PC 08-21-61
10321 SO.SARþ.'r0GA-SUNNYVAI;!i: ROAP ..,
,At, 2-4505
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MINU'l'E$,-QF Tb.œ~ijLARMEE'l'I~"ÖF',:rrHE,pLAN~lÌNG POMMISSION.,.Augus..t ,28,
1961. '" " '"
l0321 So. Saratoga--Sunnyvale Road
" ,8:ØGhP.M" ".', .;,',
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ROLL CALL: Commissioner!¡::!?res~t¡:
'. ÇollU)11-~si<?neI's Absent:
Staff Present: ,-,', ;
A%mo, Ì#onar,d,Rarilpy. Snyd~r
and Small
:eagar and,Fro],ich
'C:\.,ty Manªger;, City A~torney,,)
City Engineer and City Clerk
. -'-"" . '- ,'. ,',',
,MJ;NU~S,ºF'l'I-Q!;PREVIÖUS,~TINGI' Augu¡¡tJ,4. ~961
The minutes of the meeting of August l4, 1961 were approved
as s~b¡p.i;tte~!, " .__ "
, .'_.'.;
...... ..
(1) League of CaliforDia èities: Bulletin on League éónference
'.:1-n San Francis,co. Specia,J,.sess1.on on international municipal coopera-
tion, ·Ootober,,22. 1961., :. ' , ' ,. ' ,
(2) 'Walter M. Fitch: Postalcárd fro~Moscow.
~, ~'A .;_ I
, '
" '
·'i. . ,'c.- --0
A." Jack Dymond, J,r.: Applicati!Jntp" rezone 9.:5 acres
to R-2;w~~t s~d~,~f~8untain,Y1ew-StevensCreekRoad;
Monta V4ista,SCþO<;Jl, ,north,of Alc{1.ld~~. S~,cond Heaql1g.,
Map- 1 lots.. ' . .
from A-2:B-2
soüth 's;l:de of
,_. .'·¡e
The' ç:i, ty. Clerl5.r~Æ!:d.. t'fl~;~io~ t ~~n C0ll1111UrÜ êa~i.Qns:~egarding ,tþ.e
application: (1) From Mounta1n View Seventh Day Adventist Chqrqh
indicating favorable attitude with regard to the Jack Dymond applica-
tion, as revised, an4,statingthey have no objectioD to the extension
of Lockwood street, between LOts 35 al1d 36; ai¡d( 2) lette¡r from City
Engineer r~commending one of thenorth~south streets proyide access
to the Voss property to' allow development, 'and recommending determina-
tion of the future plan, line ,w1dth of Mountain View Stevens Creek
Road. ' " '. ',' . " " "
The City Engineer, reí'erred to ,the peviseQ. tent¡¡¡.tivemap and
stated ~hat in .viewof .thELexisting,~h01,lSeS ~t':wo,1f1d bE! bettH f9r
only one street to Ë8l1le.through,and allow 10ts:t9develop. '. ,
,_ ,. .-' ,_ ,." . ' ,.) ,_. d_., _'.- ,. _ . ~. : ~ : . _ ,.
(lene . Ma:¡¡tin, . representing the appl1cant,' stated'í)o·, pOffilÌlents
were neêe~ßary pntheenginEiering fe~tures, tt¡atth~<lf!treet :pat1;~rn
could be workeq. out ~He ßaid that the area surrounchng tI,e property
would not allow the, .development ,of better-class R- í. homes" th\ts the
request for R-2 zoning. 'He presented aerial photos of the arei¡.,:¡¡.nd
pointed out that the area is surrounded by poor construction, the
. Permanente ,plant" .railroad tracles, some apartment ,developments which
,he said were, not first èlass, 'and an oldsúpdivision; 'concluding that
it would be difficûlt t;ol¡3ell ,homes in this ¡gea. 'He inentip~ed that
the Voss property contains 6 small cottages, 'a 'storage yard"rör trucks
pipes;, construction equipment, and pens were a .few hea,4 of cattle
, are keþt. which t~gether \~ith theafore~ntipned 'would d~tract from
nice residential development. He pointed out that the:re,is good
access to the property, referring to the proposed interchange at
Hom¡;¡steadand Grant..
