PC 09-25-61
At 2-4505
C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0
l0321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
8:00 P.M.
II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder
and Sma 11
Commissioners Absent: Rampy
Staff Present: City Clerk and Asst. to City
Minutes of September 11, 1961 were approved as submitted.
A. Wri hen:
(1) County Planning Commission: Agenda of September 20, 1961.
(2) County Planning Commission: Summa!'y of Actions, regular
meeting of September 6, 1961.
(3) Besteel Co. (Gemco project): Request for approval of
continuous runs to 8' fixtures on the underside of the canopy of
the Gemco service station in lieu of the rectangular fixtures shown
on the drawings formerly submitted and approved by the H Control
Committee and the City Council.
Commissioner Leonard said the request appeared to be a cheapen-
ing of the structure. He proposed that the applicant start up-
grading the development instead of downgrading. He is not in favor
of exposed 8' tube lighting.
The Chairman said the !'equest should be referred to the
H Control Committee inasmuch as that body acted on the architectural
features of the original application.
Moved by Commissioner Snyder ttat the Planning Commission
refer the request, letter and drawing, to the H Control COmmittee,
pointing out that it tends to cheapen construction and stating
that the Planning Commission is in favor of the original drawings.
Seconded by COmmissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
B. Verbal:
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
from R-l:B-2 to R-1j
side of a projection
Application No. 40-z-6l to rezone
bettleen Vista and Blaney adjoining
of Merritt. Second Hearing.
10 acres
the south
Don MacKay represented Frank Shephard. He aslced the Planning
Commission to approve the map subject to the City Engineer's approval
of storm drainage. All the lots can be made 7,500 sq. ft or more
he said. MacKay & Somþs had delivered new maps containing slight
revisions showing several lots with 12 additional feet in order to
make 7,500 sq. ft., at approximately 4:00 P.M. on the date of the
hearing, September 25.
Mr. Perkins stated that he had not seen these maps before.
Commissioner Leonard said that we are back to the difficulty
of the past wherein the maps have not been sUbmitted in time for
proper engineering review. With no chance for the staff to study
the maps he proposed that the application be continued. Commissioner
Leonard read from the lninutes of September 11, a motion that the
storm drainage problem be referred to the City Manager for r~ference
to the City Engineer. He, said that the Planning Commissipnshould
be given the information it requires to reach a conclusion.
The Chairman read the letter of the City Engineer dated
September ll, in which he suggests authorization be given for· a
detailed storm drainage analysis of this area.
Commissioner Leonard said the application should be put over
for two weelcs to find out who is <1ragging his feet on the matter.
He said the Planning Commission should not be made the fall guy.
Commissioner Snyder proposed that the Commission stay with
its initial recommendation providing for investigation of storm
drain position. He also asked the applicant to bring in evidence
of the types of homes intended for the site.
Frank Shephard said that the subdivision known as Blue Hills
of Saratoga in Saratoga is an example of the kind of houses in-
tended for the subject site.
Commissioner Leonard maintained that the Planning Commission,
in order to evaluate the application properly, should have the
pertinent storm drain data and that the Commission has been trying
to generate an interest in the storm drain problem on Blaney so
that it may be refer~ed to the policy making body, which is the
City Council.
The Chairman agreed that the Commission" should have tþ.e storm
drain information so that it can ,make a proper recommendation to
the City Council which will be the deciding body.
Commissione!' Leonard read Planning Commission ~esolution 63
with a condition of approval being the filing of an agreement with
the City acceptable to the City Attor~ey on legal matters, the City
Engineer on engineering and the Council on principle providing for
taking this load off the easterly system by the time their run-off
needs require lOO% of the system on a basis of ,ordinary risk cal-
culations by engineers. Resolution 63 applies to the Ripley Homes
application for the rezoning of 2 acres on the easterly side of
Blaney Avenue.
Mr. Perkins said a slightly different situation prevails in
the present application due to its location on the opposite or
westerly side of Blaney. The Shephard application, along with
Merritt and Mariani Avenue is downstream from the manhole. The
storm drain problem appears to be more pressing in this application
than in the Ripley application. The storm drain system which will
serve the Ripley subdivision on the east side is not the same system
which will be used for the west side of Blaney.
