PC 01-08-62
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
C I T Y 0 FeU PEn TIN 0
'--Cupert ino, CãlTfornia"----
A,· ') IIr05
11 i--"r,.l
10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
8:00 P.M.
II ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, R~mpy,
Commissioners Absent: Snyder, Fitzgerald
Staff Present: City Eng~neer, City Clerk,
City Mdnager's Secretary
Chairman Small said that Commissioner Fitzgerald would be late.
Corrections to the MI~~TES OF TIlE PREVIOUS ~ŒETINGS:
December 26, 1961, Pages 6 & 7: Reference by Chairma~ Small to
property under discussion on Rodrigues in connection with MACK~Y &
SOMPS application. The property in question is zoned as R-3 and the
minutes indicate that it 1s R-l. The minutes are hereby corrected to
show the property as being R-3. On page 8, the City Engineer stated
that Pacifica was never dedicated as a City st;:,eet, that is the west
end of Pacifica, the portion that is not paved.
December 28th, 1961: On the first page, 5th paragraph. Commis-
sioner Adamo asked that his name be included along with the statement
made by Commissioner Snyder.
A. Written:
1. Letter ,to the Chairman of Planning Commission from the
City t4anager in :cegard to the participation :tn
cost of bridge building by Flood Control Distric:;.
2. Copy of an application 1;0 the County PJanning Commibsion,
by Dorothy J. Mo~oris.. 19101 Barnhart Avenue at
Culbertson. ';:'his is an application for a permit
to open a school for pre-school children.
3. Copy of an applicati-:m f~oom the Santa Clara County Planning
Commlssion by Ernest Andre, sout!1 side 01' Olive
Street, Monte Vista, use permit for duplex. A set
of plans ~ere submitted with the notice from the
Planning Commission.
4. Agenda for January 3, 1962.
5. Planning Commission Minutes from the County, of Dec.)¡nbel'
20, 1961.
6. Planning Conmission Resolution on the subject of' ind1.'s-
trial park opdinancc. ))elìvered to the City
Clerk by the City Attorney's öffice 1-:;-62.
The City Clerk ~as instructed to write a letter of protest on one
of the appllcations appearing on the Planning Commission Ageada of
January 3, 1962. The item prote:::ted is 6 Z 61.10 Planning Commission/
Martin B. Fuchslin.
It was moved by Comrr.issioner AdaCJo a;¡d seconded by Commissloner
Leonard that all correspondence b2 received and filed.
Chairman Small asked ,if there ~ere any verbal communj.cations from
the audience. There ~ere none.
A. JACK DYMOND CO.: 'Appllcatlon 44..z-61 to rezone Li31' x 280'
from A-2-B-2 to PO-H, west side of Mountain View·,Stevens Creel~
Road, south of Monta Vista School, north of Alcalde Road.
Second Hearing continued.
Mr. Gene Mastin, representing the applicant, remarked that he had
nothing to add to previous statements.
Commissioner Frolich asked the City Clerk if this amendment to the
application had been re-advertized. The answer was yes.
Chairman Small asked the audience if there were any remarks to be
made for or against this portion of the application. There were none.
Commissioner Leonard suggested that the aUGience be briefeè on
vlhat had transpired at previous hearings and why the applicatJ0n vIas
amended from a request for C-I-H zoning to PO-I! zoning.
Chairman Small stated that this application was originaJ.ly Bub-
mitted for R-l and R··2 and C-I-H zoning. At the time the appUcation
was amended, the back portion of the property became R,"l, next to it
R-2, and the original map for the front portion c'alled for CommerciaL
Adjoining that was school property which the Commission felt was a
dangerous proposal, for schcol children to be 30 close to a possible
supermarket and various other th~,ngs that go along with Comr.Jel'cia1.