, - v ~..' .,
Mr. Mastin distributed brochures on MarshållMeadowê in Los
Altos, a duplex development constructed by Excell & Son, the
builder in the proposed ap~lièation. He also showed pictures of
duplexes in Mountain View which were built about 4 years ago, as
an illustration of high class duplexes, and stated it was his
opinion that high class duplexes will stand up better than cheaper
houses, because the owner has to keep the property up to get a
Commissioner Leonard raised the question of how well !'eceived
this type of construction would be in this area. Mr. Mastin referred
to a development in Los Altos in the same general type of area,"ånd
stated that the duplexes were selling well, and stated that con-
struction of this type enhances the .a!'ea. ",
Commissioner Snyder asked what 'type of tenants would rent these
duplexes, and why w6uldthey 'chose this area,
The applicant stated that the duplexes would be owned mainly
by retired persons who wanted a home and a retu~1 art their irtvest-
Don Excell stated that the tenants would be small families '
who did not wish to live in apartments; those who wanted more
privacy than an apartment provided.
The Chairman asked for a clarification of the sanitary sewer
situation from the City Engineer.
The City Engineer stated that sewers in the area were designed
for 7 people per acre, not for multiple dwellings, ,however the
ordinance provides for extra fees for future paralleling of sewer
lines due to change irlland·\:tsé.
The Chairman referred to the matter of street width and
requested comments from the Commissioners. He stated that the
acreage allotted to multiple dwellings is approximately 190, mean-
ing 3,800 families in multiple dwellings, making the traffic
pattern an important question.
Mrs. Voss said she did nòtlike the street pattern, stating,
that the proposed road would go right. by her house, swimming pool
and tennis court. She 'pointed out two other routeS which would
serve the area, and also stated they had put up a fence at g!'eat
expense to keep people off their property and maintain privacy.
She said further that she doesn'twant'her property cut up into
streets. ' ' ,
The City Engineer stated that his recommendation is to have
one north-south street to provide access to the 'Voss 'property. If
this is not acceptable, the street pattern can be changed.
In answer to a question by the Chairman, Mrs. Voss stated that
she is not opposed to the R-2 as such, but to the street pattern.
Còmmissioner Leonard offered a proposed motion for conditional
denial of the applicátionin order to get more information on
problems in the area. ' He stated this is necessary because of a
critical water situation and sewer si1;uationin the area. . He also
preferred to get the views of the County Planning Staff and the
Cupertino Planning Consultant, before any additional multiple zoning
is granted. He stated the Commission has some duty to the Water
Commission and the Sanitary District to review development in that
In answer to a question by Mrs. Voss; as'to the procedure for
widening the road to 90 feet, the City Engineer stated that the road
should be widened evenly from the, centerline. '
a 60
Mrs. Voss explained that they had already given
foot road, and did not think it fair to have to
a 90 foot road. '
lO feet to make
The City Attorney expressed the opinion that the applicant
is entitled to either denial or approval. An approval could be
'snti'jé'et, to. cerla,i,n"conditions, however adenia,:¡¡--is ,final. :U'\"'f
denied however, the Commission could reinsti tute ~,the, rezoni~ QIl
its own initiative at a,' later date. .'
,___, .
',;'! -n',,',',
Commissioner Snyder stated that he agreed with Commissioner
Leona:rd;,;',that 'sewer and wa te,:r' are' a; prime,J',actor to. be considered
in this application.
".' The City A'ttO'rneystat.ed,' that:the .matte-r of the, re'Z()1ing could
be tabled for,apeI'iod of:,60 da;Yß with. the cOl'tserit",ôf,'tÞeappl,icant,
however Commissioner Leonard stated he did not believ~60 days would
be sufficient time to resolve the matters. ..
Mr;' Mastin sta t.ed,they w'öuldprefe'rcondit:Lònal approval, ,then
when the conditions, are remOvèd,., :the deve lòpe'r.ican gQ ahead. He
further stated ,thát 'the area was annexed itothe,,~C1tywith ,the "ihten-
tion of be;i.ngdev'eloped. " , ' ,
, . ..
Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the hearing be closed.
Se:cohded by, Commissioner Adamo. '. .r.!
AYES: 'Commiss:Lone.rs:"
NAYS,: -Commi ssio:ners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:',
i ; ,~ .
Adamo" Leona:rd,Rampy" ,Snyde-r: a.nd Small
'Bagar.and F'roli.ch ,,'.
-Ii ¡-,...
The :City Engineer made refere.nce to extra storm ,c}rain fees, and
a problem with the tentative: map if the street iswidenødto go'.