There were no objections to the application from the audience.
Moved by Commissioner Frolich that the second hearing be
closed. Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners.:
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
Moved by Commissioner Leonard tr~t the Planning Commission
recommend favorably the land use r.roposed and approval of the
tentative map subjectto.Exhibit 'B" items 1 - 12 and 13 subject
to an agreement between the City and Shephard acceptable to the City
Attorney on legal matters, the City Engineev or ,engineering matters
and the City Council on policy. Seconded ',by Co'mmi.ssioner Frolich.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Co~ssioners:
, Adamo, Frollch, Leonard, Snyder, Small
B. MACKAY & SOMPS: Application No. 39-Z-61 to rezone 260' x 168'
from R-2-H & R-3-H to C-I-H; south side of Rodrigues Avenue, 3l0'
west of Highway 9. Second Hearing.
John Racanell1 reprefjented the applicant. He said he would
like to amplify his presentation at the first hearing, adding that
thè applicant is fully aware that the application should serve the
public interest and not merely serve the interest of the applicant.
He thinks the present request meets that requirement in all re-
spects. He will make, he said, especially to the people residing
on Rodrigues Avenue, as many COmmitments as are legally and
practically possible . The sole pU!'pose of the application is to
allow for professiönal use of the land, not commercial. He said
also that he does not consider the application a precedent to make
the rest of Rodrigues .Avenue commercial or professional zone. He
is willing to have a condition imposed providing that if a building
permit is not taken out within a reasonable time in accordance with
the presentation now made, then the Commission itself should initiate
rezoning back to the present status.
Don MacKay stated that he would like to build an office for
their engineering firm. They need more space at their present
location and their next door tenant also required more space which
they \10uld . like to provide. The net frontage for the development
would be 128' deducting a 40' half street from the wiëth of the
property. This is less than the frontage of two residential lots,
such lots being 74' each. The site is adjacent to an exIsting
shopping center and he said it would be good f!'om the planning
aspect considering its situation and the fact that a single story
bùilding would be constructed with shake roof and good landscaping.
As such it should be a good buffer. He concluded by saying that
the reioning is not sought to sell the property.
The Chairman read a letter from MacKay & Somps signed by
George E. Somps, stating that purpose of a rezoning is to permit
construction of a one~story office building for their own civil
engineering operations. Present personnel is approximately 20 and
principle engineering involves residential construction. The
letter further said that they intend to build a professional office
building compatible with the neighborhood including the following
design criteria: . approximately 4,000 sq. ft. of office space,
single story wood frame and stucco with shake !'oof dèsign, the
building to be placed on the westerly portion of the property with
parking adjacent to the shopping center. ' ,
The Chairman asked the audience to state their views.
Mrs. Isabel Atkinson, Rodrigues Avenue, stated that this is
a commercial enterprise, that we already have a buffer wall at the
rear of Allario Shopping Center, and that the property was intended
for apartments. The!'efore, she objects to co~~ercial zoning.
Mrs. Woodruff, Rodrigues Avenue, said that she cânnot see how
the next applicant, Harry Chow forexamþle, can be refused com-
mercial if the present application is granted, or if he does not
want commercial, he might want apartment zoning as a buffer to the
present application.
Virginia Norton, ROdrigues Avenue, said that she agreed with
the other 2 ladies asking how can the Planning Commission refuse to
give Chow commercial if they grant the application of MacKay and
The Chairman said that the pösition of the 3 ladies appears to
be similar, that they are all considering the application as
commerclal. He asked what their opinion would be if assurance is
made that a decent building was going in as a professional office.
All the objections are against commercial use he said. He asked
whether the neighboring residents would prefer a professional build-
ing to apartments. '
Mrs. Uoodruff asked how the City could be ce!'tain of the type
of building and useage and asked how many vehicles would be used at
this location.
Mr. MacKay said that four pickup trucks would be used serving
a purpose similar'to passenger cars.
