PC 11-14-61
AL 2-45G5
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
8:00 P.M.
Commissio~ers Present:
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich,
Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small
City Attorney, City Clerk,
Assistant City Engineer
Commissioners Absent:
Staff Present:
~1e minutes or October 9, 1961, were approved as submitted.
A. Hritten:
(1) C~pertino Union School District: Letter advising the
Planning Department of a change in l'esponsibili ty IIi thin the
School Central Administrative Staff. The Superintendent, Frank O.
Fenley has assumed complete responsibility for the building progr~m.
(2) County Planning Commission: November 1st agenda
(3) County PlanninG Commission: Su~~ry 01 Actions, November 1.
(4) County Plannins Co~-y.ission: November 15th agenda.
Within the Cupertino-!VronteVj,sta Planning area, California Water
Service Company has applied for a use permit for a well site and
storage tanks, south side of f;'remont, east of Selo Drive. Property
of Paul !~rdesich.
easement from the southl'lest corner of !Vliranda Drive
through the high school property (Nathanson) to the
school to be located on the Sorci property.
County Planning Co~~ission:
Summe.ry of Actions, October 18.
Cupertino School District:
Letter asking
for a working
(7) Division of HighllaYS: Fully executed copy of the Freeway
Agreement, between the State and the City of Cupertino, covering
State H:Lg11Vlay Route llL~ betvleen 0.25 mile south of Homestead Road a!',,),
0.2 mile north of Homestead Road. The letter also asks the City to
do all possible to prevent the planning for construction of improvr,.,
ments which lright conflict \lith the freeway. They, thE'refcre, ask
prompt notice of any contemplated subdivisions, applications fer
building permits, etc., on or near the freeway.
B. Verbal:
A. PAUL MARIANI, SR. ~ !~THILDA SOUSA: Applicat:Lon 41-2-61 to
rezone 1,314' x 337' at the southeast corner of Lucille & Highway 9
from A-2:B-4, R-3-H and ~-l to C-l-H. Second Hear~ng Continued.
(City Council referred Marian:L's tabled appl:Lcation requesting 65
acres of C-l-H along Higlmay 9 bac!e to the Planninc Commission at
the November 9th meeting).
The Chairman said that the Corr4'1lissiOn now has 77 acres before
them, cOlli1ting the, tabled application of 65 acres now reactivated,
and the l2 acres at Luc:Llle.
COmmissioner Leonard reviewed the fact that the CommÜ;ð1.Œl
asked the Counci I to refer the 65 acre appb ca cion bacle to the
Planning COmmission~ for the purpose of discussing it with the new
Planning Consultant. At that time they thought that the Consultant
might be available sooner than appears likely at this time.
Paul ~~riani said that a coordinated effort is being made to
create a downtown Cupertino regional shopping center. To this end
two additional applications have been recently subnntted, one on the
Peso property and the other on the property of Ralph Rodrigues.
Both properties abut Highway 9 near Lucille. He said it is difficult
to put together a regional shopping center without a Cooperative
effort. He described it as an attempt to furnish the City with a
tax base and, he said, that the first tool needed in this step is
the proper zoning. The Chairman stated that the COmmission does not
want to see Highway develop into spot zones with a patch-work affect
of commercial interspersed \'lith other kinds. He asked the Commission
if it chooses to wait 2 llee!Œ on the Mariani property in order to
hear the Soso and Rodrigues applications together with them. The
latter two have been published for November 27, having been recently
Mr. Mariani recalled that he had requested denial of his applica-
tion so as to expedite passage of the necessary ordinances.
The City Attorney said that the Planning Consultant has been
employed to complete a zoninG ordinance as well as a general plan.
This way, an integrated ordinance which is necessa~J to the well
being of the City can be created rather than piece-meal ordinances
and continuing amendments to the existing regulations.
The Ci ty Clerk advj_ sed that the 65 acre Mariani appli ca tion has
been published for hearing on November 21, the 7-day (in t~is case 8)
period betueen Council and Commission hearings being insufficient to
satisfy the 10-day notice requirement.
Moved by Commissioner Leonard
tion be tabled until November 27.
that the 12 acre Mariani applica-
Seconded by COmmissioner Fitz-
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and SnEll
NAYS: COmmissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Mr. Mariani asked the COmmission whether he should appear
November 27, inasmuch as the ordinances to be prepared by the Planning
Consultant will not be ready at that time.
The City Attorney advised that the Commission can act on C-l-H
applications within the terms of the existing ordinances, although tL'J
City does need expert advise on overall zoning problems.