In the meantime, the City of Cup~rtino adopted a PO-H zoning ordinance
which calls for highly restr~ctive-type of office buildings. Var:touG
things which would not cause so much traf~ic, etc. The applicants
amènd¡:d their applic¡;¡tion for a PO-H zoning on th::¡t:; corne;~ and the
application was re-published in the paper, which is the reason for
the Hearing tonight. There v¡ere no comme01ts from, the8.ëI'11E:'lce.
Commissioner J~eon2rd rr.oved that the publie heétl'ing ùe cloced.
Seconded by Commissioner Adamo.
Commissioner F~,tzgerald came in. Time: 8:25 P.M.
Commi'ssioner Leonar'd then made a motion; Whereas applicant has
filed an amendment to his appJ.ieation from C-I-H to l'O-H zonlng now
enacted in ordinance form; and WhE:','eas, South Mountain View-Stevens
Creek Road is to be developed as a 90' road, and this parcel fronts-
on it; and, 1~hereas, the parcel is bO'.lnùed on the northe:\'ly side by
an approximate 10 ,acre, f.chool site; and, Whereas, the adjacent propert;
to the west is zoned as R-2 which is reasonably compatible; and,
Whereas, the property to the south does not a~pear to be adversely
effected and might logically develop along sleJllar lines; Now, '1èJ'1.8re-
fore, Be It Resolved, that we recommend rezoning of the parcel 280' x
403.5 x 280' x 1~3L5, subject to conditions 1-12, See Schedule B.
CondItion 13. Street along northerly boundary to be developed as a
60' street,. Condition 14: Developml;nt of the Stevens Creek-,Mountain
View Road as a 90' right of way, with applicant bearing his share.
Seconded by Commissioner Frolich.
Adamo, Frolich, Fitzgerald,
Leonarñ., TIè:lli1PY)
NOES: Commis,stoners:
ABSENT: Commiss'ioners:
The Building Official then asked whether or not a m:1sonl'J' wall was
included in the 12,conditioì1s on Schedule B. He was told that it waÐ,
but di,d apply in the case of PO·~H zoning, only in C-I-H. Then follow·
ed considerable discussion as to whether or not it should be required
between the R,·2 and the PO-H. It was finally concluded t:lai; this con··
dition only applied ,to Cul,-H zoning, that there vlo-c,Jd probably be no
need for a' masonry wall, however, EÜnce the app:'.1cant must go b8fon:;
the H-Control Committee, U1at Committee would ha-,,'e cüntj.'ol as to
whether or not it was needed aDd they o('()',11d so dec~J:'.ie either way.
Chairman Small then ar,!Œd if jt would not be " ßood idea and if
the Gommission concurred, to group the next five applications together.
Commissioner Leonard stated that before he came to the meeting, he had
received a call from the Mariani family, that due to an accident in
the family, they would be unable to attend the second hefn'~,ng on their
Chairman Small asked the other applicants represented in the audi-
ence if they had any objections to their applications being grouped
with the Mariani-Sousa application? Each representative of eaah appli-
cant agreed to allow their applic~tions to be included with the Mariani-
Sousa application.
Since all but the Marianì··Sousa application were on a first hear-
ing level,it was decided to close the first hearings onC, D, E & F
under Item IV. to bring them up to the second level and to be consider-
ed at the same time on the same hearing level with the Mariani-SDusa
IV B. PAUL MARIANI, SRo & MATHILDA SOUSA: Application 41-Z..6l to
rezone 1,314' x 337' at the southeast corner of Lucille &
Highway 9 from A-2:B-4, R-3-H and H-I to C-I-H. Second
Hearing Continued.
C. PAUL fffiRIANI: Application 25-2-61 to rezone 65 acres from
A-2:B-4, R-3-H & R-l:B..2 to C-I-H; 13.5 acres at the nO,ò:th-
east corner of r,lariani &: Highway 9; 29.5 acre.:: at ths
southeast corner of Mariani & Highway 9; 11.5 acre3 at the
northwest corner of Highway 9 & Mariani; 10 acres on the
west side of Highway 9, 329' <Jouth 0:;' Homestead. FÜ'st
Hearing Continued
C. ANTONIO POSO: Applicati.on L~6..z-61 to rezone 12.6 acres
adjoining the east ",ide of Highway 9" L~20' south of. Lucille
fl"Om A-,2:B--4 to C·,l-H. First n"'lring Continued.