He suggested the ,applicant makef'Qrmal, reque,st, :andgetan al'!,sWer
in writing, :,tQthe'Sanitary Dist,rict to ,take ca:re of the ,:s,ewer
probl€m., r,"'
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that:
- .' " ,
. WHEREAS, the City is in the process.:of hiring a '
Planning Consultant; and
}1HEREAS~ the:watersituation iscurrel'}tly,diff.icult;
,..... .
, (.-
, ,
, . '1
rl()'«\lear indi,cat.ion of.a,
,treatment,; arid
" '. ¡' ~ '.
WHEREAS, there.,:'is ,as yet
solutiorton seweroutf¡Ül and
~' J '._ ~ ..--l
WHEREAS, this application appears to be a fore-,
runner of many more in the upland Monta Vista area;
',NOW., 'l'HEREFORE, :eE I'D RESOLVED that' the a,pplicaUan be
denied.' ",' '
,".r ,',-;
8-econded by ÇQmmissiona-r Snyde,r.
AYES: ' ,Commissioners:
NAYS: "CommiSsiOners,: "
ABSENT:, Çommissioners:
Adamo, Leqnard, Rampy, SnY4~r,~nd Small
"None , '
Bagarand FroJich
Moved ,byCommissioper Leonard tbat:
,4HEREAS, the COmmi,ssionJ!'e,quiresaddi tional :j.nforma-
tion ,related to the uplandiMon1;ç¡. Vista ,Area: ae:stated in
the foregoing motion;'
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we request 'the
following repo~ts: ,:,.'
\ --
"On mult11'!le,..., frQmC:upe'r1;:i.n,o~nanning
Consultan~;",; ",' __'
On multiple - from County Planning Staff; ,
On water - as Cupertino City Council
,,'qn 6ewer outf,aU ,- from Cupertino Sanita~
Diflt1;',ict .-
'. ,.
", .'
. . ."
c ,
, "
Seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
-3.,. ,
AYES: ,'Commissione!'s:
NAYS,: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Ramþy, Snyder and Small
Eagar and Frolich
The City Clerk announced that the pertinent ordinance provides
for appeal to the City Council within five days.
B. Frank Maral :
M-l-H; soùthside
Second Hearing.
Æþplicatioh to ,rezone 175' x 108' fromC-l-H to
of Stevens Creek Blvd., 611' west of Blaney.
Jane Brooks, representing the applicant stated that they were
aslcing that the property be rezoned for use as a plumbing materials
yard, stating that a 6-foot redwood fence is propo8.ed to be con.-
structed a!'ound the property, and that it would not be an eye-sore
to the community. She further stated that the Building Official had
inspected the property and had submitted a report.
The City Clerk read a letter from William Benevich, Building
Official, regarding the inspection of the premises, stating the
existing building meets the minimum requirements for commercial
with the exception of the wiring which would have to be changed
to conform to the requirements of Fire Zone No.2.
Mrs. Brooks stated that the wiring would be changed, and that
the potential buyer, Mr. Pierson, would make arrangements to add
·another restroOm. She stated that the area requested for M-l-H
would only be used for the storage of trucks. She went on to say
that this is a nice appearing building, not something to be ashamed
of, and further that the entrance to the building would be at the
The Chairman recalled that the previous objections to this
application were based on ,whether or not this was åproper loca-
tion for such a use.
Commissioner' Snyder said that there is a service area along
Highway 9 in the vicinity of the animal hospital, containing a tool
rental firm, auto parts store, etc., and that he would not like to
see such areas spotted throughout Cupertino. He stated this is
poor planning, and the proposed use is not d~sirable from,this
standpoint. Granting this zoning might be establishing a precedent
he said.
Commissioner Leonard said there had been problems of this
nature with owners attempting to use single fam1.1ydwellings for
commercial and light industrial uses. This appears to slow down
development of new attractive buildings, he said. He referred to
the light industrial use across the street from the property, an
existing use, which does not compare with the proposal before the
commission. In the event of a major fire it may be necessary to
take up the question of zoning. He agreed with Commissioner
Snyder that the City might reasonably look for a higher use that
close to the center of the City.
Mr. Richards argued that the land is currently zoned C-l. Tne
building is adequate for commercial use with minor modifications.
He pointed out that there wOuld be no retail sales, ,no traffic
problem as in the case of the bUildings across the street. The
main traffic would be 3 or 4 trucks. He further said that the C-l
in front would provide a good buffer for the maintenance yard.