Commissioner Leonard noted that they should try to get the matt",;:,
heard carefully with all the professional talent present.
Commissioner i,'rolich said that in this way, the Commission might
be able to bring all the applications to the top of the water at the
same time.
Mr. Mariani asked ¡¡hat the time schedule would be from the moment
the Planning Consultant arrives and from the time he submits his
plans and ordinances.
The City Attorney ansuered that the contract gives
nine months to produce a draft of the general plan. As
pending applications are concerned, he said that these
applications do state the Positlon of the land om ers.
Mr. ~~riani said it seems highly unlikely tlmt the rezonings
would go through before the ordinances are adopted. He asked what
the minimum period would be. The City Attorney said that 3 months
can usually be considered the minimum for the adoption of ordinances.
the Consultant
far as the
CommisSioner> Leonard said that by proceeding they could ge1~ the
slow grinding machinery in operatjon. He said he does not propose
to move the Center of· tOI'll1 5 minutes before the arrival of the
Planning Consultant. It is only common sense he said, to allow the
planner to study such large applicat~ons as are nOw pending.
Mr. Mariani said that it looks to him like next spring would be
the pro~er time to reappear.
The City Attorney said it depends on the consultant as to his
advice on proceeding on rezoning application or waiting for prepara-
tion of a ßeneral plan.
B. . MAQKAY & SOMPS: Application 43-Z-6l to rezone 8.4 acres from
A-2:,B-'~ to R-l; located bet1~een Randy and Blaney, north of' a pro-
jection of Mariani (Merritt). First heaTing. Tentative Map, 35 lots,
This being the first application using the new check list for
tentative maps, letters from the following agencies were read or
summarized: City Engineer, Cupertino Sanitary District, Division of
Highways, California Water Service Company, County Flood Control and
Water Conservation District, Cupertino Union School District, and
County Health Department. These letters represented about half of
those contacted.
The letter of the City Engineer states that he has no objection
to the street pattern shown on the tentative map. Relative to storm
drainage, he said that a possible solution to the problem would be
for the developer to construct a series of in-tract dry wells on a
temporary basis to serve the tract until such time as the storm
drainage line on Blaney is completed between ~riani Avenue and
Homestead Road.
Relative to the storm drainage, Commissioner :'rolich said that
the situation appears to be a chiCken or egg situation, 'C':C'J,t j,s to
say, the storm drainage is not immediately available to serve the
subdivision and the funds to build such storm drai¡1age w:'.ll net be
available 1'1ithout taking the storm drain costs from the proposed
The Chairman asked for comments or objections from the audience.
There were none.
Moved by Commissioner Ip-onard that the
the second hearing to be held November 27.
first hearing be closed,
Seconded by Commissioner
Adamo, Fitzgerald, I"rolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder, Small
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioner's:
C. ORDINANCE 89: Sign Ordinance; revIew of regulatiens on sign
size etc. Continued.
The Chairman said that some people, namely subdividers a.nd sj,gn
builders have asked to be heard on the subject of the sign ordinance.
The City Clerk advised that the hearing on the sign ordinance was
publiRheJ for October 23rd when it was on the agenda, and in addition,
individual notices were sent to Ward Crump, George Oakes, Foster &
Kleiser and Page Properties. The Building Official was also notified.
Commissioner Leonard aelced that Hr. Benevich give the Planning
Commission a digest of administrative problems en the sign ordinance
inasmuch as he has aslŒd to be heard. He proposed that all interested
parties show up at one meeting so that a good discussion could be
held. He asked that the Building Official be present and that Mr.
Benevich be notified to notify iwme builders and sigr. builder's,
expecially the aforementioned.
Moved by Commiss:ioner':'i tzgerald that the Sign Ordinance
hearing be continued to November 27. Seconded by Commissioner
Adamo, Fitzgerald, F'rolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
D. ORDINANCE 002(h): Amending Ordinance No. 002 which ordinance
incorpo!'ates Ordinance NS 1200 of the County of Santa Clara by
repealing "Professional Office District" class~fication and
addine; the classification "Professional Administrative Zoning"
(PO-H) and further by adding the classification "Light Industrial
Park Zon~ng" (MI-PH) Conhnued. Public Hearing.
The Chairman stated that the pressure of certain applicat,ions
means that the Commission cannot wait another year for the adoption
of an ordinance recommended by the Planning Consultant, although
a couple of months ago the Commission did intend to table
Ordinance 002(h) for that reason. The Chairman directed the City
Clerk to read the ordinance in full.
