sunnyvale
Planning Department.
Chairman Gat'es added that he had asked the Planning Director
to prepare a draft for an emergency ordinance for the City
of Cupertino which will protect the City in circumstances
such as this. He then proceeded to d.iscUBS thiS draft j
which had been submitted to the Commission in advance.
To General Requirements, it was suggested the following
sentence be added: ".....; and provided that such occupa-
tion is not detrimental to the health, safety, public
welfare and property values in the neighborhood."
Under Standards, item (f) Signs: Delete, and replace with
the following: "No signs indicating a home occupation
shall be allowed."
Under Standards, item (g) Advertising: Opinions of the
Planning Commission were divided. On one hand it was
thought that this paragraph would be a good way to prevent
too businesslike operations; on the other hand that the
restrictions would be impossible to enforce. It was
agreed to leave to the City Attorney to decide whether
this paragraph should be included or not.
Comm. Traeumer asked if this Ordinance could be discussed
at a study session. Chairman Gates said he felt this was
an emergency and it was important to complete the discus-
sions tonight and to submit the Ordinance to the City
Council for approval as soon as .possible.
Comm. Traeumer asked if home occupations could not be
processed through the Building Inspector, when business
licenses are issued. Comm. Johnson and the Planning
Director agreed that the Building Inspector would have to
have guidelines concerning restrictions and requirements
for home occupations, which must be subßtantiated with. a
z:oning ordinance.
-- ---.. --- ----. -_._-,--- -. -.,..-_.............. -.~-'" ---- ---.':'". ~..-.- -- -- ~_-:.. --- -----... -... ---...
Minutes of the Planning Commissi0I?Meeting, Sept. 13, 1965
Comm. Traeumer added tþa~ anY business license could be
revoked with a cause; could this not be done with one
sentence in the license permit? Chairman Gates agreed
that home occupations could be terminated either before
or after a license has been issued, but we must have
the grounds for revoking a l1cense,l1.nd.an ordinance
is needed for that reason.
The Planning Department staff was instructed to make
necessary corrections and additions and submit them
. to the City Attorney for his recommendations; then pre-
sent another draft to the Commission for the next
regular meeting, for final study before submitting it
to the' City Coúnèll.·' .
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Comm. Traeumer, seconded by
Comm. Johnson, that the City Council
be petitioned to enact an Emergency
Ordinance with the following content:
That, until the Planning CommiBsj,on. has· .
studied the proposed emergene-yordinance
regulating Home occupations; a'll busîness
licenses for such occupations be referred
to the Commission, and that the Commis-
sion be empowered to delay those appli-
cations which in the opinion of the
Commission may conflict with the
proposed ordinance.
Motion carried, 3-0
Creek Blvd.
maps of the
PUBLIC WORKS: Improvement Map - Stevens
The Director of Public Works presented
proposed improvements to Stevens Creek
Chairman Gates suggested that landscaping or trees
should be added to the median strip, and said he felt
this was necessary to the improvement of Stevens Creek
Blvd. and to the City of Cupertino. He recommended
that a Minute Order be written to this effect.
MINUTE ORDER: It is hereby recommended that the plans
for the improvement of Stevens Creek
Blvd., from the easterly City Limits
to Highway 85 (Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road)
be approved with the following recom-
(1) Instead of a service median island,
it is recommended that provision for
planting be provided in place of
PCC cap.
(2) That a program be initiated by various
interested civic groups to supply
plantings in this median area, accord-
ing to recommendations by City Forestero
Appendix A to Planning Commission Minutes of Sept. 13, 1965
Applicant's Request:
WHEREAS the applicant has presented a development plan with
enough detail to judge the quality of the proposed development, and
WHEREAS the development would be a credit to Cupertino, it is
moved to approve Application 8-u-65 for 420 one-family units, and
to grant such variances from the City's zoning ordinances that are
necessary for a development essentially in accordance with the
plan attached to the application, and WHEREAS at the rezoning of
the area a use comparable to a R-24-H zone was indicated, and that
the area should be designated as a R-24-H use, with exceptions and
variances, within a PC-H zone.
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that:
1. A Use Permit is hereby approved in accordance with the ex-
hibits attached to the use permit application submitted for
an average density of seven (7) dwelling units per gross
acre with a total of no more than 420 dwelling units.
