PC 02-13-62 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road AL 2-l¡505 C I T Y 0 F C UP E RTI NO Cupertino, California MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLt\NNING COMMISSION - February 13, 1962 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:00 P.M. I SALUTE TO THEPLAG II ROLL CALL: Commissioners ,Present:· Adamo.'··P'1tzgerald, Frolich;· Leonard, Rampy, Sn;yder and Sma 11 Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Cit~l Attorney, City Engineer, City Manager's Secretary Corrections to the Previous Minutes: January 22, 1962 Page 4: 5th paragraph down -- incorrectly stated that Commissioner Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Commissioner Leonard seconded the motion. Page 4: 2nd paragraph down -- Commissioner Frolich did not want to leave the impression that he was not concerned with what was developed on this propertJ. He meant that "regardless of which of the three commercial ordinances this development went in under that extending the depth back an additional 100' would present no problem". III COMMUNICATIONS: A. ,Written: A letter from Mrs. Sophie Edeldorf regarding the street naming in the City. B. Verbal: There were none. IV HEARINGS SCHEDULED: A. ALPHA LAND COMPANY: Application 48-z-61 to rezone 30 acres from R-l to R-3-H¡ east side of Stelling Road, 1,337' south of Homestead Road. Second Hearing Continued. Applioánt asked for a continuance of his application. So the Commission moved on to the next application. B. ED CALI: Application 51';'Z-62 to,%'ezone 19 acres from R-l:B-2 to C-l-H, R-3-H and R-l, northwest " corner of Highway 9 and McClellan. Second Hearing (300' x 675' already zöned C-I-H to be deducted from 19 acres). Mr. Don Bandley represented the applicant. He said that he had nothing new to add except that they are prepared to ròrßet about the multiple zoning, if the Commission so desires. Commissioner Leonard commented that with the R-3 zoning be- tween the Commercial and R-l zoning, it would merely be buffering people with people. That the amount ofR-3 involved would be very small and could not be developed very attractively for this reason. ilel t tna t dome :'eview s!lou,lù be tl¡<'hie W (;QI~e \.Ip wi t;,h t.he answer ali. to whether this is d good spot for commercial. The City Engineer was asked if there were any plans for signalization at McClellan and Highway 9. The City Engineer said that as of this date there was no signalization planned for that corner, that the signalization would be at Bollinger and HighwaY-9; 1 There was considerable discussion as to the feasibility of amending the application, taking into consideration the dedication of an additional 20' on Highway 9 to allow for wideninß after the State turns the portion of Hißhway 9 that goes through Cupertino to the Oit;¡.. Chairman Small asked if there were any comments from the audience. Mr. Ernest Hine of 10327 Westacres Drive, said that this zoning is being chan§,ed to something new and is not\~hat was originally requested. Property ovmers would like an opportunity to look over the proposed change and give their opinion. What is being proposed is quite different than what was originally presented. Mr. Bandley stated that at present they have two deals pend- ing on the R-l and there is nothing in the immediate future beinG planned for the C-I-H zoninz. He feels that when the C-I-H is de- veloped, that is the time the Commission should impose conditions as to street widths, driveways, etc. However, his client is, satis- fied with the application as it now stands, but will be willing to go along with the C.ommission. Commissioner Frolich asked Mr. Bandley if his client had considered PO-H zoning in place of the R-3 zoning. Mr. Bandley said that he feels ten acres of PO-H will do Cupertino just fine, that they had not considered PO-H in this area under any conditions. Commissioner Adamo stated that he was in favor of a 500' depth for the C-I-H portion in ,view of the fact that this property is on the