Commissioner Leonard referred to theczoning voted on the ad-
joining parcel, stating that it was a proposed major electronics
plant and that the magnitude of the development had bearing on the
result. The proposed matter is not compa!'able to the former
Commissioner Snyder reiterated he was not worried about the
type of structure, that he lias concerned about establishing another
service area within the City, and how the remainder of the property
zoned commercial compared with other cO!!'JIlercial with regard to
cCC01Dll1i'sßioner. Rampy stated he' did: riot fâ.vor approval bßcà.ûse
of the shal1.0w depth remaining 'far commercial.' "
The Chairman called for comments from the floor. There were
none.;~ - -,' " ,
Moved by., Commissionev·Adamothat the' hearing be closed;
Seconded by Commissioner Leonard.
,.AYES:· " . ,Commissioners: '
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy., Snyder and Small
Bagar and Frolich
5-0· .
, .
~- ' , J. '.
Moved by ·CommisßionerLeonard that:
WHEREAS, applicant proposes use of an existing
Ri:-Ld1'1èl1ing and outbuildings £01' a mixed commercial
,and light industrial use; and
".: ~ '
WHEREASrtheprøposal woUld séem, to be a less that'! "
optimum development' near the presumedcentér of town,
, thus; tending to retard bètter,development by others;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ,Dommisaion'
recommend denial.
Seconded, byColJ1!I)iss¡j;oner Adamo.-
,';'. .-, ¡"'
AYES:, .CQrnm1s.sioners:
NAYS: -Commissioners:
ABSENT:. Commissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder'- and, Small
None, '
Bagarand Frolich
The City Clerk announced that the pertinent ordinance provides
for "appeaL to the City Council within five days. '
, .!:y,"'-
, '
C. Deep Cliffe DevelOpment Co. : ApfJlication to· rezone 28 acres
from A-2:B-4 to R-l, R-2-H and R-3-H; southeast corner of McClellan
and Mountain View-Stevens" Creek 'Road.. . First ,Hearing.
James Desmond, representing the applicant, stated they had
originally intendeçl· to apply fQit' tentative map approval"and zoning
approvai at ',the same time. however decided to ,have a f1rst"he.arirg
on the zortjJ!)g.to,odiScuss it and. get the'cfeeling of the Colllllliss10n,
,then 'maJce --application:.foÌ' the tentative map approval. ,,!e
He stated. that ,the',Qul-de-sacs are' too long for the ordinance
and there are several lots under 7,500 sq. ft., and further that
tl1e, cul-.de,,",,sacs could 'be brought down to, '350 ft., and lot sizes
increased by going to straight line development although 'they
prefer not to. He said they would prefer to take advantage of the
ordinance permi,ttingaS.%reductiOI'i in lot size. He posted a map
of the, proposed development.
. The City: ,Clerk !'ead a letter of transmi t,taJ: suomi tting,tl1e
tentative map .and for subdiviŠ'ion zoning for Deep Cliffe Estates.
Regarding the widening of Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road to
90'. "Mr. Desmond stated tie as'Sumed the 90' r;ight-of-waywould stop
at McClellan"recause!of ,the terrain; any furtherwi'dening ,would'
cause excessive cuts and fills, but added ·that the 90t,-right-of":
way might be extended through to the first street south of
~. "j.,/
At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Desmond pointed out the
aut-standard lots on thé map.
Commissioner Leonard' asked 1'fthe C.,l-H shown on the map was
included in the present application; Mr. Desmond'ánswered1n the
affirmative, stating that it was to have been included in the
In answer to a question' by CO!Dl11is.sioner ,Leol1árd, 'Mr. De'smond
stated that the intention of the developer is to build all the
multiples and a little of the R-l at first.
said that the original hope for the area was
R-l element of the application.
Commissioner Leonard
in the direction of the
Cotnmissioner Leonard expressed the opinion that larger 'lot
sizes would be needed for homes in this price range, and asked Mr.
Desmond to submit straight line development plans at the next
meetiI'ß .
The City Clerk read a letter from the City Engineer regarding
the Deep Cliffe Golf Course.
The Chairman asked Hhat effect the R-3 zoning would have on
the traffic and truck traffic when the golf course opens and the
water situation is solved and the county recreational area brings
in more traffic.