2. R-24-H use and development standards shall be followed, with
exceptions and variances on all lots to provide for:
a. Single family use
b. No restrictions as to lot dimensions and area
c. Lot coverage of 100%
d. No front, side, or rear yard restrictions
e. No restriction on location of detached acce&sory
f. Street sections indicated on plan submitted to be
used, together with street pattern shown.
3. Applicant will submit from time to time a detailed development
plan of a section of the site area, which shall indicate land-
scape features and dimensions of open green areas, prior to
or concurrent with the submission of a tentative map for part
or all of such area.
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es::.' 2f.:. inspection by you '-J~ t~,'2S¿ [::...~:':; -- wil.l shm-v tr.:.c.::: ti:1C r(l3i~
ci:~::,":::'~'¿;~C8 2..3 -:::hat the h2nclv¡r::'L'~.i.;' 1:6::::: c;E,::.:=::;d ::8:rl 2. ÙOV1Ü-lg Sp2:.i.cerian
cl::,,:;:'.;:~c::::.l sc-:ipt -- to block lS::::2;~i:-,-;.
1..'118 IS a~ Gxampl(~ of ~ 0:-1 c':' L: ":",:"lsor1:ooè (os igr,. The da::e :ct
c:. _.~
,"L2D cO'Jld be iSlO - 192û
lS':i:O - i~:C
\,-/¿lS 2.:-:.d s -::ill .is des ignGd
by 1::;-:'Ç.:-:;2crs - set to a :l.2a':
:COi::;'L''-'_:l - c'::,ch )-:::::1.-:se L:~L8d ',.l:J ô::1d 6':;\\,rl
Í,";::::I - fecI" - èf.¿ side
tl-:,::.; s:re¿t -- 8ECh buck ya,-d nE'::':
sc:::j::-:c:·:s li2~d 0'..1;: lH:e be.tt22..icn.s on "
I~ ~-esults in. this l:i:1G G~ '.::'J.::::'::'.:"\'~ ,i::),-,
"o"~(; Òöt th,3 :; .:~li~r [-_as
-co move so:::.e horr,2s :::O::---,\i~~-C
,L(":~' Dut in CUrV2c. drivc-
- --" -~ I
h:;.G utility poles ¿re set :":l [:'.c;
- - --"
~L_= .s _C:\~;,v21ks
Cll1d p2C:<l:.g s tr:p
i.s i,~. .:;rl:;::::::e 2nd he is re2èy to L-:s -::.:,11
O( l:C:lS 2.3
- -~ ~
2 c~
t~¿ :8;',C ,ng SUDCODŒ6c;::ors S(h;;E;IE":,6S
7'''''- ~::-,~ tQ ti-:.i.s
'i'h.is envlro.::rnent - ~:-Üs ¿~2: ~\~::
of 2 v-/öy of life
_.Ji- ~,-,,"1,--·,-
:is -::;,;-:,8 ".'10(:1. 1'::'2 )~cnn2rs ¿nei
t:ll~: \'/E'; Òf¿ d:;filiLg our ci:i,~s
::,¿,-,; :c is C:86::: I r(i.Cl'.:::Y':OfLO'J.S;
'..L"liv,.::r3 iti8S to,~JY u;ll:.;¿
c2~-; s ~::Jl:¿;:"
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~v, ~_u--'
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:::Y;J¿ C': Sl".',/::"-:CI"::-y;,::::.r:t - C10Y
- ..:.--~,--,. _w
:<_2C,é; for chi.lc~r,,~:::' to
è f:...- ,)t fe:-..cës merk: off
tCG .:, r~, 1.1 ''- !::::":l'~; ie; c.:[;c: to':) Ll.:nc: C::;:1S U¡¡lH~0
., -,."