Commissioner Leonard said that in view of the objections by
people on Rodrigues Avenue, it is best not to sweep anything under
the rug. He compared the side in Cupertino to locations around
First and Santa Clara in San Jose stating this distance from the
center of town or 4-corners is similar. He questioned whether
ROdrigues Avenue is to be held sacred for residential purposes for-
ever in view of its nearness to the4-corners. He suggested the
area may logically deserve consideration for uses other than resi"
dential and .that the Planning Commission should perhaps consider
commercial in terms of 1,000 feet not only the 1681 contained in
,the present application. Or, he said, the commission might want to
reconsider the Mariani application with the effect of moving the
center of town.
Mrs. Farran, Scofield Drive, said the!'e are no sidewalks in
the subdivision. When school is out the streets are mObbed by
children. The commercial activity adj01ningHighway 9 makes it
safer for children and other pedestrians to use Western and
Rodrigues Avenues within the subdivision. '
Charles LeVezu, 10371 Westacres Drive, asked the Chairman how
binding such a' letter of intent would be, such as was p!'esented by
MacKay and Somps.
The Chairman said in the absence of the City Attorney, that it
is his understanding that such a letter would 'not be binding in a
.court of law. He asked whether the protestants would havèany
objection if they had assurances in ordinance form that such a
building will go in and that it would not be commercial.
, '
.. . '" . .
Mrs. Jarrett said that unless the City can guarantee sidewalks
to the subdivision they will be faced with a big fight against
commercial. They fear injury to the children.
Commissioner Frolich observed that civil engineers are'
regis~ered by the State, implying that as such they are responsible
people.. 4 trucks might, very well generate ]£6S traffic than another
, use such 'as apa!'tment houses. Duplexes, and apartments some of which
might have 2 carl;! to the family would create traffic probably in a
greater amount than would an engineering office.
A member of the audience reminded that all of, the engineering
personnel would have cars of their own as well.
Commissioner Snyder noted that the truclc traffic would cross
in front of three homes only.
In response to a question, Mr. rrJ8.cKay said that the four
pickup trucks would be used by their survey crews. The office tries
to schedule these crews so that they leave at 8:00 and return at
5:00. The trucks are not kept over-night at the engineering office
but are driven to the homes of the surveyors~
Commissioner Snyder asked whether the applicant is willing
to improve and dedicate. Mr. MacKay answered that they would con-
struct a L~OI half street.
Commissioner Leonard again raised the question of location
and said that future planning may result in 1,000 feet of commercial
along Rodrigues Avenue, and that the City should consider the
possibility that this is a misplaced subdivision without sidewalks.
Commissioner Frolich said he would like to duck the question
at the present time, noting that the City Council has apparently
selected 500' as the proper depth of commercial property. He would
like to avoid any further question of additional commercial until
the Planning Commission can get a better idea of pattern in the
central area.
The Chairman revio\~èd thesurmunding land on ,the aerial map
pointing out the location or the residential property already built
and under construction, including that much single family residen-
tial exists in the immediate vicinity along with some commercial.
The position of the Foothill College was noted.
The Chairman stated that the area is very well established as
an R-l Zone.
Mrs. Atkinson said there is a great deal of commercially zoned
property in the City and asked why the applicant must invade an R-l
Commissioner Leonard said that the applicant owns the property
named in the application and not some other p!'ope!'ty and might not
be alLXious to t!'ansfer a prospective tenant to another owner.
Commissioner Snyder said that 20 families to the acre would
make more traffic than a professional office.
Mrs. Atkinson said there is no way to þrevent traffic from the
office from gOing west on Rodrigues Avenue over Stellihg. These
people would be just as entitled to drive up Rodrigues as anyone
The Chairman figured there might be 60 cars on the property if
it goes into apartment useage.
Commissioner Snyder again asked how the residents feel about
professional zones.
r~rs. Atkinson said that as far,as she is concerned we do not
need PO-H à!'C-l"-H. She is satisfied with the zOning as it is at
Commissioner Adamo stated that Chow may say' that he qannot
sell his property as R-l if it is up agaihst commercialprcperty.