Commissioner Leonard said that the ordinance is patterned
after one of Palo Alto with certain features of the fairly recent
County ordinance also incorporated. He referred to the letters
sent tö eight leading industrj,es and the answers received. The
letters from Upjohn, Kalser Aircraft Electronics, General Electric,
and Parke Davis were then read.
After this the mimeographed changes proposed by the Planning
Commission were reviewed by the City Attorney. He said that most
of the suggested changes were good, b1lt advised that a couple of
these proposed changes not be approved.
The Chairman asked for audience participation.
Robert Michaelson, 101+211 NOI'Wich Avenue, read a statement in
which he asked the Comnission the nature and extent of the power
of the H Control Committee.
The Chairman said that the Architectural and Sj,te Control
Committee is a recommending body to the City Council, primarily
concerned with the aesthetic features of an application.
Mr. Michaelson said that Ordinance 002(h) should state that the
City Council is the controlling body.
The City Attorney said that the ordinance should be designated
as PA-H instead of PO-H.
In response to Mr. Michaelson's statement, Mr. Anderson said
that the H control committee has no powers created out of the
ordinance under discussion and therefore it is unnecessary to mention
Mr. Michaelson's second point concerned research and development,
He said that COmmissioner Leonard has recommended the inclusion of
such a category in Ordinance 002(h). This being so, he said t~e
ordinance should spell out that no products can be made or manu-
factured by industries located in the zoning under question.
The proposal was made that the research and development categol~r
carry a statement that no products for final consumption be allowed.
Discussion then follo\led as to definitions and possibilities.
Mr. Michaelson said that an industl7 could produce a product which is
not for retail and which in his opinion is not "for final consumption"
but would be manufacturing none the less. He spoke of parts that
would be manufactured for del~very and use as a component in some
other manufactured product. Tnis could be a loophole, he said, in
this ordinance which would result in manufacturing firms being
located in an industrial park intended for non-manufacturing
-I' .,
Third, he referred to the d1Dtance between an M1-PH zone and
an R-l zone particularly as it involves Idlewild Greens, saying
further that in discussing this ordinance and in discussing
industrial parks, they were in rea~y discussing the area adjoin-
ing Idlewild Greens since there is room for only one such industrial
park, meaning that the Craft, Leonard and Lester property is actually
the district under discussion. He referred to the Idlewild Greens
subdivision as an existing fact which should be considered in that
light and not merely in the realm of industry or business. The type
and distânce of buffering between an R-l and a PA-H zone is what
concerns them. He asked who would maintain the plantings. People in
California, he said, live in their back yards thuG making the
present situation very important. The people in Idlewild Greens
would actually be looking right out on the adjoining industries.
Louis D. Segal, 10239 Denison, said that the City Council does
not know what the Planning Commission is proceeding with. The
ordinance has been discussed for one year as an industrial park
ordinance, restricting it to certain size - one acre minimum lots.
He maintained that such an ordinance should have minimum sites of
not less than 25 acres, stating further that the present ordinance
is not what the Council is waiting for. The nature of the companies
contacted and replying and the whole nature of the discussions and
the ordinance insures, he said, that the landscaping would be
maintained. He added that landscaping should be spelled oute
citing the example of the tomato stand at Portal and Stev~ns Creek
Road, and also the Standard Oil gas station which he contends bears
no resemblance to the station that was promised.
Commissioner Leonard said that some experts on the subject of
industrial parks feel that larger sites preclude the possibility of
incompatible zoning. If an industry should locate on a one or two
acre plot it would quite possibly be surrounded by resider:tial
buildings. However, in a larger site, some of the industrial
structures would adjoin nothing but additional industries.
Mr. Segal said that some of the best residential areas in
Palo Alto have been spoiled by the proximity of industry, saying
that expensive homes have had industries built within 30 or ho
feet. Commissioner ii'rolich said that larger areas might result in
spot zones which cannot fill up with industry. Therefore, he said
it is not practical to put it in the ordinance although he does
agree with the philosophy expressed by Mr. Segal.
Moved by Commissioner Frolich that the City ~ttoN'ey rewrite
Ordinance 002(h) incorporating the mimeographed changes of the
Planning Commission along with his own advice, for final considera-
tion on November 27. Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder, Small
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
E. J. A. MOREING: Application ll-U-6l for a use permit fOl' a
Standard Oil gas station; northwest corner of Blaney and Bollinger.