E. RALPH nODRIGT.ŒS~ Appli(;ation 47-z,·6l to re~one 1301 acrea
from A-2:B-4 to C-I-H; wc'st ci.de of lIiglw::tY 9" ahc;¡t 150'
south of a projection of LuciJ,J.e. First Hearing Ccntlrmed.
F. DONA;,D A. EXCELL: AppHcation 45-Z-61 to rezone J,1.02 acres
from A-2: B-4 to C-I-H,: ''Jest side of Highwo.y 9, 450' sot:th of
Homestead Road. First Hearing continued.
Commissioner Adamo moved that Items C,D,E and Io' First Eear:Lngs
be closed. Seconded by Comr>¡jss:bner l!'itzgerald.
AYES: Commissioners:
Adamo, Fitze;erald, Fl'olich, Leonard, R,"mpy
NOES: Commissioners:
ABSENT: Commissioners:
Commissioner Leonard comm8ntad 0n the fact that f.urther along on
the agenda tho C-2 Ordinance was to be reported on by the sub-committee.
He suggested that since all of these applications would be :!.nvolved
in this ordinance, that possibJ.y it miglr'::, be weIl to consiò,-'l' these
applications along with this ol'dinar:ce. It was dCclc'!,ed to proceed
ahead on to Ordinance C-2 and hear the sub-'commi ttGG I S r8pOl't 0
Commissioner Leonard then read the I'eport of the sub··comr.littee
which in general recommended that the Com¡¡Üssion consiã8r the fGa8J.-
bility of drafting a C-l, 0-·2 and (;,-3 ordinance to cover ::my 2venoi";n-
ality. The report went into detail describing the differel't <::,:'e3 of
business that should be considered under each neparate zonÜ'-g classi,.
After Comm:LssioneI' Leonard finished reading the report, Cb,airmp.n
Small said that he agreed coæpleteJ.y 'vii th the concept 01' the report
and suggested that p03sibly the Commiss.ton 1'io\lld wish to study this
matter further.
Commissioner Frolich st'1ted that he would l:i.lee ',0 see a sub-com'"
mittae come up with three ol"dinances instead of ow"._ aDd U}.SO that it
should be done as soon a3 possibJ...' ar,d not w::Üt unt:Ll the Plann,\.ng
Consultan.t is on the job. The ma-:;te:c is urgent, especially in view of
the fact that these five applications are pending before theOommissiono
Commissioner Frolich also stated that he felt since three ordi-
nances are involved that the four sub-commtttee members would pI'oLably
need help in drafting them up.
Commissioner moved that the sub·-committee be instructed to b8gin
working on three 9rdinances, and that they delegate cer'tain phases of
the ordinances to be worked on by the other Commissioners. , That a study
session be held on Thursday, January 18,1962 at, 7:30 P.M. to begin
wòrk on'these ordinances. All in favor.
The City Clerk was inst~¡cted to advise Commissioner Snyder by
mail that the study session was to be held on January 18, 1962 at 7:30
A recess was called at 9:10 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:25
P .r~.
Chqirman Small called the meeting to order and stated that si~ce
they were going to consider the aforementioned ordinances, that rather
than have the Mariani-Sousa, Paul Mariani, Antonio Poso, Halph Rodrigues
and Donald A. Excell applications popping up on the agenda every two
weeks, that these second hearing:;¡ be continued until such time as the
Commission can have an opportunity to study the ordinànces.
Commissioner I,eonard moved that, the Second Hearings on the Mariani-
Sousa, Paul Mariani, Antonio Poso, Ralph Rodrigues and Donald A. Excell
applications be continued to March 12, 1962. Also to request the City
Clerk to set these applications on the March 12, 1962 agenda.