VJ :-~-:a:,nC¿-:':L1 -- [í11S Q8S:"0~~ '-'".'~, L..2 "-~:::'~~.-;¿:::
:-.-'~t~S" ';.>:; bl..:~lt on '~~1CS e s trc;~-::s
h:,'J':~ }X::¿,1 ovcrp-:odueed -- G~r;1L;i'::;:'::s aLe C u,J:'~;d :CC2;' _h olae;:; of ~"2Gl
v;:.~_:-..::-: -- ov¿rh¿èC vv-irGs 2r(:: uSl:.:. ~;. ;''-2_c·
\'':..::;\':' c: U"l¿SG :-LG;--,:83 2
'¡'Siil'S ë.Ù::;r all r<sslde:1ts h¿'V2 m::::'\12d i::. '/1i,.:.1 3:-~O'.',; .:::;:: ~~--:;:-:1':::nSG l=Sfce::t¿gs 0:[
CS2;.!..C:3:3 \V'28d grO'v,,'Ülg side Y2rds -- 2;:-:'Q
CnLGrE;;!1 playing in the s tre8ts .
th¿;t 5282 vis'...! vIlli sr.G"-./-,1
\Ve hçve SP2,-:t over 3. Y'2ë'~:C/c,:-,G::,n .".., :.~,.se :u::; dc:slgEinS th:"s
p:-o::::.::r;::y -- and \Ne hays co:r.sc.lt8c, wi':::'l ;::";,;:; j::"¿;SI t2XpSrLS ':::V2ilc.tle -- and
·N<; ."L¿:;V8 S2en ever/ proj'3C:': ::,1:": T',,~" ç"^_>'~. ~~ ~'2cc:~r::eíldcc; vie reviev/ as we21
2S 'Ci:"'iC::;'2 f'_UN ir. è.2sign s~[J.ge.
Vv'hat vIe propose ill ColL:;G2 ?(l~:: i.s op~~n S)àCe -- streets l:58d
by C3rs -- no: children -- :-8cf¿c:.::c!"":¿1 fec-,-2i.Li2: )rO'ï~'~~2,j G;-lC: {:'12::':1tèl::-1Ud
priv2t8 1unc::.s -- and great end i.T'.C(C¿S Lç ",'21-".w ~)V<,( t:':.-.:::: :/03,:-S .
"- ",-
"Iv. STc y",,",-
,,-~ OrJ_J ~
()IJ~~ ,j
pC-i~J.6 Appendix B to P1a:--:r-2.iü;; Cor:j__;~iss:LYL I.Ünutes-, Septe:rr.ber 13, 1965
Mr. I'/Ii ttelman! s Heport:
This le.r:d use conc-s:j~ ~s v~';:;L:¿;_~'l ¿;P)ê:.i.',;;":t i:ì e:c:_s_L:g d'2\/cL.Y]-
ry'~'-,--"-C' V¡h8D we Íocus on the tl_CC'C¿.l .¡:;:-:~vL',=::-.: ',:l~:It. :is IS :-'- :1:::'\'1
!1:''¿::~-::: :'2[:1¿C:' 'vVoodt=:kel vlh~ch h:.:.s o\¡c:~ :)cj'v ,--'_~:':::-~r:k:~.L;.
-l'.~es -2 ~)i.cIUL"eS ilIL'..:,; ~j~¿;~C U:2
\;/OG .~¿>:e. ;-:'11:hc'.1:;-j ~his is [; :-:iL:,';.2. )::-(:'.'
"" ."'~,-
.:J;,.:.____n- ~- Gl
O:"'.:~ >ro~JC-,sdllS for individ'-,22 to::J22 ~(j:
c.:c:~~·,.x:-~L·i.3 on of Ú¡8 ::wo: f1r.§.l., the C:o¿.l :_n
ir: (-';.-:'/ircnl":.cnt for düily living, èIlcl ::l-:_..
::ìC<; ¿,'~; (:',i2;',;_ :~'C;:". ¿.
·~;::;SC:.::: 13 ül"l 1[;:'1)rO\;2:--:-;2::'[
, , . ,
._'2\/2:' t~:~-O'..~Ga i2E i;-::2gE~a:lve
¿i'~d C¡::'~'c::-dly conceived p~ôn b3.s,~::;è or. è~~, .·-r,-:::.n'~-~';:;c:. 2:)p:o;:oh to ë.:.1
asciign :ê.ctors. Þ~Dè seco~ldly, t:r.:::'~ s;_c;; d---', i:r\"cl'¡~r;.;: ~ h:gher C:sr..sity
t~l(:r: '...tS 'J.elly permitted in a 20:::in,::-; ::::l2.S S i±i:::¿:, _:O:~l CiI i~s ¿··,-vs~.lir_,; type,
ac-::ua~ly res ul ts in a more des irsC::D~e ;:12C8 t: live I ë.-~::~ê.C~S c. Dcr8 E-.nligh:-
.::-.c-d -=-y:¡::e of resid·ent, 2nd prcv'ic:,::::s :h2 c<)~ ;-;:u:-~it,/ v,:~t:~~ ê. viSU6.l 2.3 \'1811 êS
eC-:':-,O:T'.lC i:",lprOVerI18n.t ove::.· è':'.Y 'sC-':::;::-'-l~~. t::.:r:':',3:.-d" 6evelop::ne:c;,t 0: eitiler
'f.'C, .