In that case Chow might apply for R-3.
Mr. MacKay said he has. no obj'ection to making the property a
commercial zone with the stiþulation that it be used exclusively
for professional office.
The Chai!'man reit-era ted that the City Attorney has lead the
Planning COmmission to understand'that such strains or cortditions
will not stand up as a matter of law. '
.Mr. Racanelli agreed· that the City cannot condition the zoning
but he emphasized the expression of good faith on the part of the
applicant and also suggested that the City employ a method wllereby
a building permit must be obtained within a specified time for a
professional buildihg.or the Planning Commission'could rezone the
property back to the present status. '
The Chairman summarized the situation by saying that the
application could either stand or fall as a C-l-"H zoning or it,
could be tabled until a PO-H ordinance is in effect.
Moved by COmmissi'oner Snyder that the Planning Commission, in
view of the fact that the proposed use is not actually commercial,
recommend that the application be tabled until adoption of a PO-H
Mr. Racanelli stated that the applicant could not afford to
have. the matter tabled and he would prefer a decision on the
application. '
CommisSioner Snyder retracted his motion.
Moved by Commissione!' Leonard that the second hearing be
closed.. Seconded by Commissioner Snyder: '
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: C9mmissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, ,Froliqh, Leonard, Snyder, Small
None "
Co!l\ßlissionerAdamo /'laid that he is opposed to any commercial
use on a residentia.l street,.
'" ."MQved by Commlssioner snyder that since the applicant is
pres'suril1g the Cómmissionfor a decision and since the application
is not intended as an actual commercial use, that the application
. be. den:i.ed. Seconded by Commis'sioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS:, Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
. Rampy "
Commissioner Leonard said he felt that the Commisslon voted
on ,the wrong question and that the matter should not be wrangled
out one lot at a time,. The true and essential question he said
concerns the future of a residential area with relation to the
,central core of the City. He favored gOing to the heart of such a
question rather than fighting the matter out one lot and one
application at a time.
The Chairman advised the applicant that he has 5 days to appeal.
C. HERBERT H. ARONSEN (Simla Lands Ltd.): Application No. l4-v-6l,
requesting an exception to the subdivision ordinance to eliminate
,sidewalks for 1,054 I from Stevens Creek to Grant Road; also to
curve street around PG&E towers. Continued.
Mr. Aronsen stated that the property is zoned M-l-H and, in an
apparent reference to the previous meeting" stated that approximateLY
one-tenth of his Simla Junction land is used for recreation. He is
trying to eliminate the sidewalks in order to reduce expenses. The
buildings he contemplates are very expensive ,due to the structural
requirements of the property and the fire zone requirements. The
Chairman read from the minutes of the last meeting wherein it was
moved by Commissioner Leonard that the matter be referred to the
C~ty Manager for review and that the applicant return with more
information and maps to scale, carried unanimously.
The Chairman, read a letter from the City ~~nager on the subject
, of the Aronsen application. addressed t~ the Planning CommiSsion.
The City Manager corrected the statement of Mr. Aronsenwhere1n he
maintained that the City Manager had advised him it would be alright
,to elim4.na,te the sidewalks, because there was no foot traffic. , The
lette,rexplaineci thélt. this was not an accurate statement, that the
City Manager did not tell Mr. Aronsen that the sidewalks could be
eliminated, but that some solution could be worked out either by
going around the .towers ,or' moving: the towers. He also -advised the
applicant' to get an engineer to prepare plans for the work that he
'proposed to do. '
, ,
Commissioner Leonard stated, that the M-I-H zoning in effect at
Simla Junction is a compromise zoning dUé to the cónglomeration of
uses. He characterized the application as a request to continue
the present indifferenttrepd of developments. He contended that
the City should impose reasonably good lot standa'rds that the owner
and builder should abide by so as to upgrade the property. He said
he could see no reason to take the position that the public must
detour around the towers. ,They should be moved, he said, and he
çalled,attention to the fact that the County Planning Department is
taking steps to develop a park chain all along the banks of Stevens
Creek for many miles. Such recreation facilities would indicate
that sidewalks are necessary. Therefore, it would be poor policy
to allow the property to develop without sidewalks which are re-
quired by the, subdivision ordinance. More than ample off-street
parking and/or a pedestrian-oriented use would be the only justi-
fication for the absence of sidewalks, said Comm:i.ssioner Leunard.