corner of two maJor streets. Commissioner Leonard read a motion for the Commission to vote on. Commissioner Snyder asked if it would be proper to make a motion to amend this application at the request of the applicant. City Attorney Anderson stated that the Commission had no right to amend any application without the consent of the applicant. Mr. Bandley stated that the applicant would consent to the amendinß of his application. Commissioner Snyder moved to amend the application for Ed Cali to read 560 feet depth gross on the C-I-H, deleting the R-3-H requirement and increasing the R-l from 601' to 701'. Seconded by Commissioner Frolich. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: " Commissioners: Commissioners: Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None Fitzgerald It should be stated here that at the beginning of the dis- cussion on the Ed Cali application, Commissioner Fitzgerald excused himself from the meeting as an interested party. Commissioner Frolich moved that the Second Hearing be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Adamo,Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None Fitzgerald MOTION CARRIED - 6-0 Commissioner Leonard moved as follows: Whereas, applicant I s property' is now zoned C-I-H to a net depth of 300' or less per County action before the incorporation of the Cityj the site fronting Highway #9 - an eventual six lane, 120' street which is fairly close to the four cornersj and, Whereas, the three applications filed call for a net 400' of commercial, 200' of R-3, and about 600' of R-l, which operates to buffer people with people and create a small cluster of five or six apartment buildings which are probably too few for a good apartment district and too many to ignorej and 2 n "..~~.',;::",~";.~~f\~[%*~~~~1i¥'~t,:t,~¿¡t:~~~':5~:··"t~J.:K:';í;;·;"~:,.·,,.·,')·"· . \vhereas, in discussion a ~:1rnplif1caUon was proposed by which the commercial be deepened to about 500' n~t, the lI)ul:tiple eliminated and the R-l deepened to about {'OO '; wHh (i re1ocate~, street separating the commercial and R-lj the Commission favors eliml11ation of the multiple; applicant's a¿en'l requ8sted permission \;9<,' review .hi.a appli- cation accordinßl;y; ill1d amendment l1ar cJ'2,;ted by roll-can vote; <11': Now,'iJiÞ~..'ef0re,ijerecolr~r.pnd that the.'p¡pj;)l;4êà~ions be granted as ¡3.mended subject to cqmiitiolls: 1 - 12(Ex,hiþ:í.t :13) , .;,¡ 13. Development of ", revised street 'pattern acceptable to the Cit;: Engineer and the CitJ' Council. ',,:: " ", ' i,' . ~ -' _ _ . AbovemotioÍ1'seconded h;," 'Commissioner FroTtch., -.' ,.,¡.. .". AYES: NOES: AN¡,ENT: Commj,ssioners: Commissioners: Commis'sloners: Ma\1lO,Frol1ch, Leonard, RampYl'(Sn;v~er, Small 'None ..,' Fj,tzgerald" , . ' , MOTION CARRI1!:D: ,,6-0 :" . ..'. i.: , . ..'.....'... ",'. ,...', ", =.0 Chairman Smàl1 requestf,d that the applicant, reviße his pro- perty descript£on; 'Mi',. Banqlf;ysaid that, he would havè' it in the office J.n the ··morri1,n~,. 'CO¡¡,nJiSBlÒner Fitzgera¥return~~ to, lii,s·chair. C. ~NO¡,D Y'NôSE: ,·APpi:ícationlIÐ"i~62t,'o ;re~¿ge ' 10.3 ãè'res from R-l:B-2 to If-3-I1,411 t '~rèst"of;. Millerß 1~191 south of Stevens Creek Boulevård .. adjoil1,in¡; ea$tside.of Calaþa.zas Creek. S()oCQpd.." Hea,r,1.nrt.,' ' . ., ., , ., .",' . ~ J. ~,. ~. .',',.. ~ - , ",: :~;r... ~alphR.amePä re,presented'Ì;he' app14.è~1~.: 'Hé "stated\;!:fu::): he had <!let wit~ Mr;., Stqrm~ as requestedb.y the Cqn¡~ssion, tp'dis:" ' cuss,the .stre,et, patte1"rl.. In ana;lyzing 1;he plan', Mr. Storq¡ had saiQ.¡. that the ;s,t~t,patte:rn waS in con;t'ormitýto the,hgè;rieralplim and ,... found no obJëé't;!.oÄ to t.¥ i11anin 'þart+.cpìâr. . "~., ',_ ,.: r.':,·" .:,' ":" .."r',· ·1".<- Mr. Ra\1lOna then displayed a render'Ùig of the proposeå 'cOn":" struc~.ion. He wlls, r.~questedto".¡nake ,t1¡.i~; Pfl':r,t,pt' _thea]';l'p'Ucation. . : '''-', . . ":' , ". -' :, .:.' '.., -';." "'" """ .'. , ,. 