:::t :0110'.'ìS that 1:.:.,::: ~~':'_; cc:~::-.~'..;;,:
,-,~ '
- 1!"'.
C2S 8 S¿,n l\~(-~ t(~O -
to ,'1:.:.2:--:2 the develo):--::s[.t ts¿::.-:; (;C_1~C~'1~ t-:> tl--le ¿rbitr¿ry COCL1:led
:,:::c:1i::1g s ta.,.:.cL:rcs I f:.:.e COr:'.r:ì.UE:ty \'lOE~d :--':::'/é: b'22,) -~~:2 lcs er. The £::.ct is
'jl<::.t -~f:ç dsv<":òloper's concep-:. \-".'3.3 2,;,~¡r.l.s~c.-:,: _lc::.lly endorsed ty the San ::Vlateo
o:':íicials I 2nd this demonstration c¡ s tJ 2ccept i:--n;::ògin.2tive pro-
pos¿::ls has r:1otivated other d3vslopme:-,t ~Cé:·.":S t.J ini::iate other projects
adè.:."essed to totç.l er::vironmer:t.
7l1efe's ê lot Vie Qon)t like ¿GC:''':'': :::'le p~'OjGCIS v/e'11 se8 in. t~J.CS(;
p:C'~"';':'GS - architecture or site plc::-:rÜnç ;:~:;;~ 1.·JS '.-'lill ¿voie: cr ÜT.p:cve en in
CoL.::ge })¿r-k. Tr:8se pictur2S 2.:~~e L:3eC~ :1C>::; 0:-:2y IO ilL~strate on2 srn.all
£83:'-.:::8 of 6ach project which r;).¿~(2S c.l'- ic,~)~~-c:ô!',[ cor:triDc.tion tmv2rc~ good
(;f:\'::':-Cr"2.r.l2:-:t. VIe have SCr82D2.d ct:'t CI C"::.~- ~::::C='J:2..s thé::.t \',¡~1ich we cop-sider
C~L:.::-3 ~iona::"ls arcr"litecture in ordef to ioc'.ls 0:1 :::he e::r,]ir-:mmer-:::al as P3C::S .
This is the site plan of ¿ ;).2.\'-' :=:.____J~ect in S¿l1 RE:fé21 na;íle.c~ the Knoll.
1':-.222 pictures illustrate the ple2s2nt 8c~~.'i:-:):.t;3:~t possi.ble ",vhen Vi8 elimir"ate
l¿rçe sic.s 2nd rear yards õnd crec:L2 L~sc;L,l Cfe::l. sp2ces. This picture shows
U"lC 2::"J"~rar::ce to the recreation e.r2Z:: £ro:-:: tl,--:,: s ~[2et. You can see the attractive
ëyc:-:it8cturôl and landscaping possibiL~:'2'::;.
Eere you see th·:;:; pool 3:1C L:..~,..n~~ ê~;,d r::.;lctior'::3hip IO nearby homes.
c2reful use of gr2cing and 12ndsc¿":::~"'lg ~e;::lits the creation of an
exciting environment not pass ib1e ir. S o-c::ll.cd "st~Eciè::."d" single fa:nily
This shows the putting greeD ,::. I.-~:\V steps av.¡ay frorr. the homes I so
-:h8 owner ca¡) relax while \'laiti:1g Ïor ci~;;':L:;~-, or on -¡,'\i'8e:<'8::J.ds 1Nh3~l he he.s
p103:lty of rime s inee he has no la:'lès cape c::--_ores . ~L1e hœnes .s ell £ro:-.1
$33/000 to $50 I 000, and sales are g'ood.
Anot1er new project is ';'/JSt Pë::r:--:, locë::ted:n South San Francisco
just off S;cyline. The homes are pricc:d ¿,'c $28/0(;:] :0 $36,950/ and more the:':
100 have been sold in the past mon::Ì1 \-v:.th tL.::ir Grc::.nà O)3ni:1g ads yet to CCr::2.