The Cit;y Clerk was 5.nstructed also to put the C-2 Ordinance on
the February 13, 1962 agenda. Seconded by CommissicYler Fitzgerald.
AYES: Commissioners: AdamJ, Fitzgerald, I"rolich) Leonard, Rampy
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Snyder
IV G. ALPHA LAND Cm1PlINY: [,ppli.cation 48-z-61 to rezone 30
acres from R-l to R-3-H; east side of Stelling R0ad,
1,337' south of Homestead Road. First Hearing.
Chairman Small asked if the Alpha Land Company was represented.
Mr. John Griffin, Presldent of the A}pha Land Company spoke for his
Company and said that the basic objective of this particular develop-
ment is to provide Cupertino with apartment :living in a park-like
setting. There was a substantial amount of ,recreation area and also
common green development.
He said that surrounding Cities were watching this development
with a considerable amount of interei3t. It is the coming thing in
residential development. He had three renderings posted on the board
and a sketch showing approximately what the developt:1ent would look
like upon completion. liIr. Griffin went on to show the land as it if:
related to its surroundings. The second renè,eri.ng. was a plot:pJ,an
which showed the 'layout of the entire development. '1.t included ,a
swimming pool, tennis courts and a recreatlon building. It also
included a "quiet area" which had a picnic area, horse",¡;lloe pits,.
'rhere was a roadway w;lich cut tnrougb the enth'"" de·lÌelopr~pnt;
wi th an 80' entrance way and then wept down to a 60' road., This road
woulcì be dedicated to the City. The facllities ,,¡ill be maint,Üned by
the people who live there. It ;Üll be a Town-House··Type Deve}o1hü8nt.
Each unit has its own entrar:.ce and p,~ivate patIo. Each unIt h'lG pa:c',{"
ing space for one car.> plus lJ;1Jest. pa.l'!Üng, whi0h figures out to 1-1/2
parking spaces per uni.t. The total devcÜopment ;wuld bave 360 units
with approximately 12 un:1ts pel:' acre. 'l'hey will be of frame, stucco
construction, w5. th different tYi)€S of wood USE.C' on the outside. No
flat-tops, all pitch roofR. The €nl;lre development "Jill take from two
to four years to develop.
Mr. Griffi.n stated that his COirpany has b~ied to meet all of the
requirements of the R-3 Ordinance. Üe does riot feel that the¡>e will
be a need for variances.
Commissioner Leonard commented 0;:1 thp. fact that.. at a recent meet-
ing, the Commission had had a 8imilar d8velopment pr-ec:c!:ted to them.
At that meeting the architect p:cesentinß the ttevelopment was asked.,
since this is supposed to be the coming thing for residential dwelling,
why did he feel Cupertino was the place to bring this type of dwellin¡:;.
Commissioner Leonard posed the same question to M:C'. Griffin, commenting
also on the high quality of the ~resentation, that the renderings were
very attractive.
Mr. Griffin said that he did not think that the matter of v¡hat
City this development came into was important. They felt that this was
a good spot for this type 01' development. 'l'heir p!.'ìme reason for being
in business is to take a piece of property and develop it to itß best
possible use. It then becomes a question of opinions as to wh:it is
best for Cupertino. There is a major fr'eeway going throngh on on2
side of the property. On another side there is EEl existing commel'cillJ.
