PC 11-09-55 PT..Jl"~:rJG CO.&lISSION £!.£! £~ £E.££!!.!!££ Special Leetin;:; 11/9/:'5 PIEce: Cupertino C~ion 5chool. Stevens Creek Itoado TiIJ.'ð: 8:00 PH Cou~cilmen Present: others: T.ir. :lenmeyer. ita 1 ph - ;·1ayor :~ai}h. Jolm Anderson. Sam Jo - City Attyo Anthony, 1.dith H. - Actgo Sect Yo ~lng l'lanning Commissioners Present: Absent: Leo1ard. Burrel - Actg. Chairman Bell. R. Cn.11. Eo Neilsen. Co L. Pai~is. G. ,Jone I. PRZLIHr.lj\HIES 1. The meeting was called to order by Hayor Lindenmeyer at 8r12 PM 2. Salute to the Flag followed 8:16 m II. CITY ORDDIA:¡CE 005; ClŒATION OF PLATU~G COHHISSlON 1. The secretary read proposed vrdinance 005. which created and established the City of Cupertino Planning Cormdssion. Planning Commiseionere are in a pro-tem statue until thirty ~s from the official signing by the City Council. 2. Acting Chairman Durrel Leonard suggested upon acceptance of eaid ordinance. mimeographed copies should be made available. ar33 PM III, ORGANIZATIONÆL DETAILS a. ¡':OTION ¡·Ioved by Acting COI!IIIIissioner Paids the regular meeting date be established as the first i~ednesdai of each month at which the City Attorney and City Clerk will be present. Seconded by Acting Commissioner Bell. Carriedr 5 - 0 - b. }!OTION ¡'Ioved by Acting Commissioner Paizis to establish meeting time for 8rOO at šeëõiided by Commissioner (Acting} Cali. Carried: 5 - 0 - c. ¡mI(2¡ ¡·Ioved by Acting Commis8ioner Bell the meeting place of the Planning ~ssion and the City CouncIito be the S8IIIeo Seconded by Acting Colll1l18sioner Neilsen. Carried r 5 - 0 do Agn!ed upon by thê Plat1n1ne Cormdssion as a whole to hold weeklT meetings until further notice. 1. Chairman of the Planning Commission will announce special meetings and notit,¡r the members in writiI18 unlees waived by such member. 2. All meetings of the r'lanning Commission will be held at the C jpertino Union School at 8:00 P;'I until further notice. e. }1CJrION Hoved by Actin!: Commissioner Bell the services of the City Attorney and City Clerk are required atëãch regular meeting; minutes of the special meetings will be taken by a member of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Acting COIIDn1esioner Pabis. Carried I 5 - 0 f. Term of Office of ¡,]embers 1. Ordinance 005. Section 2 statesr The terms of office of the members of eaid Commission shall be four (4) years provided that the term of office of members first appointed shall com- IIIBIlce on the date this Ordinance becomes effective and shall end as followsr Three (J) shall be appointed to serve until April 1, 1956; Two (2) shall be appointed for a term ending April 1. 1958; or until the successor to each has been appointed. The term of office for the Chairman of the Commission shall be one (1) year unless the term of the officer as a member of the -2- Co¡;¡;¡ission sooner expires, and until the successor to each is duly a;:J:.-oi:.'lted. 1efcrence: 0rdinance 005. Section 4. g. Selection of officers "1. The Commission shall elect its chairrnn and vice-chairman from amon¡; its mer:1bers am, s.'lall appoint a secretary who need not \;e a ncnLer of the r;O"~,¡'ssion. (Ord. 005, Sec. 4) 8:49 PM ------- (ChaLrmnn - 'c'rrel Leona)'d declared a short recess. ¡¡eetin,; resumed at 9:15 Ph) -------- IV 0 CœíHUNIC¡ i IONS a. Nr. Charles YeaEer of Pacific Telephone and Tele,-;raph Company was introduced by actinG Chairman Burrel Leonard. ill'. iea¡;er stated permission from the '::ounty Plannin¡¡ Connnission, ùefore the incor- poration of Cupertino. had been received to construct a building on one acre of land located at Forest and Blaney for storace of small equipment, approxiJuð'tely thirty (30) service trucks and a checking-in-and-out office for repairmen. 