Normally good improvements must be required. This is essentially
a request to preserve the status quo or even to retrogress.
Mr. Aronsen said tqat he is trying to put up'a class "A"
"tilt up" building.
In response to a question by the Chairman, Mr. Perkins advised
that PG&E is required and will relocate utilities once.
Mr. Aronsen said that he has three interested tenants.
Commissioner Leonard said that the applicaht needs what all other
applicants present, suf'f'icieht data f'or the Planning Commission to
judge the suitability of parking, ingress and egress, etc,.
Commissioner Frolich agreed that it is the responsibility of
the owner or applicant to present data to the Commission sufficient
to enable them to make a determination.
. . . .
No comments were made from the audience.
Moved by Commissioner Snyder that the Planning COmmission close
the hearii1g. Seconded by COmmissioner Frolich.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Frolich, Lëoriard, Snyder, Small
Moved by Commissioner Snyder that since Homestead Road is
already established as a 90' right-of-way and since a f!'eeway inter-
section will be constructed nearby, the Planning COmmission recommend
that the subdivision ordinance be complied With, the motion to be
made without prejudice.
In response to a question from the Chairman, Mr.Perkinsre-
ported that in the case of the Cook & Wilson subdivision, the
developers provided the City with a letter from PG&E concerning
overhead wires, easements, etc.
The Chairman proposed a letter to PG&E stating that the City
wants a 90' right-of-way, inquiring as to the position of the
utili ty.
Commissioner Snyder said if PG&E is told of the 90' right-of-
way the issue has been clearly raised by the City.
Mr. Perkins stated that PG&Ehas received a copy of all neigh-
borhood plans as well as the major street plan showing the widths
of roads, including Homestead. Therefore, the City is on record
with PG&E that Homestead Road is a 90' right-of-way.
Commissioner Leonard said he gets the impression that if the
exc~ption is granted, the applicant will proceed with his project,
otherwise he will not. . Suppose PG&E is asked to move, the towers
and no construction is forthcoming. Commissioner Leonard asked
in what position the City would be in that case. He explained that
the Aronsens, if they analyze the City's position, will have most
of the information that need and can get from the City. Thehwill
be the time for them to present the data on their construction
projects. The City should simplY reaffj,rm support of the subdivision
ordinance and major City street plan. The moving of the' towers
would fOllow from the presentation of proper application.·
Discussion followed as to whether or not the City should con-
tact PG&E relative to the relocation of the towers.
Commissioner Snyder retracted the above motion.
Mr. Aronsen said that he was told to appear and ask the
Planning Commission to advise PG&E of the City's requirements on
the subject site. '
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the Planning Commission re-
affirm support of the subdivision ordinance which includes in this
case a 90' right-of-way with sidewàlks, and that a copy of the
motion be addressed tOPG&E, noting that one or more towers may
en~roach on the Aronsen property which lies within the plan line.
COmmissioner Adamo aslced who prOvides the liaison between the
City and the public utility.
Mr. Perkins answered that his office has done this.
Commissioner Leonard added that Mr. Aronsen is free to write
his own request for the moving of the towers,
The foregoing motion was .seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
AYES:, Commissioners:
NAYS:' 'Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
A<:iamo, ]'i'rolich"Leonard, Snyder, Small
D. CUPERTINO PROPERTIES (G. Oakes).:'APpli.cation No. 3$-z-6l
to rezone Lots 16, 17, 18, 33, 34, 35 of Tract 2880 from R-l to
R-2-H. Second Hearing,
Mr. Oakes represented: the appli.cant and pres~nted pictures of
the proposed duplexes. He alsQ,presented building plans for the
structures along with a picture that comes from the sales office
in his F'airway Greens Subdivision. He. stated, that it would1:>e
an attractive development.