and R-3 development. On another side there is only one R-J. dC"islopment
at this time. It is considered to be generally good planning pr:lct:tce
to establish buffer zoning in these areas - you get a betteJ.' GC'iï01op-
nlent in the total area,
Commissioner Fitzgerald questioned vlhether or not ca"h u'lit should
have 1-1/2 parking s9aces per unit, plus guest pal'king. M:c, G".i.ffln
answered that they felt in some ca''Jes there wou:J.d be one-ear 18.I11:i.lies,
and in other cases, two car familic;8. n.n'T8vc~" he scdd that ;;¡," 1'1aS
sure Commissioner F:ì. tzgeralcì 'Was morc; famil:iar with tile ord:ilúnce than
he was and would have to chsck into Unto
Commissioner Leonard commented on the fact tll'3.t the Commisslo':l is
presently trying to draft an opcU.r.al".c0 j;a co"':,!, thi:> type of develop-
ment. The Commission's feeling baing that th8 City or th,~ developer
would need protection and an ol"c,inance would lJe the b'~Gt 1'lay to do j,t.
Mr. Griffin saJd that th0Y did not ,,¡ant to g8t into a long d)."awn
out affa:tr in ordinance writing, but wej"e willlng to he:~p jn an;,' "3.;Y-
possible to speed up the process if the:/ could. 'I'hey hild ):,u.11t a sImi-
lar development in La!:' GiltoS a¡1d thin on a Use Permit along with
the R-3 ordinance.
Commissioner Leonard asked if Mr. Griffin ¡mew of any existing
ordinances in other cities tl101t mig:¡t help Cupertino reach a conclusion
faster, i.e. they would have a model to go by rather than improvise
Commissioner Adamo questioned if t118 street WCJ1Üd go 90' to Highway
9. Mr. Griffin said, no, that they v10uldn't want it to go 90', through
to Highway 9" as tllia would create a speed-way through theat'ea.
Commissioner Frolich stated that he was still of the opin.i.on that
a new ordinance should be drafted fC)):' this sort of development. l'heI'e
were too many raœifications involved to go on B-3 with either a use
þBrmit or variances.
Commissioner Fitzgerald commented that the Comn¡jssion h,Jd already
. taken a stand on the previous applj,cation e,f this typo, t.hat no de·,
cision would be made until Ruel1 tj_me as a mÜ table orcU.na·;1ce j-j?d been
worked out, and he felt that what waf> good for one cOl\ld only be goc)d
for the other. He did not feel that the Commission could re7er~8
Chairman Small read a letter that Ìlad been recej,ved by th·3 C::Jmmis"
sion from the Alpha Land Compa::y:
'l'he Honorable Planning Commission
City of Cupertino
City Hall
Cupertino, California
Alpha Land Company re¡,¡pectJ\Ül:r ré'qu8£ts t;,at th8 Pla.¡,ming Commts-
sian of the City of Cuper>tino r·'3~;O:.le the ~)ro))~:c'~y (.8~Jcl'ibsd_ on tha
accompanying application froiTI its prescmt Il-l des:tgnation ';~o n··3.
This area of the City is currently in a G!'ansistional stage and the
applicant í'ee18 the highest ,l,nd best use for the property is a town
house development incorporating the tr.ost advanced CODceptf; of comn;uni i;.)'
devülopm·9:D"c tncluding 101\1 denst ty mul ti~yfa"111y 1:(',l~tLi.~1g r::.:J.o:t:\g 1'!::ith D.
common green plus recreational facilities. We propose that these com-
mon green areas and recreational facilities will be owned and maintained
by the developer.
We submit herewith a neighborhood plan, a site plan of the entire
property, and a more detailed plan of one individual parcel showing
building locations, parking areas, etc. The applicant agrees to de-
velop the project in accordance with this plan.
We feel that this rezoning is necessary for the following reasons:
The property is directly south and contiguous to the proposed
Junipero Serra Freeway.
All property north of the freeway is now zoned and is be~ng de-
veloped as either commercial or multi-family.
The property to the east fronts on Highway 9 and will no doubt be
developed into a similar use.
The property directly to the south is a county subdivision built
some years ago and is not comparable with the R-l projects now
underway in the City of Cupertino.
Further south at the intersection of Stelling Road and Stevens
Creek Road there are numerous commercial projects underway as
well as the location for the proposed Junior College on the
southwest corner of this intersection.