E. \1. Schmidt, representing the applicant, gave his address as
795 Castro Street, Mountain View. He said he would like to avoid
arguing the fact of commercial zoning on the property including 5
acres at the corner and conf~ne the hearing to the merits of the
use permit. He told the Planning Commission that the Standa)~ Oil
Company has a specific des~gn in mind for this particular station,
He referred to a. brochure ma~led to the Commissioners. The gas
station, he said, will provide the ultimate development for the site.
He noted that the site is situated on the City Limits and is
adjoined on the south side by the City of San Jose and on the east
side by the County of Santa Clara. He called this a conflict of
interest inasmuch as the gas station is to be located within the
City of Cupertino. He mentioned tax base considerations and said he
would like to answer any questions that might be presented and also
to have a few minutes to rebut any opposition arguments.
The Chårman asked ~1r. Schmidt the measurements of the station.
In answer, Mr. Schmidt referred to the plan d~signated S-1220, sub-
mitted by the applicant wlùch indicated that the station area will be
approximately 136' x ISO' x 124' x 116', the latter measurement being
the. Blaney Avenue side.
COmmissioner Leonard recalled that he (and the Planning Commis-
sion) voted about three times on this property, the first two,
applications having been denied. The third application was appealed
to the City Council after den~al by the Planning Commission. With
respect to the first two applications, he said that the Commission
was hoping for a better spot to locate a shoppifig center. Thereafter
CupertirmCross Roads cei1ter developed with Safeway Stores, etc.,
providing more of a neighborhood shopping center than could-have been
provided on the present site. On the third attempt, he said the tax
base question was raised and a satellite form of shopping center was
then considered. He said it was his best recollection that the
applicant made a promise and statement to the effect that no gas
station would be located on the,S acres. However, he said, he
recognizes the fact that the ownership has changed and the applicant
before the Commission now is not the applicant who stated that there
would be no gas station on the site. He added that this phase of the
application appears to be a question of good faith between the former
and present owners, also between the Planning COmmission and the
neighboring residents.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the change of ownership took place a
long time ago and that there may be reasons to deny the application
but he said the Commission is not on sound ground to bind the property
and future owners on the basis of some statement which was made in t'
The Chairman read excerpts from the hearings on the application
of Star Contractors submitted 10-26-59, and covering several hear-
ings. He observed that the zoning was obtained through appeal, and
that the minutes show that the applicant stated that there would be
no gas station on the site. The Chairman asked the City Clerk to
read the letters of protest, there being five submitted by the
following people: Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Moe, 6790 Bollinger Road, San
Jose 29; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Downey, 4165 SW Laurelwood, Portland,
Oregon, owners of a corner lot directly across the street; Margaret J.
Impink, 10870 South Blaney Avenue; also a petition with 40 names
attached. mostly from Blaney, Bollinger and LaRoda; and another
petition signed by 14 people.
Louis Segal, said that Standard Oil prOmised to build a service
station at Portal and Stevens Creek Road but that they did not in
fact build such a station and the present station, he said, bears no
resemblance to the plan submitted by Standard Oil, nor any resemblanc~
to the plan shown by the applicant at this hearing. He said that none
of the residents of Idlewild Greens would patronize the station at
Robert Michaelson, 10424 Norwich, said that he was not trying hi
be facetious, but at the present rate, the City will look like a
comic strip entitled "Gasoline Alley" and will be just one bi;:r, b:,'J.J.-
board for gas stations. He said he does not understand why this is
being allowed, since the City does not need another gas station. He
proposed that in City government show concern for the residential
citizens ~1d if this happens over the objections of the majority, he
will wonder what the democratic process is. He said that the Planning
COmmission is aware of ~his and will take it into consideration. The
correct procedure would be for Standard Oil to withdraw their applic&..
tion, he said.
Mrs. Pearl, 1084 S. Blaney, said that most people did net see the
notice of postponement appearing in the newspaper and on the City
bulletin board, and there Hould have been more people in attendance
the previous night when this was scheduled. He said the gas station
should be leapt on the main streets and not in residential areas. She
said that she could see this particular station from her kitchen.
that the
will do.
Schmidt said that Standard Oil is not gOing
City will not allow them to do, that is all
He said there has been no bad faith on the
to do anythi!'1g
the oil company
part of Standard
Oil. He said the company decides where to situate stations on the
basis of economics and that this is not a residential, area, it is a
commercial area and it is so zoned. As far as maldng the station
pay, he said that thís is the concern of the oil company; they have
investigated the site and can no doubt get a profitable location.