'l'his si te is esr-ecially desirous becaDse of the large number of housin:: tracts W ,ich expect and demand continuous service surrounding this area. Homestead Hoad is considered too hazardous for his drivers. I-ír. Burrel r~onard. Actinc Chair"~ read a portion of a letter received from the County Plannin¡: Co¡;¡;aission stating Homestead noad should be developed as an intra-colJnty expresswa¡¡r feeding into the Stevens Croek freewa:y. rt,a:yor Linden¡;¡eyer asked Hr. {eager if moving the proposed plant one mile either wa:y would be detr:L"ental. 'ir. !ea~r stated he prefers ~1e location on Blaney and Forest to any Homestead property. Reminded the Commission he did not appear for suEgestions on other property locations but for an opinion from the COlllIÙssion regarding their approval or disapproval of the ,:"'/\~.cr , sit¿" F,J·t.j¡t~r ;;;L"i ;..1 '";::;5 ~::;1:'lI_'.o.r(f '¡::-)u..a~.l:;t lr:D:3ç-':' rr'~r(>rty for a period of ten years and a five year option. Ha:yor Linden- meyer reminded the Commission they ~ submit a recommendation of approval or disapproval to the City Council. said recommendation to be acted upon at the reglar meeting of the Council. tlovember Ur, 1955. In answer to Lr. YeaGer's statement his company is actually applying for a use permit, City Attorney Anderson stated the City of Cupertino. as yet. cannot iSl!1Je use pennits. Further recommended I-ír. Yeae:er and P.T. L T. submit a formal request in writing to the Council. I-lOTION l'loved by Acting Commiseioner Cali submitting to the City Council a rëõcïJmDendation of denial of iš8iiãnce of a use permit of oral re- quest. Seconded by Acting Commissioner Paizis. 6arr1ed' 5 - 0 10.30 PH b. Central Supply Coo of l-;atsonville, Cal. ltr. dated 10/6, follow-up dated 10/31/55. Requested a two acre site for a batch planto Sewers and accese to railwa,ye unnecessary but do need drainage facilities. I1O'l'ION Moved bI Actin¡: Commissioner Ben a letter advising Central Supply Co. the City ot Cupertino is not currently in the position to grant use permits. Seconded þ.y Acting Commissioner Cali Carried: 5 - 0 - c. County Boundary Cormdssion letter announcine three new sub-divisions; Easterbrook 3; Homestead 15; Pruneridge 17; proposed annexation of Saratoga ll. Saratoga 12 and El Camino 31 to Santa Clara, proposed annexation of Easterbrook 3 to San Jose; Homestead 15 and Pruneridge 17 to Santa Clara. d. Formal zoning chance request from Charron Furniture Co, owner Wmo F 0 Charron. located at 20149 Stevens Creek Road from R-3-H to C-I-Ho e. Mr. Bianchi located at Stelling and Southeast corner of Stevene Creek requests rezoning in order to build a dupleac f. I4rs. }!uriel Fischer requests rezoning or lots 16 and 17 at 20129 Stevens Creek Road to C-I-H. commercial type zoning. # < , -3- g. "œ. ¡¡anue1 :iello requests com;nercial zoninc on tt'10 lots adjoining the ¡.:¡ Dorado 'i'avern on f,tevens Creek O::oad. (RuGgested by City Attorney '.:'L1 J. Anderson a fee for rezoning ,:!ould be quite in order and le[':61. I'erhaps <25.00 for residential, ~,SO.OO for multiple dHelling and ,,100000 for rezoninc; of cO¡:llrlcrcial and industrial property.) hOTION ¡'loved by Acting Commissioner Bell City Attorney Sam J. Anderson be instructed to co~ose a form letter for rezoning requests stressin¡: "hardship cases nay be reconsidered promptly". Seconded by Acting Commissioner Paizis. Carried: 5 - 0 v. (See Eotion for Section IV ) FD1ST DISCU5ShN 0;)' FACTûP.s TO CúIISllJE;R :rn ESTABLISHDIG AN IN'l'THD' PLA~¡ on. POLICY FOIl Lil-U':GIATE Oi':HXi'W:¡S. VI. FIriST DISCUSS IOU OF APP/?QACIrr:;S TO A ¡íASTER PLAN. 1. Carried over until '''¡ednesday November 16th meeting. The City Attorney and Secretary need not appearo VII. rlm¡ B\jSI'ŒSS 1. Postponement until 11/16/55. VIII. ADJOURN~m:¡T 1. Acting Chairm:.:n Burrel Leonard adjourned meeting at 11:00 PI-!. Respectfully submitted, r~~ Ú-u../ ìi ~4- Edith H. Anthony, Act". Secty.