We will be happy to answer any other questions as they come up
before your Commission.
Respectfully yours,
IS/ J. L. Griffin
Chairman Small then asked if there were any comments from the
Mr. Maurice LaBrie of 10510 Glencoe Drive, Cupertino represented
Garden Gate Village. He took exception to the statements made that
referred to Garden Gate Village as a sub-standard developrnent, stating
that they felt that their 1/4 acr'e lots and the homes on them, would
measure up to anything being built in the City of cupertino recently.
He said that they felt very fri(>ndly toward the Wilsons, regarding
them as "first-class citizens". F'elt that they had done much for the
area and the City of Cupertino. Would also like to acknowledge the
Wilson's historical contributions to the area, and that he was positiv
that Mr. Wilson would not bring anything into Cupertino that was not
for the good of Cupertino.
Mr. LaBrie asked that the Commission defer any positive decision
until such time as a committee, which has just been formed by the
Garden Gate Village Association, has time to look into this type of
development, with the idea of how it would effect Garden Gate Village.
lIe also said that they had formed a committee to look into the possi-
bility of maybe annexing to a City, whether it would be feasible at
this time to annex to a City. Asked if this sort of development could
be described as an R-3.
Chairman Small explained that at present the City has no ordinance
enacted that would govern this type of development. That the City
ordinance states that all buildings must face on a public street. The
thinking of the Commission is that it is a particular type of develop-
ment and that the City can use a development such as this, however, they
feel an ordinance should be drafted to take care of this type of develop-
Mr. LaBrie stated that they wished to study this proposal more
thoroughly along with any other proposals in their immediate area that
may effect Garden Gate Village. Apparently Cupertino is of development
where all the lands around Garden Gate are being developed. The people
livinr: there are seeing apartments being built all around them and are
asking the question of whether or not they are detrimental to Garden
Gate. '
Mr. John Myers, 10511 Glencoe Drive, Garden Gate Village, asked
what the recreation facilities would be for a development of this size.
Mr. Myers was informed that the developer has made provision for this
and was referred to the renderin.gs" Some of the people had ar'ri ved
late and were not in the audience when Mr. Grlf'f'in presented the ren-
derings, and Mr. r~ers had not heard this phase of the presentation.
Chairman Small asked Mr. Griff'in if' he thought that there was any
posslbility of these units falling into the group of units being built
in the surrounding cities, whereby they are sitting empty. Mr. Griffin
answered with an example of Peppe:':' Tree Tract, where the homes sold in
three weeks, and in surrounding cities there were entire tracto that
were sitting empty. He said that if anyone looked at some of these
apartments they would be able to see why they were empty, they should
be empty. He felt that if they built a good product, it would sell,
just as the Pepper Tree houses had sold.
Commissioner Leonard asked what rents would be charged. Mr.
Griffin said that this was a difficult question to answer. Some of
these units would be rented, some of them sold.
After considerable discussion, it was decided that the representa-,-
tives of the Alpha Land Company would bring in 20 copies of theil' plot
plan so that the City Clerk could send them to the various agencies
with the check list.
Mr. Griffin asked if the Commission would consider R stu.dy session
on their proposal.
Commissioner Adamo asked if any thought ilad been given to the
ingress or egress of fire equipment on a development like thÜJ. Mr.
Griffin said there would be no fences and if necessary, the units
could be reached by driving over the lawns, in case of fire.
Chairman Small asked if any thought had been given to possibly
going underground with utilities, Commenting that the poles in a
development such as this would be an eye-sore. Hr. Griffin sé>,id that
they could put the poles around the pet'imeter of the devrolopment.
Commissioner Leonard moved to close the First Hearing, Seconded
by Commissioner Fitzgerald:
AYES: Commissioner: Adamo, F:Ltzge::::'ald, Frolich, Leonar'd, Rampy,
NOES: Commissioner: None
ABSENT: Commissioner: Snyder
The City Engineer stated that if the plot plans were submitted to
the City Clerk immediately, that they would be back in time for the
study session on the 18th.