1'hesubje.ct of the b¡;icJ;ße OVer',...caJ,ßbaz~sCr~ekwas brqught up and there wa,s con¡;;ider¡;¡.ble d,iscuss.ion ,ahoutthe 'f"éasibility of requ,est.ing' the developers in this area' ,tjQ"set, , together, wi th t1îé', City, County and Floòd'ControlDistrict·-t'o possibl,y. work 'o,ut šOme way of financing, this construction. " , " . . . . .. '. . ,J.I1r;,RamoM SU¡;;gef,teô trict.,. ,'. ,."., .' ,.:" ~. . > .. ,~. . th~t thè'::diti',törni an . '.' -. ~. -; ,> :..,: '-, . .,.;.! as~ej;Ísment (:\is- .....',' . j. , ~'. <.. 'Commissioner Frolid) mentio~ed ;'f)!Í<i\t°b.e~d atten4eda 'recetft Sanitar,y. District meeting and that t4~,:$al;1ï'þ.à,rY, Di'striê;¡;;'was quit.e ~i~t,',urbed ·.a1;¡o, ut t,beR. ':~." zon~n~.,tli,~t :!-.à, :'Beiryg!.,~assed ,in the Cij;if.Em, d ii, J.S f9uUng up their Sapitary J;)lstrict's M¡¡.'ster ¡l~.n. ,Mr. Ro~r ,RuS,tin who is,a member:. 0,( theBoard,&tatedt,liat; ;he agreéd withC9l11miØs:\'oner FrQ;Lic,h'ss~,atetri~~. .,C.' "¡·"ê~'.~~·' ".,.,,~, ' , C6mrriissiorie:[;:Fitzgèral(i commeR€eathat the developers a'f.e· the ~r~~?~e9P¡e ,to go ar:t;,¡\,¡; for the ,fina:ç:c1ng .a.nd construct1913.of this ~ G:>e: 11:.,',.-': .,' . ....., ~ " '-', "'1 ~ , '.'< . '" ,'. .-;.." , , ~..i', , ..' . " .< . "<. .-/.; -,'. Commissioner Snyder made amotion that the City Eng;fnèétbè ' ~l)s~ruc;tE!q,t,o ;irlY;~6tiga te . the br,i4ge,. cX;9,ssi!1g, a: t ,W:q;l.f~~ ,I¡.pM"and ðalabazas Creek and determine the cost¡ 9f the~truc.tur~alo!1g Wi,th,. a proposed financing proßram I'il1ic'h involves the 'develóPêrsìiitfj~s' , area, Flood, Contr.ol aI}d the County .of Sant.a,qa.;ra í1.nçl the C:Lty of cU:per.t:in~~:~ ComlTIis61òne,:r FrOliclis.ec;ond\=,d· t;tj.~ß1otiôn. '" ' At.e~:, ~oll)m:Lssior¡ers: Àdåmo~Fr,øl1Úf"FÚZ~~X:ç,:Ld,' tèónard, j" . ',.0 ,,' Råmp¡,'; SnYder;SmaI1.' '''' n'n':~ ' NOES: Commissioners: None ABSE;WJ:t ,.ComgJis sion~rs: NO¡-1e, . ., ,~....' . .. .. .;.. "... ..... '.. ' MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 . ','. .,..-. " ;;~ ,."......,.. , . '.:.òt Commissioner Adamo moved to continue this public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald. 3 AYES: Commiasionø~s. Adamo, Prol1ch. P1tz6erald, Leonard, Rampy Snyder" Sitlall 'NOES: Collllll1ssioners; None ABSENT; Oorumissioner~u None MOTION OARRIED; 7..,0 Commissioner lProl1ch asked ~. ROØlOr¡a if' he woUld explore the idea of $100 per unit assessment tor the cost ot the bridge. Mr. Ra~ona observed that; this would take a ~ood deal of exploring. ST. ,n.JDE'l'HE APOST:LE:; Vse Permit Application :6..,u-62 tor CþurCh p~S.8 on 6.3 acres at the southeast corner or· stelling and McClellan. Cont"nuec:\. Mr. Wl111alll ~QkS t:'eP""pt~ the church, He stai;ed that in line with the SWJ88stion of tÞo 'llnnin:; Commission. he had a me' et. 1, ng wun, ,t,he, PI'Ð,' pe:rt. Y. oWne" whø h!1,4 been. concerned, 'with land~ locking by the Chíwch 01' that.. PJ'OPtrty. He ",aid that he had met wi t;h 1118$111'$. Jløtt'Dlan. Johnlon, J,iUo aM ~çCaSl1n and otte~!1 to sell to eryCh ot thalli at least 100' or the c~rQh's property with the idea that; it they chose. they cou14 put in a st"~t in baçk of , th, e.1r P,J;'Q., pe:rt, ii. At., thi".,J! time, ' " t¡Þ«:I 81POVPt ot laP<! was U,nd,' ete.rmi!'\ed, but it ws.:u. tit as !INch aa o~ sCJ!e. ~ .~ted a 3,etter haa þeen e1ven to the." ~ople mf1k~ t~., otter 1n wrU1nß. And OilSQ tha t ho had çÞtilclç~4 w11;Þ tM J:U.lJhOp tQc1ªY 1;q verify this Qffør and it ~IJ .ft1rmed. ' . D. M;I, JfQtfman W2111 10 the aµØ1,oc@ .nci þe øt;a1;e4 tþet þe was Mt 10 res:!' lilliltlltef that he Ø14 not; W1 tÞ11J J'!øµ,s@ for any other "iIlØ" tþefl W live 10 1\:;. ~ 414 09t .,\il1:! wlV he. þea to Quy add!.. t:f.ØI1lil:!, :J.I:\M t;9 ªºqø~t. II0M9M @;!,!;'!,. Tt1!f.t hI:! wants the Oity t9 f;Q. Q º, n, their or1,~:I., ..".,1 pllaM to," bJ'1.l1S 1,., the, ~, a,.d, Q,rr,9f $tEtJ.l.1.ne. JfQwevElr, ht 414 111;,1;e; tQ I11s JmQ,,:t.a6_ 1¡þe J;'Q8d was oot the 1/i1sue Qn tÞ11t Pfu·Uc\.\l.r app:Uøat1on. that à, tar .It Þ!:!W1derst~o4, :¡.t; Wil tof' . NIiI J>erl!!1t to uee t~ P"~SEt" as 111, and he had no øb3teUon to t1\1S "MtISOttver. . Attep øº01l111.rene 4:1.31;1,lf,,"00. 