PC 01-04-56 E1;;.!.li!1.!'i.Q. ,Ç"Ql.;.,Gl;:;l!..!.Qh CITY 02 CU¡~ZB.~INO i. O. ~OX 597 CU?:RTINO, C .LIFO'hNL REGUL..R HEErrING OF' THE iL .NNING CO¡'¡1,jI.:)310N LNU.RY 4, 1956 Place: CupErtino Union School, Cupcrtiho Time 8:00 P.rl. 1. ROLL C.,LL~nd3 ,LUTE 'ro FL.G Co~~ission~rs ~resent: Leon"· I'd , Be;ll, C,11i, Neilsen, i~izis CommissIon· rs .bsent : 3:Üute to thE Fl?G led. by Ch';irm~,n Leonerd. n . ruNUTE3 ". The Secret'.\ry w~s instructed to rCèd the Hinutes of the meeting 12/7/56. The following correction was noted by Commissioner iGizis: Item III-N, line 2 to read "north 2f-R':ndy L?ne". B. : PROCEDURES ,If]) FORI-IS for processing ?p')lic~tions '.'l1d payment of fees established. 1. Building ~ermits will be initisted in Cupertino' "mD. forw',rCied to the County Buile.in@, Inspector. Building permit fee will be collected by County. 2. Rezoning or varience requests will be accomplished by the City i18nning Commission; fee3 will be collected by the City. 3. Services of the County Buildtng end HesÜth Inspector will be u3cd. 4. Hoved by CO'';1oiss ioner Bell. the 21 ?nning Commission forms approved by the City Council be adopted for a thirty day period, subjcct to revision after this ".riod. Seconded by CO'11missioner Neilsen. C,erried 5 - o. C. PhNDING REr~E3TS 1. Charles M. B0er, reou2sted permission for ages stAtion, b~rber sho~ ana restaurpnt on the north- west corner of Highway ¡t9 '3nd Stevens Creek Roe,d. County He9lth Depsrtment epproval has been granted. Moved by Commissioner Cali and seconded by Commissioner Bell. Chairman Leonard issue a building permit upon receipt of a written report from the County Planning Commission. Carried 5-9.0 2. John Rodrigues requested er hitectural approval fora store. County :.rchi teet could approve with the exception of a minor change. Docr for truck deliveries to be located on parking lot side of building. !'Ioved by CommissionE:r Bell and seconded by Commissioner faizis. ChRirman Leon~rd approve this request upon receipt of approval from the County ,.rchitect. Carried 5 - o. J. Dariel R. C2mp requested reBoning from R-l:B-2 to either N-I-H or H-2-H. whichever would allow a b?tching pl9.nt. .,fter some discussion, the Secretary was instructed to mail notices of hearing to res ident s of that area. The City ..ttorney was instructed to draft a notice of hearing to be published in the Santa Clara Journal. Moved by Commissioner a public hearing be scheduled for 8:00 PM, January 25. 1956 at the Library of the Cupertino Union School, Seconded by Commissioner Paizis 9.nd carried 5 - o. ._------~-~._--_._'-'"- -_._---~,..._,-~_.._--_.- 4. John H. Stone requested rezoning from R-)-H to C-l~H for a 3001 frontage on Stevens Creek Road, M-l-H for adjacent two parcels. Moved by Commissioner C~li, seconded by Com~issioner Paizis the same procedure be followed as for Mr. Camp's request and a hearing slated for 1/25/5õ. Carried 5 - o. D, "CimmÅ’EDGE~1ENT OF INFOHILLd?iLIC .'.PIONS Moved by Commissioner Bell, seconded by Commissioner Paizis, all applicants on file be informed of the availability of request forms. Carried 5 - o. E. Miscellaneous IV. C01IHUNIC .TIONS ". .. petition of protest with approxim?tely twenty names of residents 8dj8Cent to the proposed b3tching plant. V. NEW BUSINESS n. .. use permi t3nd architectural ap?roval was reC!uested by St. Joseph's Catholic Church for a Parochial school. Luring a lengthy discussion the following points were brought forth: The County Planning staff is questioning the adequacy of the playground area and parking lot, storm drainage and sewerage facilities. Property involved fronts Highway it9. Moved by Commissioner Cali this matter be scheduled for a public hearing 1/25/56. Seconded by Commissioner Neilsen and carried 5 - O. Publication of hearing notice is not required for a use permit. B. The plans for Lawrence's Inn to be located on Stevens Creek RO"ld have be~n submitted to the Pl?rming Commission ürchitectural approval is pending. V1. NE"T HEETINGS '" \;ork session scheduled for 8:00 PM, 1/18/56 E. Public hearings scheduled for 8;00 .ì?I·I, 1/25/56 C. Ch2irman Leonard was commended for his efficiency and untiring effort in the form af a motion made by Commissioner Cali. Seconded unanimously. VII. rnSCELL..NEOUS .'. The City Planning Commission will initiate building permits; subject to approval by the County Building Inspector. E. Planning Commission is a recommending body to the City Council, C. Rezoning matters must be approved by the Council. VIII. .DJOURNMENT at 10:25 P.M. by Chairman Burrel Leonard. R;.spect.,fullY ~bmi.t~~~: '/f! f ,I (I Ll_:+'" 1 Edith H. .nthony, Secre~ary pro-tern -----_._--~_.~_. -