Mr. LaBrie stated that he just thought of another matter that was
quite serious and asked that he be able to bring it to the Commission's
Commissioner Leonard moved that the First Hearing be re..·open.eè..
Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leon&rd, Rampy,
ABSEN'l' :
MI'. LaBrie went to the rende:eings and pointed out that 33% of' the
units are going to be using 3eardon Drive, which is one of nine streets
serving 240 units :1.11 Garden Gate. He noted that Be2.rdon Drive would
be a serious traffic problem. SUggested me.yb8 a cul-de-sac W01.Üd be
a good idea on this portion of the development.
Chairman Small told I'lL LaBrie that 11e was sure if this develop-
ment went in, the street would be improved to taxe care of any increased
traffic demands.
Chairman Small then informed the audience that they \~ere welcome
to attend the study session being held on January 18:;11, that the Com-
mission would be discussing this presentation along with vari01.:,s
o~"dinances and the only difference b..,tween this 8.l1d a regular r.1eeting
was that the Commission did not vote on anything at study sessions.
Commissioner Leonard moved to again close the First Hearing.
Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald.
Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy,
Chairman Small called a recess at 10:35. Meeting reconvened at 10:45.
Commissioner Frolich suggested that a meeting be held to get going
on the R-something ordinance to take care of the two applications that
are now before the Commission. A sub-committee was appointed, Don
Frolich, Chairman, Troy Rampy and E. J. Small.
84 lots, west
Lane, south 01'
WARD CRUMP: Tentative Map application,
wide of Bubb Road, north side of Lin4y
Val. (R-l zoning final on January 18).
The check list was sent out and two replies were received. Also
there were two letters from City Engineer Fleming, one from the Engine,
office and one from the Sanitary District.
The City Engineer's letter stated ,that the st:C'eet pattern did not
exactly conform to the neighborhood plan, but that it dj.d not present
too great a problem, that could not be worked out. Linday Lane is a
40 foot road. The developer intends to widen it 10 additional feet.
This development will a;vl surrounding property owners to develop their
properties. However, the lots did not cmJi'orm p.J'.:lctly to the ordinance
and he suggested that the final map nllist conform to City ordindnce be-
fore it is recorded.
Mr. Crump stated from all indications all of the lots will meet
ordinance requirements. There will be no variances required.
'City Engineer stated that there might be a hill problem on Lindy
Lane and wondered if maybe sidewalks should be held up until a IUllsic"
Development Ordinance is adopted. The County had recently adopted a
very good one and the City Council of Cupertino was presently looking
it over.
The City Clerk read two letters received on the check list; one
from the Flood Control District and one from the Health Department.
Commissioner Fitzgerald moved that the map be approved with the
provision that Mr. Crump comply with the requests made by the Flood'
Control District and Health Department. Also review the names of
the streets and possibly making some changes. Seconded by Rampy.
Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy,
Adamo, Snyder
A resolution to be sent to the Council recommending the adoption
of Ordlnance 002(h) w::.th the ac1d:í,tion of the fo1'J,Q\dng words at the
end of the paragraph beg:i.n1ing nmv, '~\IìEHEI'()fŒ, BE IT RESOLVED: "to
be a part of the recommended ordir,ance".
Commissioner Frolich moved that the resolutton be adopted and re-
commended to the Council. Seconded by Commissioner :B'i tzgerald.
Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Small
Adamo ,Snyder
Commissioner Frolich asked when the City Council was going to
instruct the City Engineer to bring the neighborhood street maps up
to date. Also the City Boundary 1'1ap. The City Engineer stated that
he had made cost estimates, however, nothing definite had been de-
cided as yet. Commissioner Frolich suggested that a resolution be
sent to the City Council asking for these new maps to be prepared.
Commissioner Leonard moved that the meeting be adjourned.
E. J. Small