1t "as eJec: .d" tþet'IIMul4 tÞe e~h 4101de tQ bq114 a MJ'IIIIlneQt lanct¡µaw on tl118 propert;;Y, tl1e;f wou1c1 " "Q"'1rec1to II!t'Jct app:U,øat1qn tor bu114111ß pern¡1tIJ, ;~ (jª=11:r:O':~i~II~:ere<Jït~ ~ï1t;~~r:=n: angett¿~{~r:' .0 ,.IILI) '. .",. ' tQ, ';,.JL", 0._ . P~ ,..{I ,. , p~~rty !it that Ume. ' Qøll'!ll1Ø1i11oner :t.eona~ stated that; N.t felt the CQ_~H'1011 hag CleJ.'Vec11ts dUt;1~s em pJ'Otect1~ tÞ.ele PJ;'QPEt~f o~J!s:a$!i1~t ¡and- loCking. " . ,.': '. ;tf tÞe;y W18ned to (1EtvelOP the1r P:rQpert1es the, wøu;Ld ~ "qq1re4 to CQII!t 1n wil,tþ. an apP:u.cªt~~m jyjst !tIS the OJJWçh 19$' 4ot.11ß nQW aQ4 ",ºu~ø ~ç~1V' t;hl! sªme Clønli!14,rat1pn aa ~n;ygn!;'l W4nUng tQ 4ftVdøp prqPtr1f;V 11'J 1;t¡e CU.ty. TÞa1; µ¡ Ønt~f t() 4eV!!:J.0t,tÞ.eY' ,w;l.U PX'Ø~b~ Þ$,~ W þgy :J.ªl1I2 W 1;fto\iI }t¡o11;~Ìlt ~apl3 P9Ii!ISUJ e, ~,. rli!I!:t1l tÞ4t t., v Clttl!l' !ll@.4Et þy tt¡e C~h ~. 1'a11:' and Ì'"a~naQ).EI. ;tt the' eo!llll!.1.'IS.$.Qn ºQncUJ'1! t¡h/i1; 1;111 pJ'OPft;r Q1mtrll haft ~ªøønablEl pft)tect;l.on øn ~ l¡tM").ØC~, tt¡en ;1.1; WPUJ.1! liIeem to Þ*/II ª,U nght; tQ ~ a~4 C).n tt¡e ~EI "rm;l.t tQr the çþurqþ. eQ~IS,ionElP $~'r t~:J.a that t,þa c~Þ þali! ~ a realSon.., a'þ~1! øtttr to tt¡e P~PEtJ't1 QWM1:'1S .nØ alS tar a", t¡e 13 co~emed. thjt p,,ºþlem 1111 !Iplvet!.' Collll1l1.,e1onEtr Adamo aQkf.tc1 it the property owne""," wll1111ß to btty the lap<! as qtteJ:'e(J by t~ Ch\µ.Ieh? ~. Brooks l!a1d that he understood at the meeti11ß that they we" aU in agreement with the arrangements 81!1 orfered. 'l'hat they had not a~ed to buy, but had been assured in writing that it tt¡ey ever "ia~ to pure.se' this adcUt10nal land. they would be given . 1'1"t obo1ce, Col1lll1s",1oner P1tzgerald moved to close the hearing. Seconded W QoaIIIia"'10ner $~er. 4 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Adamo, Frolich, Fitzgerald, Snyder and Small Commissioners: None Commissioners: None Leonard, Rampy, MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 Commissioner Snyder moved that the use permit be granted on the condition that the Church provide ample off-street parking. Seconded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Frolich, Fitzgerald, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small None None NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED 7--0 E. JOHNSON & MAPE: Application 52-2-62 to rezone 29.6 acres from A-2:B-2 to R-3-H; adjoining west side of Monta Vista School, off Mtn. View-Stevens Creek Road. First Hearing. Mr. Rondoni represented the applicant. He described the proposed development to be put on this property as a Senior Citizens development. He displajed a rendering showins the layout of the development. He stated that the density would be 18 units per acre. That this would not, however, be the same as a conventional apartment development as the people who rent these units will have to be 65 to qualify. He gave several statistics regarding the population of senior citizens in California and stated that in Santa Clara Valley there are approximately 50,000 persons who are 65 or over. That housing is badly needed for these people - low cost housing. Chairman Small asked if this is a matter of urgency or could the development be delayed until the General Plan is far ehough along to possibly incorporate it. Mr. Rondoni stated that it is an urgency matter, not only to the applicant, but also to the pro- perty owner. Commissioner Leonard commented on the fact that he thought this development would be good for the developer and t}~t he was sure FHA would be interested in such a project and certainly it would be good for the people who would live there. But, why is it good for the City of Cupertino? Should Cupertino be the haven for people who don't see fit to buy a single f~mily house? Mr. Rondoni stated that these people have to live somewhere and it seemed to him that it was a question of whether Cupertino wanted to have them in their