This picture illustfètes t:-~E: 8rltr2!'.c:e to t::-:'e home loc2ted on the
C8r;:2r at tns beginninç( of c: cuI èa sac. '1':'18 la::'_2sccping opportunities will
D2 sin:ilar in r:1any respectS to o:~rs. T>:¿s¿, 2 piCIU:-2S sho'lI! exarnples of th.:::
variety of front entries possible '1,'/1:::-1 Q"2[ùÇ;SS 25 shU,'1rl.
In College Park, \\fç \vilJ l-:¿vc 0. L'J.l":,~'2:- of C'~l[Ve:i èxivcVlc:yS ar:Ö
mo::or CO:lrts as vv'ell, 2nd ¿t a 10\'-/0:- dS:l~; ity J S 0 -~:lS ,:::p,;;2r2c~ çr22n 121111-
scaped areas will be even gre¿tG::.
PC-R16 Appendix B to P1annL'8 Cor:1.m:'ssion ¡Ünutes, September 13, 1965
Mr. Mittelmanls Report:
This project shows a sr:lall cL':/ 92L,: iO 1::-:: Ö::>.12, o)ed ,~.:.;,~ :~'::1.=-:1-
7.2iDed by the ci'cy. The only recre¿tio[j, ::G::ili'c.:e:s ;:-o"l_daci ~,~~ ~~:v,::;L)I>::~-;~
a:~2: c~ildretî's playgrounds. In Co.llege ?2:-:~ "V2 ::«: .:-;'>':~';''-'Clr:~~J r:.c": ::";_.i.',)
si;:':1:Uar play èreòS but also svvi;::lJ:!~r...g ~:;cc~s ¡ pL~-:ir.º (;(~cn:-> I ,::::1ci \-V;::/:C:SC
ê:re2S for quiet walks with benches wh2re ::18 re;~:c:çr~~~ C8.n relax dnd 'lJ.Sit
or j:.J.s t t~"1eir environï.1em: -- only a few s tGpS cc\'v'i:!y :£"ror:... their res ide_ncc,:;.
Examples of these fea;:u:-es ê:~8 sh,::;,wn on the College Park GenerEl
Site Development Plan, Exhibit A. Ther2 v/.í..il be '::'20 dvv-ellE1g ur:its. All
unìts will have a 2 car garage, served £ro,,1 â dedicElled street. There will
be footpaths providing pedes trian circu12:ti.on throUi;hout College Park, as
shmvn here. There wil,l be a heavily :i:::;,dscapcd bo:·der along l'v1ùr¡ Avenue.
As you see f we have £011u,:,'8d y0'_;~. guièelinr3s in having alrr:.os t
ù11 "C£1e horr..es serJed by interior s:r3e'~S J e::,:cspt :0: thE: s~TI¿ll grcup near the
8r.tr~"'.::1ce 'wh.ich vlill be- our mod81 homes.
V<[e have eliminated HÞX26 þ,II, t:-,2 8:J.ti:e 60 ac:-es for homes, re-
ducir:g our density Ïrom a proposed 960 'Llni~s p2rr:::itted by the zoning to 42.0 I
or a reduction of 57%. The 420 units is ba3ed on an. overe.ll average of 7
dwelling units per acre.
We have eliminated the nélrrOV! passages between detach8d build-
ings f as shown on Exhibit B.
Here we compare College Pêfk '!/ith a standard R-l development
of the same gross areê. Despite the difÙ::rence i~ the number of homes, we
act"Llally have less land covered by streets .:,;,d driveways 1 we have less
lëf.:.d covered by buildings, and we huV8 2l:LOS~ half oÎ the site area in use-
c.:ble open green and recreational area. YJ·c.;, 'Nill note thaI all College Park
homeowners have the full use of 'che 26 2C[¡~S of open green and recreational
area. In a s tanàard s ubdivis ion each ho:::cownG[ h25 the us e of a typical
rear yard of about 2200 square feet. He C;:~::'..:1ot jump ine fence to use the
yard of any other owner. These Íi;rures poj,-~t out the lzey benefits of our
plênned community des ign and cleêrly ¿err,c:,.stra:e what 2're the basic com-
ponents of the superior environmen: V.'8 ¿;:;:'~ you to approve.