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the hearing be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner F~tzgerald.
NAYS: Comm1ssioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitzgerald. Frolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
Moved by Commissioner Leonarq that the application be denied.
Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald.
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo. Fitzgerald, l<'rolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
Mr. Schmidt asked that the brochures which he had mailed to the
Commissioners be forwarded to the City Council.
F. HENRY HOM: Application l3-Y-6l for use permit to raise
chrysanthemums in plastic covered frame houses , at 21665 McClellan
Mr. Horn said that he has no comment at the present time.
In reviewing the matter, E. J. Martens said that he is a land-
scape architect and that, if it would furnish the Planning Cozrenission
with any information, the lath house in question is one with a pastic
covering which holds the heat in and keeps the rain out.
Commissioner Leonard reviewed the location which he said is
bounded loosely by the railroad tracks, Lincoln School, Imperial
Avenue and Orange Avenue.
The Chairman asked if this is to be a temporary use.
Mr. Fitzgerald said that the applicant has a lease of one year
or more. with an option to buy. He will also have to expend a sub-
stantial sum to set up the property for flower growing.
Commissioner Leonard said that some chrysanthemum growers use
a kind of fish meal for fertilizing which is ve~r odorous, whereas
there are other cultural practices not particularly objectionable.
He suggested that a use permit might be conditioned against odor and
materials used, buffering, Iceeping the plastic covers in good repair,
etc. He said that the lathhouse structure is about eight feet high
and that any number of things will grow to a height of 8' pretty
While the drawing was not considered to be properly to scale,
it was estimated that the structure would be about 50 feet from the
Matt Calendrino, Van Vleclc Realty, assured the Commission that
Mr. Hom would keep the property in fine shape.
The Chairman aSked for any comments or protests from the audience.
There were none.
Moved by Commissioner Prolich that the hearing be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitzgerald, F'rolich, Leora rd.
Rampy, Snyder and Small
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the applicant be grantG(1 the
use permit subject to control of odor, second, proper maintenance of
thèmaterials used in and around the lath house, third, the planting
of a hedge row to attain a height of 6 feet in two years, and fourth
the continuation of the use permit from year to year, the permit to
be continued automatically in the absence of five or more protests.
Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald.
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitzgerald, D'rolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
G. BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH: Application l2-U-61 for a use permit
for a church at 22054 Homestead Road.
The pastor, James Austin, said that he was granted a use permit
by the County, but that it has expired through the passage of time.
He described the property as almost 3 acres on the south side
of Homestead Road between Stevens Creek and the future interchange of
the Stevens Creek Freewa:/.
The entrance will be on Maxine Avenue. The first two buildings
will be an educational building and a sanctuary. 71 parking stalls
will be provided for the first two units. The sanctuary is a build-
ing 55' ;c 98'; three educational buildings are sho~n1, approximately
1,456 sq. ft. each, and one fellowship hall of 3,528 sq. ft. The
property is located at the top of the dip, just east of Stevens
Creek on Homestead.
COmmissioner Leonard pro~osed a motion to grant the application
subject to Exhibit B, and (13) applicant's agreement to improve and
dedicate for a 90' Homestead Road; (14) the standard storm drainage
requirements as approved by the City Engineer; (15) a clearance of
the improvement plans with the State Division of Highways relative
to the nearby interchange.
The Chairman called for p!'Otests. There were none.
~~oved by Commisoioner Fitzgerald that the hearing be closed.
Seconded by COmmissioner Rampy.
Commi s stone rs :
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitzgerald, I:'rolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
Moved by Commissioner Leonard that the use permit be granted
subject to Exhibit B, items 1-12, and subject further to (13) dedj,ca-
tion and improvements of Homestead Road as a 90' right-of-way before
the church sanctuary is constructed; (14) the standard storm drainagG
requirements as approved by the City Engineer; and (15) a clearance
of the improvement plans \Ilth the State Division of Highways relative
to the nearby interchange. Seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder, Small
H. AMERICAN LEGION POST 642: Application lLf-u-6l for a use permit
for an American Legion Hall at 20860 McClellan Road.
E. J. Martens represented the applicant; he is Judge Advocate
of the Post.
He described the property as approximately one acre, 100' x 400',
with a chiclcen coop and a 5 room house with bath.