community. His company has brought in a definite plan for development and wants to do a good job. Commissioner Frolich observed that if these people will averaGe in age of '75 years, that he would think this is the last place for them to live, particularly since therè is no'bus service available up there. He doubted if they would have automobiles or would be able to drive. Mr. Rondoni stated that the sponsor usually considered this factor and provided a bus service for this type of development. Commissioner Fitzgerald asked if this would be a good place for elderly peopl€ - being so close to t."o schools. He thought the noise factor would not be too pleasant for them. Mr. Rondoni said that there were t,¡O sclmols of thought on this that the FHA office in Fresno did not approve of this, but the office in Sacramento felt that these people should be where there is activity. 5 Mr. Elden Anderson, representing the Seventh Day Adventist Church. He said he does not know whether they would like it or not. The Church plans to construct :3 high school to the south of this property. The road it not in their present existing land plan, al- though if that road' were constructed, they ""ould find a us'e for it. Would like to ask the applj cant if they h<)ve a sponsor for this property at this time. Mr. Rondoni answered that they have never had any difficulty obtainin~ sponsors. They have several offers now. Mr. Anderson asked if this development'would actually be what was going in on this property under this zoning. Mr. Rondoni said that it v'as 2. matter of integrit;ý'. the firm of Johnson and Mapes could not afford to make this of proposal and come up with two-story apartment houses. ~r. Anderson said that he did not wish to question the integrity of Johnson and Mapes, however, he did not ,know whether liked this proposal or not, he would not care to state at this tj,me. That type Commissioner Frolich moved that the first hearing be closed' and t!~t the application be referred to the Sanitary District for report regarding the Sanitary lines in that area. Also refer'red to the Elementary School District as well. Seconded by Commissioner Snyder. ' AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Flt~gerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 During the course of the discussion, the City Engineer brought up a matter of the street pattern in this area as it affected the developments adjoining the Voss property and Commissioner Snyder suggested that by Minute Order, the City Engineer be instructed to call this problem to the attention of the City Council at the time they consider this application. Also to notify the Planning Com- mission of the results of the Council's being informed. Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, FitZgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 F. RICHARD GARROD: Application 50-Z~62 to rezone 38.7 acres from A-2 to Trailer Park Zone, R-3-H and C-l-H¡ west of Prospect Road, n~rth of Mt. Eden Road. 'First Hearing. Mr. Richard Garrod represented himself. He had an aerial photo of the property recently annexed to Cupertino, on which he proposed to put a trailer park. He stated that only about 38.7 acres of this land would be useable for trailers, that the balance of the land was too rocky and hilly to be developed. Chai,;'reJ.f., 3malI::b3erved t~-~8~> d~;~ .l~:;, ~,'-~he b!J 11~I:s'GS cd'" t;~,~ 2a.n.d: he would e8timate that app~oximately 300,000 yard8 of dirt will have to be moved. Mr. Garrod said he would rather say, re-located. Commissioner Snyder asked if there were any access roads into this area. Mr. Garrod replied that the access roads are in the City of Saratoga and County of Santa Clara, that presently there are none in the City of Cupertino City Limits. Commissioner Adamo asked if they were going to retain owner- ship of this property. To which Mr. Garrod replied, that in the last twenty years, his family has sold 3/4 of an acre. They definitely plan to retain ownership. 