The interior streets ènd drive\V,~'/s h2ve bee::1 des igned to provide
in addition to the 2 cars in each g¿fage I ¿~":è.itior:.al p3.rking for an average
of a t leas t 2 more cars per home.
As proof of the adequacy of our s::rs&t widths I we show this
picture of Harrison Way, a fairly D8\') suc;,:;:: in :vIer:.lo Park., As you can see,
there is ample room Íor a car parked on ~oth sides of the street and 2 moving
The street shown mea.sures 31 feet 10 inches - 2 feet 2 inches
less than what we propose for cuI de Sê:CS êmò short loop streets.
The comparison with this and other sections is shown here.
Section DD, for short cuI as 56GS I has the same dimensions for
pErking and moving lanes as Section CC which are clearly ample.
The adequacy of 11 foot moving lanes for '[he main drive is seen
£ro:;1 the comparison shown. As additior,¿:l proof, it should b8 r;ot8d -,:r;a;.: the
plùns for Stevens Creek Road in froDt oÍ =':2 j\'(lza Coll002 ònd th:; city ccn~:,::~
P~rk provid8 11 foot movinCi Ian::;::;;. Thi.;r,:::fCirc~, 111'("~C~ "'/71;:0 ::noVL'"1;] 1.'111':_.
::;hvuld bD L}JtG th¡;,m ample fLit OLi' GJ~-\}.~lj '.;,--,r, ;)!..:I· l:'I~,"::,'..-¡,.j¡ ~;·,.".;,V l~·,~.
, ),JUJ
b r 1965
fi=r. 1'lj_ttelrcan's Heport:
\'/2 have ío~lovled V:J~'_:
o:"'!. t:i2S O:'ltO Ì\'IalY þ,venue. As you ~ çç f
\'>lith ;\.;H1 ),rbor, for 3 very çood rc¿,s G',:;:.
':7...L.Ú :-,:::S .-.",'~ 0
~Ll ",;~;;r Jc
,'-- .:':::\'2 :.'.:::._ ~P·C\il.~~.C~ ~c-"
~. :.;..:, L, (; .~ ~ . r r "'"
~;: _.lQJ
,~,~ L.'
~~:-'=:';:;~2m, it ::ecòC.Jè; abUDC:cntl1 Ci2ij[ ~;-12~ :::-..c ;.;;.. h.'_ 0:-;' t _~~ L ;;:i '.'7:':::3 oui:
(;.: P:()PC'C:':~O:ì to th3 1.eed. (explain the ¿::.~,. X-.~: ',IC...' S,-;2- ÍrŒl~ Ll:.1.S
t:,:-:¡~;::c s:::lcly, :~e PO.JL:lêtion r:.u:,v S~:~\'8'::: ;:;o2.d is - cn< I¡vij.1 bG -
(;o:J;ent:'Q~ed ¿as t ar:d ::o:-th of OLt :xo¿:Jrl::r. 'l'he r:ropcn:y n,.:::,;¡.,r üi"'!.c1er C.8V8l::.,~:;-
r:~,:::::-L-:: by 1';1:. Crurnp puts a seco:-lcl s-::r¿e'~ (~::Ll':ti~~ç:; lvL'. ~'l'2ti.~:ClnsOn':3 )rCp2r-:"y.
:t is :;;;2.:30~a.})l8 to ¿):'3SU:;1C: th3t '/,,,T_thin c, f..¿',,¡ y::::¿:r3 t:-:CS8 2 streets \vill provide
2.t J2¿St OE8 corr~91ete access to :'iI2~Y ;i.\-':::..~:2 ,,V hen i'ic.th:sn:'3onls prcpe~-ty is
C::0..:v,:doped. 'J.'his will .satisfy th'3 rlsed £c~' 2,2Cë-.3S -- a.na In the së~::e.st and
::":os: di::ecl rOL.~e pass ible .
Secor:dly, Íro:n our )Oi:lt 0:;: Vi.:"V)', C,___." :;SC.1.2St thaI V¡8 p~'ovid8 êir.