Mrs. Voss stated that when the dam is full, traffic is very
heavy, She went on to say that the trucks are not causing the
accidents. Records will show that the accidents occur on Saturdays
and Sundays, she said. She also brought up the matter of sewer
facilities for that area, stating'that Deep Cliffe had not entered
the assessment district and they should not be entitled to use, thus
causing those in the assessment district to be turned down when
capacity has been reached.
The City Engineer expressed the opinion that the tentative map
should be considered along with the rezoning, and recommendations
made regarding sewering the development, road width, etc, and
requested the City Manager issue a work order authorizing a
conference between the City Engineer and applicant. He further
stated that the matter of sewers should be discussed and a policy
decision handed down by the Sani tary Board, and suggested thè ""
applicant attend the next meeting of the Board, September 6th.
Commissioner Snyder stated he would have no objection to R-3
along Stevens Creek, adding that R-l could not be put there. He
asked the reason for the R-2 along McClellan.
Mr. Desmond responded that the R-2 would serve as a buffer
between their subdivision and the subdivision north of McClellan.
Commissioner Leonard said that if the multiple element was
single story. conforming in appearance to single family residence
he would not ob.ject, however said reports should be submitted as
mentioned in the earlier application before gOing to R-2 and R-3.
He further stated that there is existing commercial use in that
area, and would have no objection if done attractively.
Commissioner Leonard asl{ed the applicant if he had an alternate
plan which he could present to the COmmission.
Mr. Desmond repeated that he would present such alternate
plan at the next Commission meeting. He further stated that after
conferring with the City Engineer he would apply for tentative map
approval. He stated that they wished to make the subdivision as
attractive as possible, and would do everything possible to work
out the problems.
Commissioner Snyder stated it might be a good idea to take a
look at the road before the next meeting, to detel!llline where the
90' right-óf-way should terminate.
Moved by COmmissioner Leonard that the first hearing be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner Rampy.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small
Eagar and Frolich
D. Paul Mariani, Sr. & Mathilda Sousa: Application to rezone
l,3l4' x 337' to C-l-H from A-2:B-4, R-3-H and R-l; southeast
corner of Lucille & High\1ay 9. First Hearing.
l'a:ulMe:I"ia.ril reþ!'esènt~' the' aþþl1ca.nt; '. He stated. that he had
requested ,a vote of denial on the 'samEf'property' 'somè,tiíne'agò, pend..
ing' advi'ce:.of',the Planning: Consult'ant; ::'Hestated' that the property
is boNered by Lucille andH1ghway 9; He. againexpr.es-aed' tnè':need
fO!"l!.'downtown:cominercialarea. Thi's'piecé of ,property was be1.ng
offered and- was ~ing'sold for, residential deve:lopmen't!, hesaid~ and
he and his family stoppedthe,sale and purchased; the land with the
thought that the property would be much more valuable to the City as
,part ðf a.c potential, hoped, for" d()wntown area';,' "
! ,
Commissioner Adamo asked .if this was the former Yamaoka:
property, and if so there is some commercial in front.
'., ,
The City Clerk;advised,thatthé;former owner: did apply far
C-l-H fronting Highway 9, butc>wasdenied.','
In answer toa question reg:n't'i1ng 'some 'þortionof 'the property
being taken. fo!'the widening Of Hfghway 9, ,Mr,}~riani stated that
,2l acres bordering Lucille would-be inv6lvedinthe Sta:te, take for
the interchange. The 10 acres to the south would. have'onlya small
amount taken.,'
,.~; ','
.' ;.y
Commissioner Leonard referred to the Highway 9 widening and
asked the applicant if he had any viewpoint on what would be accept-
able procedure with respect tó 'frontage onHigh~laY9·.
Mr. Mariani ,responded, whatever is requested by the Council.
Commissioner Leonard recalled that the State Division of High-
ways had filed some communicat'ibn.iw:lth the City, asking that the
Ci ty c.oopera te . in' not rezot'ling' land to be acquired fò r. freeway
purposes, and said that the Clerk could review "that 'matter for' the
next meeting.
Mr. Mair'iani repeated the area.s of.thepotentialtake,dand said
he was conc'é:rnedwith the' r.ezoning fo!" propert,y outS1dè -61' the talœ.