The American Legion proposes to use the hall three times a
month. in addition to permitting overall use by the citizens of
He said it is impossible to rent a hall in the City at the present
The groups and organizations sponsored by this American Legion
Post were listed by Mr. Martens, as follows: Boy Scouts, Girl
Scouts, JWlior League baseball teams, Little League team (application
pending), public speaking contests, government study programs,
rehabilitation programs, rlag sales, Youth in Europe programs and
employment. He said there are 3,013 members in 18 posts between
Palo Alto and Gilroy.
The Chairman asked the City Clerk to read a letter presented
to the Planning Commission by Anthony L. Lillo, 20820 McClellan Road,
at the start of the meeting. The letter makes reference to the
presentation of a petition against the use permit. The petition, in
two parts, was then presented by Fenton Hill.20195 r~cClellan Rd. He
said that the 70 odd names are divided about equally among the people
who live inside the City of Cupertino and those who live outside.
Commissioner Leonard recalled that OWlers adjoining the subject
property have been concerned in the past with some method by which
they could cut up the deep residential lots (400 feet) and have been
hopeful that the lot situation would improve so that access could
be provided to the rear half of these lots. He also referred to the
existing structure at 20860 McClellan Road, asking what sort of
structure is appropriate for a public or semi-public meeting place.
He said that the old Cupertino School, located at Vista and Stevens
Creek Road, was condemned when it was in better condition than the
subject structure.
On the call for protests by the Chairman, Mr. Hill (see above)
stated that the proposed site is hardly the place for such a hall.
He compared the location to Napredak Hall on Lawrence Station Road,
saying that the use and activities would be similar. He observed
that cars are pulling out of such a spot in the middle of the night
and that all things considered the American Legion could find a
better place.
Richard Stark from Saratoga, said that he is the realtor involved,
and he does not understand what is meant by the word "promiscuous"
as used by Mr. Lillo in his letter; furthermore he said, he did not
care for the use of the 'lord "naive" wi th reference to any Planning
Commissioner. The Episcopal Church of California has purchased 6
acres at the southeast corner of McClellan Road and Stelling; this
site is immediately adjacent to the property in the American Legion
application. Since this is the most recent use for which purchased,
he said, he cannot understand why the neighbors seek a road through
the back half of their property since the church will not have any
need for such a road. He also challenged the statement that half of
the 80 protestants reside within the City of Cupertino. He referred
to the Foothill College site diagonally up the street and said that
this would inevitably cause much greater traffic use of both Stelling
and McClellan, which he characterized as main thoroughfares in the
future and as adjacent to main thoroughfares at the pr~sent time,
Highway 9 and Stevens Creek Road. He said the subject property is
1401 x 4201 and is large enough to accommodate the proposed use. He
also said he can understand the emotional impact of such a ven~tre
on the immediate neighbors and their concern for a possibly rowdy
Tony Lillo, 20820 McClellan Road, said that a group of neighbors
had succeeded in eliminating a chicken coop on the property in
question although the Planning Commission had ruled at that time
that the chicken coop and the use permit therefor continued in effect
so long as one rooster remained. The use permit has expired accord-
ing to the terms of the City zoning regulations. Mr. Lillo said the
immediate neighbors should not have to defend the property as single
family residential. He referred to the classified advertising
section of the telephone boole as a sample of the acti vi ties that
could go in at such a hall.
Charles LeVezu, 10731 Westacres, said that most of the uses that
would take place could better be served by some public hall. He said
the American Legion should build one, or find another location.
E. J. ~~rtens said that his post has searched the entire County
for a location and will be glad to buy any hall that they can find.
The Chairman noted that any large gathering would be quite
liable to create a traffic problem for the surrounding residences.
Moved by Commissioner l"rolich that the hèaring be closed.
Seconded by Commissioner Leonard.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard,
Rampy, Snyder and Small
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: COmmissioners:
Moved by Commissioner Adamo that the use permit be denied
inasmuch as the property is situated in a prime residential area.
Seconded by Commissioner Snyder.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard
Rampy, Snyder and Small
NAYS: Commissioners:
ABSENT: COmmissioners:
A. C-2 ORDINANCE: Referred to the Planning Commission by the
Ci ty Council.
The Chairman appointed a subcommittee of Fitzgerald, Leonard an,
Frolich to review such an ordinance and report to the Planning
Commission at the next meeting.
Commissioner Frolich as]ced that the neighborhood plan maps be
brought up to date and their ordinance books be brought up to date.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 A.M.
Isl E. J. Small
Chairman, Cupertino Plänning' Comm.
bsl Lawrence K. Martin
ity ClerIc