6 Commissloner Fitzgerald asked ir. they would have water up there. Mr. Garrod said that San Jose ~ater Works would supply the vmtGr and that they had also been in contact with PG&E and the Tele- phone Company, who agreed to sUPI,ly service. Chairman Small ,,¡ent to the audience for comment. Mr. Paul Finch said he ·,could like to know a little more about the R-3 that was being requested on the application. Mr. Garrod said that later on, if the need arises, they planned to build a Guest House, for those people I'Iho have guests and dOn't have a place to sleep them. He said this will be a reservation-type guest house, and that five acres was to be set aside for this purpose. Commissioner Adamo asked if the City had a Trailer Park O:rdi·, nance. The Answer was no. Mr. Garrod stated that in those Cities where there were no ordinances to cover Trailer Parks, that the de- veloper must conform to State requirements. Commissioner Leonard asked why this was good for Cupertino. Mr. Garrod replied that at least the land would be developed. That right now the inhabitants on this land are jack-rabbits and he didn't think they were payin~ taxes. Commissioner Frolich moved that the first hearin~ be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Fitzgerald. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Fr01ich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder, Small None None NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 At this time a recess was called - Time: 11:00. Meeting convened a,t 11:15. G. LUCKY STORES, INC: Application 18-v-62 for Variance to allow a sign 50' high where ordinance permits 35' and 348 sq. ft. where ordinance allows 150 sq. ft.; 690' north of Stevens Creek Road on west side of Highway 9. H. LUGKY STORES, INC.: Application 19-V-62 for Variance to allow a sign 50' high where ordinance permits 35', and 348 sq. ft. where ordinance allows 150 sq. ft.; 805' west of Highway 9 on north side of Stevens Creek Road. Commissioner Frolich moved that the application be continued until the next meeting and requested that the Building Official be notified to attend that meeting, since he is the expert on the sign ordinance. Chairman Small suggested that since the hour was late and the applicant had been sitting in the audience for three hours, he should at least be allowed to state his position. Mr. Johnson of Raylite Neon Corporation spoke for the appli- cant. He said, without exception, that Cupertino has the toughest siGn ordinance he has ever come up against. That he believes the size of the development should be taken into consideration. Chairman Small remarked that two monchs ago, -¡;he Sign Ordi- nance was taken up for review to try to cut down on the applications for variances. It was decided 'co leave tL:: ordinance as it stood, and all of a sudden theJ were being flooded with appllcations for variances. Commissioner Fl"ollCh statecl that s:ince this discount store, it was hoped, would be making money, he is inclined to agree that a fairly good size sign will be necessary to attract trade. 7 bar median in Highway 9 and that left turn movements to and from the proposed subùivision street and Highway 9 will not be permitted due to proximity of left turn storage lane in the median. Mr. Rodrigues indicated 0n the plot plan that the access r'oad off of Highway 9 will only be used by motor~sts dri vine; so~\~h, that there will be a NO LEFT TURN sign [laced at this point so that traffic will flow only to the south fro~ that road. Tlmt people wanting to go north on Highway 9 will have to turn onto Homestead Road and will be controlled by the Traffic Signal at HO[¡]lêstead and HiC;hway 9. The City Engineer I s letter recommended that any str"Get section used in this or any other subdivision include the, sidewalks and publ:1.c utilities within the right of way of the street, 'rather than adding on additional public utility easement adJacent to the street. It also commented on the storm drainage, that the only storm drainage facilities available