The Chairman remarlœd that the depth of the zoning requested
, is l,3l1,1-' and askeð. the applicant 1f he had any particular; pro-
posal for that~ '
Commissioner Leonard asked if the Commission might proceed on
the theory that the applicant is thinldngalong tlile lines of
development previously expressed by RichesF!'esearch> He stated'
that some: of the land is owned by the Mariani: family and, a" number
of parcels owned by other families', and expressed the 'view that the
matter should 'be looked at ifi,itoto; ,
Mr. Mariani said it was felt that the over-all picture should
be looked at rather than the spot picture, 1norder toarrlve at
what is right.
The Chairman said that the Commission shouldéconsiderprevious
applications for commercial, and whether or not the applicant,is
going to develop the area. He further stated that our standards
are too low and they should be upgraded. "'-""
The Chairman asked for comments from the audience. There were
, ';r·
Moved by Commission.er Le.onard that thefirsthea'ring:be'c:1J:¡sed.
Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. '
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT:' ,.' Commissioners::
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy; Snyde,!' ähd,Smâll
:sagar and Frolich ' ""
E. . , City' Title InsuranèeCo ,: Application to rezone '7.6 äcres on
the east side .of Calabazas Creek from R-l t.o R-3-H; 400! west:of
Miller, 7L~6' south of Stevens Creek Boulevard. ' Revised appliéa:"
tion referred back to Planning Commission.
Rene Helou, representing the applicant, stated that the
proposal was a new type of development which would bring people to
the area. It would eliminate the posSibility of bex-type apart-
ments and subdivision apartments in a straight line. He went on to
say that tIllS was a cooperative type apartment development providing
uni,ts containing from 1100 to. 1300 sq. ft. and, having an interesting
design.. and further that the development would include attractive
landscaping, parking facilities, and recreational facilities in-
cluding swimming pool, putting green, etc;
The Chairman asked the City Attorney for, anepinion as to the
status of the application, i.e., should this be considered as a
fi rst hearing.
The City Atto!'neY answered that the present map differed from
the original proposal, and that the Council had referred the matter
back to the Planning Commission, for a first hearing.
Commissioner Leonard stated that he has seen many new types
of apartment projects. He re.fe!'redto cooperative apartments as a
development which would be considereda. corporation, with the tenant
er owner buying a share in the corporation. The mmer thereby buys
a cube in the sky with an easement down to the garage. The corpora-
tion pays the tax bills, and there is a separate tax bill for the
Mr. Helou said that it could be thought of in terms of each
floor having a bleck number, and each apartment having a lot number.
He further stated that this is in essence a request for a "use
permit" for the whole area to be developed.
The Chairman stated, that this is the matter o.f multiples back
again, and the vacancy factor in neighboring cities should be taken
into consideration.
Mr. Helou countered that duplex-type apartments are not
vacant. He further stated that this development would not create
too much traffic or density for the area, and. that this is something
different for the area and should be interesting.
Commissioner Adamo stated that the map presented was difficult
to see and understand, and requested the applicant to present a
larger, more easily understandable map at the next meeting.
Fred Findberg, the develope!', arose to assist Mr. Helou with
his presentation. He stated that this is an FHA project, a co-
operative development wherein the owner buys a share of stock. The
development would cover the entire 7~acres he said, and it is
anticipa ted that the apartments would sell very 1~ell. It would be
a community within a community, and a good plan for the area.
COmmissioner Leonard remarked that this appeared to be similar
to a development in Los Gatos.
The ~1airman asked for comments from the audience. There were
Commissioner Leonard mo.ved that the first hearing be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Cowmissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small
Eagar and Frolich
A. Ordinance 002(h): Amending Ordinance No; 002 which ordinance
incorporates Ordinance NS 1200 of the Ceunty of Santa Clara by
repealing "Professional Office District" classification and adding
the classification" ProfessiOnal Administrative' Zoning" (PO-H) and
further by adding the classification "Light Industrial Park Zoning"
(Ml-PH)., Continued.. .'
Continued to next meeting.
B. Ordinance 89: Sign Ordinance: Subcómtnittee rèport.~'
Commissioner Leonard statèd :thât,thesubcommi'ttee ha~ not met,
therefore there was nothing 00' rèpdrt'; ,'~
Cònt:lnued td ne:xu' ifueetihg .r,.
f ~~, ' .. . .' , ~ ,OJ :,; .
