PC 05-21-62 ¿;2! /7°t: ~ h~ ) 10321 SO. SARATOGA-SUNl'~YVALE ROAD C I T Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 . C'JPERTINO, -èJ\LIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION STU:¡)Y SESSION ON COUNTY l-IILLSIDE ORDINANCE AL 2-4505 PLACE: TIME: 10321 So. Saratog,,··Sur.nyvale R08ð 8:05 P.M. Commissioners Present: Adamo, Fitzßerald, Frolich, Rampy, Small Staff Present: Mr. Fleming and f1r. Lahi Commissioner Fitzgerald is Chairman of this Subcommittee and presided over this meeting. This study session was held in order to further explore the points of the County Hillside Ordinance which havç not been fully accepted as desirable for the City of Cupertino by several of the Commissioners. Discussion ViaS held on tt.e reasons for the 60 ft. road requirements when only 20 to 30 ft. are used for the physical road; these reasons are: easements are needed for slope and shoulders on both sides of the road to allow for slIde Rnd rain drai~~ge. Mr. Fleming suggested that the City a10pt the County Hillside Ordinance as it is) but continue to study the points in question by using sim- ilar ordinances of other cities for comparison and as helpful guides. This would give the City a working juriSdiction on hillside applications, and also allow the City more time to obtain the details necessary for its pupose while being covered lion the books". The requirement for 60 ft. roads would very likely give rise to some variance applications. The Committee was in ag~eement that in case of variance, and to avoid delay, a clause be inserted at the beginning of the Ordirw.nce sta~inß tha.t the City Engineer be requested to give a re- port on such variance to the Planning Cocornissi'1!1 prior to the 2ppli- cant 'S appearanGe at the Planning Commission meeting. The Committee felt U best if 211 applicG tiollS for thi.:;¡ Hillside Ordj,- nance be reviewed by' the C5,ty Engj,:>eer to determine if such appl1catjons fall within t tie jc:risdictiú;-' of this Crclinance; and, if 80, whether o¡, not variance is necessary. If Va¡'i3DC8 is req¡,;ested, the Ci':;y Engin:::. er shall make such recomcoendat:ton to the Plé'¡¡:Ü!\iJ; Commission if in Ins opinion variance is necessa~y. .,._.~ The density decided upon as best was two (2) unit" per aCI'e. Mr. Fleming wrGte t;1e fcill.o'dng as a guide for the clause con,ring var- iances (which embodie~ the above): All developers desiring the Eillside OrrlinanciJ ~haJ.l hav<" his plans reviewed by the City Engineer who sl1a).:!, rte:termine if ::n:cr. a~Jplicat:1.ons come within the jurisdiction of the Hillside O,;~di- nar.ce and in the event a variance is requested f:,"om t.he Hil:lside Ordinance due to hardship, such request shall be reviewect by the City Engineer who wiJ.1 ê':aIœ a recommendation to the Plémning Com- mission. The Planni"g Commission may then recowmeDd the varia!')0€ to the City Council. The suggŒtion was made that an item 13 be added to t~e City standard 12 conditions. This item being that the applicant ~st comply with the Hillside Ordinance requirements so that he cannot læt&r' 1?eturn and state that he was given R-l zoning and can -cheref;:>rff build on 7500 sq. ft. lots, rather than build a maximum of two unite per acre. The Committee decided that in eff'.:'ct the Hill¡¡;'~d", Oioctir..ance is an amendment to the Subdivis-:'on OI,dÜkih0e. The Ch!!irman, Commissioner Fitzgerald 1S to contact the City Attorney 'regarding the legal aspect of calling the Hillside O::'dinance !in amendru..nt to the Subdivision Ord- inance, prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. LsLl.~.!:l-1'1~,g~!'ald L .~b.a_i !:m.?n_ ._.__ E~-'~:~i(--:p :~I:,'(':¡-'i~-¡A.~--'''''f:; , :l",_'!TI,~:-;J-·· -2