Commissioner Leonard aslced whether FHA declined approval of
these lots as R-l uses.
Mr. Oakes answered in the affirmative.
No comments. were made from the audien.ce.
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the hearing be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
Moved by Commissioner Frolich that the application be grante<:i
subject to Exhibit "B". Seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
J;.damo, Froli.ch, Leonard, Snyder, Small
AYES: Commissioners:
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Commissioner.Froli.ch said he would like to take,t;his opportunity
to compliment Mr. Oakes on the gas station located at the entrance
to Idlewild Subdivision.
E. REVISED SUBDIYISION ORDINANCE: Hear;!,ng on revision of' Sub-
division Ordinance No., 47. Continµed.
At the request ot,theÉ:ity At;torney, Commissioner'Leonard pro-
posed that the hearing be cOntinued to the next meetirg.,
The representatives of the Santa Clara County Contractors and
Homebuilders have also filed ~ letter requesting that, the hearing
on the proposed ordinance be held over until October 9th.
So ordered.
F. WILLIAM DUNCAN: Application No. 15-V-6l for variance to rear
yard requirements, to permit addition of a bedroom. to existing R-l
dwelling, approx. 8~ ft. from the fen.ce: Lot 52, Tract 2153.
Mr. Duncan lo.cated the property on the map. SPecifical~y the
lots is at the intersection of Calabazas Creek and Regnart Creek.
, Commissioner Leonard reviewed the fact that the City approved
the Idlewild Subdivision with smaller lots than intended for the City
as a whole. This was due to the storm drain problem which confronted
the City and which cou~d be partially solved through,the construction
of Idlewild. This particular lot has no neighbors to the rear and
its general location is such as to make the usual purposes of rear
setbacks immaterial. If a variance is ever in. order, Commissioner
Leonard said, it would seem to be µnder cir.cumstancea akin to the
present application. The presence of the creeks satisfies the
privacy and setback requirements.
rQ&B has submitted a letter stating they have no objections
to bU~ldtng construction on the sout~orly 5' of the 10' public
utility eaaement on the north~~~Y boundary of Lot 52, Tract 2153.
Moved by COmmdc~ioner Snyder that the hearing be closed.
Seconded by COmmissioner Frolich.
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
Moved by Commissioner Leonard:
WHEREAS, the proposed addit10n is not located near
any surrounding homes because of the location of
Regnart Creek and Calabazas Creek; and
l'JHEREAS, the P.G.& E. is willing to waive the right-
of-way for the affected area;
NO'!l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the variance be
Seconded by Commissioner Frolich.
AYES: Commissioners:
NA YS : COmmi s si one rs :
ABSENT: COmmissioners:
A. ORDINANCE 002(h): Amending Ordinance No. 002 which ordinance
incorporates Ordinance NS 1200 of the Countu of Santa Clara by
repealing "Professional Office District" classification and adding
the classification" Professional Administrative Zoning" (PO-H)
and further by adding the classification "Light Industrial Park
Zoning" (MI-PH). Continued.
Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Snyder, Small
The Commission asked whether the letters to the several
industries had been mailed as yet. (No.) They said they would
lilœ to get the ordinance to the City Council by November.
The Chairman said tl~t the Commission might proceed with the
ordinance although it has been indicated in the past that the
ordinance should wait for the Planning Consultant.
Commissioner Leonard asked whether ~rovision had been made
for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to attend the League of
California Cities conference in San Francisco.
The Chairman answered that the arrangements have been made.
Commissioner Frolich asked that the neighborhood plans be re-
viewed by Mark Thomas Co., since they are now obsolete. He felt it
would be a small enough expense for the ordinance and the data.
The Chairman requested a resolution be sent to the City Manager
requesting authority for the City Engineer to reVlse the neighbor-
hood plans.
COmmissioner Frolich requested, and other Commissioners con-
curred, that their ordinance books be brought up to date.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
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Chatr'\TI::U~_~ Pl¡"I)1n.~_1 :-.t~- Co:m\"¡J_<-:·:.~;.('r·
is/ Lawrence K. Martin
Ci ty Clerk