to the property is the existing culvert located approximaj;ely 25 feet north of the'Mobil Oil Service Station which crosses Highway 9 and drains into an open field to the east. It suggested dry wells in conjunction with the installation of dry storm sewers could be considered for a temporary solution to the problem in tl~ absence of adequate storm drainage facilities. Mr. Rodrigues stated that the utilities could be placed as suggested by the City En¿ineer, that this would present no problem. As far as the storm drain,\ge facilities were concerned, he had con- tacted the City of Sunnyvale in this regard. Since his property was on the nòrthwcst side of Homestead Road, it is unlikely that Cupertino will go that far with storm dj"ainar-e facilities. That the Sunnyvale storr,) drain is presently approximately two blocks down from Homestead Road and they have consented to extend it up to the propérty in question. As soon as the fees are paid the facilities will be put in. He stated that it was unfortunate that; these fees would be paid to Sunnyvale, but it seemed the best solu- tion to the problem. Commissioner Leonard asked if there were any provisions made as to the maintenance and care of the landscaping by the separate owners. Mr. Rodrigues stated that there will be deed restrictions set up to take care of maintenance and landscaping. Commissioner Leonard moved to approve the tentative map sub- ject to conditions 1-12, Exhibiç B. 13. Fil:1.ng ''lith t:he City an ag:('eement for maintenance and repair to parkinó area. 14. Filing with the City the agreement made on storm drain- age with the City of Sunnyvale. 15. UtilHies be included within the right of way. 16. Excepti'}ns be filed on sidewi1.1k plans as approved by the City Engineer. 17. Exeeption filed on the entire street and sidewalk plan8 as approved by the City Engineer. SeconJeð by Commissioner Frolich. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and S~T¡::ill None None NOES: Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MOTION CARRIED: 7-0 V. UNFINISHED BUSINl',S:1 A. C-2 ORDINANCE, No dcU.on was iaken on this ordinance. B. At this time 2 letter \>Jé'S read rrom r~rs. Sophie Etteldorf requesting the sl1ortenl('ß of street names. Her letter also suggested a shorter name for Sunnyvale··Saratoßa Road - SunSarato Drive. 9 Mr. Warner WilsOn aslwd if he mi5ó.ht take a minute of the Commission's time to tell them about a possible name ch8nge for Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. He stated that there had been two meetings of all the cities that were interested in Hirhv'ay 9, by reafJOn that it passes through their cities. That at the second meeting Los Gatos and Monte Sereno had been invited to attend to express their opinions in the matter.' Three names had come out of these two meetings and each re- presentative was instructed to return to their respective cities to get their Planning Commission and City Council's feelings on what name they would prefer. The three names are Montalvo, De Anza and El Sereno. Mr. Wilson then took each name and gave a short resume on why it was chosen. EISereno was sort of self-explanato~r. Montalvo because of the estate that the late Senator Phelan once ov'lned. DeAnza, 'because Don Juan Bautista de Anza encamped on Stevens Creek on what is now the Blackberry Farm recreation center in Monta Vista, next to Cupertino. That he left some Brothers to start a school for the indians and they named it Arroyo de San JoSe de Cupertino, which is where our City received its name. After some deliberation over the three names, it was moved by Commissioner Snyder that a resolution be sent on up to the City Council recommenàing DeAnza Boulevard as their preference. ' Seconded by Commissioner Rampy. AYES: Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Snyder and Small None None NOES! Commissioners: ABSENT: Commissioners: MEETING ADJOURNED: 12:50 A.M. ISI E. J. Small Chairman ATTEST: I I II; \ II {i 'j" \.\.' \." I',:'. I.',... \ City Clerk