G:Jl:le~ for' An!) Þ.rbor is unfair (-~~:d d'2S:i":'::C:':'v:: '~O o-...:~· ~J12_1 sir::ce ::.t de~~-¡:roys
C,;;:". O£~:r.2 ='0.2ncl2:J:2ntal concepts oÍ C.:':_· (:22 .-c 2::': EXC~US ive, )lJ.nned
::2s:.,j':;i":tia.l cOillr.1unicy Í:ee of éJ.:1Y dcv¿,lL_:~:(:' ¿LQ U:1¿2stl-:etic influences nQ\v
·:;xis ~L".ç; o~ to be developeà onëdjoir.ir:ç· IJ~·C,.::;2[LGS. '//8 cannot perrr.it the
~i':tr:...:sior.. of the pu::np equipme~l't, ShëCk J ¿ìie:. 0çrn on thc:: :Saich p;:-operty,
i:}c; Clnar...sw2ra.Dle question of how Ihc.: ptop~;~-cy \vEl be developed if'.. the
futc.:.~Ae, e.r:d the pass ibility tha: G2:cd::;l1 Ce:, te 3r~è cur r;,ew Coll'2ge Perk shall
b2C,O,:1e r::<=.[~S oÍ thi2 same neig~'ocr}:Go¿ -- V/ j,Ü1 College ?2rk addL1g its
pre:::i:'ç;c: to Garden Gate -- ¿nò Gerde!". G.~·.2 2:1CL;mi.::e~ing 2nd burdening
CoJ.L.-ge Park.. To conl1ect the 2 neig:lboL'l:,::;ois by a road system is to say
:0' t:-:_e OW~18rs oÍ the homes in Ccllege ?è.~.;,: - u 0.[18 of the entries
iTto you!' Íine nevI environmsnt s ~311 :::'2 l.~-::-'.: Gardeìl Ga~8 and -:.:hc s a£ety of
YO:..E children and your proper::y 'lc:.lues vIiil ~)G EiGVerselv ëfiec:ted. II
Lastly, reviewing this rec.:l.CS"~ frc;.1 the ci::v's ìJcint of vievl,r it
DC'e;C2,;12 cleô.r tni3t - whether yo:..: ::ecoC;;1iz(;:: It O~ EOt - Ihe proposeci c::.m;],&ctior.
of ;:~:"1n þf;::;or with I\IIary Avenue v'loc.ld i<3CLCO t:12 ease 0: ¿ccess and full use
of ti-;:: City P2rk by CL:pertir..o resiè.'2;:nts, DL:¡: '.vou~,j, make it more easily reac!'Lsd
by r¡;;;ider.ts from other areas, 'iNho are ;;"0-::' paying -::.he tèxes Íor developing dU'
ma~r_-::'aini[.g the park. Let me illü3tr2te 'L:~!..::: i,::port¿Lìt point.
You can see that ~TOU.r p':c::;os21 woulò Ïirst, require people
2:-,'CC:Y"lnç; the suggested park entrance c-O':-:;:_':-: from the J:1GTth to turn left in the
£au: of or.coming traffic - very L!.nQesire¿:::',~:::: ICO:T.. a safe:.y standpoint. Of
;:::ou:se f t1:i5 erllry vlould also be c~oscr L)( :,):..l:--l;-,yvale rEsidents - as vvell as
c:he :'2S ide:r.ts of Ge.ràen Get3 - \-'/ho ¿o LC~ ~::;::y Cl..::.:J8rtino taxes. But this is
not a direct point of access for C·..'p·;:;rti::c) :;~:s icL;::::Üs. I;], addition, if the
:x;::rk ';¡ere developed with a fror:.t.2ge ¿lQnÇ.~ Ls lor:.g dLr..ens iO::1, the develop-
mGnt possibilities '\Nould be limited - i:-: ÎiJCC, v,¡O'...tld ttED t;leCe:n.t;ê;l Park
In:o a neighborhood park.
0:1 the other han.d, if we eZ2r;~1;:e ~::e p::-c!:,lGiT. from 2n overall poir:t
0: VISW, '~he answer becomes clear. I-Ie:.::; is :he en:ry to De Anza College,
locëted 265 feet to the east of ?vlary AvenL:c, but ¿p)rc:Ürt~è.tely in the centGr
of tll::::: pélr;< frontage on Stevens Creek R02G. 'l':--1i:3 :Jc:nt v\7ill be signalized, 2:1d
vvill provide a perfect, safe e:1try into th3 direcdy across from the collo<;2
èí:::ry. Cupertino residents 'Nill Íi::.Ld this va::; ~ly r:w:e easy than an indirect
3.pprcach via Ivlary Avenue. The p2rk flesd oEly hô.Vè an entry into a parking
lot f vlith the full park area aVè.ilable for development vvi::hout. the intrus ion of
veiÜcles. And the 2 opposing entries on. Stevens Creek Road provides the City
\'\'i':h an impress ive I dis tinguishable l¿r:c,n¿r\:.