"r,' ..1_,;",
C '. M1 s'cellaneous :
. .I~ '. '" . .- "
, '
A. New Subdivision Ordinenc~~
Còmrr1issioner' Leonard':eitat'ê'd thâ.'t 'this '!'evisìonis; intended to
. :replace Ordinance 47', ,whicÍ11:S:> an,eÌrtergencyordihá.i1cèe:nd wi'll"'ilot
remain in effect indefinitely. He stated,that he bad worked'on the
ordinance at some length. . The most serious problem was the matter
of headíng's:, and, thérna.tt'èr ot outil1ne so' as to-fnakè' the ordinance
easily understandable. . : This proposa.l as'sûbrriitted';by the çj,.t:V.,
Attorney is very similar to Ordinance 4 7~'wi th theexceptibn 'Of, the
following: ,:" , '
" Page 1 is
sectioh' is 'new
old one. "
thè,aame' from thetitlè downttiJ;;Sec.-l.5. This
¡:Lnd added. 'The: last paragraph 'is' thesa~e as't,he
, ,'.-: 'Pé.ge 2~ one wÒTð. hasbèeh
Sections 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9
chiii1gèd ihthe firft~ragraþhj,
which are' new 'and' added, are"
Page 3 is essentially the same.
of copies from 6 to 20 for reasons of
"tract numberll has been, deleted.
Sec. 3.2 increases the number
distribution.' In section- 3.3
Pagè4, containe !two (a:) secti'Ons, nO (è). Between (g)and
(h) an item referring to easements has been left out, A few words
'have 'beehleft' (Jut' of {þ).';SèéHon 3.4 is ne,wanda:ã.cred; ,
!_",.j .:.,., " " - 0", . ,'.' "'-:'~;' , ,; : . . _,: , _ .
Pagè'S,s€c; 3.5' is'new and added' . to exp'lainv¡hére copié,š ~o.
The last paragraph is unchanged. ' ,: ,'."
,::page: '6; ·'Sec.·, '3'.'7 Ùl"ne"I' andå'dded.
, '
Page 7 is the sa.me.
Page 8 is the same.
[.< '
Page 9 is the same with th~ exc~ption that ~ title has been
Page 10 is the same,
Page 11, Sec. 5.3(f) has been shortened and the meaning changed.
Page 12, Sec. 6, ,the, word "easements" is misspelled.
Page 13, Sec; '7 has bèen changed and the meaning changed.
The second paragraph is new. Sec. 7.2 is the same. Sec. 7.3 has
been revised and extended. Sec. 7.4 is the same. Sec. 7·5 is a
new idea on street improvements. Sec. 8 and 9 are the sam'e.
Page 14, Sec. 10, 11 and 12 are the same~
last sentence is new and added.
Seç. l3.l(c), the
,,,'." .
Page l5 is the same.
Page 16 is the same with the exception that Sec. 13.4 is a new
and added section. Sec. lit is the same.
Page 17, the last sentence has been added. Section 15.1 has a
few added NOrdS.
Page l8 is the same.
Pagel9 is the same.
. Page 20, ;i.s the same down to Section 26 \1hi'ch is the regular
publication clause for an ordinance.
Tte City Engineer said there is an association of civil
engineers committee which reviews' subdivision ordinances free of
charge. He suggested it might be advisable to have them revie~
this ordinance.
COmmissioner Leonard aslced if it would be in order to hold a
public hearing at the Planning Commission level, and also expressed
the view that it would be a good idea to have the ordinance reviewed
as per the City Engineer's suggestio~.
Moved by COmmissioner Leonard that the Subdivision Ordinance
beset for ,public hearing before the Planning Commission. Seconded
by COmmissioner Snyder. . .
AYES: CommisSioners:
NAYS: ,Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:'
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small
Eagar and ~rolich
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that a copy of the proposed sub-
di vision ordinance .be forwarded to the civil engineers association
committee for review. Seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: ComITdssioners:
B. Miscellaneous:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, ,Snyder and Small
Bagar and Frolich
Discussion arose as to the status of reverting the Sam Chuck
property tack to the original zoning, or to some other zoning.
Moved by COmmissioner Snyder þhat ~he Pity Attorney be instructed
to prepare a resolution recommending rezoning the aforementioned
property to an as yet undesignated district. Seconded by Commissioner
Leonard. .
AYESt Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small
Eagar and Frolich
Meeting adjourned at 11:59 P.M.
{sl Lawrence K. Martin
ity Clerk
Isl E. J. Small
Chairman, Cupertino Planning Comm.