OtJ_I~ --'
endix B to PlaYlning COr.~':' -: ssion Minutes ~ September 13) 1965
i'1r. ~vli ttelman I s Report:
Ar.n. _2~bo: D:-ive can. ;;2
.;._~; L:~'2 ::'~_L~:2~C C;JD.[L'C::
s .~(: i~Llg F';;)¿:,ô. TI'""_,;:; city has )[0'; L,,.;~: ;:::,C,;-'SS .'.~ c'=: i.I~:' ,. .::''-\'(;~Yi.:2:0¡~ ~:-:. --~,~ >~; ::;>1::-
'flU C.·¿;2~1~ca.f ê:_d G2:.-dena, ê:.S v,'2~~ ~_; \'_8 -::é:,l1,L,~ ::;~¿-:cl. J.e m'::; :::;¿:il'2 L.':'.2
t:-:.,,-) i':'"~te:cs:::; of the c_ity resic:cn::::, ,_,_,- o.,~_ :.-'8~: bi~':,~':::ó.,::iilÇ,: tile :;:,tir:; (:c~)iJ: 0~
~:}2Jc:>:' site aV3.ilab13 for the c:'s:.Uon C)f ê. tr1..lE: C211E,::1 ;)cr:-: ViH!:
aD GLviro:-':.r:1erJ.t end des igr:. une,~c!..:.r:::')er8,:l ):,'1 :-_¿~Vi:1Ç rY.'J.c;-' of its bJLt::dary
t:22·t.:;;d 23 a'!l entry. The additlo~-J.,~l ¿c:>Jc;r:t2.g2s of œc.i!l.~ai!1i;-.g control and
s ecur:.ty of the park prerr:ises s:loLld not b~ ov-erlook2d, eitner.
This corc:.pletes our p:cssentG tio:-... ge:;-J.i:le:;¡cn I ar:d VJe will try to
û.,~.s~/18r any qL:¿$ tions you may h¿V2. Þ.SCl:'2 Ô2volopers aDd bt.:.ilde;·s oÍ
."" w'CO '-00, e d~~"o'~c _.....,..,~ ""'ur to ¡-,~,::nt2~:l ¿~:.d ra.iS2 the.
~~~~J;:~~~~_~:8~f qu:¡~~; ~n ~~p~;t:;,~'~~~ <~..~. he ;:;=: to ¿:ccom~)lis;l the S cf.1e obj ectivE
V-ll.cn Cc,Esçe Park. Vie ê:.S k yot: tGLiç:2.: ~u ;~.~::9r;J\,!¿ th,:; r::o'~iOD pres sneed alo!1C;
\'/ ~t:ì ::he 3 exhibits.
CC:'i~~-;":~:::3 CJ:--~
Of a TYPICAL SU3DrnS:Cl;: Ð8Siç::
Planned Commur..ity (COI.!.EC= ?ARK) Des ign
Collece P,-'1rk TVD. <:->...,b¿.
Area (Acres)
Collece Park TVD. Subd.
Tot~l )'~ea 60 60
Covered By Buildcngs 24% 23 '!o 14 * 17 1
S~:-eets and Drives 26% 30% 16"~* 182
Us 8able Open Space 44% 0 26*'** 0.5 3
Bi":;S(Õ!s Îor corrmutations:
* 420 x 1400 sq. ft. ground coveraS8 ~~2r ::l\-'lelling unitt including garage
01:* Phys ieal me as urement ènd calcu12tior!.
**-)~ Calculation (excludes private patios)
La: yield: 4 lots/acre, average 7700 sq.ft.r building coverage on lots
@ 40% (by R-l ordinance)
Standard 40 it. streets plus sic.2:vv31KS ar:d driveways @ .201 setbacks
0/2 are curved drivew2Ys)
'j\'l)j,;~,.l f,::<lr y,::.m:..l of 75' x 3U'-